Excerpt from product page

Recover from surgery - recover from operation - recover from illness
- surgical recovery




Sit down, lock the door, and take the phone off the hook...

Read this entire letter to discover simple steps to learn how you
can quickly and naturally make a strong recovery from any surgery (or
even illness).

... and find out what today's top medical scientists, naturopathic
doctors, and microbiologists have to say about surgical recovery that
could give you your health back!

(The success stories are nothing short of miraculous!)

Gregory E. Wolfe &
Dr. Bruce Pendleberry

Los Angeles, USA

Date: June 12, 2009


Author, health coach, & public speaker
Gregory E. Wolfe

If you're reading this now, you've probably just come off the
operating table and you're not feeling at all like your old self. If
you're ready to get back to that "good old self" as quickly as
possible, then I've got some great news.

Here it is:

There is finally a SINGLE SOURCE OF HELP that quickly shows you the
most effective, natural, and easy ways to reclaim your total health
after surgery. So if you're feeling sick and tired...and a little
confused by all the different advice out there (or lack of it), then
this CONCISE _and_ COMPREHENSIVE guide will give you all you need to
not only make a brilliant recovery, but to help you prevent a return

You may be wondering if these remedies would apply to your
particular healing needs. There are certainly many different types of
surgeries and many reasons to have one, however...

The healing principles
are always the same for every surgical recovery.

Needless to say, you'd rather not have had the surgery, but on your
doctor's advice there seemed like no other alternative. But what about
life after the knife? You've got things to do so you just want to put
this whole ordeal behind you and get on with your life, right?

It's not always that easy.

You can't be sure how fast or how fully you'll recover from a
surgical wound. Many people don't recover well at all and need to
return for another operation. You've probably heard or seen some
people who went through this. I knew two people who did - and it was

* My good friend, who was himself a doctor of chemistry, had heart
bypass surgery when he was only in his early 60s. After taking nearly
3 months to get back to his job and life, he managed to enjoy this
normalcy for only 6 more months before he had to go in for another
similar operation. The second time was much harder on him because he
was weaker. It went downhill from there. He died 6 months later.

* Sometimes though, even death can seem like a relief compared to
other fates. Another good friend, this one was only in his early 50s
when he discovered that his hip joint was failing and needed
hip-replacement surgery. His was a much younger age than most people
who need this so he was a bit surprised. The upside, he thought, was
that he was in better shape - being younger - so would get through the
procedure faster. That was what he hoped anyway.

The reality was that this replaced hip got infected and in only a
few weeks he had to return to have the whole thing redone. Incredibly,
his hip got infected 2 more times and he needed a further 2 operations
before the infection and inflammation was bearable! So he needed 4
operations in the space of a year. I don't know about you, but being
laid up for a whole year is not something I could endure. He lost his
job, went bankrupt, and found it impossible to get an employer to take
him on again. These days he's a shadow of his former self.

Unfortunately, these types of stories are quite common among
patientseven higher than 20% in certain areas and surgical procedures.
Are those the kind of odds that you'd like to gamble your life (or
lifestyle) on? Is it more the surgeon's fault or the patient's? The
truth is, even if the surgeon could have done better, you have much
more control over your recovery than you might realize.

I know what recovering from surgery is like
from my own first-hand experience

After enduring my own surgical trauma in a very sensitive place, I
found myself needing to get confidently back on my feet and on with my
life as soon as possible. My doctor was little help when he simply
recommended rest, a handful of pain drugs, and antibiotics. So there I
was at a loss as to how to simply recover quickly - needless to say I
wanted to avoid all those nasty/delirious side effects from
conventional pain drugs - which wouldn't really speed recovery anyway.

It was then that I realized there were very few little help for this
critical problem. I found myself scouring my known references,
contacts, and resources for this very specific concern. Since health
has been my passion for the last 15 years, I did indeed have many
resources to draw from. But I know I need to be skeptical and careful
about what I put into and do to my body because there are MOUNTAINS OF
INFORMATION on this topic. I then began learning and using several
methods on myself.

