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A holistic program that will help you improve your body functioning in the battle with cancer
If you are decided to start fighting against cancer then this information is for you!

Many natural ingredients
can diminish the spreading
of cancer cells[4][7][8][9]

This material is based on similar studies, which analyzed these abilities. But what is all about more exactly in these secret-kept studies? They show some unconventional solutions, with 100% natural ingredients, ignored for so many years by the conventional medicine. This plan is about some chemical elements, which can be easily found in nature, and not synthetically produced in the labs, like conventional expensive cancer drugs which not only empty your pockets but they also have strong side effects.

Being all-natural, without any synthetic compounds, they shouldn’t do any further harm to your body, by the contrary, they are meant to slow the spreading the cancer cells. Some natural remedies that seem to be so ordinary at the first glance, but there are many laboratory performed studies, and also many accurate statistics which confirm that they have this ability to deal with cancer.

Things can get better

But what happened, more exactly? In the holistic procedure, the cancer cells are supposed to be anihilated one-by-one, in a slow or fast process, since each person is different, and different stages of illness. In conclusion, after malign cell extension is halted, and after all cancer-affected cells are destroyed and replaced with new healthy ones, then, you will say: “I am free now!”

But keep in mind that the effects are not the same for every person. The results may vary, like the time spent until you can observe the improvement or their effectiveness.

There could be one more thing: unfortunately cancer can return

It is true, that there were many situations when cancer diagnosed patients, although receive the great news from their doctors, unfortunately only to find out that after some time the cancer came back, also in other parts of the body, that were not previously been affected.

Therefore this plan also covers a very important subject: Prevention of re-occurrence. In other words, prevention is golden.

A good advice:
It is no good to accept the tragedy, to get used to the fact that you’re going to die soon. You have to fight for your life and for the lives of other close friends or relatives. People should not be kept in misleading, and simple efficient solutions must be promoted, because they are regarded as safe alternative to the conventional approaches. The alternative approach should not be ignored.

Dramatic facts about cancer[1]

As the matter of fact every person has cells in their body that can transform into cancer cells. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion times.

When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.

Cancer cells occur in the body between 6 to more than 10 times in a person’s lifetime. When the person’s immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors. Cancer can be triggered by many factors like: genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle.

The statistics show that Cancer is the second leading cause of death in United States[1]

source: california cancer registry, special data rewuest, December 15, 2001

Now Ask yourself…

By far the biggest risk factor for most cancers is simply getting older. More than three-quarters of all people diagnosed with cancer are over the age of 60. The longer we live, the more time we have for errors to build up. And so, as time passes, our risk of developing cancer goes up, as we accumulate more of these faults in our genes.

Ask yourself:

Am I doing everything possible to optimize my recovery and healing? With my diet? My exercise? My emotional health?

Ask yourself:

“How many people do I how affected by cancer?” and the answer would be for sure “Too many”. It is a fact.

Ask yourself:

Did I follow a healthy nutrition diet while I was healthy? Do I follow a healthy diet now?

Some of the consequences
and bad side effects of cancer
One would be Anorexia and reduced food intake. Therapies for cancer (including medications, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery and bone marrow transplants) can affect food intake by causing nausea, vomiting, altered taste perceptions, food aversions, inflammation of the mouth and esophagus, dry mouth, mouth sores, difficulty swallowing, intestinal cramping, diarrhea, and constipation. Reduced working capacity, which will affect you financially. Heavy weight loss, hair loss and other pretty nasty body changes.

The harsh and dreadful
side effects of chemotherapy[2]

Unlike radiation therapy and surgery, chemotherapy affects the entire body, which increases the risk of side effects. Not all drugs have the same side effects.

Although the types of side effects experienced by older and younger patients are similar, they occur more often in older adults.

Side effects of
the chemotherapy may include:[2]
Lowered white blood cell, red blood cell, and platelet counts, which can increase the risk for infection, anemia (a decrease in red blood cells), bleeding, and bruising Stomach and intestinal problems, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration Damage to the nervous system that may further weaken a person’s mental capacity (such as thinking or judgment abilities), increase memory loss, and cause fatigue and nerve damage Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. It may be used alone or in combination with other treatments, such as surgery and radiation therapy, depending on the tumor type and extent of disease. Unlike surgery, treatment with chemotherapy can be a long-term process with multiple courses of therapy given over time. This schedule can lead to longer periods of weakness and may affect the older adult with cancer in different ways than younger people. For example, older adults are at greater risk for experiencing physical side effects from chemotherapy, which influences their quality of life.

Therefore, it is a good thing to also look further for other non-intrusive, natural remedies and improvements.

Natural vs allopathic medicine

When we are ill, many options are available to us. The purpose of this section is to help you understand the differences between the two primary medical philosophies being practiced today: allopathic (conventional) medicine, and natural medicine (also known as holistic medicine, or complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)).

The conventional Western allopathic system focuses on disease management, whereas the older, more established natural system focuses on treating the root cause(s) of disease in order to reestablish health. This book contains solutions which are meant to manage cancer naturally.

A strong combo
of 6 methods for the management of cancer[4][7][8][9]

To support this theory, tests involving alternative medicine were performed, and they showed the importance of certain healthy food combinations. It’s almost like a beneficial cocktail, so to speak.

Although these all natural solutions are backed up by many scientific studies, they don’t seem to be largely-known to the public. Now sit back, relax, and read about these methods!

Some laboratory experiments tested the ability of a natural acid and his powers of attacking cancer cells[3]

This lesser-known, natural acid is linked to the elimination of cancer cells, according to these tests. There is a special chapter dedicated to this amazing natural acid that is found in various foods. These foods are commonly consumed in many places around the world where the percentage of cancer among their population is among the lowest.

