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Vol 1 Issue 2007 "Angels or Aliens? Are the 'new energies' taking you straight back onto the Wheel of Rebirth?  

[ ](http://www.greenessene.com/earthspell.htm)   Why would keeping your sickness and karma be infinitely better than using the 'new energies'?


The world is not concerned that you have full access to all the info on 'manifesting' and other 'secrets' because they are not secrets at all!

It is the additional data that explained the fuller picture of why Earth is now receiving all these 'new energies, healing methods, and angelic communication that is the real Secret.  And the world does NOT want you to know what we can tell you.

The previously hidden information introduced

here will begin to reveal why you are trapped on the Wheel of Rebirth, and why people keep re-attuning themselves and the entire planet back onto the Wheel.

Ancient Records, lost for millennia, tell us that you have until 2012 to 'mark' your soul/biology for Ascension
instead of 'marking' yourself into a 'Fall'
.  Most of the planet will be asleep to this, some are totally in the know and monitoring the situation, and the rest of up to 99.5% - which includes all those into the 'new age' and spiritualism as well as fundamentalists - will have made the same mistake all previous civilizations have made when they came to the end point of the 'Iron Age' just prior to the next 'Golden Age'.

How do you really know if you have chosen correctly?   The Greatest of all Secrets is not how to manipulate the Laws of Manifestation, but

How to Escape the Wheel of Rebirth



* Are you on cosmic overload

from endless 'spiritual material' taking you nowhere?

       * Do you want to find the way to safely clear karma?

       * Do you have an interest in youthfulness and healthful conscious living?

       * Do you yearn to Heal your Life, and find Happiness in Love?

       * Has 'spirituality' become no more than a tool for "manifesting all you desire" to you?

       * What is the Wheel of Rebirth and why are you still trapped on it?

       * Are you unknowingly attuning yourself back into the 'Wheel of Rebirth'?

      * If you could begin to see a 'bigger picture' that clearly revealed

how & why you may be reattuning to the Wheel of Rebirth

...........would you rather know about it, or not know about it?


*This website is best viewed on Internet Explorer.

You already know that living consciously, healing and clearing karma, practicing meditation, yoga, diet and living with an awakened heart, isn't it enough to escape the Wheel, but why isn't it?

The following article was released in 2007 to present new revelations now found in ancient texts.


              How the 'Spider's Web' is Embedded within our Space-Time.

It has been said that the year 2012 heralds the beginning of a 'new age' when our world will move out of millennia of 'darkness' and once again live in peace and love.  It is a time referred to as a 'golden age' lasting many thousands of years.  However, ancient records give us more information on this otherwise desirable goal, telling us that despite experiencing previous such 'golden ages' we on this planet have nevertheless still remained trapped on a kind of galactic 'wheel'.  This 'wheel' refers to a journey through this galaxy, which always repeats cycles of 'ages', gradually changing from 'golden' to 'iron' and always leaving humans eventually struggling with the problems of accrued 'karma'.  In the Christian Bible the eastern word 'karma' was written as 'debt'.

Despite wonderful experiences available for healing, meditative states of restful alertness, alpha or theta brain patterns, living within a consciousness of spirituality, and implementing all the hundreds of teachings that could


take our world into enlightened and harmonious living, they are all ultimately nothing more than a 'bandaid' if you are still trapped on the 'Wheel of Rebirth'.  For if you remain trapped on the 'Wheel' then you are never FREE...........

An ancient knowledge passed onward through time, reveals the mysteries of why this planet has remained trapped on the Wheel of Rebirth and why the knowledge of a forgotten history and science, is intimately tied in with the understanding of Spirituality and Soul Freedom.

Surprisingly, not every spiritual or peaceful, balanced practice, recognizes the existence of the Soul, and some practices even strive to eliminate this level of self.  Yet according to ancient teachings,  it is the Soul that becomes the forever existing conscious awareness of 'you' once you cross the 'void'.  The previously missing ancient and hidden works teach that only the very few know how to cross the real Void.  They also suggest that the Void, far from being a 'gentle womb' from which chaos becomes order, is more correctly a dark, wasteland of nothingness where no light can penetrate, caused when Earth was ripped from its alignment within the fabric of space-time by an ancient highly advanced civilization who still live amongst us today as the 'world management team' behind our so called 'democratically elected' governments.

