Excerpt from product page

Click play to watch 60 second message from Vince:


Get Instant Free Access To Flatten Your Belly (You'll See Results In Just Days) By Eating The Right Foods At The Right Times To Have All-Day Energy, Enhance Your Health and Build The Hot Beach Body You’ve Always Wanted with these two Free Sample Meal Plans

Enter Your First Name: Enter Your E-Mail:

Finally you can PROVE to yourself that you can lose 10, 20, 30 pounds of stubborn fat – or more by eating the RIGHT power foods, in the PROPER amounts and at the RIGHT times so you’ll see results in just days!

"Discover The Simple “Designed-For-You” Fat Loss Nutrition System That Gives You All-Day Energy, Perfects Your Health And Builds That Hot Beach Body You’ve Always Wanted!”

This is DEFINTELY not for you if you DO NOT want to be shown EXACTLY what to eat, how much to eat, when to eat it, how to cook it and exactly what to shop for.

Click away from this page right now if you enjoy making your nutrition challenging, confusing and emotionally consuming.

These Meal Plans Work Especially Well If…

You are a complete beginner to nutrition and don’t have a clue on what the best foods are to lose the first 100 pounds of fat.

You have intermediate-advanced nutrition knowledge and need to lose the last stubborn 10 pounds of fat to put the finishing touches on an almost jaw-dropping physique that you’ve worked so hard for.

You passionately hate confusing, challenging, consuming and contradicting diets that work for the short-term but leave you worse off in the long term.

You want to take your body from regular-to-ripped in the next 28-84 days with a step-by-step progressive meal plan system in succulent detail.

You’re finally ready to earn the respect and awe that comes with an eye-popping cover-model body while eating foods, every day, the other guru’s say are “bad.” 

Your meals are limited and unsatisfying and taste bland and boring, not to mention they’re holding you back from being camera-ready for your next big event.

You are intimidated by grocery shopping and are ready to cut back on all the take-out and drive-through food.

You’re fed up with general nutrition advice from websites and magazines that are trying to teach you how to fish instead of just giving you the fish on a silver platter.

You lack proper knowledge of how much protein, carbs and fats you should be eating each meal and each day and clueless on when to change, increase or decrease your calories and nutrient breakdowns.

Every diet and nutrition expert up until now has failed you leaving you frustrated and disappointed…

By Vince DelMonte

Dear Friend,

You and I are more alike than you probably think. 

I bet you can relate to the three C’s…

Confusing, Challenging and Consuming

#1 Diets are CHALLENGING

Just like you, I can’t possibly keep up with all the “breakthrough” diets that rain in from the sky each-and-every-day. 

It doesn’t help when at least 10 of these diets get national publicity and make the best-sellers list.  What if the next one is actually the real thing? 

You would be making a horrible mistake passing up this new diet opportunity even though the diet will force you to shell-out more money, make you feel miserable, overanalyze, is outrageously unpractical, and impossible to follow long term.

Bottom line, the diet mafia is seducing you, again, to abandon your better judgment and eat like you’ve never eaten before.

#2 Diets are CONSUMING

Did you ever realize that the countries (a.k.a. United States and Canada) that are most obsessed about nutrition, dieting and diet foods are the fattest and most out of shape?

Go figure.

Being consumed with food is affecting your mood and self-worth!

It’s one thing to be a little upset because you over ate in a meal, it’s another thing to be downright depressed because you ate some garlic toast for lunch!

Our society has never been so consumed with diet and nutrition as it has in the past 50 years and yet our physiques and health are going right down the tubes.

If food is consuming your life and leaving you emotionally drained, guilt-stricken, literally afraid of eating and straining your personal relationships, then keep reading to discover a simple-fix that defies common sense!

It’s the exact simple-fix that will help you lose the last 10 pounds or the first 100 pounds like a bad habit and obliterate even the most stubborn fat from any body part.

#3 Diets are CONFUSING 

Just like you, I agree that nutrition advice has become overwhelmingly confusing.  One best-selling book says no carbs, another book says no fat.  This expert says to skip the protein and the other expert says to ignore that advice.

Maybe I should eat according to my ancestors or my blood type?  Maybe I should go with the instinct diet?  That one sounds interesting…

It’s at the point now that every single food is on some guru’s “bad list.” 

If I followed all of their advice, my plate would be empty every meal!

Bottom line, it’s impossible to escape the confusion, especially since every diet promises to be better than the last.