With a handful of select methods and supplements, I found myself
recovering from the surgical wound so quickly, that during my first
post-opp checkup, my doctor was so amazed at my progress that he
demanded I tell him what I'm doing. HE HUMBLY ADMITTED HIS IGNORANCE
TIME. This speedy natural healing wrapped up faster still and to my
great relief, I was fully functional again in 1/3 of the normal
recovery time and with NO COMPLICATIONS. Also important is that I felt
happy, capable, and energetic during this time; not drugged or

It is my sincere wish to help all those who desire it to accelerate
this healing process quickly, naturally, and joyfully - hence the
writing of this book.


Well, I am about everything. As I said before, anytime I hear about
something that will improve my health, I tend to be, well skeptical.
That's because there are a lot of people out there saying a lot things
and sometimes they even contradict each other. So who can I believe?
My own scientific approach to this is two-fold:

* I look for sources that come from scientists and research
micro-biologists, not just ordinary doctors. That's because scientists
do the research themselves on how to heal, rather than doctors who -
although well-educated - mainly study how to chop out or drug a
disease rather than how to get the body into a healthy disease-free

* I read as much as I can about this topic all the time. Now I do
this because it's my passion and have kept up with it for the last 20
years. I don't expect you to do this because you probably have other
interests that take up your time and produce their own rewards.
However, I look at everything so I have a large reference to evaluate
every new remedy or method. And of course I test a lot of things on

So now you've got the benefit of saving all that time that you would
need digging up and comparing mountains of research on the best

If knowledge is power, then by feasting on the knowledge from this
ebook, you will have powerful control over your own recovery and your
own destiny.

"RECOVER FROM SURGERY FAST" is a well-presented quick-start guide
that will show you how to turn your surgical recovery into a speedy
and dynamic come-back that will show you how to be stronger than
before and even happier!

Here are a few of the remedies
that I'd like to share with you:

DE-MYSTIFY and IMPROVE all 5 aspects of your total being: you must
balance each of them to make your recovery fast, effective, and
permanent. If any one of them is off kilter, it affects the rest of
your body.

The 4 STAGES to the HEALING CYCLE: if you don't respond to them
properly, then ignorance is definitely not bliss!

The cheapest and easiest way to super-hydrate from the BEST WATER
available. How to create a "RIVER OF LIFE" in your body!

There are FATS THAT HEAL AND FATS THAT HARM - the wrong fats will
aggravate inflammation while the right fats will repair tissue, make
you lean, and strengthen you far beyond your recovery.

The simple way to apply the most effective diet concepts from the
top scientific bioligists for your QUICK and LONG-TERM recovery.

Make any of these 3 mistakes when choosing your herbal remedies
and you may as well toss them in the trash!

How to easily heal these harmful side-effects from antibiotics.
Ignore them and not will recovery be slower, but the long-term
complications can be both painful and expensive.

21 THINGS TO AVOID during recovery. _Some of these things you

EXERCISE - how about knowing the ones that are EASY, FUN, QUICK,
and reap very big rewards?

Learn which exercises will advance you through each stage of your

If your surgery is from a structural or mechanical issue involving
damaged bones, joints, or tendons, then this particular exercise is

Some very cool yet relatively unknown MASSAGES that will transform
and repair you better than you could ever imagine.

OR RUSH HOME? Learn how to choose wisely.

48 simple tips to getting the BEST SLEEP YOU'VE HAD IN YEARS. This
is more help than most books that are devoted to this single topic!

A special natural spray that not only disinfects and sooths your
wound but also makes it heal many times faster.and best remedy for

Unleash your mind-body connection for miraculous healing!

what to eat, do, and use at every stage of your healing process.

So why hasn't your doctor
told you any of these natural recovery methods?

Because he simply does not know them. By the time a doctor
graduates, almost 50% of his knowledge is already outdated because of
advances in medical science. Things are changing so quickly in the
medical field, that doctors rely the majority of their education on
the training they get from multi-billion dollar Pharmaceutical
companies. Anyway, guess what the doctor's business is: surgeries and

"But Greg, what's wrong with taking
over-the-counter or prescription drugs for pain?

