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What Can I Do When I am Offered a Drink?




Enjoy your life – with or without alcohol!
(Overcome problem drinking quickly and easily!)

Increase your self-esteem
Enjoy your social life even more
Feel healthier and more energetic than ever

From: Rahul Nag
London, England


Dear Friend,

My name is Rahul Nag. A few years ago, I found myself in a situation which I think you might be familiar with.
I was drinking a lot but not an alcoholic. I had
many issues causing me problems such as low self-esteem, I had job
worries, I had been made redundant and was now adjusting to the uncertainties
of freelance work. Plus there was a lot of change in my life.
So, I would drink a lot in my spare time. This was only with friends
and I was never a huge drinker but I was starting to notice that I
couldn't relax without alcohol and that it was impossible to enjoy myself or certainly go out without drinking I needed to
drink to relax. And
honestly, I felt like I did relax when I drank.



Dare Magazine takes the Alcohol Free Social Life Challenge!

Check out why  Helen Foster of the UK’s Dare Magazine calls me her ‘guru’ when it comes to cutting down on drinking and alcohol!
Read The Full Article Here!



So, what was the problem? The problem was the negative impact the drinking was having on me.
The worst thing was completely wasting the next day recovering. the feelings of losing control over my life and also the general
emotions of numbness and lack of hope - that nothing could change.



My main issues were:



I could not work out my limits – I
could never say one was enough or know how much I would be fine with when I was drinking
I would ‘lose’ a lot of the next day
I had a feeling there has to be more to life than
wasting a day and laughing with everyone “my head hurts – what a hangover etc"
Thinking that some of the antics and what I was doing was a waste of time and
felt like desperation but most importantly



THAT THERE WAS NO WAY OUT!I did not believe nor understand I had a real
problem. This probably had nothing to do with alcohol itself but was due to my own
poor self-esteem, self-image and thoughts about what I could or could not do!


What About You?
What are your problems with alcohol?

Are you finding:

You need alcohol to relax and get over stress and tension?
That you binge drink?
You feel the need to drink and get drunk because your friends and social circle drinks?
Relationship and work related issues are causing you to drink?
That you can see no other way out?

Now, your situation may not be as serious as this and you may want to continue to enjoy drinking

You may have issues like I did with your self-esteem, a lack of
self-confidence or it could be specific problems with work, your career, parents and
family or even loneliness and a lack of connection with people. Whatever the cause, you need to do one thing:




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