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Software doesn't have to be expensive. In fact, many times software only costs a few dollars if the manuals are not included. If you get the software on CD without the bulky manuals that few people read anyway, the cost is reduced. Those software manuals usually just add to the packing and shipping costs, only to sit on a shelf for a few years before being donated to a library.

With respect to Ebooks, eBooks or e-books, however you want to spell it, many are priced to help the writers recover their expenses faster than selling more of them at a lower cost. Many of them make a good living selling the "perceived value" of their Ebooks. Some of the Ebooks look like they only took a few hours at best to write and they still sell for higher dollar amounts that the more professionally written tutorials charge. Others are priced higher because they offer information that could cost you much more in time searching for it than it is to have all the information in one place.

The authors have already spent the time to research, organize, sort out the 'fluff' and write the most important information into one ebook for you. Almost every training manual contains stories from personal experiences to help give you real-world examples of their methods.

While we respect both situations, when we purchases reseller rights to the Ebooks and software offered here, we agreed to stipulations regarding minimum pricing, so that we do not "devalue" their products. We still want to give something back to you, so we reduced the prices by at least $5 each and most often more than that to give you the maximum savings possible on all of your software and learning selections.

The retail prices are by each item to help you see what you are saving by comparing the identical Website Design and Marketing eBooks and Software that others are selling.
Affiliate Marketer's Toolkit](software/Affiliate-Marketers-Toolkit/?r=FiveBucks)
This incredible tool is actually 3 tools in one, and they

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