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Forget The "So Called" Expert Bounty Hunters.
How Would You Like A REAL Insight Into The REAL World Of Criminal Capture.

Learn The Trade & Become A Profilic Bounty Hunter Within 4 Weeks With The Industries Best Guide!
                                      Scroll Down To Download The Guide Instantly!     BOUN[]TY HUNTER

From The Desk Of: Cory Robinson
Time: 4.54 P.M

Dear Prospective Bounty Hunter,

You've probably seen shows like Dog The Bounty hunter & read fiction books on becoming a bounty hunter. These books & shows are often Hollywood-ized. But they do give a small glimpse of my world as a New York Bounty Hunter. Becoming a bounty hunter is not easy but I am here to aid you and give you the tools guidance & advice. Let me tell you for a fact that you don't have to be jacked up on steroids or super muscled to become a bounty hunter. But you do have to be quick witted to defuse situations. Bounty hunting is a tough yet fulfilling job.

But people have usually got no clue where to start. They often look up "bounty hunting schools" but then have no clue what to expect you need to be prepared. With clear goals in mind & you need to have complied researched before jumping into the water. "bounty hunting schools" are the final step. This is the first step.

Most bounty hunters are employed by a bail bondsman: the bounty hunter is paid a portion of the bail the fugitive initially paid. If the fugitive eludes bail, the bondsman, not the bounty hunter, is responsible for the remainder of the fugitive's bail.

Thus, the bounty hunter is the bail bondsman's way of ensuring his clients arrive at trial. In the United States, bounty hunters catch an estimated 31,500 bail jumpers per year, about 90% of people who jump bail. Bounty hunters are also sometimes known as "bail enforcement agents" or "fugitive recovery agents," which are the preferred industry and polite terms, but in common speech (and language), they are still called "bounty hunters". This is in a nutshell what a bounty hunter is and his or her role. We capture and apprehend criminals thus making our neighbor hoods safer. we are making America safer

I Was an Unsocial "Geeky" Run Of The Mill College Kid Now One Of The Most Respected Members Of My Community. Responsible For Lowering Crime & Re-Offense Rates. The Respect Gained Is Worth More Than
All The Money x 2!


I guess I was never built for mainstream coperate America. Throughout high school & college I was never in the "popular circle" the "circle" that seems to have everything ready made and strung together for them I admit Bounty hunting has given me a new lease on life. The confidence & support from family members far exceeds any financial benefits. Before I continue I must point out that bounty hunting is illegal in Oregon , Wisconsin , Kentucky , Illinois and Possibly Nebraska although if your dead set on becoming a bounty hunter and would consider a move from these states I still encourage you do download my guide.

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”  -Ernest Hemingway
This quote represents us Bounty Hunters. We breath live & eat this business. If you have no passion then you are looking in the wrong line of work. Maybe an office job would suit you better? but you do have passion don't you?

If you are seriously considering undertaking a career as a bounty hunter, the first thing you must do is understand the law. As a bounty hunter you are walking a very thin line. On the one hand, you are a civilian, not a police officer or military man. However, you are working in apprehending criminals and bringing them to court, similar to any law enforcement officer.

In order to succeed as a bounty hunter, you must understand the laws applicable to the art of bounty hunting inside and out. There are many cases out there of bounty hunters acting outside of their limitations and ultimately being prosecuted by the police themselves on charges of kidnapping, felonious restraint, breaking and entering, etc.

As a bounty hunter it is sometimes legal for you to break into a suspects house. It is also legal under certain circumstances to restrain a person in whatever way you feel is best. However, when you perform such activities you must make sure that you are in full compliance with the laws of your particular state and city so as to avoid prosecution yourself.

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