Excerpt from product page

* Business Submission | Directory Submission | Local Business
Listings | Submit Business


BusinessSubmission.org is a place for businesses and SEO firms
to give their websites the exposure they need by submitting to REAL
third-party, business-listing services.

BusinessSubmission.org was created to fill the void of a legitimate
business-submission company that _naturally_ and _manually_ submits to
the most important sources online. We are strongly against spam and
any auto-submission scripts or bots. We take the time to give your
business the quality we give our own. Thank you for your support.

We offer a submission package highly recommended for any new or
neglected business websites. We understand the search value and key
factors of creating business listings.

* BusinessSubmission.org is a division of , an ethical SEM and web
design company.

Not only will we manually create and submit your business listing
to the services listed above PLUS SEVERAL MORE, we also include a
local business directory search with every submission service. Many
cities have local business directories that end up being the most
valuable listings. We will add up to ten more local listings if

We manage the entire process. We confirm every e-mail and make sure
you get listed.

Copyright © 2009 BUSINESS SUBMISSION - Atlanta, GA

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