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This manual teaches you the exact same methods used by millionaire copy writers for writing powerful sales letters and web copy the easy way.


With their inside knowledge, you can save years of toil and become a millionaire too.


You can use these skills and ideas to make yourself into a six-figure copywriter.


This will be an exciting journey, as you learn the top secrets of writing strong sales copy.


You can use this new found skill to sell lots and lots of products – or you can become a 6-figure copywriter and produce hot-selling sales letters for others.


Before I go any further let me assure you that writing a sales letter is easy – when you know how to do it.


You do NOT have to write an essay.


You do NOT have to be good at English, although it should be your first language ideally (if you are writing copy in English).


If you can tap out an email or write a letter to a friend or talk naturally then you will be able to easily write a powerful sales letter that will earn you ‘real’ money!


This manual explains exactly how the millionaires write their sales letters, and what they do to get the best results and the highest income from their efforts


– so you can do the same.


And most of the top-guns in this business did not have any training whatsoever in English or writing and they have learned these tips and tricks the hard way.

Let me give you an example…


Christian Godefroy, one of Europe’s most successful direct marketers, never used a P.S. on any of his letters for the first 5 years he was in business.


When he added a P.S. to an already profitable sales letter, the response increased by 30%!

He had lost 5 years of extra income!

But you don’t have to waste 5 years – you know right NOW, that adding a P.S. can increase sales by 30%.


This fact, this one tip, right here for free, is worth many times the value of this manual.


You can avoid missing easy money like this and avoid other expensive mistakes that the gurus made along their way to millionaire status.


In monetary terms…


For every £10,000 you earn from a sales letter, an increase of 30% is another £3,000!


Of course you need to know more than the power of adding a P.S. to enable you to write sales letters capable of earning you tens of thousands.


By reading this manual you will…


Discover these Cutting-Edge Secrets and More!

How to make 1,000% to 2,000% profit each day of the week

The time tested and proven formula that winning sales letters follow

22 things to do to your sales letter to increase the response every time

The power of self image

12 things that all people want, supply these and you can make a small fortune

The most powerful and profitable word you could ever use in your sales material

How to increase your sales by up to 1,000 % by doing one simple thing

How to make money NOW

A sure fire way to make your sales pitch 300 times more effective

How to break through your prospects’ skepticism!

How to easily write sales letters that bring in the big bucks

Know what you’re selling, who’s buying, why, and how to reach them

Great headlines and how they can make you rich

How to obtain business-building testimonials


This is what I truly believe…


Learning how to write powerful sales letters can make you more money than almost anything else in the entire world! AND you can do this from a laptop on the beach!


Does that sound too good to be true?


Well actually it’s not!!!


Learning the art of copywriting to create great sales copy has made many, many people millionaires - and I know it can make YOU a millionaire too!


When you learn to get it right - hitting the spot with your sales letters – knowing which buttons to push –your income will shoot through the roof.


Soon you could be making more money than you could spend.


Within a year, you could be earning thousands a month.


How does this sound.....


…..You have your own home-office, all kitted out with computer, printer, fax machine and all the latest technology.

You sink into your executive style leather chair at 10am, or maybe 11am while other people have already been at the office slogging away for ages. coffee in hand, you check your email.


You feel good....


…Your account is showing a healthy balance.

Two more commissions come through as you sit there - one for a series of five short articles, and one for some sales copy. All together this should net you a cool $1700 and take a few days work including research.

You stretch your legs and reflect on how great it is working from home and wonder why you hadn't made the move ages ago.

Sounds like a dream...


Well It Doesn't Need To Be A Dream - The Internet Can Become Your Marketplace, Payment Processing Centre And Research Tool Quicker Than You Can Say 'Sack Your Boss'


All you need is a laptop or PC and an internet connection and you can make the first steps to becoming a full-time copy writer or freelancer.


In pre-internet days, making a living as a writer was incredibly hard, but , with the HUGE demand for original content that now abounds the whole of the net, it's a good time - actually scratch that - it's the BEST time there's ever been to go full-time as a freelancer.


People pay top copywriters to teach them the art of writing sales letters.


They pay them thousands of pounds for their personal help, guidance, support and cutting-edge strategies and secrets.


But you won’t have to pay thousands of pounds...


Now you can get the same cutting-edge get rich secrets that have made the top writers millionaires.


There are over thirty years worth of the greatest tips, tricks, and powerful wealth-building strategies packed into this super powerful manual that is guaranteed to have the potential to make you rich.


Whether it is an internet sales page, or a copy for a direct mailshot, this manual will give you the know-how to become one of the best in the business.


Let these great wealth-building secrets become your wealth-building secrets.


Let each of these great ideas and methods become your road map to the riches I know you desire.


YOU can become a millionaire with these powerful tips, tricks, and cutting-edge strategies and secrets.


Let these powerful methods and strategies penetrate your mind...then use them!


You’ll see this really can make you rich. It’s NOT too good to be true. You really can do it. All the ideas you need to get started are between the covers of this manual.


You can get started using them today!


By the end of the manual you will be writing powerful sales letters – and if you aren’t you will have all of the knowledge you need to do so and won’t have an excuse!


There are people out there making fortunes using nothing but what you'll discover in this book.


So, what would it be worth to you to have this kind of a head start on the game?


Seriously. What would it be worth?


How long do you think it would take to find the parts of this that

you can find using search engines, and then putting them in the right order?


How much more money do you think you can make, and how much faster, by knowing these secrets advance?

And knowing the simple things you can do that will dramatically speed up your business growth?


Would it be worth ... $147 $97 $37?


Yep. That's right. You can get these Million Pound Copy Writing Secrets for a whopping $147 $37.




This is exactly what you need if you are serious about making money in this industry.


it's up to you. If there's something about making your living from home as a writer that grabs you....THEN




[click here to buy and download instantly](http://1.111cm.pay.clickbank.net/)


It's instantly downloadable no matter what time it is, you can be reading it in two minutes.


Start your lucrative writing career now.

Best wishes


Craig Marriott

Lifestyle Publications


PS: Remember - these are the proven strategies that have been used by hundreds of successful writers. There's nothing in here that hasn't been shown to work, time after time.


PPS: You will also get a free manual detailing the cutting edge techniques and secrets behind using tiny adverts to create a tremendous income.


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