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 [ ](#obesity)[How to conquer obesity](#obesity)

 [ ](#backpain)[Back pain relief guide](#backpain)

  [Secrets to looking and feeling younger

 [ ](#bodybuilding)[A beginners guide to body buiding](#bodybuilding)

  [Hair loss prevention guide](#hairloss)

[Lowering your

[Conquering cellulite guide](#cellulite)

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  []How To Conquer Obesity

Obesity is a disease that affects approximately 60 million people in the United States, and women are especially affected. Over one-third of women between the ages of 20 and 74 are obese.

With obesity, comes the increased risk of diseases such as high blood pressure, Type II Diabetes and heart disease.

Health experts say that even losing 10 to 15 percent of your body weight can dramatically decrease the risk of developing these serious health conditions.

This book explores many methods you can use to help conquer obesity..

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Preventive And Healing Strategies

Back pain is the number one disability for those under age 45. And it runs second, after the common cold, as the top reason for visiting a healthcare provide.

For those of us who will experience some sort of back pain at one time or another, knowledge about back pain relief is certainly welcome.

One of the best ways to begin learning about back pain relief, is by understanding the basics of back pain: what causes it, how it’s diagnosedand what treatments are available, etc.  And this ebook will cover the bases for you.

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[Top](affiliate.html#title) Secrets To Looking And Feeling Younger

The truth is we begin the aging process just as soon as we pop out of the womb. Every day of our lives our bodies slough off and regenerate new cells. 

Every day you are bombarded daily with commercial messages that attempt to lure you into believing that the most recent miracle drug is just what you need to fight off the ravages of Mother Nature.

We are living longer as a whole.  Singularly, that can be a curse or a blessing depending on your perspective. This book explores low cost and no cost methods you can use to help in the anti-aging process. 

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[Top](affiliate.html#title) Muscle Building Guide

Options abound for the beginning bodybuilder and they can all appear quite daunting when you are just getting started.  In fact, it’s easy to become extremely confused and discover more questions than answers.

This ebook explores how to build your body and muscles, weight lifting equipment, the “right” and the “dark” side of dietary supplements and the importance of proper nutrition for the serious body builder.

Muscle Mania also explores package labeling and what you should know about before you buy. 

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[Top](affiliate.html#title) Get To The Root Of Hair Loss Prevention
Although both men and women can suffer significant hair loss, over 50% of men will suffer with Male Pattern Baldness, at some point in their lives.

Covering topics such as diet, good grooming and hair care to natural hair loss remidies this fantastic ebook also discusses the sensitive topic of female balding.

The best start to preventing hair loss is understanding the basics of hair: what it is, how it grows and what can cause it to stop growing this ebook will cover everything you need to know.

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[Top](affiliate.html#title) Lowering Your Cholesterol
[]  In 2002 it was estimated that 107 million American adults now have a blood cholesterol level high enough to require medical advice.

Recent studies have shown that for every 1 percent drop in cholesterol levels, there is a 2 percent decrease in the risk of a heart attack.

  Despite this epidemic problem, there is good news.  You can do something about the problem and that’s what this guide is all about. 

In plain English, we will take a laymen’s look at cholesterol, the causes, effects and what you can do to reverse the negative impact it has on your personal health.

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[Top](affiliate.html#title) Conquering Cellulite
In our never ending search for the illusive “Fountain of Youth,” nothing strikes a chord like the term “cellulite.” 

Interestingly, the term “cellulite” was first introduced to us by a fashion magazine.  That fact is sufficient to generate speculation among opposing sides to this controversial subject.

What we endeavor to present here is an overview of the facts surrounding “cellulite” with an eye toward education. 

We hope to present the pros and cons of the arguments and allow you to make your own determination and course of action.

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[](#obesity)[Obesity Guide](affiliate.html#obesity) ||[ ](#backpain)[](#backpain)[Back Pain Guide](affiliate.html#backpain) || [Cellulite Guide](affiliate.html#cellulite) || [](#cholesterol)[Cholesterol Guide](affiliate.html#cholesterol) [
](#feelingyounger)[Feeling Younger Guide](affiliate.html#feelingyounger)[||](#feelingyounger)[ ](#feelingyounger)[](affiliate.html#cellulite)[Body Buiding Guide ](affiliate.html#bodybuilding)
[Hair Loss Guide](affiliate.html#hairloss)
](affiliate.html#cellulite)[  ](#feelingyounger)

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