A Void where 'no light can penetrate'?  Then how do you know where to go to correctly cross something where Light is not the guiding point of reference? 
There are so many questions that still go unanswered about what was done to Earth in the long distant path, and why it altered what we consider to be the 'spiritual realms' of 'life after death and so on, along with the original intended spiritual destiny of the Soul.   Recently accessed information  has presented techniques which when practiced, can restore certain abilities belonging to the missing 90+% of the brain, while equally avoiding the mistakes of current  approaches to 'brain hemisphere integration'.  Being aware of this subtle but vast difference and practicing accordingly, enables the ability to understand a greater truth and even more secret and hidden knowledge.  Some of this knowledge relates to accessing a 'soul' that exists beyond the void, and also for preparing oneself

for 'portal travel' in order to 'escape' the 'Wheel of Rebirth'. 

Ancient texts saw a 'Divine Blueprint' as the fabric of reality, and the design was called the 'Garden'.  'Portal Travel' referred to lost keys needed for re-accessing the 'Gates' which for millennia have denied us access back into the original Garden of Eden.  Mystic poets such as Rumi and Kabir, teach of the 'Garden' in their beautiful verses, but this was also a disguised method of teaching ancient knowledge in a way that would not attract the attention of those who even today, still manage the destiny of this planet.  In earlier times, others who once taught this ancient science, flourished then disappeared from what became our altered historic records.  These include a mysterious group who once lived in Egypt and Ancient Palestine known as Essenes.

Who were the Essenes - the gentle healers from Ancient Palestine at the time of Jesus - and why were all their records 'lost'?  This lineage of astro-spiritual-scientists, like their Celtic cousins, were descended from  the 'Children of the Original One' before the misuse of technology in Atlantis altered reality - and caused a rip in the fabric of space-time.. 

It is well known that t
hey taught of 'Living Foods' and that they were an incredibly youthful, healthy and happy people.  What isn't known is that they also taught

that in the ancient past, our planet became a 'closed system' separated from the original 'sea of energy' or unified field.  Are these texts telling us that we now  exist in an altered 'sea' or unified field?  An altered Matrix, altered 'quantum realm', and an altered reality system?  Is it possible that such an altered reality could be created?  Ancient records tell us yes it is. 

[reprinted with permission from [ Soul-Search Org.](http://www.greenessene.com)[]](http://www.greenessene.com) 



"I am blown away by what I've read so far....."
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              A.W.  New. Zealand.



Is your Soul on an Ascending or Descending Path?

Ancient texts reveal previously missing data from a pre-Flood Atlantis, whose civilization altered the realms of Spirit.

If you are attuning into the next 'golden age', or the changing energies of our current solar alignment, then both these could be a downward, finite path.

[ ](http://www.greenessene.com)


 "This was something my soul was long time looking for to discover.

These are PRECISE guidelines nobody gave me ever before! It all matches perfectly, and when I started reading it, it was like being poured with pure untouched consciousness directly from the Source.

 Thank you."   S. N. - Greece

[ ](http://www.greenessene.com/earthspell.htm) It is with considerable interest that we are finally able to bring you this breakthrough
, that if it is what it appears to be, is absolutely vital for you and this planet to know.  At last, an ancient source detailing a knowledge of a pre-flood astro-spiritual science known to our ancient ancestors, gives actual background data and facts behind a very real problem with this planet and its realms, which the ancient texts tell us is now an 'illusion'.  For this reason we can now present a work based on an unfolding story that will bring long searched for enlightenment to those who follow it through, along with the option for 'liberation from the 'Wheel of the Ages'.  Because of what is revealed, it requires both the theory and the spiritual practices of this ancient path,  so these have been included by Jhahan - a contemporary pilgrim and 'mystic' in the tradition of Kabir. 

Jhahan was surprised to find she was the last female of a Celtic lineage,  which held knowledge of the times before the 'misuse of technology in the days of Atlantis'.  The information that was passed onward to her, now concurs with other major spiritual and scientific research.

he spiritual side of that knowledge was an ancient practice specific to inwardly correcting the damaging alterations that had happened in 'Atlantis', a practice also taught in the Himalaya called 'Soul Freedom' [from the 'Wheel']. 


