FreePDFEdit - Simple and Effective way to edit your PDF forms!
I have been searching for a long time, a way to edit PDF files,
particularly in regards to inserting text and images into PDF Forms.
After a long, hard and tiring search, spending hours online and
browsing numerous articles, I have reached the following conclusion:
* In order to edit a PDF file, you needed softwares. They promises
that, among other things, you are able to edit PDF forms. The cost of
softwares varies - from a few hundred to perhaps near to thousands. If
you have the finance , you can well try them out.
* Another alternative I found is in the form of libraries -
programming function libraries. They can be free or otherwise.
However, programming experiences are definitely a must, so the
learning curve can be quite steep, among other factors to consider
(like whether the solution is workable or not).
I stumbled upon this solution accidentally, one day, when my wife
wanted to edit a pdf application form emailed to her. You see, we had
a printer, but as we seldom use it, the catridges have dried out long
ago. So, she suggested I edit the pdf file for her and emailed it back
to the sender.
As usual, I went online to find solutions for this task, and as
usual, really did not get any useful help.
Suddenly, a thought flashed across my mind, making me wonder: "Why
don't I try it? Maybe it will work."
So, out of curiosity, I tried the method, and to my surprise, it
worked very beautifully! In no time, I had completed the PDf form,
together with beautifully aligned text and pictures, and emailed the
form back to the sender.
The next day, the sender called my wife, and expressed her
amusement as to how she can manage to sent the PDF form back, nicely
filled in. She said that most of them who received this form will
normally just print it out and fill it in manually. She even asked her
how my wife did it.My wife did not tell her how - because she also did
not know how I did it!
After this incident, I can't help but start to think - if I have
the need to edit PDF forms, so must be the majority of the netizens
out there. And they, like me, will also be looking at the same
solutions I have faced after hours of fruitless search.
My solution is very simple, and effective. It does not require any
investment of softwares upfront. And it does not take you a long time
to learn how to do it. In fact, most of you will be able to do it
within an hour or less!
For such a good offer, it also comes at a good price - ONLY $9.90!
This is very cheap, compared to the amount that you will be paying,
and also the amount of time you need to invest(searching, learning,
You are guaranteed that other than the cost of this ebook, you _DO
NOT_ have to fork out another single cent in order to make this
solution work.
ClickBank offers a official return policy for any defective products
within 60 days from date of purchase.
SO, LOOK NO FURTHER! and start editing PDF forms like nobody's
(c) - Get A Life!, 2008