Excerpt from product page



Dear Inventive Entrepreneur:


You know what I hate?


Sales pitches. Can’t stand them. Cannot stand them. You go looking for information online, and Google sends you to a page that screams “BUY! BUY! BUY! YOU MUST BUY! BUY NOW!



Bleh. Who needs it? Who needs that hard sell? Certainly not me. And I’m also certain not you, am I right?  




You didn’t come here looking for a sales pitch. You came here looking for information on how to get your online business off the ground, right? You may have had questions about online marketing or “bum marketing,” that you wanted answered.





The problem is, when it comes to bum marketing, nobody’s talking. Or, to be more accurate, nobody’s talking for free. It seems like everybody who has something to say about bum marketing is only willing to say it for a price. In fact, just before sitting down to write the copy for this website, I decided to type “bum marketing” into Google, and check out the results.


 You know what I found?


Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Bupkiss. Out of the top ten listings for “bum marketing,” there was not one website, webpage or blog that had anything useful to say. Every single one of them were just sales pitches of one sort or another, asking you, begging you, demanding you to shell out your hard-earned cash for their five-book series, 12-CD series, their 24 hour-long DVD series.


 If you need any other encouragement, here are just a few of the things you’ll learn inside:
Create search engine-friendly pages Select powerful keywords Increase visibility Encourage other sites to link to yours

If you don’t learn anything else from this website, learn this:



You don’t need all that! You are not going to fall for their sales pitches. You are smarter than that. They are not going to get you through the door, because you don’t need all that stuff in order to make money online. You don’t. All you need is a little initiative and a little time to invest up front, and you can be making money in your sleep within a few weeks!






Dear Steve:


Thank you so much for Bum Power: Secrets of Bum Marketing REVEALED!

I had no idea making money could be so easy! In just a few hours a day, I’m making as much money as I do in a week at my regular job!


Thank you for creating such a straight-forward guide and sticking it to those self-styled “gurus!” I hope Top Secret goes to the top of the charts! (And search engines!)


 Carrie M.



“Okay,” you’re saying, “If I don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars to get into the secret society of bum marketing, then why aren’t you giving out this information for free?”


You know what? That’s a fair question. You have every right to question why I’m selling you a book on bum marketing while I’m telling you that you don’t need a book for bum marketing. Perfectly valid point.


 Let me tell you a little story:


I was just like you. I had a good job. I worked in the banking industry. I have a wonderful wife and three beautiful kids. Got a nice car. Heck, I even have a picket fence. No lie.


 Well, we all know how well the banking industry has been doing for the past year, don’t we?

 I was down-sized, laid-off, given my pink slip, what-have-you. No matter how you put it, I was told not to let the door hit me on the way out.


 All of a sudden, daddy’s at home all day in his slippers playing World-of-Warcraft until four in the morning (but that’s another story).


 Maybe you’re in the same boat. Maybe you’re in a dead-end job that you hate. Maybe you’ve been “down-sized.” Maybe you’re a stay-at-home parent (let’s from all the stay-at-home dads out there!). Maybe you’ve just moved back into mom and dad’s house after college because there are no jobs out there in your field and you’ve got that 20-year student loan staring you in the face. Maybe you just want to find a little extra income because you suddenly find your mortgage under water.





 So, I start looking into these “bum marketing” claims. It’s basically sales, and sales I can do. It’s right in my field. I just have to learn the details that all these online marketing “experts” are trumpeting and saying have made them all wealthy beyond all their wildest imaginations.


 So, I buy a couple of those books. And I buy a couple of DVD sets. And I sign up for some weekly newsletters. (Here’s a hint if you’re just beginning your research into bum marketing: never, ever, ever sign up for a “free” newsletter. If you do, all you’ve done is give permission to someone else to spam your inbox with useless “tips” and more sales pitches for something else they’re selling.) Then, I signed up for more books, CDs and DVDs. I kept looking for that little nugget of gold that would send me on my way to making riches while I slept.


But all these products, the books, the CDs, the DVDs, the newsletters… all of it, they all said the same thing:








Dear Steve:


I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate Bum Power: Secrets of Bum Marketing REVEALED!


I just read it and starting using your techniques last week, and I’m already making money! And the best part is it’s not only easy, its fun! I never knew a job could be this fun!


- Shelley J.



Not a darn thing. After months of time and almost $2,000 dollars invested of my money, I hadn’t learned a darn thing. Nothing useful, at any rate. Nothing that would help me learn what I needed to make money in bum marketing.




I discovered that all these online marketing “experts” who are trying to get you to buy their “bum marketing secrets,” they’re all really selling is hope. They’re all capitalizing on your hope that the next thing that they sell you will be the thing—the thing that will make you millions.


