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Age of Inflation


Have you ever wished you could print your own money to settle a
debt? Snap your fingers, and have instant wealth appear at your feet?
This is what governments do. So when the Federal Reserve announces
their latest economic stimulus package, where do you think the money
comes from in the long run?


_Dr. Sennholz was one of the foremost free-market economists of his
generation and an inspiration to tens of thousands of people around
the world._
-Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX)

In _Age of Inflation_, acclaimed author and professor of economics,
Dr. Hans F. Sennholz, takes you on an educational and informative tour
through the dips and twists of the modern world of money. You'll learn
what money is _really worth_, and get a shocking look at what (and
who) makes your hard-earned money worth less. This is an in-depth look
at what Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) has called "The Inflation Tax [1]"
- the ability of the Government to steal the value of your money, even
when it's tucked away in your wallet, or _locked up in a safe!_

_Age of Inflation_, by Hans F. Sennholz is an enlightening and
sobering analysis of the history and theory of inflation in the
twentieth century. Written from the perspective of the Austrian School
of Economics, the book recounts the German experience with inflation
and price controls from World War I to the end of World War II. It
deftly exposes the errors of the monetarists and their faith in
political money, and examines the policies and consequences of the
Federal Reserve System, offering recommendations for restoring a sound
monetary system.

_Age of Inflation_ is an invaluable aid to anyone who seeks to
understand one of the great evils of our time. (215 pages)


In this special package deal, you also get the recently-released
_Age of Inflation Continued._ Pursuing his insightful writings, _Age
of Inflation Continued_ examines the effects inflation has on the real
estate markets, politics, debt, and other aspects of the economy. He
delves into the self-perpetuating nature of inflation, how the dollar
standard fits into the inflation picture, and looks to the future. (52


"Sound money and free banking are not impossible; they are merely
illegal." _Money and Freedom_ is a clear statement for unregulated
money and banking, and the abolition of legal tender laws. It details
how politicians systematically use the legal tender system for their
own benefit and for the detriment of their fellow men. Money and
Freedom analyzes contemporary monetary doctrines and how they fall
short of the mark in correcting the evils perpetrated by legal tender
laws. (95 pages)


_Inflation, or Gold Standard?_ strikes at the heart of what
inflation is, how it comes into being, the political forces broadening
its influence, and the excuses made by governments for perpetuating
it. Sennholz then contrasts fiat currencies with the gold standard,
freedom of monetary choice, and a standard without government. In the
end, he advocates a return to the gold standard for the health and
well-being of the economy and the people. (40 pages)


_Under the Shadow of Inflationomics_ is a compilation of works by
Dr. Hans F. Sennholz, and Robert Jackson Smith. Each of these authors
takes aim at inflation from his own unique viewpoint, finding the
point where inflation meets economics. With inflationomics firmly in
their crosshairs, their politically incorrect analyses show who's to
blame, why they won't change, and point to the coming consequences.
(34 pages)


_Age of Inflation, _Hans F. Sennholz

_Age of Inflation Continued, _Hans F. Sennholz

_Money and Freedom_, Hans F. Sennholz

_Inflation, or Gold Standard?_, Hans F. Sennholz

_Under the Shadow of Inflationomics_, Hans F. Sennholz

_The Fed's Balancing Act, _Hans F. Sennholz

_Hedge Funds Curb the Business Cycle, _Hans F. Sennholz

_Principles of Inequality, _Hans F. Sennholz

_Money is Flooding the World Markets, _Hans F. Sennholz

_Why Inflationomics is So Popular, _Robert Jackson Smith

_Inflation is a Political Creation, _Robert Jackson Smith

_The Best Money Can Buy, _Robert Jackson Smith

_There's a Limit to What the Fed Can Do, _Robert Jackson Smith


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