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His Work is Unfinished and We Wish to Carry it on to Completion...

"Discover How You Can Own These 25 Long Lost, Extremely Rare, Practically Unknown, Virtually Impossible to Find Books and Articles Written by Wallace D. Wattles, Author of "The Science of Getting Rich"... for Just a Tiny Fraction of What They Cost Us to Obtain!"

"A New Christ" by Wallace D. Wattles (1 Book)

"God: The Servant of Man" by Wallace D. Wattles (3 Articles)

"How to Get What You Want" by Wallace D. Wattles (1 Book)

"Marital Unhappiness: A New Remedy" by Wallace D. Wattles (1 Article)

"Mind: What is It?" by Wallace D. Wattles (5 Articles)

"Scientific Marriage" by Wallace D. Wattles (1 Book)

"The Law of Opulence" by Wallace D. Wattles (3 Articles)

"The Powerful Life" by Wallace D. Wattles (3 Articles)

"What is Truth?" by Wallace D. Wattles (7 Articles)

"He lived every page... His life was truly the powerful life."

Florence A. Wattles
Wallace D. Wattles' Daughter

From: Tony Mase

Dear Friend,

If you want to complete your understanding of Wallace D. Wattles' philosophy... or if you've read some of Wallace D. Wattles' writings and feel like you're "missing" something... or if you just plain can't get enough of Wallace D. Wattles... then please read this message very carefully. It might be the most important information you read all year. It may well be the most important information you'll ever read!

Let's start with a question...

Do you believe there's a power that can cause people or things to be brought to us or cause us to be brought to them? 

I sure do!

And I firmly believe we can connect ourselves with this power in such a way as to get everything in life we want - health, wealth, success, happiness, and more!

Hi, my name is Tony Mase and I'd like to share a story with you that, once again in my life, has proven this belief to be absolutely true... 

I've been a very serious student of the works of Wallace D. Wattles for several years now. Although he wrote several other books and numerous articles, Wallace D. Wattles is best known for his classic masterpiece, "The Science of Getting Rich", which has shown generations of readers the way to riches.

During my extensive research into Wallace D. Wattles' writings, I discovered he wrote a number of other extremely rare books and articles, so rare in fact that practically no one on the planet even knew they existed, and I set out to find them.

After spending several years and thousands of dollars searching for them, I managed to obtain only a handful of these extremely rare books and articles by Wallace D. Wattles.


Always keeping in mind one of my favorite passages of all that Wallace D. Wattles wrote...

"If there is a particular man you need to know, he will be introduced to you; if there is a particular book you need to read it will be placed in your hands at the right time."

Wallace D. Wattles

My faith never wavered that these books and articles would be brought to me or I would be brought to them when it was time for me to have them. 

Then it happened...

Just as Wallace D. Wattles said it would...

One Sunday afternoon, after returning home from a weekend away with my son, I received an email from a man I didn't know with the subject line:

"In the spirit of Mr. Wattles, let's work together to create something better"

Essentially, the email said, he'd managed to track down and obtain not just some of the Wallace D. Wattles books and articles I was missing...

But *all* of the Wallace D. Wattles books and articles I was missing, plus a few things I didn't even know about!

Between us we had twenty-five long lost, extremely rare, practically unknown, virtually impossible to find books and articles by Wallace D. Wattles.

Long story short...

We decided to combine what we had together in order to give you a complete understanding of Wallace D. Wattles philosophy.


"A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings 
of Wallace D. Wattles"

We've compiled these twenty-five long lost, extremely rare, practically unknown, virtually impossible to find books and articles by Wallace D. Wattles into one easy to download, easy to use ebook called [A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles](purchase.html).

The [A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles](purchase.html) ebook is divided into nine parts and contains these twenty-five rare books and articles by Wallace D. Wattles:

Part 1 - "A New Christ" by Wallace D. Wattles (1 Book)

Chapter 1 - His Personality

Chapter 2 - His Attitude

Chapter 3 - His Teachings About Man

Chapter 4 - His Teachings About Wealth

Chapter 5 - The Apostles and Their Failure

Chapter 6 - The Source of Power

Chapter 7 - Attaining Cosmic Consciousness

Chapter 8 - Demonstration and Attainment

Part 2 - "God: The Servant of Man" by Wallace D. Wattles (3 Articles)

Article 1 - "I and the Father"

Article 2 - Directivity

Article 3 - Methods

Part 3 - "How to Get What You Want" by Wallace D. Wattles (1 Book)

Chapter 1 - Untitled

Chapter 2 - Untitled

Chapter 3 - Untitled

Chapter 4 - Untitled

Chapter 5 - Untitled

"It is the greatest scientific treatise on attainment; it has helped thousands to improve their business, find better positions, get larger salaries, find happiness."

