Whether YOU want to just make a small amount of money in a few hours or get rich in a a few months: Everything you need to know is here.......
You can replace your day-job, make a small additional income, or get rich ....
This isn't some ridiculous unreachable dream that will never come true
This is about some very simple steps that anyone can do to create a website themselves that will generate substantial profits, and will then need just a couple of hours a week to run.
Have you got a couple of hours a week spare ?
Can you type, browse the Internet, and copy and paste?
Then you have all the attributes needed to make a
Substantial Income Online
Here's the steps you need to take.....
1 In an area that you have an interest in think of a "problem" that other people might share. Eg. You used to be overweight but found a way to lose that weight and keep it off.
2 Check online that there are other people out there who share this "problem". This is very much easier to do online compared to the "real" world.
3 Write an essay on how you managed to overcome this problem. Maybe even a short video.
4 Create a website that allows others with this "problem" to find you and see how you solved it. (At this stage it's OK to ask for some money for the solution!)
And that is it!
Do That and YOU Have the Key to Making Serious Money Online....
It really is that simple but everything you've probably read makes you think it's difficult, that you need to be a technical whiz, that you need some special writing skills, that you need to have some degree or other to design a website.
Total rubbish.....
What you do need is to understand all the steps involved and have every one of them explained in sufficient detail.
But who's going to tell you all this stuff, who's going to explain each step to you? Certainly not the "Internet Marketing Gurus" No, what they want is for you to keep buying their "clever" software, or their "Magic Formula" Ebook that will make you rich next week.
But you keep buying it!!
It's not their fault - they're just doing a good job. They analyze the market - see what people want - produce a product - then sell it to you.
Hold on....
Didn't I say just that half a page ago? Isn't that the "steps you need to take".
What I'm saying is, "Forget the stuff they want to sell you and that you've bought in the past. Do What THEY DO !"
That's the way to make money online.....
A couple of years ago I'd tried all the usual get rich quick and easy stuff and got nowhere. I'd read books and bought courses but they either missed the "dummies" bit out or only ever did the "dummies" bit. I could never get the full story. But I was convinced there must be a way.
I then got an invite to a seminar in Texas where 6 millionaire Internet Marketers were talking. I had to go in the hope they'd actually explain what it is they DO.
I wasn't disappointed. I got home and within a month had the first ever website to make me money up and running. It's still making me several thousand dollars a month!
Their "secrets" are really pretty simple and are pretty much what I've already explained above. There is NO MAGIC!
BUT, you do have to learn the trade, you do need to have a number of skills at your fingertips, you do need the full story.
Hi Matt,
Just had the course for 2 days now and a big "thankyou". I've wasted time and money on lots of courses and they all just want to sell you something else. Your course just seems to have everything I need to know. I'm really hopeful now I have it that I will make some money online.
I'll keep you posted and thanks for your help.
Denice Chicago
Imagine wanting to build a house, your dream house, and you want to really build it yourself. How many skills would you need? (I know the answer as I've done this)
Design & Drawing
Planning and Building Regulations
Brick laying
to name just a few.
Creating an Internet business is just about as diversified - but just as possible. (Me doing drains? It really happened!)
When I built that house I had to spend huge amounts of time and money on getting information. One of the biggest pitfalls was not knowing what I didn't know. The best book I bought was a $50 book that covered every aspect very quickly - but it gave me a framework to go out and get more information on the subjects I obviously needed to know more about.
Tell me where such a book exists on creating your own Internet Wealth Machine. There's books and courses on Google Adwords, on creating graphics, on marketing, on building a webpage. But they're all separate - they don't follow any cohesive structure.
Your Website Profits fills the gap.
It tells you exactly what to do every step of the way, from getting initial ideas and checking them out, choosing the right domain name and getting hosted, right through to creating an Email marketing campaign and optimizing your site.
It uses an Ebook but also hours and hours of video tutorial to walk you through.
It has a section where every step of creating Your-Website-Profits was recorded on video and explained so you can see for yourself a real-life example.
Then HOW will you achieve that?
By doing the 9 to 5 like you always have done? By getting a part-time job at the weekends?
The Internet represents by far the best, maybe the only, way for ordinary guys (and ladies of course!) like us to change our lives.
You don't need hardly any capital and the results can be seen in a matter of days, at worst weeks. You can test the market for free before you go ahead and be 90% certain that your hard work WILL pay-off.
Nothing else has such enormous benefits.
So why doesn't everyone do this.
Because most people don't believe.
Most people are just grateful to pick up their cheque each month and pay the bills and celebrate if there's anything left at the end of the month.
It requires a change of mindset to even contemplate being successful at something new.
But anyone can do it. You just need to believe in yourself, believe that even if what I have to offer to you doesn't get you there, you will find a way. And you won't stop until you have.
That is how you get success in anything.
1) Decide that you want it. Not just would like, or wish I could have, or "wouldn't it be nice if..." Really decide you are going to have it. It could be losing weight, stopping smoking, getting another job, making more money. You need to get serious.
2) Believe that you will have it. Not just "oh well, maybe one day..." but set it out as a plan.
3) Make a Plan. You don't have to plan every step from beginning to end but have a general path that will at the very least take you closer to your goal.
4) Take action. This supports your belief and demonstrates your faith in your yourself and your plan.
5) "See" yourself as already having achieved your goal - feel how it "feels" to be there, be happy about it. Do it everyday many times, daydream about it.
6) Be open to and aware of "opportunities" that present themselves. The Universe, life, whatever you call it, often helps you on your way but so often we miss it. We're charging down the path we have set and miss the signpost to the shortcut.
