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ATTENTION: Does running your online business still feel ​excruciating?

​I've Written F​ORTY Amazon Bestsellers. It's Time To Let A Kindle ​Rockstar ​Mentor You Towards Success.​

​​Follow ​the blueprint below for 60 days, and I'll ​build you a ​powerful, sustainable publishing business.

I'm Jonathan Green, and using this plug and play system, I've launched a successful business and moved to a tropical island. And nothing competes with the RUSH I feel when I wake up in the morning and see screenshots like these:

That Isn't A Typo. It's a $4,000 Launch Day On The Kindle Marketplace.

How'd I do it? I used a ​step by step plan that publishes and markets my eBooks like CLOCKWORK. Since I've got an awesome business that only requires a little work each day, you'd think I'd be on cloud nine.

But the truth is, I'm more UPSET with this industry than I've ever been. And I think this quote sums up why:

"​According to a report from Publisher's Weekly, the majority of authors in ​the USA have earnings BELOW THE POVERTY LINE."

​There were 200,000 new books released last year, JUST in the United States alone.

Now most of these books are DOOMED, they're going right into the memory hole, read MAYBE by their closest family and friends. I can't think of a feeling more demoralizing. To spend months, or even YEARS turning your emotions and pouring your heart out to the page...

​Only to have pretty clinical proof that the world doesn't care about what you're doing.

Whether you're writing about motorcycle repair or angry dragons, that's devastating to hear.

It shouldn't be that hard. 69% of books are sold online, and fiction and non-fiction are almost equal in popularity. That's the uphill treadmill - there are great rewards from having a large following and a big catalog, but it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to get there and HAVE A LIFE at the same time.

So we're in a situation where a small number of authors have freedom, money, influence, and social connections at their finger tips... and the rest are doing NOTHING. And that's no good.


But I've CRACKED The Code. And Being A Bestselling Author Has Made Every Aspect Of My Business Easier.

First of all, I'm NOT 100% reliant on Amazon for my income. I have my own audience and my own mailing list - that means if Amazon suddenly doesn't want me anymore, I've got my own contacts, my own audience, and my own loyal fans.

It's EASY to get ANYTHING I need for my business - contacts, connections, JV agreements, cash loans - because I have real world credentials from one of the most recognized sources in the world. 

And if I ever feel like expanding my business OFFLINE, which I've done in the past - well, you can knock a small business owner with a feather when you show them your certificates from Amazon, or your real books on a webpage they can see.

You do NOT need to look over your shoulder for Amazon's next crackdown, and you don't need to be a killer writing machine with insomnia to take advantage of this.

Amazon LOVES what I do:

And Here's My Solution In A Nutshell.

Long Term Success. A system that gives you permanent profits outside of one month's launch, and gets you off the hamster wheel.

Quality Content. What are you writing, and are people BUYING? Don't worry about being a world-class writer. I'll give you THAT magic.

SERIOUS TRAFFIC. Giving you the reviews, traffic, and social interactions needed to make your book a success.

I’ve got a tried, tested, and proven battle plan that’s turned helpless newbies into Kindle ROCKSTARS within 60 days.

There are plenty of authors who make a little money on Amazon. And I do that too.

I make sure to sell Kindle books, physical paperbacks, and audiobooks that buyers can listen to in their cars.

But I also do more than that. I offer concierge services that my customer can buy to make their path easier, I offer followup training based on the "next logical step" they might take after finishing my class, and I offer personal coaching for people that need a little extra OOMPH in their business.

The Same Customers Who Buy $3 Books ​End Up Spending $65 More With Me Per Person!

It sounds rough, it sounds INSANE that you could make your own living as a bestselling offer, especially when the odds are this stacked against you. But listen, in the same way that Mick trained Rocky to tackle a beast twice his size, I have the experience and success to wrestle Amazon and every competitor in your category into complete submission.

YES, it is completely possible to publish your own bestselling book, even if you're a completely green and you're a brand new author and publisher. ​


​​My Goals For Teaching You Are Simple.

You will be INSPIRED. You don't have to worry about the timeliness of my information or my qualifications, because I'm teaching you my actual business and not something I read about online. I also know how to move FAST so that you start cashing in while you're still inspired.