"With your lovely smile and selfless Heart,

You showed me the Way, and were the example by which I lived my life.

It was an honor and a privilege to have loved you,

For it was you who was the Teacher all along!

You stood alone and told a lost Truth in the face of endless  ignorance,

and I promise I will carry forward  that message.

I am so proud of you".  Jhahan


When absolute loveliness, dignity, gentleness and grace exist within this world, it should be remembered, even if just to remind us that such beauty can still survive even in the world as it is today. 

The grace and courage to be 'true to self', was the nature and example of my precious Teacher, and to have seen and known this in someone so exquisitely gentle and beautiful, leaves me humbled.  Why is it so hard for us to stand up for what is good and honorable about ourselves and to choose to live in Loveliness?  To proclaim one's Love of Source and to make a choice to live for all that is 'good', brings a freedom almost like 'coming out of the closet'!  Or else one stands aside, left with the nagging thought, 'Why didn't I have the courage to do this?'


  Path of Soul Freedom is one of absolute Love, Integrity, Gentleness, and Loveliness, yet full of Intrigue, Mystery and Secrets. It is wise and aware, dignified and gracious.  It embodies the sweetest of innocence and beauty, within the full awareness of all knowing of all experiences.  It has seen and known all and everything that this world has to offer. It is the greatest healer, it understands your relationships, depression, negative life patterns, and it will safely remove all your karma. Most of all, it gives you the opportunity to achieve FREEDOM from the Wheel and discover the  final missing answers to life's greatest of  mysteries,  details of which have been lost to this planet for millennia.  Yet it is something that  is not taught through orthodox or fundamentalist religions, or the 'new age' movement and cannot be accessed via mediums or psychics, because there is yet another secret that exists here too.


Earth and its realms, exist under what the ancients described as a 'false reality'.   Many are very sure that 'spirituality' is mastered because people can and do see and communicate with the realms of spirit, but what if the 'realms of spirit' are altered from what they were once supposed to be? Why are we going to these altered realms after death and before birth?  If our world now exists in a 'false reality' then clearly more questions should be asked  and better quality answers are needed.  But the more you are presented with 'the next piece to the puzzle', the more there are anomalies and continual  dead-ends to what should be revelationary investigations. 

'A 'new spirituality' has began to flourish in our present times with a surprising ease of information available for something that had apparently escaped the attention of all previous civilizations of this planet before now.  Are we somehow different?  Didn't these same off planet and 'spiritual'  sources come forward and communicate even for a brief instant in the many previous times of the approaching 'new golden age'? Yet still we remained on the Wheel. Why are we different? 

Enigmatic 'dead-ends' should continue to nag away at your intuition.  Both logic and intuition indicate that we have to be experiencing the same misinformation that has continued to keep us all trapped on the 'Wheel' before.  But what was the mistake?


Spider's Web - Fabric of Space-Time - Camelot - the Pre-Dynastic Egypt and the World of Ancient Khemit - Star Aligned 'Gate Systems' - the Divine Blueprint - Laws of Karma/Debt  - Tree of Eternal Life  - Garden of Eden - Pleiades - Soul Freedom and more


The Wheel of Rebirth, aka 'Spider's Web' is the domain of the intellectually superior but heartless intelligence of what some have called 'Illuminati', known as the 'world management and world spiritual management team' or described by David Icke as 'reptilians'.   Where do they come from, and what is the energetic difference in this solar system at this time,  that enables them to reprogram humanity back into the 'Wheel'?

Soul Freedom from the Wheel of Rebirth seems to have taken a back seat yet is the spiritual gift of a direct lineage of an ancient sacred teaching source that claims to stretch back hundreds of thousands of years.
Long ago in a very distant past, good people created records on certain events that were caused to happen to this planet, at the time the problem occurred.  This

required producing calendars that would pass on information to future generations.  Some of this information exists in the mysteries of the Mayan calendar, but the 'shifts' expected for 2012 can only happen after certain conditions, now monitored by NASA, space weather stations, and bases located at both the Arctic and Antarctic poles, have in some way cleared the planet. This means that certain conditions in this solar system are knowingly being monitored by governments. Why?  Because conditions in this solar system are changing dramatically and have been for quite a few decades. What is the secret that could be happening in our solar system right now, that over  90% of the planet remain completely unaware of?  Why are we being told it is caused by 'greenhouse gases', and why are they letting a much more lethal connection to

unusually high solar magnetic activity continue

without letting us know ?