Wallace D. Wattles
On "How to Get What You Want"

Part 4 - "Marital Unhappiness: A New Remedy" by Wallace D. Wattles (1 Article)

Article - Marital Unhappiness: A New Remedy

Part 5 - "Mind: What is It?" by Wallace D. Wattles (5 Articles)

Article 1 - Life and Organisms

Article 2 - Beginning to Think

Article 3 - Mental Storage

Article 4 - Curing Bad Habits

Article 5 - Desire and Self-Culture

Part 6 - "Scientific Marriage" by Wallace D. Wattles (1 Book)


Chapter 1 - Some Basic Truths

Chapter 2 - Sex Love

Chapter 3 - How to Determine the Sex, Color or Hair, Etc., in a Child

Chapter 4 - How to Prevent the Use of Tobacco or Liquor

Chapter 5 - Simple Instructions for Pregnant Women

Chapter 6 - Large or Small Families?

Chapter 7 - How to Control Conception

Chapter 8 - A Few Simple Directions

Chapter 9 - The Health of Women

"... if men and women are capable of union on a higher plane than that of sex love, then we ought to make a scientific study of this possibility and teach the truth concerning it to all. That is what I propose to do in this little book."

Wallace D. Wattles
In "Scientific Marriage"

Part 7 - "The Law of Opulence" by Wallace D. Wattles (3 Articles)

Article 1 - The Kingdom of God

Article 2 - Leaven

Article 3 - Abundance

Part 8 - "The Powerful Life" by Wallace D. Wattles (3 Articles)

Article 1 - Two Kinds of people

Article 2 - Whence Comes the Power?

Article 3 - The Road to Power

Part 9 - "What is Truth?" by Wallace D. Wattles (7 Articles)

Article 1 - Time

Article 2 - Space

Article 3 - Substance

Article 4 - Consciousness

Article 5 - Motion

Article 6 - The Beginning of Motion

Article 7 - Man and His Powers

Although formatted for easier viewing as an ebook, the [A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles](purchase.html) ebook contains the entire, unedited texts of these twenty-five original books and articles by Wallace D. Wattles. 

Nothing has been left out. No words have been added or eliminated. None of the wording has been changed. Words that appeared in all capital letters or Italics in the original editions, appear the same way in this ebook. You'll be reading these books and articles exactly as they were originally published and...

Exactly as Wallace D. Wattles intended for you to read them!

The [A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles](purchase.html) ebook contains the "missing" Wallace D. Wattles writings YOU'VE been looking for... even if you didn't know they were missing and even if you didn't know you were looking!

Here are just a few of the many important things you'll learn in "A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles":

The scientific truth about Jesus - what he was, how he lived and what he taught... what he *really* taught!

The one simple sentence in the Book of John in which Jesus clearly and concisely states his mission!

What you can learn from Jesus about wealth!

Ten simple verses in the Book of Matthew in which Jesus reveals the secret to becoming wealthy!

The correct way to study the teachings of Jesus!

What Jesus was really talking about when he referred to the "end of the world" and the "coming of the son of man"! 

What the apostles really set out to accomplish and why they failed!

The true source of Jesus' marvelous power!

The one, single object of prayer, the *only* object of prayer, according to Jesus - understand and apply this one simple concept and you'll have unlocked the secret to getting everything you want... health, peace, power, wealth, and more!

Wallace D. Wattles' formula for attaining "cosmic consciousness" and aligning yourself with it in such a way as to get everything you've ever wanted!

"A study of it will positively enable you to MASTER CIRCUMSTANCES. It gives the definite mental steps to Self-Mastery; how to become a MASTER MIND."

Wallace D. Wattles
On "A New Christ"

The truth about the Universe and Universal Law!

Why almost everyone is dead wrong about education and what the only education of real value is!

Three questions you must ask yourself if you want to succeed in business!

A simple technique for finding out whatever you need to know, whenever you need to know it... regardless of your formal education or lack of it!

