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Skeleton Star, Inc.

[About Us](#aboutus) | [Our Vision](#vs) | [Our Mission](#ms) | [Who We Are](#whoweare) | [What We Do](#whatwedo)


About Skeleton Star, Inc.

Skeleton Star is a Full Service Web Design and Internet Entrepreneurial Company serving the Internet since 1999.

We are a company consisting of multiple Entities (pseudo divisions) that are all focused on making Business to Business (B2B), and life, easy for individuals and businesses.

The purpose of this entity is to help Jump-Start your business by providing low-cost, far-reaching (global), easy-to-use advertising that gives you better exposure, and total control.

Some of our other entities that might interest you are:
Our [Business Practices](http://www.sound-business-practices.com) Website. Our [Vision Statements](http://www.vision-statements.com) Website. Our [Mission Statements](http://www.mission-statements.com) Website.
Our Business Model (abbreviated):

[]Vision Statement:

Total customer satisfaction.

[]Mission Statement:

Provide Skeleton Star, Inc. customers and stakeholders with products and services, and a level of service and support that exceeds customer expectations, and raises the industry benchmark for the quality of product, delivery, service, and support.

At Skeleton Star, Inc. "Perfectionist" IS a job description. Our values demand that we be dedicated to your success. AND... we understand the difference between sales and relationships, and would prefer a great relationship over a great sale. Through experience we know that good business relationships result in good business solutions, and good business solutions result in additional/ongoing relationships and business.

We relentlessly seek excellence in quality of product, delivery, service, and support, and in customer satisfaction... all that we do.

If you desire any assitance at our end, please contact us at our [support desk](http://skelstar.com/helpdesk), and we'll get back to you.

Who We Are:

We are a company, with multiple websites, whose tool and template products, and services, enable a small or medium-sized business (large businesses are welcome too) to manage the business and associated personnel in an effective, efficient, and professional manner. Our products and services, based on sound business practices, instill focus, discipline, and structure within the current organization, while enabling the move to the next level.

Our goal is to provide tools and templates that are field tested and proven, at discount prices. We do this by not having the overhead required by "[Who We're Not](#wwn)".

At Skeleton Star, Inc. we're in the business of making your business look good. By providing the components that enable your management team to manage thru sound business practices, the perception of your business through the eyes of your customers, business associates, and employees will be greatly enhanced.

We are a full-service company that consistently challenges the boundaries of our [mission statement](#ms). Our business has been built on quality, integrity, and customer-focused service. Our highly trained and experienced staff are continually educated in the latest business practice techniques and applications. Our sales and consulting staff will assist you in determining the most effective tools, templates, guidelines, and services to meet your specific needs.

Once our customer, count on Skeleton Star, Inc. to keep both your business running smooth and your image looking polished and professional, utilizing our complete customer service, technical support, and consulting services. To us, "full-service" means taking a 360

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