Aren’t you dreaming of the day you can stroll into a grocery store and not be terrified or torture yourself with guilt, no matter what you eat?
Fact: More than ANYTHING else, you’re diet is holding you back and here is what you can do to fix it, once and for all…

Hi it’s Vince DelMonte here. 

If you’ve ever dreamed of having a lean, chiseled and well-respected physique then this will be the most exciting message you ever read.

In just a moment I’m going to let you download our 3-phase bullet-proof nutrition system to give back 90% of the results the nutrition and diet industry have been robbing from you blind. But before we do that…

Check it out: the strange but true story of how my “eat healthy” and
“winging it” nutrition strategy was the CULPRIT making it IMPOSSIBLE
to look smoking-hot at pool parties and on a hot night out…

As you probably know, I’ve been a part of the fitness industry as a personal trainer and author for ten years now. I have authored hundreds of articles and have appeared in almost every major newsstand publication and you may already be one of my 26,755 loyal and faithful customers, all around the world, who have experienced dramatic results with my systems.

But I have a confession to make…

At one point, I had no idea, why more than anything,
my diet was holding me back and my six-pack was marked for death!

When I changed my body in 2002, going from skinny-to-muscular, I went from social outcast to being more desirable to women. For the first time I actually got some dates and wasn’t that guy in the room who nobody noticed! And the female attention was cool.

But… I hid my deep, dark secret…

It happened when I began working as a Personal Trainer and found myself working 50-70 hours a week, trying to find time to workout, have a social life and score a hot date at any chance I got. 

I was burning the candle at both ends and something had to give…

..and it was My diet.

Like most crazy busy people, I took the wrong track with my diet and developed a nutrition approach that lead to serious problems.

The result? I became a fitness fraud!

You see… I bought into the most cursed and dangerous nutrition mentality of all time:

“But I eat healthy…” or “I’m going to eat better today…” or “I’ll eat this and not that…”

Another way of saying this, “I was winging my nutrition,” and
“hoping” to get ripped and it left my body helpless to mobilize any fat. 

So what did I do?

The same thing most people do.  I overlooked my diet and started buying lots of “ready-made” so –called health foods and started buying more and more tubs of meal replacement shakes falsely assuming I could lose the pot-belly and still be able to take my shirt off with confidence.

I started eating out more.  I justified my restaurant choices because it was “Mediterranean” or I would attempt to survive with the “healthier” items on the menu.

I was blinded by my ignorance and my abs were being attacked with every trip to the grocery store.  I justified pre-packaged foods that I could microwave so I didn’t waste my nights slaving in the kitchen cleaning dishes and cooking.

I inflicted more attacks on my body by cheating.

Cheating happened when I returned home to an empty kitchen and ordering take out would be my ‘brilliant’ solution.  That’s the result of having nothing healthy prepared in advance…

Going to the grocery store was another disaster!

Even when I did shop, it seemed like all the healthy food I paid money for went to waste!  Shopping for healthy foods is a good start but I had no clue how to prepare any delicious meals.

Hello, take out.

Hello, more and more cheating. My “cheat” meals were backfiring on me.

I blamed my lack of time, nasty cooking abilities and lack of delicious recipes for my physique that was going down the tubes. 

The true culprit, if I swallowed my pride to admit it, was my poor diet.

After riding this slippery slope for a few weeks, even though I was still doing my workouts, the unimaginable happened…

“I Started Getting Fat…”

I'm dead serious!

I started to develop the most bizarre kind of body a man can possess…I was becoming a “Skinny Fat Guy.”

You know what I'm talking about. The guy who is naturally thin but has high body fat percentage because he eats like crap on the weekend.

And even though I was still working out, I got schooled by the famous quote: “You Can’t Out-Train A Bad Diet!”

A guy who still looks half decent with clothes on…

But underneath is a stockpile of excuses that lead to a belly full of pizza… wings… nachos… and beer. Hidden deep inside my bulky sweaters and black, un-tucked shirts, I was actually growing a spare tire!

I swear on my life, I hated it SO much. Especially when I had to take my shirt off - any muscle on my body was discredited because I had this ugly and annoying belly bulge. I actually became envious of the skinny guys with no muscle and thought, “At least they have their abs.”

In order to change… in order to save my reputation as a muscle building expert and soon-to-be-author of my new six-pack book, I needed to pull out the heavy artillery.

From Pot-Belly To Fitness Model Champ In 10-Weeks
I needed to stop being negligent and reckless with my nutrition and find a meal plan system like there's never been before!

