Heavy Metal Poisoning Detox, Right Away! Chlorellaman
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As Seen In "The Washington Post"...
How did a man afflicted by heavy metal poisoning, switch from a
dramatic condition,
to an active joyful life in 21 days!
EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Chlorellanan says...
"Give Me Just 21 Day's And I Will
Have You Have You Alive Like You Never Prayed For!"
"If ever you got your hands on something of incredible
value to your future...it's gotta be this! Chlorellman has stumbled
onto the reason why serious sickness people heal miracously fast"
Concepts Creative Solutions 2008
Chlorellaman, Inspiring, radiant health show off, author and a one
time sick,
ill conditioned
with no life...
The picture to the right
demonstrates the
massive transformation.
The depth
of my health change gave
me the incentive and confidence to completely change
everything about me.
Oops...this is Brandy...
read how we met below. :)
We met at the regained joyful livelyhood.
This dude knew what I had been through. It's time for play and fun
again yeah! Life is so enjoyable when healthy!
My bud was surprised I had jumped that high and he couldn't...But I
was ready to encourage him, even give him a paw:
"If I could do it, you can do it Brandy!"
I wish someone had done that for me then.
Everyone deserves a hand.
Not even 3 months ago, I was a weak depressed shaky young man and a
pathetical ability to do or feel with stability.
Chlorellaman 2007
I did have contacts and cleaned up my acts, but thats it.
My sudden transformation is due entirely to the new found confidence
I discovered, when I got my heavy metal poisoning detox program down.
Since I discovered how to control the environment in my body, I have
literally had complete power over how I live. This power has
manifested beyond just how I am. I suddenly felt the need to dress
better, take care of my body and a whole bunch of stuff has changed,
to reflect this new mastery over my health.
The bottom line, is anyone can have a deep, dynamic, powerful
health. We are not equal against heavy metal poisoning, it's not
genetics, it's our conditioning. The way we relate to the illness has
tremendous emotional hold on us, that provokes a negative
psychosomatic response.
There are simple things anybody can do to get a consistent,
reliable, "on tap" health.
I can, and have, shown thousands of people how to live much
healthier than they started being sick, some dropping nearly a whole
octave from their normal tone level!
It's all about the attitude!!!
Talk about fast confidence...a quality program to your heavy
metal symptom-free health, fulfilled, inspired and powerful, you can
rely on it every waking moment. The trust you receive from yourself,
the looks you get from others radiating an excellent health. The
credibility people ascribe to you, at job interviews or business
appointments. You can literally write your own check, when others see
you enjoying life to its fullest. It doesn't matter what skills you
have, they want to be around you! People are just attracted to a
spectacular health.