Excerpt from product page


Dear Internet Friends,

I have closed this program for a short period of time. I have been working on a very special program that is going to truly give those of you who have missed out on easy Adsense profits a boost of energy and excitement.

I really cannot go into details. I've had to keep this a huge secret and once it is released everyone who has been waiting for it, will totally understand.

All I can say for now is to be patience and don't worry. If you are on a newsletter list that has anything to do with making money online, you will know about this when it is released. If you are worried you'll miss out, you can always email me personally, and I will place you on my personal list. chrisi (at) ezvideobuddy.com

I am 97% sure this will be released by March 2007 if not sooner. :D

Until then, take care...

Chrisi Darrington


[ ](http://adsensebeginners.com/be.htm)


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