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Global Broker Finder :: Home

function showstate(state,show)
if(state == 'us')
document.mfrm.state.disabled = false;
document.mfrm.state.disabled = true;



How much do you spend on mailing campaigns?
How much would it cost you to put an ad in the paper?
What does it cost you to get just 1 lead?
How much time have you wasted talking to the wrong client?
Do you really like cold-calling?
Does your spouse complain that you are always away from the family becasue you are out trying to woo new business?
Do you know how much of your business's resources you allocate to marketing and new customer acquisition?
The most cost-effective use of marketing funds is to sell more to existing customers but getting new customers is expensive and time consuming. It is generally recognised that acquiring new customers costs between 4-to-6 times more than repeat business.
But here is a cost effective way to passively prospect new business for less than US$1 per day.
Join the GlobalBrokerFinder.com community and let prospective clients find you.
Get the edge on your competitors and drastically reduce your average spend per prospect.

You will be able to easily cover the cost of this service if you can find just 1 new client per year from GlobalBrokerFinder.com
Imagine having prspects contacting you directly because you are located in their area and have knowledge about the products they want to invest in.
How much do you think a service like this is worth?
Some companies pay thousands for referrals and asset gatheringers. GlobalBrokerFinder.com can help you find new business for only US$19.97 per month less than US$1 per day.
How does it work?
Simply complete the registration information including name, country and city location. Indicate you product expertise. You can indicate more than 1 product expertise. Also, you must include your email, globalbrokerfinder.com does not provide an email for you.
The prospect will use this email to contact you directly with no middle man to slow down the process. You can also include phone numner, fax, ISM, Yahoo or Skype ID.
We make sure that clients will have every means necessary to get in touch with their ideal financial expert. Once your payment has been processed your profile will be immediately added to GlobalBrokerFinder.com and new business can start finding you.
Prospects can search by country, city and financial product to find the exact broker for their needs.
Don't waste time on prospects whom you can't service or don't qualify.
Let the right client find you. Let leads find you at there own speed and anonymously without any pressure or hassle.
We all know that its easier to earn new business if the prospect starts to ask questions. When they find you in the GlobalBrokerFinder.com database and initiate contact you know they are ready to open an account and start doing business right away.
If you going to be away for a conference or vacation you can suspend your service for up to 3 months.
They only way they can't find you is if you don't register for the Asia Broker Finder.
Get started today at only US$19.97 per month just 66 cents per day. Billing will recur monthly at US$19.97 per month for up to 99 months.
Cancel at any time.
What are you waiting for?
Sign up before your competitors do.



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