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Best Gun Dog training

"Have the Best Trained Gun Dog On the Shoot...
By Throwing Out All Those Modern Training Articles, Books, and TV

All the Advice You're Hearing MAY Sometimes Work
For Pet Dogs - But It's Rubbish to a Well Trained Gun Dog

I'm Richard Allen. In the next 5 minutes I would like to show you

I trained my 14 month cocker spaniel 'Charlie' using 2 old manuals
written over 100 years ago...along with ONE simple 45 minute lesson
from the Gun Dog expert who introduced me these old ways of learning.

Within 6 months Charlie was the best dog on the shoot. In fact he
was the best dog most of my shooting collages have seen. You may be
surprised that 'Charlie' was not from the best stock. He came from a
rescue centre where he was found wandering the streets of Cambridge in
March 2006.
_I Never realised that the modern Training Methods would slow
Charlie s Progress _

Here's How Charlie Went From Absolute Nightmare
to The Best Gun Dog You Could Imagine

For weeks I had been looking for a Gun Dog. I couldn't really afford
several hundred dollars for a puppy from certified parents. I called a
few rescue centres with the hope I could still get the Spaniel I

Finally, I got a call. I had a chance to own a cocker called
'Charlie'. I said yes without even thinking. I did no research. I just
thought, Get a Spaniel, Train the Spaniel. In a few months, I would
have a good gun dog.

Once I got Charlie, I went on Amazon.co.uk and ordered the 2
best-selling books on training gun dogs. The problem was 'Charlie' was
my boss. He would not listen to me. Can you imagine my frustration at
trying to train a dog who did not listen? I read both books twice.
These best sellers were useless! I thought to myself 'Maybe Charlie
can't be trained.'

Then By Chance, I Discovered the 2 Greatest Gun Dog
Training Manuels Ever Written...

My Father suggested I see a friend of his, Ron Mann. At this time I
had been trying to train 'Charlie for 4 weeks. He was now worse than
when I got him. He would not even walk on a lead without nearly
pulling me over. I regret the day I got the call from the rescue

Ron Gave me and Charlie a 45 minute lesson. Charlie was already much
better. After that lesson Ron had Charlie walking to heel without a
lead. This was amazing. I asked him to train 'Charlie' for me. I
thought it was beyond me. His reply shocked me. It even annoyed me a
little. He wouldn't train Charlie until I gave it another shot...using
the right materials this time. He told me, 'Anyone can train a Gun
Dog, you just have to know how'

After my begging he offered to lend me two old manuals I had never
heard about before...never highlighted in any bookstore and never
revealed on TV. He said, "These Manuels contain all the information
you need."

He then said to me if 'Charlie' was no better in three months to
bring him back and he would train him for me'. He assured me though I
would need no further help. All I would need are these forgotten


In 1882 Mr S. Hammond released a revolutionary manuel About 'Fancy
Training for Your Gun Dog'. When the book was released it was sneered
upon. The popular thinking of the time was you beat a dog into
submission. Hammond disagreed! It had very few sales because it was so
radical to how everyone else trained their dog.

Hardly anybody alive has heard of this treasured book. And I only
know two people who own original copy's of it (one of them is me).

In 1901 another training manuel for gun dogs was released. This one
was written by a highly experienced trainer called 'Waters'. This
Manuel was much more popular and a little more well know. I don't
agree with all the methods used in this book, but over half of the
manual is about how dog's minds work. It's called, "Training Your Gun
Dog for Shooting and Field Trials." The techniques will put you ahead
of 99% of the EXPERTS out there.

The original copies of these manuels are out of print. It took
nearly a year of searching old book shops to find a copy of each. I
found the first one 'Training Your Gun Dog for Shooting and Field
Trails' within the first month. Nearly a year passed when I walked
into a bookshop in New York in 2007. I was on vacation at the time. I
found the Manuel in a store. Miracle I thought. It wasn't cheep, but I
had finally found it, so the cost did not matter. On my return from
New York I returned the Manuel's to Ron as promised.


When Ron had given me these Manuel's, I was gutted. I wanted someone
to train Charlie for me. After reading those two books I bought from
Amazon, I could not see how I could ever learn anything from
books...especially when they're over 100 years old! My mind told me I
was wasting my time, but since Ron had lent me these old Manuel' I
thought I really ought to read them.

As I went through the first book 'Fancy Training for Your Gun Dog',
I was amazed. Why wasn't ANY of this information in those popular
books I found on Amazon?

