Excerpt from product page

Read Are you ready for More?

If you are here then you have already signed up for our free trial
and enjoyed it! You read stories about giants,
Princesses, and fish! Your children are looking forward to their
nightly stories. You want more! Our process is
simple, you click on the order button below, fill out your
information, verify your e-mail and you'll begin receiving
new stories every day!

Oh wait, I forgot to mention just how much this will save you! An
average price for a story book is around
$5.00. That is just one story, Multiply $5 by 30 days in a month and
you get $150.00. Whoa! Is your child
worth that? Absolutely! But I'm not going to charge you $150.00 a
month to read your stories, heck I'm not
even going to charge you $20.00 a month. If you order today you'll
only pay $9.99 a month to receive good
bedtime stories everyday! That's about the equivalent of 2 books at a
book store and you get 30 (sometimes
you even get 31).

Don't let a day go by without your stories order now!
[1] When you order your credit card will be charged $9.99 and
every month thereafter will be charged another
$9.99 until you decide to cancel. When you decide to cancel just
e-mail us and we'll cancel your membership
within 2 business days.

Please allow 1 business day to receive your first story. All stories
are in text format and included in the body of
your e-mail.

If you have questions e-mail us at william@readittoday.com

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