All this is laid out in much more detail as part of the course as I believe that it's essential to achieving anything.
What are the subjects you need to know to be able to create and enjoy profits from your own website?
Have an Idea, a subject that your website is about.
Find a "problem" that other people with an interest in the subject have
Design a solution to that problem
Buy a Domain Name
Host that Domain
Create a Website that will appeal to Search Engines
Create Graphics for the Website
Employ appropriate sales techniques
Design and create a Product
Take Payments
Collect prospects details
Use Email Marketing
Create an effective Adword campaign and test it
Employ other ways to increase sales
Keep it going and improve it...
Now of course each of these breaks down into other skills and knowledge requirements.
You can now see why most people who get the idea of starting their own website to make some money give up! It's such an expansive and diversified task with so many hurdles to get over, so many pitfalls, and it only takes one thing to be wrong and the whole project will fail.
This is why I created Your Website Profits.
I'm so excited Matt. I've just finished your course and have followed each step along the way. Yesterday I went live and got up today to find I've made my first sale!!
Thank you so much for all your help. I was a dummy now I feel like a "Guru". I'm so looking forward to the future now - unlike before.
Maria Chicago
There are hundreds of articles, courses, ebooks that cover each of the subjects you need to know. Many of them are genuine and accurate and will take you a step closer to having a Profitable Website.
But you'll need so many of them!
And along the way you're bound to get some that are misleading and just plain rubbish. But you won't know that until months later when you find that you got some part of your website project all wrong.
What Your Website Profits does is to put all the key ingredients together in one place in an easy to digest Ebook that takes you step by step through the whole process.
Not just the technical aspects, although of course they're covered in sufficient detail for you to understand them, but through all the associated areas such as sales psychology, checking out if your idea will work, developing a product, how to write good sales copy, and so on.
In fact every topic that I personally use everyday to generate a very nice income from the Internet.
Unlike almost every other product I've seen to "help" you this is not a gimmick, it's not some clever scheme to get you to sell my stuff, it's not some software that will magically do all the work for you.
It is down-to-Earth teaching material that will allow anyone, no matter what their technical ability, to prosper from the Internet.
There are no stones left unturned, no areas that "will be covered in a future product". This will get you from where you are now to having your own Website pouring money into your pocket.Just follow each step, do what the videos and Ebook show you to do, and within a few weeks you WILL be receiving an income. I GUARANTEE IT.
And I can do that because I KNOW IT WORKS. I DO IT EVERYDAY.
So what actually is the course?
It's an Ebook with the following major subjects:-
Getting Ideas
Finalising Your Ideas and getting started on the Web
Websites, Domains, Hosting and Uploading
The Sales Process
Getting started with Google
Google Adwords for Traffic
Processing Payments and Collecting Personal Details
EMail Marketing
Get MORE Traffic
Make it HAPPEN
There is a BONUS 6 hour video of the creation of THIS WEBSITE so you can see in real-life the steps I took to get here.
There is a 60 day money back guarantee.
ADDITIONALLY I will give you, for FREE, my Ebook " Success - The Mindset"
If you were to go and buy separate courses on each of the subjects covered, and somehow avoid buying the ones that are misleading or just rubbish, you'd have to spend several thousand dollars. I know because that's what I had to do to get started a couple of years ago. For instance I spent money on....
The Super Affiliate Handbook $200
Mini Site Creator $450
How to Make $1000 a Day $150
The Money Switch $99
The Golden Backdoor $195
Adwords Miracles $350
List Profits $200
30 Days to $10k $750
Income for Life $450
Product Control System $195
PLUS 2 Seminars that cost a total of $4500!
That's a total of over $7,500
But as I now make twice that a month I really can't, and am not, complaining. It is annoying that I wasted so much time however, money can easily be recovered, time can't.
But you can jump start the whole process, save a huge amount of money and more importantly, time with Your Website Profits.
The individual sections will soon be available to buy on their own at the following prices:-
Getting Ideas $99 Finalising Your Ideas and getting started on the Web $125 Websites, Domains, Hosting and Uploading $195 The Sales Process $125 Getting started with Google $110 Google Adwords for Traffic $195 Processing Payments and Collecting Personal Details $125 EMail Marketing $125 Get MORE Traffic $110 Make it HAPPEN $99 PLUS Unlimited* Individual Support at $100 per hour
In all that's $1195
It is unrealistic that anyone who follows this course will be unable to substantially increase their income - why? Because it works. Because it's simple and is exactly the same way the Internet Millionaires make their living.
However, let me be scrupulously honest, and tell you that this is a very new product (as you'll see from the video diary of it's creation), and therefore I need your help.
I'd like you to give me feedback so I can improve Your Website Profits in the coming months.
On the basis that you will do that I am willing to price this at $67.
That's less than a tenth the total cost of each individual section, it's less than a twentieth of what I had to spend to get the knowledge and skills a couple of years ago.
Tell me that's not a fantastic bargain.....
So go ahead, change you life, achieve your dreams, dare to believe..
[Click HERE to Purchase ](http://1.arb1234.pay.clickbank.net)
Defeat is not the worst of failures - Not to have tried is the real failure. Edward Woodbury
By purchasing you agree to the terms and conditions set out below
Terms and Conditions of Purchase
The material contained in the Ebook and Videos is the property of Matt Sharp and hs associates. It may not be shared by any means with anyone else, nor published in whole or part anywhere without express permission. The publisher accepts no liability for costs incurred as a result of the material within the course nor for the eventual success or failure of any websites produced.
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