That’s when I found the most respected name in “personalized meal plans” who happened to be an ex-bodybuilder, Patrick McGuire, founder of Empowered Nutrition Systems…

I hired Pat to be my nutrition coach and that’s when my body started to change.

Patrick is the President of Empowered Nutrition.

I remember him sharing two things with me:

“You can’t out train a bad diet”


“The 3 transformation pillars are nutrition, exercise and lifestyle”.

The 3-phase meal plan system that progressed from beginner-intermediate-advanced to cut the body fat and sculpt the perfect abs… were the nutrition tools I personally used to say goodbye to my ugly belly fat, and compete, again, at the World Fitness Model Championships on June 13th, 2008 in Toronto, Ontario.

But before I tell you how to compliment your fitness efforts with the second piece of the puzzle, lets get three things straight…

Here they are: The 3 devastating nutrition realities we all wish were not true but are belly-breaking!

Nutrition Reality #1 You Can’t Out Train A Bad Diet

You could run two marathons a day and still get fat.

Even if you resorted to a bodybuilders diet of chicken, broccoli and brown rice six-times a day, you can still get fat.


Eat too much of it.  The excess has to get stored somewhere and unfortunately that is known as your belly-bulge.

It doesn’t matter how many hours a day you workout, what kind of supplements you take or how “healthy” you eat if you consumed too much of it. 

You probably learned that back in high school science class.

It’s amazing how marketing geniuses can get us to underestimate this simple nutrition fact.

Nutrition Reality #2 Diet Is 90% of the Equation

Think about it.

It takes about 3-minutes to consume a delicious muffin or donut and wash it down with a glass of juice or your favorite mocha drink.  3-minutes later you’ve consumed almost 1000 calories, 50 grams of fat and 120 grams of sugar. 

Bam!  So much for that flat stomach…

You just cancelled out 2 days worth of working out! That’s called one step forward, two steps back.  I don’t’ have to tell you how hard you have to work your butt off to burn those 1000 calories, right?

You got to bust your ass sprinting up some stairs for an hour just to cancel out the damage you inflicted on your belly.

So it takes 3-minutes of mouth-watering delight to lose your six pack and it takes 60-minutes of heart-pounding, muscle-screaming workouts to get your six-pack.

Now you see why all the cover-models and bodybuilders say, “It’s all diet, diet, diet…”

Nutrition Reality #3 “Eating healthy” Without a Plan Is Guaranteed Failure

My clients protested, “But I eat healthy…” or “I don’t eat bad though…” while I confronted them with this truth.

 “Eating healthy” is a relative phrase.  You may be in fact eating “the top super foods” every day or a “variety” of proteins and fats or avoiding the “bad carbs” but still crippling your success.


How do you know if you’ve eaten too much or too little? 

What do you modify at the end of the week when you jump on the scale and nothing has changed? What do you do?

Eat “healthier?”

The next week arrives and still no change after eating even “healthier” than the week before.

How can you monitor and modify your nutrition program if you’re just guessing and hoping what you are doing is working. 

How do you know if you should buy 6 apples or 12 apples?  3 bags of milk or 1 bag of milk? 1 loaf of bread or 2 loafs of bread? How do you know how much too load into your grocery cart? 

Do you see how you're setting yourself up for failure, every single time, if you are guessing and relying on a 'But I don't eat bad food' mentality?

These are just a few problems with 'winging' your nutrition and not having a specific meal plan designed to your specific goal.

Why our simple and easy-to-implement “Done-For-You-Diets”
make other diet plans look downright embarrassing and obsolete

Whether you’re a serious bodybuilder, athlete, regular-trainee or weekend warrior, you can do it too. I’m 100% sure of it!

But… you need the one program that comes from a guy who has been sickly-skinny… then skinny-fat…

The program that helped thousands of men get six pack abs… the only program of its kind designed and developed using…

“The Real-World Science of Fat-Burning”

Yes…our system comes backed by an unbeatable money back guarantee. But you get an even bigger backing.

You see… unlike all those self-proclaimed fitness gurus you run into online, my program also comes backed by science and REAL WORLD experience.

Let me introduce my personal nutrition coach and president of Empowered Nutrition, Patrick McGuire.

Hi, I’m Patrick McGuire

I’m a Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner, Certified Nutritionist, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and the founder and President of Empowered Nutrition.

Our Done-for-you fat loss meal plans are the same programs that we used to get Vince in the best shape of his life

Combined with my experience as a competitive bodybuilder, personal trainer and professional nutrition coach I use the scientific support of my research team to create a bullet proof and 100% scientifically proven meal plan system.

