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[](index.php) [](mailto:support1@howto-money.com)
[](index.php) [](members/index.php) [](product.php) • The Economics of Daily Life
• Hints on Investing
• Will 1929 Happen Again?
• How Much Has Inflation Robbed You?
The reason this book exists lies in the profound, the shining, the glorious income revolution which has occurred in the United States just in my generation.

We are today the greatest middle income nation the world has ever known. Just in the years since the cataclysmic depression of the early thirties we have turned ourselves from a country built in the shape of an economic pyramid with most people living at very low-income levels, and with only the few wealthy concentrated at the top into a country built in the shape of an economic diamond with most people living in the middle-income levels and fewer and fewer concentrated at the very top and the very bottom. In this single generation, we have lived through a bloodless revolution which must go down in world history as among the most exhilarating ever in objective and achievement.


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