I wasted no time. I started training Charlie the next day. Over the
next few weeks Charlie progress was amazing. He learnt how to:

* Walk to heel without a lead

* Sit and Stay

* Retrieve a dummy

This was Charlie. He was a rescue dog. You are meant to buy
certified dogs for several hundred dollars and train them from pups.
Ron and his Lost Manuels had to be shared with the masses.

Over the next 6 months 'Charlie' became a star. Other things Charlie
has learnt in that time are:

* Whistle training, he can stop on a six pence, and return in
seconds even if in thick undergrowth. Just with 2 toots on my whistle.

* Directional training with hand signals. He mastered this in
double quick time

* Charlie has learnt how to handle birds without even moving a
feather out of place.

* He can now follow a scent, without ever over running it.

* He can retrieve from further than any other dog I have seen.

* He can swim like he is an Olympic medal winner.

The only problem I have had with Charlie is jumping gates. We are
getting there now, but I have a feeling (He has some scaring on his
stomach, from before I had him) this was cased from him being asked,
or forced to jump Barb wire, before he was ready.


Imagine the difference these manuals will make in your dog.

Imagine your pride taking your dog on the shoot. Everyone is
pointing and asking you which parents he comes from. They look with
envy in their eye as you control your dog masterfully. Your dog
fetches every bird you shoot. There is no need to shout at him as he
seems to know what to do, and when to do it.

Our dog is not just our shooting companion, he makes us proud. I
know how I feel, when I have the best dog on the shoot. DO YOU WANT

If these Manuels can turn 'Charlie into 'The best dog on the shoot',
they can do the same for your dog. No problem. I will even let you try
out these manuals 100% risk free (you'll never get that deal from a
trainer or a bookstore).


To be able to train your dog properly, you have to understand how
his brain works. Take no notice of most of the rubbish you read in
modern books, and please do not watch the TV shows on at present. They
may work for some pet dogs (I doubt it though). But they will never
work for highly intelligent Gun Dogs.

Now the first thing you would do is read 'Training Gun Dogs for
Shooting and Field Trials'. Remember we are reading this so we can
understand the dogs mind. But DO NOT use all the training methods in
this book. This book is for mind control.

Next step is to read 'Fancy Training for Your Gun Dog.' Understand
it. Then start at the beginning and use it as a workbook. My PDF copy
has notes all over the place. The last step is to keep a diary. It not
only gives great motivation to keep going, it also shows us how far we
have come.

Now as I said earlier in this letter these training manuals where
hard to find. I found one in the UK and the other in New York. It also
took me nearly 12 months. As the Manuels were antiques. I did not want
to write in them. So my only option was to have them made into digital
copies. This way I could print as many out as I wished. Once I had
these great Manuels on my PC I started to give copies to friends and
shooting collages.

The friends who read them were amazed. The only reason they read the
Manuels was they had seen the progress Charlie had made. Once they had
finished they were as puzzled as me to why these techniques are not
taught in today's books and courses. I really don't know why we think
we know better. Once you get the chance to read these two great
Manuels, you will agree that sometimes, if not all the time the old
ways are the best ways.

These Manuels certainly helped me. They also helped some of my
friends, but how could they help other owners of gun dogs who were
struggling like I was. There is probably less than 100 of each
original Manuel left today...maybe even less.

Then I had a brainwave. I was sure others shooting fans and dog
lovers would love their own copies of these lost manuals. How could
they refuse this great information? I decided it would be selfish to
keep these manuals to myself and my close friends. I would therefore
make it available to the masses again. If I used my digital copies I
could distribute it to as many people who wanted to read them. I have
now made it possible for you to get your hands on both e-Manuels
delivered to you in PDF's, and for a limited time they will be
available for just $29.95


Whether you are a complete beginner or a expert trainer of Gun Dogs,
or any other type of dog. Please read the Manuels. These Manuel's
contain so much good information which has been lost for over a
generation. You and your dog desperately need a copy.



In 1954 this great book on first aid for your dog was written by
written by F. A Edgson M.R.C.V.S. and O. Gwynne-Jones. This is also
out of print. Even though in our opinion it's the best book ever
written on Dog health.

Ron told me this first aid book had saved him a fortune at the vets.
Apart from vaccinations he had only been to the vets 6 times in the
last 20 years. 'Richard' he said 'I can honestly say this one book has
saved me over

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