We have left nothing to chance, our meal plans and nutrition strategy worked for Vince and thousands of other customers and I know they’ll work for you.


Patrick McGuire


Young or Old…Male or female… Beginner or Advanced…It makes no difference!

Justine Lost 22lbs Of Fat…While Enjoying Every Meal She Ate.

I was not getting the results I was looking for.

I reluctantly took my coach’s advice to get a meal plan.

It was the best investment I made as I dropped 22lbs of fat, gained shape and tone and WON my class at FitnessSTAR, 2009.

Get a Nutrition Program and Get a Coach. It works, this is the best shape of my life and I enjoyed every meal that was outlined for me to follow. All of the work was done and that is exactly what I needed.

Justine Munro
FitnessSTAR Athletic Fitness Model Champion 2009
FitnessSTAR Female Audience CHOICE Champion 2009

Chanel lost 17lbs and won the miss elegance award!

Chanel is a professional pageant contestant entering many shows each year.  Chanel was a top 12 finisher in the Miss Universe Canada Pageant and is the example of a healthy lifestyle in a sometimes challenging industry with great ethics, integrity and focus.  She exudes what real nutrition and training can do.

At the Miss Universe Canada Pageant, Chanel won both the Miss Elegance and Miss Audience Choice awards and did it with style and beauty.  Chanel truly is empowered and empowering.

“Thanks to my sponsors who outfitted and assisted me so beautifully during the Miss Universe Canada Pageant week! I became the winner of the Miss Elegance award :)”

“Thanks to my sponsors who assisted me so beautifully during the Miss Universe Canada Pageant week! I became the winner of the Miss Elegance award :)”
– Chanel Beckenlehner

Mark dropped 43 pounds in 12 weeks…eating the foods he enjoyed

I dropped 43 pounds, a loss 20 inches and cut 16% body fat.

The meal plan was perfect. It’s a way of eating foods I enjoyed. Proper nutrition was a key ingredient missing from my routine.
Even though the contest is over the lifestyle I have adopted it is something that will never end.

- Mark, Phoenix Fitness, Hamilton ON

In Three Months I Have Lost 60 Pounds

I know that your book says that a realistic goal is to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week, but I wanted to let you know that in 3 months I have lost 60 pounds!!!

I have also been working out regularly and I know that helps but I worked out for a year before that and although I got stronger my weight barely changed.

I don’t mean to brag but I have pecs now!!! Thanks for getting me going.

- Adam L. New York, NY

“Karen Lost 69 Pounds... I Began Feeling Results Within Three Days!"

When I finally mustered up the courage to return to the gym and work out, I was sorely disappointed when each weigh in was at a higher weight than the time before.

I needed a new plan of action.

I began feeling results within three days. I was eating densely nutritious food that had me feeling a renewed sense of vitality and satisfaction.
The food program was a perfect fit.

I have been on the nutrition program for ten months and have already lost 69 pounds and 16% body fat.

The Empowered Nutrition Program and coaching provided not only the foundation but the continued support for my success.

I now have the skills to reach my fitness and wellness goals.

With thanks,

- Karen Kehoe, Windsor ON

I followed the Empowered Nutrition Programs from start to finish and in 12 weeks I was on stage and placed 3rd at my very first show.

I always knew that good training would pay off, but I never realized the impact of a great meal plan.

I now recommend all my clients follow a meal plan from Empowered Nutrition and have coached several clients to win several events and many more to enhance their lives with Empowered Nutrition.

James Erdt
President – Fitness STAR Network & Joyzone Nutrition
Oakville ON

Kevin Sequin lost 25 pounds And His Energy Levels Went WAY UP!

Thankfully after getting into the meal plan for a couple weeks my diet turned out to be the

My energy level went way up and I mean WAY UP!

Before the contest in our workout’s there would be me feeling tired and spent… I was now able to go for 1.5 to 2 hours and steel fell like doing more.

I had the energy to workout 6 to 7 times a week compared to four or five ok sessions. I was starting to feel firm and a glimpse of potential SIX PACK was lurking.

With increased determination another piece of the puzzle is solved and my life is changed and will continue to change all due to taking part in this contest by Empowered Nutrition.

Kevin Seguin, Phoenix Fitness, Hamilton ON, Summer Meltdown Challenge Contestant

This Program Does Not Feel Like You Are On A Diet

I love this product! I have tried other diet programs with poor results and have found this to be one of the easiest and most enjoyable body changing transformations systems on the market!