You will ABSORB what I teach you. Because you can watch me work (with real world examples) follow my steps, and replicate my ideas. I also don't overload you with a hundred different ways you COULD accomplish a task, just the one that I'm ACTUALLY USING.

You will take FOCUSED ACTION. That's because EVERY SINGLE VIDEO I make has one specific step for you to take so that you're not just watching this class like it's an episode of House of Cards. Instead you're building your business, right along with me.

Need Those Results? You Need My Exclusive System, That Works To Give You Passive Income Without Headaches. It's Called Kindle Sniper.

It’s all right here. This MASSIVE twelve hour long, five module video course is full of actionable content, and it's not just another "video class" - it's a membership. That means that in this industry, that depends so much on connections and who you know, you'll be joining a community all working together to make you as successful as possible.

There's only one question left: are you in?

In a lot of ways, we're going back to school - thanks to the worksheets and checklists sprinkled throughout the course, you'll have an opportunity to "check your work" and really feel like you're gaining momentum in your business.

No more sitting in a stupor in front of your desk wondering what's next.

No more getting sidetracked by some Wordpress plugin that promises to let you shoot laser beams from your eyes.

And if all that wasn't good enough - this is an "earn while you learn" program.

That means if you can follow instructions, you will have a real business - up and running and making money - before you finish the bulk of the course.

But if you have any genuine interest in building a sustainable income online without breaking your own back - you'll be able to do it (and do it in an easier and more efficient way) using the methods that I'm going to share with the real, unedited, raw footage of our real business inside.

Module One: Dominate Your Competition

If you’ve never seen a big paycheck working online, your burden might be that you’ve never really, really seen it done. Sure, you’ve seen GooRoos post huge screen shots, and you’ve even seen kids log into an account on video and show you a bunch of money…

But do you really know whose it is, or where it’s from? I'm going to take you by the hand, show you my results, and then totally change the way you think about ​​selling your books so that you can get moving towards my results as soon as possible. ​

Let's get started with this.

​Inside, You'll Discover:

Why Are You Even Bothering?: Too many of my students and clients START a new income method with big dreams and big plans - then life kicks their butt, they give up, and have to start from scratch. I'll show you how to get success before you are even TEMPTED to do this.If You Aren't Making $100 A Day: And ESPECIALLY if you've been at this a while, we need to talk. I'm going to use actual EVIDENCE from my business to show why you shouldn't be working so hard.
Structure Of A Kindle Business: Here are your choices. You can scrape around trying to build a plan piecemeal - or you can save MONTHS of effort and build the basics of my business, MY way.Don't Waste My Time: There's nothing worse than spending MONTHS  writing a book only to find out there's no audience, no attention, and NO money. Been there, done that. Here's the system I painstakingly developed to make sure it's going to make money BEFORE I write a word.
Fiction vs Non-Fiction: You should know that I can help you whether you plan to write to entertain or write to solve problems. We will talk about tools that speed up the process, and I'll show you how I break into ANY category that interests me.Be The Sniper: Listen, I don't want to give you any illusions. We're in a competitive business, and we're here to take food out of the mouths of our rivals. If I find a gentler way to snatch hand-over-fist profits from Amazon I'll let you know, but until then...

Module Two: The Engine

I promised that finding success under my mentorship would be SIMPLE. But sometimes something that's fast, or physically easy isn't always EASY. We've got mental barriers telling us it's too hard, or shouldn't be this obvious. So here's how you take advantage. The research you do BEFORE you start writing is the most important part of your success under my system, because we can use the tools inside Amazon to damn near guarantee a hit before we set one word onto paper.

​Inside, You'll Discover:

The Personal Approach To Sucess: This stage CAN'T be done as a "one size fits all" method. In my group coaching sessions, I work with my clients and figure out their styles and EXACTLY what they need in order to write books quickly and well. It costs them $2,000, but you'll get this for FREE. 
Starting With Nothing: If you don't have a list, don't have JV partners, and don't have a lot of money, know that I started exactly where you are and know EXACTLY how to get you there.
The Number One Mistake Kindle Authors Make: They try to sell ONE book at a time instead of branding a LINE of books in a funnel. Do you understand the value of writing a SERIES of books - or the four types of series there are to write?
The First Five Seconds: Trust me, titles and covers MATTER. I've seen cases where books go from obscurity to $200 a day juggernauts just based on changing the title. Titles for Kindle Publishing are completely different from the traditional publishing world, and I'll teach you how.

