Excerpt from product page

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Participation cost
Rehab Strategy is an addiction control model to which one participates for 12 weeks (90 days) at a cost of $1 per day for a one time payment of $89.00 USD. You can cancel anytime and ask for a refund on the un-used portion of your participation; for more on this, please refer to the Customer Agreement once you select a type of registration.

By clicking on the Buy Now button below, you will be redirected to our secure registration page. Upon successful registration you will be redirected to ClickBank for payment. Immediately upon payment confirmation, you will have access to the system with the credentials you chose on the registration page.
Addicts who want to help themselves
If you're ready for real change, we've got the tools to help you get there and stay there [more...](addicts.aspx)

$89.00 USD [Buy now!](selfRegister.aspx?t=0) Loved ones who want to help
Now you can take charge of your loved one's recovery and get the ball rolling for them [more...](lovedones.aspx)

$89.00 USD [Buy now!](selfRegister.aspx?t=1) Professional recovery enablers
Finally, you can be part of your client's recovery success outside of your office [more...](profEnablers.aspx)

$89.00 USD [Buy now!](selfRegister.aspx?t=2)

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