Excerpt from product page

  Writing - Success Powerful Tools to Unleash the Powerful Writer in You  
Writing can be Fun. Writing can be Profitable. The only difference between the great writers of history, the literary giants of today, and the guy next door that just made thousands from a self-published book, is that they found and used the secrets to writing and getting published.
Here you can find those same secrets. It doesn't take months and years of research, re-writes, and editing. What is does take is a little information, a little persistence, and most of all, a desire to be a writer. But not just a writer.

A Published Writer

Click, browse, and explore the Wonderful World of Writing.
[Writing E-Books](Products.htm) [Recommended Reading](Recommended_Reading.htm)
"And by the way...

...everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise.  The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt."  ~Sylvia Plath



Writing Success is dedicated to the writer, the aspiring writer, and the "Wanna-be" writer who want to share their knowledge, skills, and abilities with others through books, pamphlets, and web sites.

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