_"RECOVER FROM SURGERY FAST" _ doesn't pull any punches.
Conventional treatments mean:

* People actually DIE trying to find relief from the pain - in
fact, there has been an 83% increase in accidental overdoses from
narcotics from 1999 to 2005!

* Over-the-counter and prescription pain medications are hard on
your liver, kidneys, and stomach when taken long-term. You could end
up on dialysis or develop other serious conditions from the drugs you
take for headache pain.

* Traditional treatments work on the symptoms, but don't address
the underlying cause. They don't "cure" anything.

* Heavy, prescription medications are dangerous and addictive.

link Tylenol with serious liver damage. Hard to believe, but
researchers from the world-famous University of North Carolina, Chapel
Hill found that taking Tylenol for four days _as directed_ may put you
at risk for liver damage!

These are non-traditional methods, not AMA-approved
- and I'm proud to offer them to you

Why am I offering _RECOVER FROM SURGERY FAST_? Clearly, Big Pharma
has a real stake in keeping people on over-the-counter and
prescription drugs and they spend billions every year in advertising
to keep people turning toward drugs that promise relief, but all too
often create deeper, lasting problems.

So whether you are 18 or 80, male or female, in good health or poor,
if you're suffering from a slow recovery, my _RECOVER FROM SURGERY
FAST_ ebook can make a dramatic and almost immediate change in your

Best of all, you don't have to wait days or weeks to get your book.

Just ...and Start Now!

Your road to recovery starts today!

What does it cost to get the information you need to stop treating
symptoms and get to back on feet and to stay away from possible
repeated operations?

Normally, you'd have to plough through dozens of books and magazines
about herbal medicine, nutrition, acupuncture, acupressure and a
half-dozen other specialties to collect the information that's packed
into my concise, easy to read ebook.

It would cost you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in books
and research materials - not to mention your time. And you would not
have the security of knowing that a highly-regarded, award-winning
naturopathic physician has vetted these techniques because _he's seen
them work _on 100s of patients, every day.

Now, to get this information, you don't even have to search far and
wide to find a reliable naturopathic doctor and pay _that _fee!

You could easily spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars to
receive a specialist's advice (like a neurologist) without gaining any

But, as I mentioned earlier, there's no waiting -- and you won't
have to drain your bank account -- to get your hands on _RECOVER FROM

Many natural and holistic healing modalities have much to offer you
when recovering from surgery. This ebook will give you the latest and
simplified how-to-heal information from the best recent scientific
breakthroughs along with tried-and-true traditional remedies. By
balancing the narrow line of giving you the right remedies without
making you wade through loads of explanations, it gets right to the
point on every one of its 83 PAGES to show you what you need and where
you can find it.

This amazing, easy to read ebook (not a skimpy report) gathers all
the best, cutting-edge information and puts your health in your hands.

Think about it. Instead of letting this recovery period cause you to
"fall apart," all you need is a couple of simple tests and natural
remedies that you can mostly implement on your own. There's nothing
radical involved in claiming your life back and staying that way for
the rest of it!

You owe it to yourself to do the best you can for your fast and
permanent recovery. It's all here... Now.


Their doctors were shocked... and at a complete loss for words at
the speed of their recovery.

Here're just a few of the stories I've
received from ex-surgery patients...


The book "Recover From Surgery Fast " is in my opinion a true
candidate to the Nobel Prize.

The author Greg Wolfe makes the impossible possible. Thanks for the

Sara K.


Hi Greg,
I can't begin to express how much pleasure it gives me to send you
my testimonial, as downloading your book & putting into action what I
read, has literally changed my life!

After downloading & reading your book, I decided that I had nothing
to lose.

Greg, the changes that I began to experience were remarkable & began
to take place within a few days of following my new regime.

Now, I no longer take any prescription medications.

I am pain free for the first time in 15 years & now know what it is
like to have quality sleep.

I have energy I never dreamed possible.

Indigestion & acid reflux are a thing of the past & I no longer have
any sinus, eye or ear problems.

The bonus is that I have lost 23 lbs. & know that I will continue to
lose until my weight stabilizes to where it should be.

I not only have amazing stamina, but also mental clarity & feel very
positive & upbeat.