What success is... what success *really* is!

Why almost everyone who says things like "he can who thinks he can" is wrong... dead wrong!

The single biggest reason why people fail and how you can avoid it!

A simple mental exercise you can use to literally "program" yourself for success!

The one thing that will determine how fast you get what you want!

The correct way to use a simple scientific principle, one that you probably learned in school, to get what you want... whatever you want!

Now, that's just a small taste of what you'll learn in [A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles](purchase.html)... 

But it doesn't stop there!

You'll also learn:

How to make *any* marriage a successful marriage!

An easy 3-step system any married couple, no matter how "incompatible", can use to develop true marriage love and live happily and successfully together!

What the mind is... what it *really* is!

The difference between the mind and the brain and why it's important for you to know the difference between the two if you want to take control of your life!

How to be as mentally sharp at age seventy-five as you were when you were fifteen!

Why you are the way you are and how to change the way you are if you want to!

Why the techniques most people use to "quit" bad habits are a total waste of time!

The quickest and easiest way to eliminate bad habits... forever!

The difference between "will" and "want" and how the difference between the two determines whether you'll get what you want or not!

The correct way to use your mind to be who you want to be and get what you want to have!

"Two important questions are to be discussed in this series... These are fundamental, and must be settled before we can have a scientific basis for mental healing, or for a constructive psychology of any kind."

Wallace D. Wattles
In "Mind: What is It?"

The true source of *all* life!

What children are *really* the product of!

The three kinds of marriage and which kind is the only true marriage!

The two things that absolutely must be present to have a successful marriage! 

Why marriage happiness is possible for all!

The first essential in forming a happy marriage!

How to determine if a large family or a small family is right for you!

The only *permanent* attraction in any marriage!

The one and only way a man can permanently hold a woman's love!

The one and only way a woman can permanently hold a man's love!

But it doesn't stop there, either!

In addition to all of that, you'll learn:

The first thing you *must* do if you want to live an abundant life!

How to eliminate competition from your life!

The one and only thing you need to seek in order to get everything you want!

How to get everything you want in such a way that everyone with whom you deal with will have more than they have right now!

The single most important requirement your business must meet if it's to be a financial success... meet this requirement and your financial success is guaranteed!

How to attract money to yourself!

A very simple two-step system for "non-competitive" success!

The real secret of personal power!

The first step you must take to live a powerful life, which rightly lived means health, wealth, power, and happiness!

The three things that are absolutely essential for you to live a powerful life!

"That there is a powerful life; that it may be lived here; that it may be lived by any one, we are obliged to concede; and having conceded this we cannot fail to wish to live this life for rightly lived, it means health, wealth, power and happiness. Those who read this series of lessons are going to learn how to live it..."

Wallace D. Wattles
In "The Powerful Life"

The four great realities upon which *all* of Wallace D. Wattles writings are based... understand these and you'll understand it all!

The truth about time!

The truth about space!

The truth about substance!

The truth about consciousness!

The truth about motion!

How the so-called "law of attraction" works... how it *really* works!

What the Universe *really* is and why it was created! 

Why health and wealth are your "birth-rights"!

The only two things you need to learn how to do in order to have it all!

...and much, much MORE!

Let's summarize...

The [A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles](purchase.html) ebook contains the entire, unedited texts of the original editions of these twenty-five books and articles by Wallace D. Wattles: 

"A New Christ" by Wallace D. Wattles (1 Book)

"God: The Servant of Man" by Wallace D. Wattles (3 Articles)

"How to Get What You Want" by Wallace D. Wattles (1 Book)

"Marital Unhappiness: A New Remedy" by Wallace D. Wattles (1 Article)

"Mind: What is It?" by Wallace D. Wattles (5 Articles)

"Scientific Marriage" by Wallace D. Wattles (1 Book)

"The Law of Opulence" by Wallace D. Wattles (3 Articles)

"The Powerful Life" by Wallace D. Wattles (3 Articles)

"What is Truth?" by Wallace D. Wattles (7 Articles)

All in all, you'll get 158 pages of pure, unadulterated Wallace D. Wattles at his very best! 