I was very impressed with so many choices for menus and recipe ideas.

Since I have been on this system, I have notice my energy level increased which has carried over to other areas in my life.

Whenever I had a question about my program, the professionals at Empowered Nutrition were extremely knowledgeable and gave great advice and suggestions to all my questions.

They were also very encouraging and welcome any additional questions or suggestions that I might have.

This program does not feel like you are on a diet, has great selections of menus to choose from and is maintained by exceptionally knowledgeable professionals that are supportive and educational.

I would recommend this nutrition system to anyone that wishes their body was leaner, been on failed diets, or wants to improve their quality of life.

- Glen C.

All I had to do was follow the personalized nutrition program from day one, use the recipes, follow the guidelines and eat.

Following the 3 stage approach that was laid out for me from Empowered Nutrition I achieved my best transformation ever.

My recommendations are: read, cook, insert food, add water, training and commitment and get in the best shape possible in no time.

Jeremy R.
Hamilton, ON

Lyanne dropped 52 pounds and went from a size 16 dress.
I can now easily fit into a Size 4 dress.

I was always fat. I never felt comfortable even around my own family until I turned 40 and decided to change my life.

I got on an Empowered Nutrition Program and dropped 52 lbs and 23% body fat in just 12 weeks.

Everything was perfectly laid out for me and with the help of my coach and Empowered Nutrition. At one point I was squeezing into a size 16 dress. I can now easily fit into a Size 4 dress.

- Lyanne, Oakville ON

Paul Hawkins lost 32 pounds…The Nutrition Program Was Easy and Enjoyable

As I emerged from the winter hibernation, I took stock and thought it was time to lose the spare tire and to look and feel better for the summer.

The nutrition program was easy and enjoyable.

Paul Hawkins, Phoenix Fitness, Hamilton ON, Summer Meltdown Challenge Contestant

Vincent Lost 27 lbs and 14.3% body fat in 12 weeks…Your meal plan was the reason I was able to succeed with my hectic schedule.

Vincent went from 216 lbs to 189 lbs, lost 27 lbs of fat, over 14% body fat and 17.5 inches from his worst body parts.

Vincent Pezzano, Ingersol ON.

Vincent Pezzano, Ingersol ON.

Gene Lost 39 Pounds at 43 Years Old...
”It was nice to eat a variety of foods for a change”

I started on my program as a precursor to a bodybuilding show I planned to compete in.

My trainer set me up with the program and I got started right away. It was nice to be able to eat a variety of foods for a change.

My beginning weight was 205lbs and on the morning of the show I weighed 166. I competed at the best I’ve ever been.

It all started with a good basic foundation that this program gave me.

- Thank you Gene R.

June Lynch Lost 25 Pounds and Over 20 Inches

 This isn’t about the shape of my body, it’s about the shape of my heart. Obesity is no longer a vanity issue; it has become a chronic disease.

The nutrition program has been good for me. I love to cook and I love to experiment with food and this is a lovely to do so with ease and creativity, has also allowed me to feed my husband without any problems or having to make two different meals.

I have managed lose a total of 25 pounds and over 20 inches. This is something I have not been able to accomplish over the past five years of various gyms and many “diet” programs.

My waist to hip ratio (which determines the risk of heart disease) has dropped from 1.11 down to 0.87. Measurements above 1.00 are considered to be at risk.

Without the help of Empowered Nutrition and Vince DelMonte, I would never have made it this far. They had far more faith in me than I’ve had in myself and I can only say “thank you” for their tenacity and patience in encouraging me to continue with the program and be successful.
- June lynch, Hamilton ON

Lyn Fearn Stewart lost 16 lbs, 6.5 inches and 13.9% body fat in 12 weeks!

Lyn Fearn Stewart, Ingersol ON, Biggest Loser Challenger

Bruce Went From 18% to 9.9% Body Fat…at 62 Years of Age!

Patrick I started your meal plans at 178 lbs and 18% body fat. I achieved 163 lbs and 12% body fat on your meal plans. I’m 62 yrs old…

Thanks For your help.

