Excerpt from product page

About the 2000 Presidential election...
...the election would be clouded in doubt, with miscalls and no winner on election night. Also, it would be an election filled with fraud, behind the scenes mishandling and a populace upset with the results.--Forecast 2000, December 1999

About the September 11, 2001 disaster...
...A National Sadness...an event will occur that will cause great sadness and suffering in the nation...a loss...a major single event or crisis which can build into a sea of human response.--Forecast 2001, December 2000

J. Robert Prete has been using the tool of astrology for more than 25 years. He has been published both here and in Europe. His astrological forecasts have been anticipated every year and this marks the first time his yearly forecast has been available online in electronic format.

Besides his amazing predictions above about the controversial 2000 presidential election and the September 11 tragedy, his individual sign forecasts have people shaking their heads in wonder. Included in this book is:

• The planets affecting us this year
• The forecast for the U.S. and the World in 2004
• The spiritual lesson of 2004
• A general forecast for each sign for the year 2004
• A month by month forecast for each sign for 2004
• The traits of each sign
• A special Rising Sign Chart

Here's another excerpt from Robert's 2003 forecast concerning war with Iraq:
The United States is, at the time of this writing, under the aspects of possible armed conflict, a full war. The month of February looms strongest with aspects for war continuing through the spring months of 2003. Summer and fall do not eliminate possibilities for armed conflicts but appear to be of single or short term action.--Forecast 2003, December 2002

For an example of the month-by-month forecast for each individual sign, click on the appropriate button below to see the last three months of 2003 for YOUR sign:

[](sample_aries.htm)  [](sample_taurus.htm)  [](sample_gemini.htm)  [](sample_cancer.htm)  [](sample_leo.htm)  [](sample_virgo.htm)

[](sample_libra.htm)  [](sample_scorpio.htm)  [](sample_sagittarius.htm)  [](sample_capricorn.htm)  [](sample_aquarius.htm)  [](sample_pisces.htm)

[Forecast 2004 is for entertainment purposes only]

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