The Career Killers: Here's a big difference between being mentored by an actual Kindle pro who has coached others: I know which categories are total deadends. And I'll expose those "career killer" categories to you.You, A Storyteller: I've read enough bestsellers to know that there's a STRUCTURE you can use to get great reviews and repeat readers in every category, even if you're not a flashy or creative writer. It's all about story and I'll show you how to inject those steps into everything you create.

This Is Going To Massively Increase The Power And Credibility Of Everything You Create, So You Can Start Getting Reviews Like This...

Module Three: Master Your Craft

​Obviously, you need to write in order to sell books. But you don't have to write a LOT, and you don't have to be a "good writer" with amazing prose. I'm really not a "good writer", but I know how to write fast and write in an emotional way that people enjoy. ​ It’s all about writing ​fast, editing without a lot of grammar mistakes, making descriptions that get people BUYING.

​Inside, You'll Discover:

​Amazon Isn't A Person: There's not some guy in a control room, looking at all these books and deciding which ones are best. There's a computer that obeys certain signals. I'm going to show you how to send those signals with every aspect of your Amazon listing so that you can get the most views and the most money in your niche.
The Editing Dilemma: ​Amateurs describe books. Professionals SELL books. Here are the methods I use to cheat my way to the top - again, BEFORE it ends up in Amazon's hands. You'll also get the question I ask myself after every sentence I write that ethically hypnotizes people into reading my description pages.
The Fifteen Minute Hustle That Slashes My Writing Time By 30%: Yes, you can do this, and it doesn't involve outsourcing or any kind of fancy software. It's free, and it stops you from ever scrambling over what to write next.
The Editing Dilemma: You can survive almost anything, but if a reviewer makes fun of your grammar, it WILL tank the entire book. But can you really AFFORD to get professional copy-editing for your first books? Here's my cost-effective way OUT of that hell.
Become An OFFICIAL Amazon Author: The benefits of going exclusive to the Amazon ecosystem are MASSIVE. Stop fraud, link series together, get massive free traffic from Amazon, and highlight your best reviews - just follow over my shoulder.Printing In The Real World: Passive income is about getting paid OVER AND OVER again for the work you do. Here's the "real world" tool that's pulling in 40% of my income.

Module Four: The Perfect Launch Strategy

Amazon is a computer, and you know the amazing thing about computers? They're completely consistent. That means if you're an amateur and you use guesswork, you MIGHT have a hint by accident. But if you have a mentor who is hitting the bestsellers list over and over again, you can throw out all of the anxiety about success and get things DONE. This isn't hard and it doesn't take a bunch of time. You just need a SYSTEM.

​Inside, You'll Discover:

Before You Go Live: The DUMB last minute mistakes that leave the "masses" scrambling to fix their book - WAY after it's too late. I'll also show you how to get "earlybird" reviewers even if you aren't already a published star.
The Soft Launch: Before you hit your launch date, there's a last minute thing you need to do (and a surprising price point that will help you rake in cash & positive reviews)
The Price Hike: Now that the soft launch is over, you need to change your price again. You have a five day window to turn your book into a hit. I'm going to show you how much money to spend (not as much as you'd think) and where to do it.
The Thing You Do At Night: The next switch is very simple, it's one option you need to change. But if you do it at the wrong time, you'll lose (literally) hundreds of dollars.

A "Course" Is Just Crossing Your Fingers. A System Gives You The Results You See Here.

​Here's The Number One Bestseller In "Hoarding" - I Got There ​Using These Techniques.

​Looking To Write Fiction? Here's Another Bestseller - In Two Categories!

​Number One Rankings Are J​​​​​ust A Fact Of Life For Me. I Know How This Platform Works...