Bruce L. MacDonald

Vince DelMonte & Empowered Nutrition Presents…

Fast Fat Loss DONE FOR YOU Meal Plans

The body transformation program that combines science and real-world, in-the-trenches success to deliver you…

Winging Your Diet
Empowered Nutrition
Meal Plans
You’ll never know how much you’re eating

Never worry about counting calories again, our meal plan selector chooses the meal plan that just right for your body

Leads to feeling guilty almost every time you eat something you like

Eat a wide variety of foods you like and still be confident that you’re losing fat

Leads to buying the wrong foods that sabotage your weight loss success

Provides a detailed done for you shopping list that ensures you are buying the right foods for fat loss success

Leads to disappointment if you don’t have favorable genetics

Works with your specific body shape and size to produce fat loss results no matter what your genetics are

Leaves you guessing in the kitchen

Provides easy cooking instructions for quick and delicious meals that guarantee fat loss results

Makes Eating Stressful

Eating is a pleasure and you can’t wait to get to the next meal…all while losing fat

You can be easily persuaded into bad eating habits by other people around you

Gives you a template to follow so you can always make better meal choices no matter who you are with

No goals are set and you have no way to track them…without a goal you’re just dreaming

Goal setting and complete fat loss success tracking system gives you the tools you need to succeed

Requires you to make difficult decisions about food every time you eat

Takes all the guess work out of eating, simply follow the plan and you can’t miss

Unplanned and erratic eating patterns lead to energy highs and lows and overeating
Frequent meal timing keeps your energy levels steady and high throughout the day

Melanie Is Healthy and Strong

“I wanted a leaner looking body with some muscle...I lost 13 lbs, 12.5 inches and 8.6% Body Fat.

I feel so healthy, stronger and know anything else can be achieved.

- Melanie Delano, 30 something mom, business professional

It Almost Seemed Effortless

At times, I couldn’t even keep up with the recommended meals - it was too much!

I lost 36 lbs, 27 inches and almost 12% bodyfat.

- Helen Niforos, 44, housewife

“You Deserve to Have It All”

Tight abs…Lean muscles…A new body…And a new lease on life…

Never ‘wing’ your diet again. Follow this proven system and eat your way to 6-pack abs.

It’s all done for you…just start the program, start eating, and start losing weight faster than you ever thought possible. Period.

The Empowered Nutrition Done-For-You Fat Loss Meal plans include everything you need for burn fat, losing weight, and finally reveal the lean sexy body you’ve always wanted.

You can finally have the body of your dreams all while eating the foods you love.

Because you’re getting all of this…


The Empowered Nutrition Done-For-You Fast Fat Loss Meal Plan System Including all of the Following:

Component #1: Your Fast Fat Loss Nutrition Manual

The simple facts about nutrition, no fancy biology lesson here, just the simple facts. We cut through the BS about nutrition gimmicks and show you the simple science of nutrition.

All you need to know about using your fat loss manuals is here along with a primer on cooking that has helped countless others lose weight while loving the food they eat.

It doesn’t matter what kind of nutrition philosophy you used to believe in, this system will work for you as it has for thousands of others. You will finally be liberated from the guilty eating and the fear of food.

Regular Value of $97.00

Component #2: Your Body Fat Calculator

The scale just doesn’t cut it anymore.

Unlike many generic ‘one size fits all’ diet books the Empowered Nutrition Fast Fat Loss meal plans are designed for your specific body shape and size.

The body fat calculator determines the exact meal plan that is perfect for YOU and will fast forward your fat loss results.

Regular Value of $27.00

Component #3: Your Done-For-You PHASE 1 Meal Plans – Fast Fat Loss Programs (For MEN and WOMEN)     

This is the core foundation program for fast and effective weight loss.

A complete 84 day meal plan that is your no BS done-for-you guide to rapid and easy weight loss.

There is no thinking required, just open up to page one, follow along and start losing weight and burning fat FAST.

Complete with done-for-you weekly grocery lists, you simply can’t miss. You get over 1200 meals designed and timed for you. 

This program is perfect for beginners and anyone who is new to the fat loss game or have had limited success with other diets. You can expect to knock the first 30, 40 or even 50 pounds of fat off with this program.

For most people there is never any reason to go beyond phase one as the results are so dramatic by the end of the 84 days there is never a reason to take it to another level.

I am going to give you not 1 or 2, but 4+ unique Fast Fat Loss meal plan calorie levels to work with.

No matter where you are starting, we’ve got the right meal plan for you.

Each Program Retails for $197.00

Component #4: Your Done-For-You PHASE 2 Meal Plans – Beach Body Ripped For Men & Bikini Slim for Women

This is a complete 84 day meal plan system designed to get you into beach body shape. This program takes you beyond the Phase 1 program with a higher ratio of protein to carbohydrates and meals designed for even more advanced fat loss.

