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Stop Smoking, My Love!
A Website dedicated to empowering those who would
Masseria Crotti 28010 Miasino (NO) Italy [gimmeawink@msn.com](mailto:gimmeawink@msn.com) ------
[](Shoppingcart.html) "My Love, Please Stop Smoking, speaks to
smokers in understanding and down to earth
language. For the many of millions of smokers
throughout the world who would like to quit
smoking but find it hard to do so, Mr.
Mueller's book will be a breath of fresh air."
Steven A. Schroeder MD
Distinguished Professor of Health and Health Care
Department of Medicine
Director, Smoking Cessation Leadership Center
University of California, San Francisco
To have a look inside this prize-winning book and read excerpts from it, please click [here.](Sampler.pdf) To order your copy, just
click the cover photo above, and select the format that best suits your needs!