secrets of hypnosis What's True and What's Not;
How to Do It and Do It Right;
How to Use It to Have Super Confidence,
Break from Bad Habits, Lose Weight, and Excel in Life!"
_Unmasking the Mysteries and Powers of Hypnotism..._
and you will understand...
_The Secrets of Hypnosis!_
read - \'Secrets\' - introduction [1]
[2] 'The Secrets of Hypnosis:
Unmasking the Mysteries and Powers of Hypnotism'
Have you ever wanted something so bad that you willed it to happen?
The promotion that you have always thought and fantasized about that
you have gotten your thank you speech memorized - just in case? How
about that new gadget that you have turned around in your mind that
you can almost feel it in your hand? Or how about that person of your
dreams whom you think about 24/7, with corresponding imaginary
If any of your desires did came true, there's a big probability it
did not happen by chance. It's not a miracle either. And it's not a
one-time deal - it may happen again.
By the sheer will power of your mind and your subconscious,
you made it happen!
The mind is the main control centre of your whole body.
Whatever it sets out unto itself will affect your whole system -
inside and out. If you only know how to operate it and steer it to
your command, the possibilities are endless!
Experts - from mystics to scientists -agree:
that this main control centre can be controlled and harnessed
visual suggestion
and mind exercises done through
From: David Dixon
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Dear Hypnosis Enthusiast,
You thought that you've done all the right things.
Headed for the right direction.
Made the right moves.
But, things still are not turning out fine.
For example, you have long wanted to shed off those excess pounds,
to trim and shape your body according to your ideal weight. You tried
it all - diet, exercise, medicine, and machine! Still the pounds
stubbornly refused to leave, making you more miserable and making you
want to eat more!
Or another example: Since time immemorial, you have urged,
encouraged, and supported a loved one in his goal to quit smoking. His
lungs are almost ready to give up from being exposed to nicotine for
years and years. The doctor says there is now a thin line between him
and lung cancer. So you gather up all your efforts to help him get off
the stick. You almost drained your finances just by trying the
different methods, but to no avail.
Even something as simple as getting your little brother to quit
biting his nails did not go away after your endless coaxing, threats
and nagging!
So how can hypnosis solve all these problems?
Hypnosis is a procedure that taps into your subconscious, putting
you in a state of a trance that would bring you under extreme
This means that through hypnosis,
you can be "fed" suggestions about your
personality, habits, behaviour, and way of thinking
that can influence your life immensely.
Did you know that