If you are an experienced dieter and have dropped weight and fat before, or you’re just looking to shave off the last 10-15 pounds, you can immediately start with the phase 2 program.

Again I am going to give you 4+ unique meal plan calorie levels to work with. 

Each Program Retails for $197.00

Component #5: Your Done-For-You PHASE 3 Program – Contest Cuts For Men & Figure Model Ready For Women

If you’re serious about getting into contest shape then this 84 day program will lead you to serious ripped abs, tight obliques and etch in full body definition that only a precious few people will ever experience.

This program is designed to get you ready to not only step on stage, but to win!

This is an advanced program that incorporates specific types of protein, carbohydrates, and fats to create a professionally and contest level fat burning environment.

And AGAIN I am going to give you 4+ more unique meal plan calorie levels to work with. 

Each Program Retails for $197.00

Component #6: Your Fast Fat Loss Success Tracker Workbook

This is one of the most overlooked and yet vitally important keys to your success.  Setting your goals and tracking your success is one of the keys to making your body transformation goal a reality.

A goal without a plan is just a dream.

That’s why I’m giving you the Fast Fat Loss success tracker workbook.  This is your done-for-you guide to setting your goals, tracking your success and measuring your results just like the pro’s.

Regular Value of $47.00

Component #7: Your Done-For-You Food Substitution Guide

Variety is essential to enjoying your food while you burn fat. We’ve done all the scientific work for you and developed these food substitution charts so you can change the foods in and out of your meal plan without compromising the fat burning effectiveness of any meals.

You can make creative and delicious meals with the full confidence that you will be guaranteed to burn fat with each bite.

Regular Value of $27.00

And today, you have the opportunity to get the entire 7-component, package Valued at $789 for the low price of:



Simply put, I want to make this nutrition resource as accessible and affordable as possible, you deserve it. Let’s face it, I could easily charge double or triple that amount and it would be worth far more value, but I’m NOT going to do that – at least not today.

Let’s shoot straight:
Nothing changes if nothing changes.

I know you know that.

And I know you know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

You want results… you have to change. And you have to do it right now.

The choice is yours.

“But What if it Doesn’t Work for Me?”
Then it’s absolutely FREE!

Heck, you can even return the program if the only reason it didn't work for you wasn't even my fault…like if you decided to go on a weight gain diet instead,  decided you wanted to live in the Jungles of Borneo, or just plain decided you liked cupcakes instead of a six pack.

And after you get your refund, you can even keep the product just in case you change your mind later.

I care THAT MUCH that you get started, I want to make this a totally risk-free, obvious and smart thing to do for you.

If for any reason whatsoever in the 60 days you want a full refund then just email and I'll have it back to you within 48 hours.

This is my promise to you. And I make this promise because I am THAT SURE that you will find my nutrition system to be unlike any other out there today.

And most importantly… I can make this promise because unlike all the other junk you've probably read or used… THIS ACTUALLY WORKS.

Stop Dreaming About The Body You Want
And Start Your Transformation Today.


“Are You Going To Accept The
Keys To Your Brand New Body?”

If YES, click here to kick all the risk on me and begin blasting your fat faster and easier than ever before.

If you’re still on the fence, let me ask you a question:

Are you not ordering because of skepticism?

Are you not ordering because you’ve settled for average?

You wouldn’t be the first skeptic to read this page and walk away and you wouldn’t be the first person to settle in life.

I can hear you saying, “Vince, you don’t understand…”

“I have the worse genetics in the world.”

“I’m pretty happy with myself.”

“I don’t think I could follow a meal plan.”

“I look better and eat more healthy than most people.”

“I have the slowest metabolism ever.”

“Nothing has ever worked for me.”

Do I have your permission to be frank?

Everything you are saying is a either a downright EXCUSE or a form of SETTLING.

I am guilty of both.

Guess where excuses and settling got me?  No where. I looked the same and hated it.

So what’s holding you back?

The fact is; whatever your “reasoning” is, it’s holding you back and the longer you cling to them the more you need them. The more you use them. They’re your crutches. They’re everything that will keep you looking and feeling the exact same way.

Society says its understandable. It’s acceptable. It’s easy.

You know, it’s a COP OUT.

You  know that all those excuses are WRONG FOR YOU and they are what is holding you back, not holding you up.

Stop putting this off until someday!

Someday never really comes. But, if getting your best body ever is really important to you, if you really are important to yourself, if you really want that someday to happen, then you’ll make it happen. Today. Now. This exact moment in time.


