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How long before you start your dream job?

The Employment Coach is here to help you take the next step in your career. We have some EMPLOYMENT SECRETS to share with you. We can teach you to find unadvertised jobs, interview better and easier, and even break into management. Whatever your next step is, we can help you do it better, probably with less stress and probably sooner.

No job lists here! We all know that the best jobs are seldom, if ever, advertised anywhere, so you will never see a job list here. We are dedicated to 100% unadvertised jobs; no hype.

Jobs are advertised for only 4 reasons:
. . The employer is lousy and can't retain employees at any level. Advertises constantly.
. . The employer is mostly good, but has a few lousy positions with high turnover. Advertises frequently.
. . The employer is required by law to advertise, even if they who will get the job. Advertises occasionally.
. . New manager that doesn't know they don't have to advertise. Inundated with applicants and probably will never advertise again. Advertises once.

If you want a good job, find an unadvertised job. Here's how:

There are two skill sets you will use to take your next step: the technical skills needed to perform the duties of that job; and the job search skills needed to obtain the opportunity. We can help you dramatically improve your job search skills so you will be able to find unadvertised jobs near you, make a competent first contact and impression, interview much better, get more and better job offers (even your first management job), and negotiate better.

Hi, I'm Paul Lane, The Employment Coach. I have helped thousands of my friends, clients, and family members obtain better jobs. In fact, I've never had a client who was willing to learn my methods who did not get the job they were after. Some have started their management careers by following my processes. If you want more information on who I am, check out my biographical information. [Info on Coach Paul](about.html)

I can help improve the odds that you will get your dream job, even your first management job.

Here's a question for you:
How well do you work?; How well do you interview?

If you work better than you interview, you need to improve your interviewing skills, and probably other job search skills. If you expect to start your career change, get your dream job, or break into management, your job search skills need to be equal to your employment skills.

Select one of the following topics to start:
[Employment Secrets](es_promo.html) Learn what really motivates an employer to hire who they hire, how to find unadvertised job openings in the hidden job market, sales techniques for job search, and how to deal with prejudice in your job search.

[Unadvertised Jobs](es_promo.html) Learn how to find unadvertised job openings in the hidden job market, what really motivates an employer to hire who they hire, sales techniques for job search, and how to deal with prejudice in your job search.

[Finding Job Openings](prospecting.html) Prospecting is finding job openings, and ESPECIALLY unadvertised openings. Since 4 out of 5 job openings are never advertised, and the best job openings are almost NEVER ADVERTISED,it if very important to learn how to find them. Management jobs in small companies are almost never advertised. The hidden job market is aptly named because hidden jobs can be hard to find, unless you know how.Unadvertised jobs are better jobs..

[Looking for Jobs the Hard Way](lookingforjobsthehardway.html) Or, Why Unadvertised Jobs are Better Jobs Take a look at the numbers and you will agree that unadvertised jobs are easier to obtain than advertised jobs.

[How Job Openings Develop](howjobopeningsdevelop.html) An examination of the four stages of a job opening. You will discover WHY advertised job openings are the bottom of the rung in job quality.

[First Contact](fcontact.html) Your first contact sets the mood for the employer. This is the most over-looked step in the job search process and one of the most important! One time it only took me two words and six seconds for first contact to create the hiring decision! You've got to learn this skill.

[Interviewing](interview.html) Although there is much information on developing interview skills, most people still need to improve them significantly. There is no perfect answer for any question that works for everybody: don't fall for that. We can help you develop answers to the questions you struggle with most, and customize them for YOU! Interviewing will no longer be as stressful for you if you learn the secrets.

[Negotiating](negotiating.html) Few job applicants even attempt to negotiate any features of their new job. Not only is it possible, but negotiations can benefit the employer too. Learn how negotiate a win/win employment agreement.

[Keeping Your New Job](keeping.html) Some of my clients previously had a hard time keeping a job; now they know what employers look for in a good employee. Learn how to keep a job.

[Promotions](climbing.html) Once you have the new job, how do you set yourself up for your next promotion? How to break into management.

[Break into Management](fmanagement.html) Many good workers are wanting to move into management. How to get your first management job.

[Sales Techniques](salestechniques.html) There are some sales techniques that work well in all phases of job search, and every day on the job. Learn the best ones: alternate advance, silent affirmative, and bait and switch.

[Small Town Strategies](smalltown.html) Learn the job search strategies that work best in small towns and rural areas. These are quite different from the ones that work in metropolitan areas.

[Resumes](resumes.html) Increase the effectiveness of your resume by %300 or more!

Have a comment or question? Visit our contact page: [](contact.html)[](contact.html)
Our Reviews"Very simple and straight to the point website. If you are having trouble looking for a job then check out the employment coach. Site loading was quick."

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