Module Five: Reviews And Promotion

Listen, don't assume that just because this is one section of the course that this isn't MASSIVE and we don't take it seriously. Understand that traffic is where the rubber meets the road. And if you don't have traffic, you can go through all of these steps perfectly, over and over, and not make a dime.

​Luckily, I've been mastering Amazon traffic for years, and I know how to quickly build YOU and enthusiastic fanbase without having to beg, plead or feel sleazy. It's really simple, you follow the formula and knock em dead. 

​Inside, You'll Discover:

Your LIFEBLOOD As An Author: It's easier to get reviews when you have a page that's brimming with social proof. But what if you're a nobody with a page that looks like a ghost town? How do you find people that actually CARE and can write reviews that drive more?
How Many Reviews Do You Need?: I'll tell you where to start and why you should NEVER ask your friends to pitch in a review for you.

"The Perpetual Review Machine": Do you really HATE having to constantly ask people for reviews? I do. That's why I made a devious set and forget method that does that stuff FOR me.
The Kiss of Death: Bad reviews are inevitable, but these four red flags are signs that a review will really hurt your business. But did you know Amazon will sometimes let you take down reviews you don't like? I'll show you how that works.
Show Amazon Your Chops: Keeping sales coming in at full price is how Amazon separates the elite from the wannabes. I'll show you how to beg, borrow, and steal in order to keep the registers ringing. Remember - your book is like a shark - either it keeps moving, or it dies.Your Books Are An Asset: One of the core strategies I use is to make sure that every book I write makes more money than just residual publishing. Here's how to magnify your products, use duplicate and SECRET Amazon categories, and turn your books into zombie assets that JUST WILL NOT DIE.


So... How Much Is Direct Access To A Bestseller's Brain Really Worth?

There's no fluff and there's no nonsense. Just a massive course of 27 videos outlining every step of the Kindle creation course. Instead listening to people tell you the way they think it's done, why not learn from someone who has made Amazon best sellers, in different categories, over and over again?

I've only scratched the SURFACE of what's inside Kindle Sniper. If I sat down and explained everything that was inside these videos, this letter would be THREE TIMES AS LONG. Rest assured that you've got the most up to date information there is on putting Amazon's system's to work for you. You WILL NOT be left writing your hands wondering if an idea "still works" or whether you can really pull it off.

You can see that I spared no time or expense putting this information together. I invest thousands of dollars into my own training every year because I know that having actionable knowledge is going to keep me on top for years to come. And exercising your mind is a LOT easier than blowing your back out lifting boxes for some postal company.

One of the reasons why I got to where I am now is because I INSISTED on getting insider access – I picked the brains of the very best to learn how to write devastatingly effective kindle books, how to promote myself EVERYWHERE and get tons of traffic, and how to deliver results over and over again.

Now It's Your Turn To Get That Premium Access.

​Now YOU Can Join The Kindle Sniper Family ​For ONLY $67 Bucks.

​Seriously, it's only going up from here. So get your advance access by hitting the button below.


But What Else Would It Take To Make You Succeed? How Could This Get EVEN EASIER For You? 

I'm dominating this platform - and now I'm helping ordinary people grab control of their financial destiny. From single parents looking to live independently, to young go-getters who would NEVER fit in at a traditional 9 to 5, to people who love the written word and finally have a chance to chase their dreams.

And now, for no extra charge, I've made success even easier - with a MASSIVE set of bonus courses targeted squarely at the main burdens and opportunities my students have faced.

Bonus #1 - The ​Perfect Publisher

You DON'T need to be Shakespeare in order to profit on Kindle.

I sure don't count as a great writer. I'm in the business of selling books online. It's all about finding useful information and arranging it in the right way. Inside this course, you're going to discover how to run an AMAZING Kindle business for dirt cheap WITHOUT burning your eyes to cinders in front of the computer. 

This is as fully featured as bonuses get - think of this training on publishing as a complete course on its own.

Done For You: Want to break into a niche you know nothing about? Short on budget? Here are three methods you can use to get the grunt work done for you.
Why You Don't Hire Writers: The average "book writer" is going to to give you information on a topic and it won't make ANY sales. Here's why, and what to do about it.

