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The eBook, otherwise known as Sensible Body-Training, is a guide for the ‘average everyday person’ who really wants to get into his/her ultimate physical condition with a no-nonsense program, yet does not know where to start or who to approach. What if I said “if you thought it wasn’t possible to get into excellent shape, think again”? Your immediate reaction is probably a skeptical “there we go again – yet another person claiming that I have to buy their program or resource, and that it’ll transform my body and life completely in a just a few minutes a day, no matter who I am”.
So what makes this eBook different from others?
Unlike so many websites, books, magazines, or any other media, the 'Sensible Body-Training' program does NOT make unrealistic promises as in a typical example like: “this could be you (referring to a photograph containing a well-muscled person), or “pack on 30 lbs in three weeks in just 5 minutes a day”, and so forth. These flashy or fancy punch lines, ads or media covers are often selling you graphic concepts which too often turn out to be unfounded claims. This kind of blanket approach in which sellers imply that anyone can look like the massive ripped specimens in their marketing photos, does NOT take into account vital factors like individual health condition, genetic predisposition or muscle-building potential, to name a few. Any one-size-fits-all concept risks being flawed from the outset.
Rest assured, like you I’ve read and come across thousands of similar statements. I have also made my share of mistakes and bad choices and spent lots of well-earned money with little to show for it. In the process, I experienced first-hand that claims like I mentioned above, are unfounded and don’t work for just ‘anyone’. These claims are too often untrue and therefore highly unethical. Let’s also not forget the “or your money back if not entirely satisfied” part. I am certain that if you ever tried a program or dietary supplement that did not deliver promised results, and then asked for your money back - you will have been dodged by all kinds of creative disclaimers and fine print you never knew existed or weren’t aware of. Some vendors will use the excuse, “you’re perhaps not genetically predisposed enough to shaping up”, or “maybe you’re not following the program closely enough”. Whatever justification is used, not being sufficiently knowledgeable in the field of health, fitness and nutrition, makes you a 'sitting duck', unless you are in the hands of a committed, caring and honest trainer or advisor. If you are not informed enough and willing to part with money to anyone with a clever tagline or snazzy packaging, you WILL be ripped off!
So, with the above said, what am I promoting that’s different from anyone else’s products or services? Well, to start off with, 3 things: honesty, support and transparency – and no empty claims. This is not a get-rich-quick scam where I am recycling someone else’s work in re-packaged form or distributing an eBook with reseller’s rights - this is my own work containing pictures of myself. What I provide is valuable insight from my own hands-on experience intended to guide and facilitate users so that they learn about their individual adaptability while becoming informed about their response potential to nutrition plans and exercise. You can only gain wholesome knowledge and insight to experience from an honest program which promises realistically achievable results with a commonsense approach. This way you are able to learn vital things about yourself without being blindsided by false belief or impressions.
So, if you can identify with what you’ve just read, get to it and start your shaping up program now! At the giveaway price of only $9,50 to change your life, you’ve got little to lose and a lot to gain. You may say like so many people that you don’t have the time to spend shaping up. Remember that nobody has enough time, not even the top professional bodybuilders. But there are ways to work with your lack of time and before you know it, you’ll wonder why you hadn’t started sooner.
In addition, you can count on my continued support through this site and in the answers I provide to questions. You can also contact me by email or even dialogue with me by telephone. I am available to address any questions you may have.
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