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You and Your Money: A Primer | Molly’s Brother On A Budget

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You and Your Money: A Primer

Written by Molly's Brother

Are you stressed out because of debt? Are you interested in getting your financial life in order? Think it’s time to shed off your old financial habits, but don’t know how? Then it’s time to stop pleading ignorance and start getting serious about your financial future.
I know, but the bills keep coming and there’s not enough money left at the end of the month to even start saving! But that’s why you have to learn the not-so-secret skills to saving, budgeting and planning today.
You’re a financial mess. You can’t focus during the days. You can’t sleep through the night. You toss and you turn. And every time the phone rings, you are worried that it might be a friendly reminder for you to pay a bill.
And all because you don’t know how to control your money, how to budget, or even how to learn to save money.
It is clearly time for you to educate yourself about the financial realities of the world!
I was never given a thorough financial education. I had no idea how to SAVE MONEY or how to INVEST FOR MY RETIREMENT. I understood what a budget was, but I had not developed any of the necessary skills to actually create a home budget for my life. I knew that saving money was important, but each payday, by the time I even thought about putting money away there was either no money left, or another expense that I had forgotten about popped up out of the blue.
I knew CREDIT CARD DEBT was bad, but that didn’t stop me from incurring thousands upon thousands of dollars on those little plastic rectangles. Too quickly, I charged my freedom away.
In 2005, I woke up one day and decided that I could no longer live from paycheck-to-paycheck. I needed to get educated about financial matters–fast.
I’ve been blogging endlessly about these issues for the past eighteen months. Over the course of the blog, I’ve written about the following:

How to create a savings plan that will work for you!
How to save money and build an emergency fund to guard against life’s little–or big–mishaps!
How to pay down credit card debt!
How to avoid getting stuck in the credit card trap!
How to save extra money by just living your life!

These posts were solid, helpful posts. But unfortunately, as the blog has continued to grow, they have become hidden in the ether of the Internet. Nearly impossible to organize and that makes it just as difficult to find.
So, I pulled all these posts together and sat down and wrote my eBook. You and Your Money: A Primer is over 50 pages of useful information designed to help you get out of debt, develop a savings plan, and start walking down the path to financial freedom!
Whether you are a beginner or someone who needs a little help focusing your financial goals, You and Your Money: A Primer is an excellent starting point.
As an extra bonus, You and Your Money: A Primer includes an entire chapter filled with great ideas that you can earn extra money!
It is useful information that can be used as money-making resources for years to come. No get-rich-quick schemes or multi-level marketing ideas here.
This is an easy starting point to help you on your path to financial recovery. You’ll receive You and Your Money: A Primer in an easy and instant download. If I pulled together all the hours and hours that I’ve written and researched and planned, I’d end up charging you thousands for this book! But it’s here, ready for download for only
For less than five bucks you will be on your way to understanding the most basic concepts of personal finance and home-budgeting. This is less than the price of coffee at Starbucks!
You’ve obviously decided that today is the day to turn your life around financially. Take that extra step and download You and Your Money: A Primer now. (Please note that this ebook is in a .pdf format for download.)
BUY You and Your Money: A Primer TODAY

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DISCLAIMER: The content provided on MollysBrother.com is for informational purposes only; do not make any financial decisions based on its content. Financial decisions are personal, based on an individual's specific financial situation. Consult with a financial professional before making any financial decisions. MollysBrother.com is not liable for your financial actions. This is a personal journal filled with personal opinions. Copyright &copy MollysBrother 2006-2007

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