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Premature Ejaculation - natural treatment and definitive solution

Solve your Ejaculation Problems in 7 days



Who are we?


The Sexuality and Health Group has over 11,200 successful treatments all over the countries due to the simplicity and the effectiveness of our treatment

The treatment has been more than successful for those ones who over three decades have used the traditional way against PE including sexologists, urologists and other professionals in the sexual field of male dysfunctions. Over this period of time, we have achieved a perfect combination among techniques and exercises that work directly on the muscles that originate the premature ejaculation .
We have not worked individually in the development and implementation of our treatment. Our Institute has systematically worked with a group pf specialists and health institutions located in Europe and America . For this reason, we have gained vast experience for our PE treatment



Premature Ejaculation Definitions


PE is one of the most common male sexual dysfunctions. Definitions have evolved radically over the last decades. At the beginning, it was not considered to be a sexual dysfunction because women's satisfaction was totally ignored . From this starting point, definitions were developed incorporating the duration of the coitus. However, most of the definitions had no meanings as the orgasmic process didn't only depend on the man but also on his couple.
Nowadays, the main cause of PE is the lack of selfcontrol ejaculatory reflex independently from the fact that if this takes place after two or five pulses and the woman has an orgasm. Therefore, we can say that there is a PE when the orgasm occurs as a reflex when the man has no control and has reached a sexual pick.

This sexual dysfunction can be classified in different levels. The levels occur when the man ejaculates before or just when after the penetration. It is never wanted and your couple cannot be satisfied.
The most severe Premature Ejaculation cases occur when the man ejaculates before the penetration or seconds after it. These cases require special attention. The longest you wait, the most difficult it may be for a successful treatment .
Actually, we depend on sex for many reasons, for example, our mood. It has been proved that a man with an unsatisfactory sexual life transfers this feeling to his day-to-day life carrying a hard burden. Therefore, Premature Ejaculation affects a man's sexual life, work and his behavior in society and family, ...

According to a survey from the most important cities around the World 40% of the male inhabitants have symptoms of premature ejaculation and only the 30% faces the problem and try to cure it, its 95% success .




Treatments Premature Ejaculation


The treatment is a combination of techniques and exercises that work directly on the muscles that originate the premature ejaculation.

The PC muscles (pubococcygeus) are a group that creates the base for your sexual health. You can feel these muscles in the perineum between the testicles and anus. Besides from the urethral control, the PC muscles are responsible for the orgasm in both men and women. For men, this is the muscle that involuntary produces the ejaculation. For this reason, the secret is to fortalice and train this muscle to once and for all control the premature ejaculation.
Just follow these 4 steps:
Step 1: To identify the muscles for the exercise. The man needs to be aware of the zones, the muscles and the organs involved in the ejaculatory process. It takes from 1 to 2 days.
Step 2: To get to know the techniques and the exercises of the program. This is the introduction to the methodology. You learn the techniques and exercises on the muscles involves in the ejaculation. It takes from 1 to 2 day and it is the key for the success of this treatment.
Step 3: The implementation of the exercise program on the ejaculatory muscles It is important that you do not try to see its effectiveness before the steps are completed in 6 days.
Step 4: To verify the results of the treatment. Finally, through a set of directed activities, results are evaluated. The self control of the ejaculation of the man is tested.




Frequent Questions for Premature Ejaculation


What does the treatment involve?
It is a set of natural techniques and exercises developed by our professionals which identifies those muscles involved in the ejaculation. The exercises work on these muscles to achieve a total self control on the ejaculation on when to have it.
When is the right moment to ejaculate?
The aim is that both man and woman are satisfied and have an orgasm when having relations. Independently on the time the man lasts to ejaculate, the objective is that he does it at the moment of the woman's orgasm or just after it.
How long does it take to control your ejaculation?
Our treatment is simple and easy to learn A high percentage of men were able to cure PE in just 7 days, 12 days for the most severe cases. The exercises take no more than 30 minutes per day.
Is it necessary to take pills?
NO, it is 100% natural and does not require any extra medicine .
Is the treatment safe?
Our treatment is 100% safe for your health, our commitment is to protect your privacy so you can do the exercises safely.



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