My Source For Bestsellers: Don;t you hate when people give you a list of ten places to go and they've never used any of them? I'm going to link you to exact service I use to crank out bestsellers for me.

Are You An Independent Author?: I'm going to show you a few things you personally can do to get opportunities without SLAVING away and wrestling two dozen guys for every gig you get. It's good to be on the inside!

Fun Cheats For Fiction Writers: FORGET the "gig economy" sites! Here's what I do to find masterful writers who will ALWAYS work for cheap. It's so obvious, you'll kick yourself for not doing it before.
Become A Publisher: Everyone has one or two unfinished books on their computer. Here's the method you can use to make HUGE profits from the "almost there" work of top-tier amateurs.

Bonus #2 - ​Get On The News

There's NOTHING that will increase your credibility (in ANY business) like being a bestselling author.

Want to sell your services to people who are already successful? Show them your Amazon Bestseller certificate. Want to do public speaking? That will get your foot in the door almost anywhere on the local level. Want to teach, coach, share what you know? Well... you're listening to me, right?

I'm able to do tremendous things in my business because of my success on Amazon, and when you join Kindle Sniper, you're going to get the best of my business model, with full transparency.

Getting Certified: Trust me, if you use that badge without jumping through the right hoops, you WILL get busted and lose thousands of dollars. I'll show you exactly how it's done.
The First Changes: Once you're a bestseller there are a few changes you need to make to your books, your website, and your business.

Media For Bestsellers: Podcasts, press releases, social media opportunities: here's how to get your foot in the door anywhere and exactly what to say. Don't think - just PROFIT from my hard won experience.

Let's Get Physical: This will increase your bottom line sales by 40-50% and you'll be the best friend to people who need you in the REAL WORLD.

How To Draw A Crowd: FORGET the "gig economy" sites! Here's what I do to find masterful writers who will ALWAYS work for cheap. It's so obvious, you'll kick yourself for not doing it before.

Bonus #3 - The List Building Monster

Your ultimate goal should be PASSIVE INCOME - working once and getting paid over and over again.

Having a powerful BACKEND system can turn a $7 ebook sale into a $2,000 commission. I know because I've done it myself.

But you CAN'T AFFORD to spend weeks or months building that backend, you need a fast and memorable way to keep in constant contact with your buyers once they make their first purchase. I'll show you how when you discover:

The Attention Economy: I'll show you what I create to almost FORCE people who buy my books to join my mailing list.
The classic mistakes that Kindle authors make that tanks their profits and sends customers SCREAMING. Too many newbies are somehow too greedy and not greedy enough at the same time...

The one stop shopping that lets new buyers join your list WITHOUT putting their kindle down. That means you suck up MORE subscribers per buyer.

How to annoy your customers and lose sales: something that new buyers are going to look at BEFORE they click the buy button, and if they see if, say goodbye to them joining your list... or even buying ANYthing from you.

The Followup Formula: Three steps for writing awesome, addictive email sequences that let you sell your stuff AND have people thanking you for the privilege. You don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on a seminar, because I'll give you the exact psychological secrets!

(PSST: When I Talk About Backend Profits... I Mean Making Money Like This ON TOP Of Your Book Launches...)

Bonus #4 - ​Social Media Master

I'd love to tell you that your Amazon author page will be the hub of your business... and that you'd be able to just point people there and impress people.

But you need a website in order to impress expensive clients, keep real world contacts in the loop, and sell your most recent wares.

There's a right way and a WRONG way to do it. The wrong way is going to put you on a miserable treadmill feeding new content to a blog, a Twitter, a Facebook. That stinks, and it's going to take away from your main business. The right way saves your time and sanity, while BLOWING prospects AWAY.

You Choose Who Watches: The little known "nerd" website I'm using to target my social media with uncanny accuracy (hint: if you're into politics, you've heard of it)
An audience that cares - I promise you that I can build you a small social media list of people who are FIERCELY interested in what you do and will spread the word about your success. Just watch...

JUST DISGUSTING Okay, if you're not a Photoshop expert, you can still LOOK like you're a successful pro, and people will take you more seriously. Here's how.