Everyone I see tells me I look fantastic & that my skin is radiant.

Every day I marvel at the positive changes that continue to take
place & I am so thankful & happy.

I am excited to be able to help others to achieve good health
... all this, because I decided to download your book.

I can't say thank you enough. God bless.

Cynthia B.
Texas, USA


Note of appreciation:

"You cannot imagine how much improved I am since finding the
information in your e-book for recovering from my debilitating
surgery. I actually avoided an expected 2nd tumor surgery and have
even lost 17.5 lbs in the past 2 months... not to mention that I
increased my energy and have been able to eliminate 8 other
medications that I no longer need. I didn't expect a miracle, but you
gave the information I needed to take control of my own life and
outlined a path to healing and wellness. Thank you, Greg!"

A. Stout
Chicago, USA


"Hi Greg,
I am feeling much better now, thanks! In fact I feel great!
I absolutely cannot believe the changes so far and I want to thank
you from the bottom of my heart for your e-book. Everything you said
in your book makes PERFECT SENSE!
It is such a relief to know that I can control what happens to my
body myself, through not only diet but so many other fun ways! Thank
you, thank you!
I'd love to read more of your work!!
Thank you for keeping in touch, I really appreciate your interest and
concern. Bless you!"

Sandi Chochran
London, UK


"You have given me my life back! I was back on my feet and enjoying
the 'ol routines in nearly half the time my doctor suggested. Yes, he
was amazed! I even lost 26 pounds and was able to stop taking high
blood pressure medication within the first 6 weeks! I can never thank
you enough."

Ms. Stockwell
Los Angeles, California

Now I know what you're thinking.

You're probably thinking to yourself that you're attached to your
diet. You're probably afraid that I'm going to propose...

...A Lifetime of Salads
to Keep You Free
From Disease.

Nothing is further from the truth.

Yes, our modern diet causes enormous problems for our health. But
taking good care of ourselves is not just a "health luxury". It's an
absolute necessity if we don't want to be held hostage by pain
killers, additional ailments, frequent checkups, and hospital stays.

Not doing this only takes away more and more of your energy, your
freedom - even your life.

But, I UNDERSTAND YOUR CONCERN. I really do want you to get back
your health the easiest way humanly possible. We don't live out in the
wild anymore... and there are certain "shortcuts" to jump-start your
body - back into vibrant health... that you can start using to help
you conveniently get back on track.

In fact, diet makes up only
1 out of the 5
main areas that you can - and will - rejuvenate.

Basically, these remedies are what you need to get back into good

Within days, you'll feel more comfort and energy than you expected
to have for weeks.

In a few weeks, you'll start seeing an enormous difference in how
you look and feel... and you'll be both shocked and surprised when
your doctor checks the rapid healing around the surgery scar.

And after just a few short months, you can even be liberated from
certain medications altogether... and have more energy than you've
felt in years.

I suggest you keep a log book of your progress so you can appreciate
how much farther you came from where you were even before the

This is not theory: this is absolute common sense about what makes
us healthy, backed by proven science and validated by hundreds of
patients just like you.

Here's how.

I'm going to make it profitable for you. It's the best way I know
of to motivate you into action... and since I want to make absolutely
sure you get this remedy today, here's my straight forward guarantee:

My 56-Day MONEY-BACK Guarantee!

I'm absolutely confident that these remedies will have a
tremendous, unimaginable impact on your health and speed your
recovery. So much so, that to make absolutely SURE that you try this
today... I'm going to put my money on the line and make it risk-free
for you to try.

SPEEDY RECOVERY ... Either you cut out many medications much earlier
than expected ... and start _recovering_ your life,

Or you get your money back.

If my remedies don't radically improve your health, just come back
to this page, RecoverFromSurgeryFast.com, and contact ClickBank
through their website www.clickbank.com... And all you do is tell
them you want a quick and courteous refund for my ebook, _Recover From
Surgery Fast_. That's why I am using ClickBank, because they provide
you a reliable 56-day money back policy. It's nice to know that a
refund is available should you be dissatisfied for any reason - or no
reason at all.

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