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From: Flarsen / Zchanic Thruel

Meditation in universe!

The music is channeled from my original force and created from my heart in pure love. The music melts away the bad energies from the schakraes and back to the origin. Everything has an energy system. You, your house and even Mother Earth herself has an energy system.
Cleaning out thought patterns

Patterns of thought and attitudes can be new, but usually they are old life patterns from previous lives or from childhood. Anyhow, it's patterns we no longer need. The cleansing helps you see who you really are and help you be greatful for your school of life, that you participate in. Most often, the music must be used daily over weeks or months. It depends on how many negative attitudes you got. Have you been here many times, from 120 lives or moore, you should use the music at least once a day over a period of a month.

Cleansing of houses

Energies that make you feel uncomfortable or spooked by living in the house, cleanes out. If energies are old and stuck, the cleansing must be repeated each day over a period of time.
Track 1: The exorsism (18 min.) Melts away and runs out negative energies.

Track 2: The origin (32 min.) Adds new universal energy from the origin.

Track 3: Anthem to the heart (3 min.) Energy of love is given to you and marks a new, fresh start.

Listen to:  
[Track 1](30.sec/utdrivelse30sec.mp3)
[Track 2](30.sec/Opprinnelsen 30sec.mp3)
[Track 3](30.sec/hymne to the heart 30sec.lo.mp3)
You pay $14 for 53min. meditation music Sincerely, Flarsen Zchanic Thruel
Contact: [mail@cosmic-advice.com](mailto:mail@cosmic-advice.com)

Publisher, www.cosmic-advice.com
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