Grow your social: Expand your reach, create great content, and make sure that everyone who sees your content on social media SEES your book. This strategy is going to have an INTENSE impact on your sales.

Littlefinger would approve. I told you, we're GOING to make you a success in this marketplace. Here's how to take advantage of greed, jealousy and ambition to get hundreds of people to push you to the top.

Bonus #5 - The Bestseller Burden

Okay... I know everybody isn't going to care about this right now.

You know, "boo hoo, woe is me, I have 40 bestsellers and now everyone wants my time" ... it's a problem most people would kill to have,

But it's very easy to have some real success - you know, two or three popular books - and then run into a brick wall of social and scheduling problems that bring you right back down to zero. I know too many people who've slammed into these problems and been unable to replicate their early success, and I don't want that to happen to you. That's why there's The Bestseller Burden. Creating a system isn't everything - maintaining it is important too.

Dealing with advice: How to talk about your success once _____ enters the picture and things start to get REALLY tiresome.
Who deserves your time? Outside of your family, you need to know who to interact with in order to manage your expectations and emotions.

Here's how to decide who is worth helping: There's actually a physical location you can go that's brimming with the "right" kind of people, and I'll show you where it is.


I Am Willing To Guarantee Your Success and Satisfaction With My System.

Why bother learning from someone who ISN'T? I hate that feeling like I paid for information and didn't get exactly what I expected. I'm not here to make it hard for you and there's no reason to maker this complicated. I've developed a system that pumps out BESTSELLERS on Kindle. I've taught it to my students, and I'll teach you too.





60 Day "You HAVE To Succeed" Guarantee​

Order Kindle Sniper risk free right now. Just try it. Enjoy the results for a month – that’s more than enough time to put the work into it and see the results.

Learn all my secrets. See how I’m getting a residual income that grows and multiplies. Discover how to predict which new books will sell. Publish your own and see royalties come in over the next two months.

If you don't see higher sales and bigger royalty checks… if you don't gain new skills and new confidence…

Simply send me an email with the word “refund” in the subject line – fire me from your business and find some other​ Amazon rockstar to teach you every shred of his formula for next to nothing.

Good luck finding them! You’ll get every penny back from me without any further hassle.

​Jonathan Green

(I'm In The Business Of TEACHING People And Leaving Them Satisfied. JUST LOOK.)



You're Free To Walk Away From All This Proof And Go It Alone...

But here's a little question...

WHERE ARE YOU GOING? If success, power, and financial freedom has eluded you and you feel like you've tried everything...

You are free to try to walk that road alone. You're free to spend late nights stressing about your bills, you're free to try and scramble together a business piece by piece and attempt to build your own system.

But I've been there, I've done that. It's not fun. I don't want you to have those same burdens you've faced before - wondering if the instructor knows what he's talking about, wondering if her information is out of date, feeling screwed over because you're running into roadblocks that "blog article" didn't tell you about.

You Deserve SO MUCH BETTER Than That.

You might have convinced yourself that it’s normal to pay $30 for a handful of optimistic-sounding PDFs that promise you the world and fall apart when it’s time to deliver results, but…

It's not. I couldn't POSSIBLY make this a clearer choice, or give you more resources to lighten your load, or give you a better community. Now it's up to you to fight for your future.


​​JONATHAN, I WANT IN. I ​can't wait to get started, and I can't think of somebody better suited to show me how to make a killing on Amazon.

​YES. I understand that I will be getting​ a username and password to the Kindle Sniper member's area via email as soon as my payment goes through.

​YES. ​I also understand that these are the videos that will help me take ​FULL CONTROL of my Kindle business and take it to the next level!

​Just $67!


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P.S: No matter WHAT, ​every past failure has prepared you to succeed TODAY. It took me a LOT of heartbreak and MANY missteps to finally see the kind of success that I have now. Keep going. Let me help you put the pieces together. FREEDOM IS WORTH IT.

P.P.S: The truth is, your average Joe or Jane has an internal switch that keeps them from making any serious money online. They’ll work hard at first, and once things start getting too tough, or too easy, they let up. This system is designed to STOP that from happening and make it as simple as POSSIBLE for you to find success.


This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Kindle/Amazon, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Kindle/Amazon.


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