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Books and ebooks available by Robert Elias Najemy

These books have helped many thousands of people and enriched as many lives. They are an invaluable asset to you and your friends and family

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$10.00 each on our Introductory Offer.

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[For Paperback Versions of these books, click here](http://www.HolisticHarmony.com/store/books.html)

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Click below to learn more about each book.

Here is Robert's latest book - LOVE IS THE CHOICE
Presently for a short time at a 20% discount for only $8.

0. LOVE IS THE CHOICE [ More about Love is the Choice](/ebookscb/samlove.asp)
Learn how to love yourself and others and creating a loving, healthy, happy life.[Conveniently Purchase the ebook "Love is the Choice" through ClickBank](http://47.1najemy.pay.clickbank.net)

1. Truth or Death - Petro is transformed by his near-death experience. [ More about Truth or Death - Petro is transformed by his near-death experience](/ebookscb/sampetro.asp)
This book combines the near death experience of 40 year old Petro with the being threatened by death if he and others do not tell the total truth about themselves - exposing their deepest secrets to each other. Easy and inspiring reading.
[Conveniently Purchase the ebook "Truth or Death - Petro is transformed by his near-death experience" through ClickBank](http://www.clickbank.net/sell.cgi?1najemy/1/truth)

2. Universal Philosophy
[More about Universal Philosophy](/ebookscb/samphilosophy.asp)
An extremely interesting and useful examination of the highest spiritual truths which are so beneficial to our lives in such a simple and easily understandable way.
[Conveniently Purchase the ebook "Universal Philosophy" through ClickBank](http://www.clickbank.net/sell.cgi?1najemy/2/philosophy)

[For Paperback click here](http://www.HolisticHarmony.com/store/books.html)

3. The Art of Meditation
[ More about The Art of Meditation](/ebookscb/sammeditation.asp)
This is a complete guide to meditation which explains step by step how to proceed, what to watch for and how to go deeply. It also addresses itself to the deeper philosophical and psychological aspects of meditation.
[Conveniently Purchase the ebook "The Art of Meditation" through ClickBank](http://www.clickbank.net/sell.cgi?1najemy/3/meditation)

[For Paperback click here](http://www.HolisticHarmony.com/store/books.html)

4. Contemporary Parables
[More about Contemporary Parables](/ebookscb/samcontemporary.asp)
A picture - mental or physical is worth a thousand words. This book contains over 90 illustrations and "parables", examples or models which explain the deepest truths in the simplest terms.

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