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Mentally Lose Weight (Self-Hypnosis)

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Congratulations, you have just taken the first step towards learning how to manage your weight using hypnosis. Losing weight is only just one small piece of the puzzle in the overall scheme of looking thin and healthier. The information in the book is a first, interesting, humorous and uses an entirely different approach for preparing you to lose weight permanently.

In doing weight loss seminars using hypnosis, it became quite obvious why many individuals had trouble losing weight and keeping it off. The main reason why individuals fail to maintain their weight is because they are so focused on the physical part of losing weight rather than on using the power of their mind to control their weight. Self- Hypnosis can help you mentally prepare you to make the transition of transforming your body to carry less weight on it by reorganizing the information that you have filed away in your memory. Some of the data is old, obsolete and just needs to be prioritized with new, positive suggestions, and mental images to neutralize temptations to eat more food.

Starting today you can learn how to reprogram your mind using your subconscious mind to help you control and maintain your weight using self-hypnosis. The ideas and techniques are tried, tested and do work. All you have to do is take action by reading the book, and listening to the tape to reinforce your desire to change your body to look thinner and smaller. The choice is entirely up to you, but your decision to read the content on this web site, book and tape will definitely change the way you think about weight, and maintaining it as well.

Answer the following questions and be honest with yourself to see if you are truly ready to lose weight and keep it off permanently!

Go to Mental Body Imaging!


Content copyright . Mentally Lose Weight. All rights reserved.


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