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Wholesaling       Houses


    So you've seen the TV shows and heard all the people talking about how they are making a fortune rehabbing/flipping/landlording houses.  They make it look so easy don't they.  But have you noticed that they have a pile of money for the fix up costs.  They have the credit and/or cash to get the house. They have a team of carpenters waiting to get to work on the house.

Ok, so what about the late night infomercials that promise you that you don't need money or credit and that you will certainly find your treasure and be retired in a month or two.  It has to be true.  They parade a dozen people in front of you living in the lap of luxury only working a few hours a week that became filthy rich after stumbling across a set of real estate dvd's almost by accident by the world's most renowned "guru" of real estate.  So it has to be true. Right?!!

Sure, there are a few percentage wise that have the knack for it and actually start earning a lot of cash in a modest amount of time.  But what about the rest of us?  What about those of us that are willing to sincerely work at it but haven't been able to make it "click"?  Those of us that have tried all the courses, read all the books and have put our blood, sweat and tears into trying to earn an honest living and getting a little ahead in life.

Many of the courses do one thing and they do it well.  They get you all pumped up about the money you are going to make.  They overpromise you everything.  Then they underdeliver leaving you wondering why you are a failure.  You start doubting yourself and then you can't understand why everyone else in the world is successful except you.  I know. I've been there so many times nearly to the point of tears.  I'm a fairly strong willed person but a person can only handle so much.  But through trial and error...and many failures, I have been able to learn some things along the way.

I suppose this is the part where I am supposes to hit you with a great sales pitch then tell you how much money you'll be making.  After that, I am supposed to let you know how great your life will be after you have so much money in the bank and the women are swarming around you wanting a piece of the "new you".  Oh yeah, don't forget the super fast car and mansion you will be living in.

Are you going to have all these things after reading my book?  I can't say because I don't know you.  Some will, some won't.  Just like anything in life.  Some win, some lose and rest of us are somewhere hovering around average.

I don't want to sound negative but I am realistic and I don't want to lie to you.  So here it is, plain and simple.  No big sales pitch and no big promises that you will be the next Bill Gates.

Are you ready? Buy my book. It's inexpensive (don't let the super low price fool you) so it's not going to break your bank account.  If it does, then you REALLY need to buy my book.  Second, read the book. It's an easy read.  A third grader can handle it.  Apply what you have read.  And, finally.  See for yourself that what I am teaching you works.  It is very duplicatable and layed out step by step.  I am relaying what I have learned to you.

Order Here - $19.95



Don't expect to be rich by tomorrow but you can generate a very nice substantial income in a short period of time.  And, it is easier than slaving away at a job trading hours for dollars.

P.S.- I wish you the best in all things you do!

P.P.S.- Check out this quote I heard...don't remember where but it's funny.  Here it is.- Don't let your personality be your disability!
[Contact: wholesalehouses@encountercash.com](mailto:wholesalehouses@encountercash.com)

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