To help you get the most out of [A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles](purchase.html), we've added these three important bonuses in ebook format:

Bonus #1: "A New Christ: Internet Interactive Study Version" by Wallace D. Wattles

Once described by Wallace D. Wattles' son, Russell, as, "the best thing Wallace D. Wattles ever wrote" and by his publisher, Elizabeth Towne, as "the greatest new thought book", "A New Christ" is without a doubt the most important book Wallace D. Wattles ever wrote.

If you understand "A New Christ" by Wallace D. Wattles, truly understand it, and apply its powerful principles to your life, a whole new universe of power and understanding will open up to you!

"Do you know that the best thing Wallace D. Wattles ever wrote is the little book, "A New Christ"?"

Russell H. Wattles
Wallace D. Wattles' Son

In order to help you get the most out of this rare Wallace D. Wattles masterpiece, we've prepared this very special "Internet Interactive Study Version" of "A New Christ" for you.

In the "A New Christ: Internet Interactive Study Version", we've  "linked" all the Bible references Wallace D.  Wattles makes in "A New Christ" to a unique online tool that allows you to read and research each of Wallace D. Wattles' Bible references in the language or translation of your choice.

Bonus #2: "An Annotated Checklist of the Writings of Wallace D. Wattles" 

Several times a week, I receive questions regarding the various books and articles Wallace D. Wattles wrote. Many of these questions revolve around the various editions, titles or versions of his books.

"Mr. Wattles is one of the few new thought writers whose muse is a crystal spring that ever bubbles up as he ever digs."

Elizabeth Towne
Wallace D. Wattles' Publisher

In "An Annotated Checklist of the Writings of Wallace D. Wattles", you'll learn what books and articles Wallace D. Wattles wrote, which of Wallace D. Wattles' books were later republished under different titles and where to get the books and articles by Wallace D. Wattles you don't have.

Bonus #3: "Lessons in Constructive Science: The Missing Articles" by Wallace D. Wattles

In the early nineteen hundreds, Wallace D. Wattles wrote a series of articles under the title, "Lessons in Constructive Science". 

Over a number of years, I managed to obtain quite a few of Wallace D. Wattles' articles from the "Lessons in Constructive Science".

However, three of the articles from the "Lessons in Constructive Science" series by Wallace D. Wattles have remained "among the missing"... until now!

"Lessons in Constructive Science: The Missing Articles" includes the three missing rare articles from the "Lessons in Constructive Science" series by Wallace D. Wattles that have eluded me all these years:

Article #1: "Constructive Speech" by Wallace D. Wattles

Article #2: "What the World Owes Us" by Wallace D. Wattles

Article #3: "Ideals and How to Form Them" by Wallace D. Wattles

Here are just a few of the many important things you'll learn from the three articles included in "Lessons in Constructive Science: The Missing Articles" by Wallace D. Wattles:

The single, number one, most important thing you never, *ever* want to talk about if your truly want to get what you want in life!

How what comes out of your mouth can either attract what you want towards you or repel what you want away from you!

The one thing you must always do before you can even think of beginning to teach anything to anybody!

How you can dramatically improve your life and the lives of everyone around you by simply changing what you talk about and how you talk about what you talk about!

What the world *really* owes every person and what every person *really* owes the world!

The truth about your obligation to other people and other peoples obligation to you!

Why some people are loved while others are not loved and how you can be among those that are loved... by everybody!

One of the very first things you must learn if you are to find your "center" and become a self-active and self-directing person!

The single biggest mistake people make when trying to get others to love them and how to avoid it!

The one and only thing that "causes" love!

"There is a constructive, or integrating principle in nature, and a destructive, or disintegrating principle - power applied through the constructive principle builds, forms and integrates; it draws atoms and forms together - power applied through the destructive principle dissolves and disintegrates; it disperses atoms and forms, and throws them apart - to learn how to make every thought and action constructive, is to master the secret of all attainment."

Wallace D. Wattles
In "Lessons in Constructive Science"

How to attract love to yourself!

The essential ingredient in the science of winning love!

The two things your life's happiness depends upon!

The single most important thing you must learn if you want to master the secret of happiness!

Why a desire to be "the richest person in the world" could be the single, biggest mistake you could ever make in your entire life!

How your "ideals" will determine your results in your life!

The one thing you must constantly guard yourself against if you truly want to be wealthy... *really* wealthy!

The one and only form of selfishness that is harmful!

The one thing you must seek for if you want to have it all!

Two things Grandma taught you that are absolutely essential for you to live a full and complete life!