Once you understand how a 'living system' comes into existence, then you can also begin to understand what the 'new energies' are really attuning to.


Earth is traveling into a new direction and it is certain it will go through the usual process that introduces the 'clean slate' of another new age, and 'new Earth'.   Our source of ancient and missing knowledge also agrees that all is of God, and God/Source is not 'duality'.  It also concurs that under the current altered structure of this Illusion-reality, we have the phenomena of Reincarnation, karma etc which gives the appearance of 'returning' and ongoing life/existence'.  However, whether created aspects of God/Source ultimately remain as conscious beings which continue to be reborn, or in fact become dissolved particles of God/Source, no longer with conscious awareness of self existence - even "as God" -  is another matter entirely.  And, bad as our current world looks, and the desirability of a ''golden age" seems,  ancient texts tell us a very, very different story. If you do not know and understand the mechanics of how a 'living system' comes into existence, then you will find it difficult to understand the nature and error of the energies many are currently biologically and spiritually aligning into.

Our changing weather pattern is one indication that there are now significant energy differences interacting with this planet's outer spheres [ionosphere, magnetosphere etc]. The unusual solar flare build up has been constantly featured in our Newsletter since its inception. It has also been a subject recently brought up in the Australian Parliament. 
Fortunately  high profile TV personalities like Cameron on Australia's Channel 9 'Today' morning show, has also now introduced the awareness into the public arena that it is 'solar flare activity' which is the real cause for global warming, and hopefully other legitimate reporters will now follow that up.

The people of an ancient world seemed to 'worship' the sun, but in reality they knew more than we do today, because our planet's physical relationship to the sun and the solar weather environment is intimately connected to our existence and an anticipated global event that apparently always precedes any introduction of a 'new earth'.  This is well known and suits those who manage our reality.

But why let them succeed this time?


Starting at 2012, and between the Ages of Aquarius and before the 'birth of the new cosmic Christ' in Capricorn there is a planet wide 'memory wipe', the precursor of which secret military bases located at the poles are now monitoring. 

You need to find out where you stand with this.


It is not possible to see the real picture until one can see a significantly bigger picture than what is currently available to the senses, to science and to the psychic senses. Humans have access even at best, to less than 10% of the brain, and this, even at best, cannot give access to the 'greater picture'. This is why the ancients taught how to access the connection that lies across the void of the rip in space-time. 

On the spiritual front, the ancient and deliberately hidden texts have commented on an error of perception that occurs during this point in Earth's journey through the 26,000 year 'Great Age', when Earth also significantly changes position. Although the unusual events of the increasingly closer association with the unprecedented 'solar flare' activity of our sun, together with other fascinating energy changes that seem to be bringing us closer to more spiritualized energy realms,

'other worlds' and other beings

, and re-awakening psychic abilities, few have questioned the nature of the changes that is bringing these 'new' worlds and beings into our reality.

As this 'Groundhog Day' has happened many, many times before, the ancient texts tell us t
he 99.5% of the planet who have actively attuned into these 'new' energies and increased electromagnetic interactions of the  'new direction' along with those who were too far asleep to even know anything was going on, and those who run the show on Earth, will be 'marked' to return when the Earth 'renews'.   Most of this 'Plan of the Ages' succeeds because of lack of information, lack of access to a significantly larger picture which most are currently disabled from being able to comprehend, and  the  clever use of the age old 'spiritech' tools [spiritual technology] of a previous 'master race'.  But those who woke up in time, have the opportunity now to 'mark' themselves to escape this destiny.  This is why we truly wish to reach you with this information right now, even just  enough to peak your curiosity to check it out. We make the promise clearly that we are here to give you this previously missing information then you can make a conscious decision on this for yourself, so that if this once hidden bigger picture is right, you too will be able to wake up in time and escape the Dream.  We also promise you, that no-one wakes up from the Dream and escapes, even in the realms of spirit,  without knowing this. 

