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Why positive affirmations?
Positive affirmations are the easiest way to make positive changes in your life.
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Popular Positive Affirmations[Show more](
[]([]([Wealth is pouring into my life.](
[]([]([I am fit, healthy and attractive.](
[]([]([I will remain confident and unaffected by negative attitudes around me](
[]([]([I radiate love and happiness.](
[]([]([My possibilities are endless.](
Recently Added Affirmations
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[]([]([I forgive everyone from the past or present.](
[]([]([I forgive myself completely for all mistakes of the past or present.](
[]([]([I now easily create new and lasting friendships with the most wonderful and compatible people.](
[]([]([I am now enjoying a very loving, fulfilling, harmonious relationship with my true soulmate.](
[]([]([What you think about today is creating your tomorrow.](
Recently Updated Forum Threads
[Introduce yourself!2 hours, 51 minutes ago](
[Synchronize your watches for one another6 hours, 41 minutes ago](
[useful freebie things10 hours, 16 minutes ago](
[Exercise Motivation10 hours, 59 minutes ago](
[Let's Share Music That Makes Us Feel Good Things20 hours, 49 minutes ago](
[Star Signs21 hours, 21 minutes ago](
[Vision Boards21 hours, 48 minutes ago](
[Energy Seekers.23 hours, 23 minutes ago](
[Dream Journal1 day, 4 hours ago](
[!!IMPORTANT!! Australian Internet Censorship1 day, 5 hours ago](
Recently Added Articles
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[]([Do you know time?](
[]([What Do I Mean By Self Destruction?](
[]([16 Quotes About Positive Affirmations](
[]([Positive Affirmations For Wealth](
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