The Empowered Nutrition Meal Plans are SO EASY to implement your very next meal and continue until you have developed the habits necessary to see results and stay motivated and finally perfect your body and healthy.

You are guaranteed to succeed.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a male or female, young or old, or have to lose the first one hundred pounds or last ten pounds – here is your nutritional meal plan package to start your journey.

Stop thinking you don’t deserve to have a mind-blowing body or to be over-the-top happy and start reclaiming your life today – or it’s FREE!

You have the guarantee, you have the plans, the rest, as you know, is in your hands!


To your best body ever,

Vince DelMonte and the Empowered Nutrition Coaches, Patrick McGuire and John Barban

God Bless,

Vince DelMonte

Author, No Nonsense Muscle Building
Author, You Six Pack Quest
Contributor to Men's Fitness Magazine
Advisory Team for Maximum Fitness Magazine
Honors Kinesiology Degree

P.S. Don't delay, I want you to take advantage of the half-price discount today, but you have got to want this more than anyone else. [Download the entire 7-component, $789 package at the LOWEST PRICE IT WILL EVER BE OFFERED by joining right now. ](order.shtml)

P.P.S. With my full 8 Week No questions asked guarantee, you have absolutely nothing to lose except for 10, 20, 30 pounds – or more of unwanted body fat.  And if you decide to take me up on the guarantee, remember you get to keep the free bonuses, as my gift to you, just for trying out my system. [Pick it up RISK-FREE Today!](order.shtml)

P.P.P.S.  If you need another P.S. to convince you that these proven fat loss meal plans are going to work for you, them I’m afraid this is probably not for you.

The reality is this:  As you already saw on this page, regular folk all around the world have already experienced super, life-changing results.  The question is, will you be join and be one of them?


NOTE: Empowered Nutrition Meal Plans are downloadable e-books that can be printed off. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-books and all the bonus products onto your computer. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.

FAQ’s -  Empowered Nutrition Meal Plans

1. How are these different than Vince's Muscle and Six-pack Meal Plans?

There are a few major differences in this system compared to both of Vince’s muscle and six pack meal plans.

First and most importantly this is a complete three phase system that has beginner, intermediate and advanced level meal plans.

Each phase is a set of 84-day meal plans at multiple calorie levels.

We also include a bodyfat calculator that determines your current lean mass so you can select the most appropriate meal plan.

The phase 1 plans are of a similar design to the plans in vinces current systems but the phase 2 and phase 3 plans are more advanced levels that build on phase 1.

In phase 2 and phase 3 the ratio of carbohydrates proteins and fats continue to change in an effort to help you burn more fat, tighten up the look and tone of your skin, reduce water content and tighten the look and tone of your muscles.

2. How much should I budget a week for these meal plans?

That depends on which foods you choose. The meal plans are preset with 84 days of meals but you also have an extensive food substitutions guide that allows you to mix and match all kinds of different foods in and out of each meal.

The variety of food combinations and substitutions allows for variation in cost as well. You can simply experiment with the substitution guide until you find a set of meals that fits your budget.

3. Do I need supplements?

That’s a pretty broad question. The short answer is no you don’t need supplements to lose weight, as long as you’re following the meal plan you will get fantastic results.

Each person has unique individual needs. For example some people might like to take a multi vitamin, and others might want to use some sort of appetite suppressant, and still others might want to use fish oil.

The bottom line is you don’t ‘need’ supplements and without a sound nutrition program in place no supplement is going to help you lose weight on its own.

Once you’ve got your nutrition program in place a key supplement added at the right time might help with the last 5-10% to get you in perfect shape

4. What if I have an allergy?

The food substitutions guide has a wide variety of foods built into it and in almost all cases you should have no problem finding foods that you can eat and fit perfectly with your meal plan.

5. What if I'm a vegetarian?

We will be coming out with a full vegetarian meal plan system very soon. Stay tuned for details.

6. How do I know which plan to start with?

We have a body fat calculator which requires you to input your starting weight, and some key body measurements and your goal weight. From this information the calculator will determine which meal plan is best suited for your body size.

As you start losing weight you should go back to the calculator every 4-6 weeks and re-enter your weight, measurements and goal weight. The calculator will then select the next meal plan you should move on to.

7. How do I know when to change plans?

Every 4-6 weeks you should go back to the body fat calculator and enter your new weight and measurements and your goal weight (or maybe even your new goal weight).

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