Not now nor a billion years into the future. 

There is a question we all need to look at.  If there is even a remote possibility that there may be a greater picture to the apparent emerging 'new spirituality' that should be questioned, and you choose to ignore that possibility,  ask yourself if your ego is more important than unknowingly taking the entire planet back onto the Wheel of Rebirth?

There exists highly detailed information that is far more absorbing and in-depth than anything we can touch upon here and we urge you to click on the links below and follow it up.   It is an extremely high level of teaching that may also explain why some people have prematurely died with their 'advanced' Merkaba trainings and why others experience such Depression and apparently endless 'karmic clearing', not to mention the ever ongoing 'next piece to the puzzle'.
It is believed that this previously missing data is the teaching that was once taught by the historic Jesus - a teaching that was well and truly silenced and caused to be deliberately misidentified with another Jesus and his wife Mary Magdalene.  Film Director James Cameron has recently made a documentary on the discovery of ancient 'Bone Boxes' in Jerusalem where these specific identities were found, along with the other family members of Mary, Joseph, and brothers Judas and James,  during excavation work in the early 1980's. The tomb was immediately closed down because it raises problems both for organized Christianity and those who want you to get excited about a 'Royal Lineage'. 
The missing scrolls were never part of a religion, but were more correctly part of the secret sciences once taught by the Essenes. 

Today the Essenes are mostly known for teaching a very unusual high enzyme approach to diet and nutrition, one that is said to have extended their longevity, aided healing  and helped keep its followers youthful, glowing and full of energy.  They are said to have been
and many are said to have had very rare violet or violet-blue eyes.   Their lifespan was claimed to be 120 years and their later years were still productive, energetic and happy.  In fact, when the existence of the Essenes was rediscovered in recent times, most of their first missing texts were on this eco-friendly, conscious living approach to healthy organic living and maintaining vibrant well being.

Yet the existence of the Essenes was all but deleted from history and their records and sciences hidden or destroyed.  Was it really their nutrition and lifestyle secrets that were so dangerous?  We think not! 


Find out what the Secret really was.

DOWNLOAD 'Override Mission' now

click on the link below. 

Introductory price $47.00 USD

 [](http://www.clickbank.net/sell.cgi?earthspell/2/Earthspell_Override_Mission)  < click h[ere](http://www.clickbank.net/sell.cgi?earthspell/2/Earthspell_Override_Mission)



the Keys to understand and escape the Wheel of Rebirth

ver 220 pages of detailed information is available for you to DOWNLOAD HERE. The knowledge as it unfolded, tells of something that was literally done to the Earth by a past great civilization who had built Pyramids.  Some call this civilization 'Atlantis'. The error of this misuse of the sophisticated technology used in that ancient time was noted, but the crime of those who did this, was not to admit the mistake, but instead to carry on with a terrible lie. They continue to this day, overseeing and controlling the way we vote, shop, pursue recreational substances

and activities

, engage in romantic relationships, and the way we perceive spirituality, beliefs or religion. From this original abomination, the very first techniques and 'spiritual practices' became necessary, to restore the lost spiritual status, and an education program was implemented to assist those in what was anticipated to become a future mentally warped world, to again recognize how to escape the 'Wheel'.

Many of the missing records show a highly detailed, never before recognised, scientific model of the universe and its complementary microcosmic counterpart as human anatomy. The material available for downloading here, [see below] explains what this means, introduces 'Merkaba', and covers the Galactic Structure in which any reality system exists. When you know the fuller story, you then have an opportunity  for spiritual discernment which you would not know or even guess existed without knowledge of the bigger picture.



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FREE e-mail Counseling is also available


[ ](http://www.greenessene.com/earthspell.htm)




12,000 years ago and more, Earth was placed under a Spell,

an Illusion, a Dream -  but a Dream we never truly awaken from unless we know why......


"This was something my soul was long time looking for to discover. These are PRECISE guidelines nobody gave me ever before! It all matches perfectly, and when I started reading it, it was like being poured with pure untouched consciousness directly from the Source. Thank you."   S. N. - Greece


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