They are playing on your trust, giving you a trail of breadcrumbs that lead you to a gingerbread house.




You don’t need a 12-part seminar to learn the secrets of bum marketing. You don’t need ten CDs or even a five-book box set to make money in bum marketing.


“Okay,” I hear you say. “But that still doesn’t answer my question. If I don’t need to spend any money to learn the secrets of bum marketing, why do I have to pay money for your book?”


I wish I could tell you the secret behind bum marketing. I really wish I could. Unfortunately, my publisher won’t allow it. If I tell you everything you need to know on this webpage, then they don’t make any money.


However, I will share with you a couple of things:

I don’t need the money. Right now, I’m making between $1,500 and $2,000 per day with my various bum marketing endeavors. I wrote this book partly to recoup my costs when I was researching bum marketing myself. I guarantee you I will never ask for another red cent of your hard-earned money. Most online marketing “experts” don’t actually make most of their money in marketing other products. They make it in trying to get you to buy “one more secret” of online marketing. I promise I will not do that. The real secret of bum marketing can be summed up in less than 25 words. I reveal everything you really need to know in the introduction of my book. In fact, the Introduction’s titled, “Why You Don’t Need This Book.”

Most online marketing “experts” will ask you to shell out hundreds of dollars to learn their “secrets.” You don’t need to spend $1,000, $500, or even $100 for a book on bum marketing. That’s just wasting your money. And you don’t need to do that. I give you everything you need to know in my book for under $50, with a promise that you never have to buy anything again, that I will not hound your email box with more requests for your money. I can practically guarantee that you can’t find that kind of deal anywhere else on the Internet.


So, I’m sure your next question is, “Why are you selling your book so cheap? If this really is everything I need to know, why are you letting it go at such a low price?”






Dear Steve:


 You ****ing bastard. This is how I make money, by sharing my insights of marketing with others for a price…


if you don’t remove Bum Power: Secrets of Bum Marketing REVEALED! from your various websites immediately, I will report you to the American Marketing Association. And then I’ll sue.


-T. A. (online marketer)



   Call me a crusader. I love my job, and I want other people to join this industry and be proud of it, too. I want my kids to be proud of their dad and what he does. I want people to think about online marketing “experts” better than they do of used car salespeople.


I could tell you the secret behind “bum marketing” on a blog for free, but I don’t think you’d believe me. When I reveal it in my Introduction, you may still not believe it. You may read it and go, “That’s it? That’s the big secret? I could have figured that out.” And the truth is, you could have, if the online marketing “experts” would have let you. So I’m charging this ridiculously low price just so people will give it some value when they buy it.


But the real reason I wrote this book is because the Internet is a big, big place, and there’s more than enough money for everybody. Any money you earn from bum marketing is not going to impact me in the slightest, if I’m doing my job right. There are approximately 6.8 billion people in the world right now. My best research shows that there are over 30 billion individual webpages on the Internet.That means there are about 4.5 webpages for every single man, woman and child on the face of the Earth.


That’s including people in third-world countries in Africa and Asia who don’t have access to the Internet yet. So there’s still a lot of growing the Internet has to do. So there’s plenty of opportunity for both you and me, and plenty of money to be had by both of us.





Are you going to shell out dozens, maybe hundreds of dollars so some online marketing “expert” can ask you to pay up just a little bit more so you can get “really secret tips”? Are you going to sign up for some “free” newsletter that offers breadcrumbs of marketing advice in return for more of your hard-earned money? Or are you going to make take a stand against the kind of shady marketing that pervades the Internet to buy the one guide you will ever need, with a promise of no additional purchases or sales pitches, all for under $50?

Are you ready to get a copy of Bum Power - Secret of Bum Marketing REVEALED and start earning from now on? I'm offering this secret to you for only $47 per copy!


I can't promise when will I increase the price, but I promise this wouldn't last long, Grab your copy at o$47 only now!





   Think of some of the things you’ll get to do once you have a steady online income. You can:
Finally quit that stupid job that’s been sucking your life away for years Take your family on that vacation you’ve been promising Get into the stock market or real estate, now that prices are so low Be your own boss for the first time in your life Buy a boat (yeah, I said “buy a boat”—you need to reward yourself too, you know)
   So, are you ready to take a step for yourself, and your financial independence?


   I want as many people as possible to have this information, so I’m keeping it a inexpensive as I can for as long as I can. So, order now, before my publishers make me increase the price point!






I am so confident that you will be thrilled and blow-out after you read this book: Bum power - Bum Marketing Secret REVEALED and that I am offering iron clad 60 day Risk Free Money Back Guarantee!


Purchase today for only $47!




Bum Power - The Only Bum Marketing Guide you ever Need, Period.


No portion of this website can be copied without written permission from the author.

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