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Manifest The Successful Life You Desire - Learn And Master The
Secret & The Life Principles Behind It!



Dear Friend,

Would you like to eliminate your money worries effortlessly?

Would you like to experience extreme success faster than you ever
thought possible?

Would you like to feel a recharged level of love, happiness & pride
that you've only dreamed were possible?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you've landed just
where you'll find how to make all of this possible. In this letter you
are going to uncover the secrets of a rare, 7 volume manuscript that
will make manifesting everything you desire in your life a reality.

But first, you need to know the journey behind this incredible

"The Rediscovery That Changed The World"

In 1925 there was a collection of manuscripts released that very few
people had the privilege of getting their hands on. The rare few who
had the privilege of viewing the contents of these manuscripts
experienced extreme transformation in every area of their lives...


Their incomes shot up to record highs

They experienced more happiness than ever before

Their relationships blossomed and spawned incredible joy

They were able to travel & see the world

They experienced injections of extreme effortless motivation

They were envied by business associates, friends & family

This collection of 7 manuscripts have been hidden, stolen & lost in
history for the last 82 years. In fact, even when it was printed, it
didn't even make it past a year of publication because those who knew
of it's contents didn't want to share it's power.

This made it much harder to find. By chance, at an auction I was
able to get a set of these rare manuscripts for a small fortune. The
set that I did get had pages falling out, torn & tattered covers
promising to read it later.

So on my window seal it sat...

One day, when visiting web pages on the author that wrote this
collection, I found that several comprehensive websites with full
listings of all of his works did not include this one.

One top of that, when I started carefully turning the brittle pages
I discovered the phrase "Autographed Edition" printed within the cover
and sure enough, I found his signature on one of the front pages of
the first volume.

The author makes it clear that this is his most important work in
history and that it will change the world and bring anyone that uses
it's secrets everything that they could ever dream of. His dedication
to autograph the small number of these collections that were produced
show this dedication whole heartedly.


Robert Collier

After realizing that this was the defining and most revealing work
that Mr. Collier had ever put together and also realizing that it had
been "hushed" from the rest of the world, I knew I had to read it

As I read it, something incredible happened...

"Virtually Every Facet Of My Life Took
An Extreme Upward Turn For The Better"

I started seeing tons of success in my business. I was able to take
my entire family on vacation to Hawaii for 14 days including my girls
and my parents and pay for everything without worrying a bit.

I moved me, my wife and my two daughters to a warm place in a
luxurious waterfront community.

I experienced a level of happiness and self-fulfillment that I had
never even thought of when setting my goals and writing them down.

Literally every facet of my life took an extreme upward turn for the

As I continued to go through this incredible transformation I felt a
new level of pride, accomplishment and success that still makes me
smile when I look around me.

I shared this discover with a select few of my friends, family and
business associates and their accomplishments mirrored mine.

After seeing the power of these manuscripts manifest itself in my
own life, I knew I had to share it with as many people as possible
just as Mr. Collier would have wanted.

This is when I transformed these long lost manuscripts into...


Now, I don't want you to get the wrong idea....

I originally battled with changing the content up and decided whole
heartedly against it after much deliberation.

You are going to get the lessons and training exactly how Mr.
Collier intended for you to get them.

However, I did so some awesome things to add more value to the
training and create a much more life changing experience for you.

Here are just a few of them...

7 WEEK TRANSFORMATION - These manuscripts add up to about 400 pages
in printed form and I knew that was way to much for the busy person to
ingest all at once. To remedy this, I just made each volume a 1 week

These manuscripts were already broken into 7 volumes so this just
made sense. What you get is a 20 page or so lesson each week that
makes it easy to inject your life with these transforming principles.

LAUNCH PADS TO SUCCESS - In candid pre-training editorials I am
going to prepare you for some of what you are going to be learning as
well as give you additional information that will fuel your

TITANIUM TRANSFORMATION TESTS - After each lesson by Mr. Collier you
will be getting a lesson that asks a few questions that will force you
to experience the life changing force within these rare pages. These
are easy, fun and will stretch your mind.

_Personal Coaching Level 1_
1 Minute Manifestation Coaching Sessions - I realize that you're
busy so I developed a way for you to get personal interaction with me
through every step of this exhilarating experience. The last thing
that you will do after each lesson is answer a quick question or two
that will get your juices going.

You will then e-mail these to me and I will analyze and comment on
your answer and e-mail it back to you to give you additional insight
and understanding of the process. This gives you feedback from someone
who's gone through this process with raging success.

Personal Coaching Level 2
Personal Coaching & Mentor Access - I understand that you may have
questions and comments regarding the training so I wanted to make sure
that I was there for you.

When you e-mail each lesson into me you also have direct access to
ask me any questions you have. You can ask me as many questions as
you'd like to make sure that you are getting the maximum benefit from
the training.

As you can see, this has been taken from a hidden, lost & stolen
collection of manuscripts to an easily digestible, highly interactive
personal transformation program that you can squeeze into your life
even if you are super busy.

Here are the topics that we'll be covering throughout your 7 weeks
training experience...


Your New Life Launching Pad

The World

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