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Attention: All Males!

"Discover How You Can  Approach Any Woman And Know Exactly How To  Create An Uncontrollable Physical  Attraction In Her Despite Your Age, Looks And Income"


 If you want to learn how to say goodbye to rejection forever, gain ultimate freedom of choice with women and find your one true love then this might be the most important message you ever read.


From The Desk Of: John Banks

Date: June 6 2009

Dear Friend,

Take a moment and help yourself by answering the questions below...


Are you tired of not getting attention or even a second look from hot women?

Embarrassed with settling for women of low quality or the ones that choose you?

Has a women ever given you signs of interest yet you could not get yourself to approach her?

Have you ever been with a women and your nervous behavior caused her to be turned off?

Has a woman ever told you "she just wants to be friends" after you expressed interest in her? 

If you answered "Yes" to any of the questions below don't worry because you are not alone. Most men grow up with no knowledge of how female attraction really works after all it is not something that is taught in school or something that our parents can teach us.

Most guys are used to experiencing frustration in their dating lives. You do all these wonderful things for a woman such as buy them dinner, shower them with expensive gifts and express your feelings to them.

Only to find out that she is not interested in you or you get her an expensive present and  she says she "wants to be friends."

Even worse the movies make it look so easy, if only you could imitate James Bond say a few short lines and sleep with a beautiful woman so easily, as you probably know it doesn't work that way

I know the frustrations you have experienced because I was once their but what i want you to know is that it is not your fault. 

I have bought a few pick up guides in the past and they were loaded with a lot of fluff and not much real content. I must say yours is the first that is easy to read and jam packed with content even more it has gotten me RESULTS!

I have never read a guide with such great insights as yours, it makes me wonder why I listened to all those crazy guides written by authors with no real world experience of how to attract women.

Thank You for a wonderful contribution, I will be recommending this to all my friends who don't get laid!


Larry Milstein
Little Rock, Arkansas

Society is too blame because it wants us to think you need to have millions or dollars or look like Brad Pitt to date beautiful women but this is simply NOT TRUE.

Sometimes you will see an average looking guy with a really hot girl. I always thought to myself what the heck was going on? it is as if these guys know some kind of secret I do not. The fact is these guys knew how female attraction works and were able to seduce women very quickly.

 Before I get into revealing how you can attract hot women.First I want you to know that...

You Can Date Beautiful Women Easily But They Don't Even Try

Although most guys won't think about discussing it, statistics don't lie

86% of guys find it very hard to land a girl they really like.

The divorce rate in the United States is over 50%.

The average guy finds it very hard to meet and attract women so when they find a girl they like they tend to become needy and cling to them.

 Nobody wants to be lonely because deep down we all have a need to be wanted and liked by the opposite sex but with a divorce rate of over 50% we can see that this is directly related to men clinging onto women who do not truly make them happy.

Can you really put a price on happiness?

Most guys will spend their entire lives with a women  that does not truly make them happy. Even worse some men will go through life without any women at all. There is nothing worse than suffering chronic loneliness which can easily develop into depression 

I'm telling  you it doesn't have to be this away. It doesn't matter if you dated 2 women your whole life or no women at all in the past. But first...


                                                Who Is To Blame?

What I want you to realize is that it is not your fault for not trying. You watch movies and try to imitate the lead actor, so you decide to get the woman flowers and be nice to her in hopes of having a fairy tale romance but did that happen?


Instead you may have been put in the friends category with a girl you wanted for years, why did this happen?

 Because of bad information!

The problem is that they, the people who produce all the TV shows and movies create stereotypes and broadcast negative information about the dating game. They take us guys and mess us up in the head so we become even more frustrated with women. We follow the movie plots and end up doing things like buying women  gifts because they want us.

But who does this benefit?

They, the big corporations who spend millions of dollars marketing images to us, making us buy products in hopes of having women like us while they profit at the expensive of our confusion and frustration with women!

As a man you were not born with these misconceptions, they feed them to you. Think back to the days when you were a young boy playing in the playground. If you liked a girl, you would run and push her and than have her chase you around. You did not care how she would talk to you later you only did it because it was fun to do.

You cared about having fun with women!

You didn't ask her permission to play in the playground, you just did what you wanted to do and she would follow your every move.

Once they feed you all that bad information over the years, you end up losing your true sexual identity. You lose your ability to convey your masculinity and sexuality to women. They make you think that it is something you have to hide or something that you have to earn through spending money on women.

But It's NOT!

They do not deserve to keep frustrating you and confusing us about dating  women. You can easily meet attract and date beautiful women once you are free of the negative stereotypes that are holding you back.


I Want You To Realize

You deserve a life filled with as many women as you desire. You only get one shot at life and it is too short to spend it by yourself being depressed, lonely and frustrated by women. Their are hundreds of beautiful women who are living love lives below their standard, waiting for the right man to come along and sweep them off their feet.

More so 95% of the guys are clueless about how to meet and attract women and the other 3% are either really rich or have the genetics of Brad Pitt.

I must admit initially i was skeptical about your program and what it promised but I would like to say

"Thank You You've turned my life around!

 Ever since High School I have always been seen as the nice guy, but nice guys generally don't get the girl!

I'm now twenty three now and only just had my first kiss two weeks ago ago. I will never forget it and I owe it to your insight and techniques. Thanks!"

Thanks again,
John Conners  
Miami, Florida


If you choose to make the decision and learn the techniques of meeting and attracting hot women, you can already see how HUGE of an advantage you will have over all the other guys just getting by in their dating lives or wait for the "right girl" to come along which as we know will never happen unless YOU take action.

Whether you want to date as many hot women as you want, meet women that you thought were out of your league or find "the one" and settle down. It is all possible using the techniques in dating dominance.


Imagine This

Can you imagine how great life would be when you could approach any women get her phone # and go on a date with her on your terms? No more meeting women through friends, or having women choose you, you can experience ultimate freedom of choice in your dating life

Imagine how great it would be to know exactly what to say to get women instantly attracted to you on a biological level despite your age, looks and income. How awesome would it be to have women fight over you?

How good would you feel being the envy of your friends and hanging out with the hottest women because you are now the ladies man?

"I'm 44 and recently experienced a divorce. As hard as it was I was determined to get back in the dating game after being out of it for over twenty years.

It is with great joy that I can say over the past few weeks I have been using your insights and techniques and met three of the most attractive women and have been on dates with two of them.

One of them keeps calling me at least four times a day! This is a great problem to have!

Fred Anderson
Bismarck, North Dakota


I know all those above points are great but as men we are at different points in our lives, searching for different types of women but we all need women in our lives, let me ask you one final question...


How great would it feel to find the one girl that is perfect for you? I

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