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Surviving A Teenager
Five Fundamental Challenges

Parenthood: this wonderful and magical time, when nine months of anticipation transforms into a bundle of joy that forever changes your world. For about the first twelve years after they are born, you maintain some level of control over them, and then they become a teenager and the paradigm shifts drastically. One minute they are cuddled in your arms sucking on a baby bottle, happy as can be, and the next they are gliding out the door with the family car keys in hand leaving you a nervous wreck for the evening ,watching the clock and wondering if you will survive getting them through their teenage years.

This book will help you develop goals and strategies that are essential to raising and guiding a teenager through all of the emotional and physical changes that life and growing up brings.

What Are The Five Fundamental Challenges?

1. Communication
and Expectations

2. Involvement
and Commitment

3. Understanding and Asking the 4 W's


4. The Rules of
the Road

5. Understanding


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Challenge 1: Communication and ExpectationsCommunication is the first challenge, and it can be the toughest for parents. Most teenagers hit a certain level in their development where Mom and Dad become an embarrassing nuisance that is only tolerated due to the need for food, clothing shelter and a ride (until they get their license). But the reality is that your teen needs (and secretly desires) your help, support and guidance.

Challenge 2: Communication and ExpectationsSo does your teenager come home from school every day, grab something to eat and go into their room to go on the computer or watch TV? Or are you working and you really have no idea what they are doing every afternoon when they are home from school?

Challenge 3: The 4 W'sTeenagers need established boundaries regarding where they go and when they need to be home each night. If you set down clear guidelines early on and explain your reasons, work with them, give them an opportunity for input and reward them when appropriate, it will be a much easier road.

Challenge 4: Rules of the RoadTeenagers and motor vehicles open up a whole new can or worms for parents. It starts about age 15 when an older friend gets a driver’s license, and it escalates dramatically from there as your child gets their permit and license to drive.

Challenge 5: Understanding Cyber-SpaceFor many parents the internet can be a huge black hole that is scary and not understood. The fact is though that the computer, the internet, social networking, 3G cellular and cloud computing are just the tip of the iceberg regarding the changes that our children (as well as ourselves) will experience with regards to communication and technology in the near future.


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Bill Sifflard

Bill is the father of three children 23, 21
and 18 and has spent almost thirty years coaching and directing youth and high school sports.

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Did You Know
The number 1 killer of teenagers is car crashes! Around 6,000 per year and another 400,000 drivers age 16 to 20 will be seriously injured.
You’re more likely to get in an accident at 16 than at any other age and 16-year-olds crash at a rate that's nearly one and a half times as high as 17-year-olds.

What you should know about teenagers and driving....is in the book!

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