...and much MORE!

Let's re-cap... 

What you'll receive when you purchase [A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles](purchase.html):

Bonus #1: "A New Christ: Internet Interactive Study Edition" 

Bonus #2: "An Annotated Checklist of the Writings of Wallace D. Wattles"

Bonus #3: "Lessons in Constructive Science: The Missing Articles"

Along with the twenty-five long lost, extremely rare, practically unknown, virtually impossible to find books and articles by Wallace D. Wattles included in one of the most incredible Wallace D. Wattles ebooks available anywhere today...

[A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles!](purchase.html)

Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could get all these rare books and articles by Wallace D. Wattles for just a tiny fraction of what they cost us to obtain?

You can...

But wait, there's more...

Order [A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles](purchase.html) right now and you'll get an additional bonus... another extremely rare, practically unknown, virtually impossible to find book by Wallace D. Wattles:

Bonus #4: "As a Grain of Mustard Seed" by Wallace D. Wattles

Originally published as a series of articles, "As a Grain of Mustard Seed" by Wallace D. Wattles is a short story that can best be described as a fictional "case study" of the practical application of Wallace D. Wattles' principles.

"As a Grain of Mustard Seed" is possibly the last thing Wallace D. Wattles ever wrote and as such it crystallizes much of his philosophy.

This powerful book tells the story of how one family used the philosophy, principles, and techniques Wallace D. Wattles teaches in his writings to successfully overcome, what even by today's standards would be, a major financial crisis. 

Here are just a few of the many important things you'll learn in "As a Grain of Mustard Seed" by Wallace D. Wattles:

How to put things in their proper perspective when a situation "appears" to be hopeless!

Why everything seems to go wrong anytime you begin to move forward and what you should do about it!

How to use your mind to reach and "impress" the mind of another!

The single best financial investment any business owner or self-employed person could possibly make (and chances are it's not anything you might think it would be)!

Why almost everyone is wrong about work quotas... dead wrong! 

How to guarantee every single thing you do will be a success!

A simple, sure-fire way to judge opportunities!

The three things you must have faith in if you are to get what you want... one of which will make you practically invincible and render failure literally impossible!

A simple technique for using your subconscious mind to get what you want!

The single most important thing that's necessary for you to get what you want!

"... splendid serial story..."

Elizabeth Towne
Wallace D. Wattles' Publisher
On "As a Grain of Mustard Seed" by Wallace D. Wattles

How to become the kind of person who always seems to be in the "right place at the right time"!

The truth about borrowing money!

The true cause of sickness, poverty, and suffering!

Why the "best" people in the world are often not the wealthiest, healthiest and happiest people in the world!

What it means to be "really" married!

The one and only way to create love!

The single biggest mistake married couples make and how to avoid it!

What to do when you feel overcome by doubt and fear!

How to know the "right" thing to do when you're not sure what to do!

How to successfully overcome *any* crisis... financial or otherwise!

...and much MORE!

After you've read "As a Grain of Mustard Seed" by Wallace D. Wattles, you'll understand exactly why we're so excited to be able to offer this incredible book to you as an additional bonus for ordering right away.

Of all the gifts Wallace D. Wattles could have left us, we can't think of a finer one than this and it's yours with our compliments, in ebook format, when you order [A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles](purchase.html)... but *only* if you order it right now!

This additional special bonus alone is worth many times the cost of this entire ebook package!

This information is timeless

Although these books and articles were first published over 90 years ago, the scientific principles and the detailed plans of action put forth by Wallace D. Wattles are just as valuable today as they were then - if not even more so!

"Everything works under the same laws, yesterday, today and forever."

Wallace D. Wattles
In "The Powerful Life"

Based on timeless Universal laws, Wallace D. Wattles' writings have shown generations of readers the scientific way to a powerful life - a life of health, wealth, power, and happiness.

And it's priceless

The value of the powerful, life changing information contained in the [ A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles](purchase.html) ebook is absolutely priceless!

So much so, I seriously considered charging $500 for it. As a matter of fact, I'd feel perfectly comfortable charging that for any one of the incredible Wallace D. Wattles books or series' of articles contained in it (I've paid far more than twice that for just one rare Wallace D. Wattles book).

The only reason I'm not charging that much is those who could benefit the most from this breakthrough information would be the least able to afford it.

So, I'll tell you what

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