Excerpt from product page

Project Millionaire
F O R U M S The exclusive, gated-community for
Future Millionaires only. If we build it...            Do you remember the movie, Field of Dreams? Ghosts of departed baseball-greats were so bound-up by the game they left behind, that they hid in a family's cornfield, and whispered into the farmer's ear...  "If you build it... They will come." So finally, he plowed up one of his fields and built a baseball diamond. When the ghosts finished playing their game, apparently they were able to move on in peace. I found the movie a bit hard to sit through. Kind of gave me the "shivers", and it wasn't because I was scared.

On the other hand, in the spirit of Charles Dickens, I believe there are other ghosts.  You know... the ghosts of opportunities lost.

They are the hauntings of what might have been, the troubling uncertainty of where to go now, and the spookiest one of all, the future; with all of its twists, turns, swirls and eddies.

Anyway... having had some personal experience  with the heartbreak of regret, I have become sensitive to the notion that opportunities spin around me all the time, like the electrons in an atom. They are invisible specters that long for recognition and discovery.

has been whispering
in my ear too...

 "If you build it... They will come."

...and so I did.

According to a 2003 National Geographic article, North America has approximately 2,200,000 millionaires. That is behind Europe though, which was reported to have approximately 2,600,000 millionaires.

That seems like an awful lot of millionaires, which begs the question... where in the heck did all of these millionaires come from? What do they know that I don't?

Is there a secret formula, known only to a privilaged few? Did they stumbled upon it in a dusty book while exploring the dark shelves in the basement of a library? 

Is there a Special Genie, who circles the globe on a magic carpet and sprinkles good fortune here and there, like some kind of parade clown throwing candy?

Well... maybe, but knowing my luck, I will never check out that book from the library, and I never really got much candy when the freaky clown stomped by.
There is a special door here...
No, the answer for all of us lies within our grasp, and I am asking you to walk with me. I want to invite you to an incredible place. One that  is filled with the most powerful force on Earth; the collective knowledge, intellect, and experience of tens, hundreds, or thousands of people... all focused on a common goal.

There is a special door here, and it is the door where your own rare opportunities may knock. The most powerful force on Earth will work endlessly, and tirelessly toward a shared vision of prosperity.

This great place is not for
everyone. The public is not invited
to drop in as they please! It is an
exclusive club, a gated community,
for members only!

This great place is not for everyone. The public is not invited to drop in as they please! It is an exclusive club, a gated community, for members only!

You know as well as I, that television and the Internet literally squirm with get-rich-quick schemes. A great many of them pull your strings, and push your buttons in such a way, that you find it difficult not to order.

When you do order, you often face a series of up-sell offers, culminating in some incredible seminar that is a bargain for only two-thousand dollars or so. How could you be so lucky?

Now don't get me wrong... some of those offers may be real genuine opportunities, and some of you may actually make millions of dollars by following those plans.

But listen to me very carefully....

I am not selling you a plan that will make you rich if you follow my step-by-step instructions. There will be no package of booklets or CDs arriving in the mail.

I do not hold seminars, and to tell you the truth, I am as anxious as you to find out how to ethically make a lot of money in as short a time as possible.

 So what is the value in this?

I hear time and time again from successful people, that they did not become successful until they started to hang around with successful people. When you think it through, that makes perfect sense.  
If you were striving to become a world-renowned concert pianist, would you gain any benefit from friends, family, or aquaintances if their passion was competitive kick-boxing?   Answer:    Uh... No.
Should you expect to find world-champion advice about ice-skating, if everyone you talk to always talks about cattle and secondary markets for cow manure?   Answer:      Oh, for Pete's sake!

There is no need to beat on that point anymore. The truth is backed up by testimony from people who are successful  in all areas and talents. You need to expose yourself to like-minded people. It is critical to rub shoulders with successful people, and with those who are striving for the same goals as you. 

We have an insatiable, never-ending need for knowledge. Our miraculous brains are more complex than any computer that anyone has ever dreamed of, but without relevant data, we are little more than bumps on a log.

The most valuable knowledge comes from the first-hand experiences of others. Good and bad outcomes provide irreplaceable bits of data that we can use, to copy the good, or to avoid the bad.

Imagine the power that
thousands of like-minded people
could yield, if all were focused on
the same goal, for the benefit
of all participants.

I Want to be a part of
That Group !!!

Don't You?

I will be a part of that group, because that is exactly the reason why I built the Project Millionaire Forums.

My seat is front row and center, and I just can't wait for the awesome power that all of those focused minds will generate! All for one, and one for all... prosperity for all, that is!

We are just now opening the "doors", so to help build the group as quickly as possible, we have kept the price of entry low. The membership enrollment fee is just $49.95, and the monthly subscription fee is only $7.95 for now.

Those who take their places early during the build-up phase, will never see a subscription rate increase.

If you sign up today, this will always be your subscription rate... even if the monthly subscription rate climbs to $100 or more, your rate will remain at this low $7.95 level.

I can't promise you millions of dollars, nor even a hundred dollars. But I can share this vision with you, and I can invite you to join in the grand experiment. Come on in for a few months and watch what happens. 

In that short time, you may discover information that will save you from flushing hundreds or thousands of dollars down the toilet, due to the experiences shared by others.

Perhaps, what you discover may lead you down the road to financial independence. In either case, I know that you will agree that the price for membership in this exclusive community is a pain-free bargain. With all that being said, you may stop your subscription at any time. Come on... roll up your sleeves, grab ahold of your mouse, and help us build this place. 

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The Enrollment Fee of $49.95 will be processed by the secure systems of ClickBank, as will the monthly subscription fee of $7.95, which will begin 30 days following enrollement, and each month after until you cancel your subscription. Charges will appear on your card statements as a transaction from ClickBank.


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