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[Abundance Healing (AudioTape](#Abundance))
[Chakra Cleansing (AudioTape)](#Cleansing)
[Loving Kindness (AudioTape)](#LovingKindness)
[Guided Past Life Regression (AudioTape)](#PLRegression)
[Mantra "Cheat Card" (with Instructions)](#Mantra)
[Rules of the House (eBook & Paper Book)](#MyRules)
[Holistic Healing Manual (eBook & Paper Book)](#MyManual)
[Secrets to Creating Good Luck (eBook & Paper Book)](#MyLuck)
[Key to Blissful Soulmates 1 77 Love (e & Paper Book)](#MyLov1)
[Key to Lasting Soulmates 2 77 Love (e & Paper Book)](#MyLov2)
[Kind Soulmates 3 77 Love (e & Paper Book)](#MyLov3)
[Trusting Soulmates 4 77 Love (e & Paper Book)](#MyLov4)
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[Past Life PROFILE!] (PF-001)
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Are YOU Being Harmed by YOUR Past Lives? This Past Life Profile can reliably indicate how deeply you are presently effected by your past lives. How you answer the questions posed in this Past Life Profile reveals whether or not your past lives are effecting you now in a healthy or a harmful way. To get the process started, get a copy of the Profile form instantly by Emailing [profile@healpastlives.com](mailto:profile@healpastlives.com). [](../plprform.htm)
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Do YOU Need an Answer to Life's Problems? Sometimes all you need is a quick answer to a very simple question. Using our Channeled Email Service, we can get you the answers that you need. Just enter your question on [our easy to use form](../emailord.htm) and let us know how much insight you want to receive about your situation. If you have any questions about how to use this service, please Email us at [ellen@healpastlives.com](mailto:ellen@healpastlives.com). [](../emailord.htm)
[ Channeled Phone Session!] (PS-001)
(Channeled Session - 60 minutes) [[Online Form]](../sessnord.htm)
Do YOU Need a Healing of Life's Problems? Sometimes you need... more. If you have a complex problem, then an hour session is for you! We can get you the answers that you need to your toughest problem. Just contact us through [our easy to use form](../sessnord.htm) and let us know what needs healing in your situation. If you need more information about our services, please Email us at [info@healpastlives.com](mailto:info@healpastlives.com). [](../sessnord.htm)
[Abundance Healing AudioTape] (AT-001)
(Two 15 min/One 30 min Meditation with Prosperity Toning) [[Exercise]](../future/exercise/exabundn.htm)
Be all that you can be! Free yourself from any attitudes of lack, scarcity, and "money as the root of all evil" deeply ingrained in you by the experiences of poverty and suffering in past lives. Our power vocal toning process helps you cleanse your chakras and open energetically to the universal Abundance Channel. Use it to claim your share of the abundance of health, wealth, and happiness that is your Divine birthright! [](../orderfrm.htm)
[Chakra Cleansing AudioTape] (AT-002)
(Four 15 min Meditations with Cleansing Toning) [[Exercise]](../pastlf/exercise/extrobsp.htm)
Break the self defeating, unconscious physical, emotional, and mental patterns stored in your energy chakras that are keeping you from enjoying your life right now! Our exclusive chakra cleansing modality can help you transform your life by clearing, healing, balancing, and aligning your chakras. Use it to open you more fully to the universal love energy which is just waiting to lead you to greater joy and fulfillment! [](../orderfrm.htm)
[Loving Kindness AudioTape] (AT-003)
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Open yourself to greater levels of love! Resolve any relationship problems by clearing the energetic space between you and your "difficult people": whether they are your romantic partner, family, friends, coworkers, or anyone. Use it to feel more pure, unconditional love for yourself and others. Includes a vocal toning to anchor yourself in divine love so you get the most out of this amazing life enhancing meditation! [](../orderfrm.htm)
[Guided Past Life Regression AudioTape] (AT-004)
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Journey through time with our fully guided past life regression! Use it to discover the past life sources of strengths and weakness, likes and dislikes, hopes and fears! Use it to uncover untapped skills and abilities, to gain insights about present day relationships and challenges, or to understand your darkest fears or your highest dreams! Includes a vocal toning to help you break up and break through old karmic patterns! [](../orderfrm.htm)
[Mantra "Cheat Card"] (PF-002)
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A perfect companion to all our audio tapes. This card contains all the power packed mantras which will speed up the holistic healing of your energy chakras and inner bodies! Also includes the most powerful mantras for connecting yourself to Divine Love, for opening yourself to the Abundance Channel, and for Clearing your Karma. Comes with instructions with the equivalent "English sounds" so you say the mantras correctly
[Rules of the House: Answers to Questions] (BK-001)
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Let the Timeless Wisdom of the Ancient Masters Be Yours TODAY! Get ANSWERS to Life's Toughest Questions! Find out... WHY ARE WE HERE? Why do "bad" things happen to us? What is the purpose of our lives? What happens to us when we die? Is this brief span of life all there is? What can I do to improve my life now? These are the ever popular "Rules of the House" that are featured on this website.[](../orderfrm.htm)
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At last, an easy to follow, comprehensive "Quick Reference" to the holistic healing of your energy chakras and inner bodies. A great companion to the "Chakra Cleansing Tape", it reveals the best healing crystals, aromatherapy, herbals, and vocal toning. Includes all the Exercises for Personal Growth, Spiritual Acceleration, and Past Life Healing & Integration that are featured on this website.[](../orderfrm.htm)
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Discover the Secrets of Creating All the Good Luck You Want... and Deserve! Learn how to get life to give you what you have always wanted! Receive what you want in half the time with half the effort! Never worry again about losing all that you have! Never fear again about having enough money in your life! Learn to create everything in life you desire... and more!! To get free good luck, email [getlucky@healpastlives.com](mailto:getlucky@healpastlives.com) [](../orderfrm.htm)
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Discover 77 Sizzling Secrets of Soulmate Love! Learn the truth about Soulmates! Find out how to attract your Soulmate! Once you are reunited, learn to nurture your mate to win their loyalty and keep your love passionate and vibrant! Discover how to pleasure your Soulmate to bring your love and your lovemaking to ever deeper levels! To get a free love tip, about "Exotic Kissing", click on the [Sample] link above. [](../orderfrm.htm)
[Key to Lasting Soulmate Relationships: Soul #2]
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Discover 77 More Secrets of Soulmate Love! Find out how to cherish and honor your Soulmate! Learn how to "keep it real" and "make it work". Find even more ways to nurture your mate to win their loyalty. Discover more ways to pleasure your Soulmate to bring your love and your lovemaking to ever deeper levels! To get a free love tip, about "Tantric Lovemaking", click on the [Sample] link above. [](../orderfrm.htm)
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Bring even more kindness into loving relationships! Keep your honeymoon alive... discover how to feel like newlyweds... even if you have been in a committed relationship for years! Love can become more exciting and passionate... Sex can become more intense and satisfying... if only you knew how to make it happen! To get a free love tip, about "Sexual Breathing", click on the [Sample] link above. [](../orderfrm.htm)
[Create Trusting Soulmate Relationships: Soul #4]
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Build unbreakable bonds of trust and love between you and your Soulmate... using ancient love technologies. Learn how to rebuild shattered trust... Discover the 110 things that will bring you and your partner closer together and the 3 essential trust exercises. Learn how to quickly surface and handle relationship problems. To get a free love tip, about "Top 10 Trust Killers", click on the [Sample] link above. [](../orderfrm.htm)
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