If so… why haven’t more people heard about it?

Scientists conducted experiments to figure out how and why this natural acid helps with cancer prevention and annihilation. To be more precise, scientists presume that this alters the genetic signaling in your body’s cells, which prevents them from becoming cancerous in the first place.

They also reprogram the damaged genes, so they are no longer able to contribute to the initiation of cancer. This vitamin proved to be effective, but is not yet fully understood. What we do know for sure is that it inhibits the receptors on the surface of cells that are needed by the tumor cells to proliferate and spread (metastasize) to other tissues. Therefore, it’s consumption on a daily basis is recommended.

It’s Incredible, but it really makes the difference!

A scientific study was performed to identify its curative abilities that are used in treating of cancer.[3] Now, if you take a glance at the left chart, you’ll see that it shows the difference of this important acid in normal cells, versus cancer cells.

Therefore, its absence can be strongly associated with the occurrence of cancer. We have three models of different types of cancer cells that have been annihilated with the use of this agent. The chart below tells us that the daily consumption of this anti-cancer food increases the chances by more than 60%.

In normal cells, the amount of this natural acid is at least double than in cancer cells


Please keep in mind that the results are not typical, the effects could be different for other individuals. Therefore the results may vary.

These acids are a mix
of 3 powerful elements

Due to the limitations of conventional cancer treatments, a growing number of researchers have turned their attention to nutritional therapies that interfere with cancer cell propagation using different mechanisms. Among these promising therapies, are the acids that were previously mentioned. These elements exhibit a variety of striking biochemical effects that may be valuable in preventing, and even helping to treat certain cancers.

For example, researchers have uncovered evidence that these acids may impede cancer cell proliferation, potentially preventing it from spreading (metastasizing) throughout the body.

Important things to do:

Document yourself and increase the quality of food intake. Hence the expression: You are what you eat!

That’s right, that was all about. You draw some lines on your to-do list and then you put them in practice. The most important thing to do is to make use of the most efficient methods, when it come to price-quality balance.

Keeping a good financial balance is very important and you should pay lots of attention to it. Therefore, do not look for expensive incert treatments, when it comes to paying results.

Some important facts about Devitaminisation[4]

According to an scientific experiment, devitaminisation is regarded as one of the biggest causes that lead to cancer, there fore the devitaminisation matter, which is covered in this material, must be treated accordingly.

Devitaminisation has pretty nasty effects, equivalent with food poisoning. Constant consumption of adulterated, cooked and devitaminised foods causes all sorts of degenerative diseases like cancer, arthritis, and heart-attack. Therefore this important matter is strongly covered in the book.

Doing nothing
is not an option at all!!!

In the meantime, what do you need to know if you are ever diagnosed with cancer? You need to know that if your cancer is caught very early and there is a chance surgery can get it all, then that may be a good option to start with. But if your cancer has already metastasized, or it is in a place where surgery is not a safe option, then your chances of being “truly” cured are significantly reduced.

The time to act is NOW! So don’t loose any more pretios time and start regaining your health today!

Although we face increasing numbers of people diagnosed with cancer every year, the survival numbers are increasing[5]

Although we face increasing numbers of people diagnosed with cancer every year, the survival numbers are increasing[5]


Therefore these statistics tell us the increased number of people which survive cancer, and this is influenced by the better information we have nowadays at our disposal.[5]

An important element for the thyroid gland holds cancer fighting abbilities[6]

The human body needs this element to support the health of many of its organs.

It is being taken up by almost every gland and when taken in milligram quantities, is found in nearly every tissue of the body.

It is used by the immune system to find many infections. Therefore, many chronic illnesses consume this important element.

An important role in
the immune system[6]

It is well known that the white cells, called leukocytes also use other means of destroying bacteria. However, the halogens (including this important element) are definitely an important part of this process, according to scientific studies. The need for this element will be significantly increased while a person is fighting a bacterial or viral infection, especially cancer.

On the other hand, we face a dramatic situation worldwide. The statistics tell us that the deficiency in this element is definitely a serious issue. In 2003, 36.5 percent of the world’s population face this kind of insufficiency intake, ranging from 30 percent in America to 60 percent in Europe.

As a conclusion: this kind of deficiency seems to be connected with the occurrence of cancer. Therefore, the chapter specially dedicated to this is 2 times useful in preventing the occurrence, reoccurrence, and/or the destruction of cancer cells.

Let’s take a look at the chart below. It tells us the ratio between the increasing number of people (around 40% of the entire population) who face this sort of deficiency, and the mortality rate of it due to cancer.

1 in 5 people who develop cancer because of this deficiency will die

In other words, one in five people who develop cancer because of this deficiency will die. It is dramatic indeed, but the situation can be ameliorated if you do something about it. This can be avoided by eliminating, or at least reducing the deficiency.[1][6]

We cover precious information about foods, and acids that are required for you to take, because it is supposed to act like a guardian against the occurrence of various types of cancer. Also, the experiments above clearly stated that it could be efficient fighting against cancer cells.

Experiments also concluded that a certain vitamin has cancer cells killing features[7]

This vitamin is quite different from the rest, when it comes to containing metal traces, such as cobalt. In fact it is the only vitamin that is not contained in plants or foods. For many years, this vitamin has been studied by scientists for its curative abilities when treating cancer.

Now take a look at the inhibition of cell growth proliferation because of this vitamin. Many tests have been performed[7], and applied on a specific group of subjects. After it was administered on a regular basis to a group of patients, the results showed a certain improvement in their condition.

Also, the deficiency associated with this may lead to an elevated rate of DNA damage and altered methylation of DNA, both of which are important risk factors for cancer.

Ever wondered why this vitamin
showed promising results?[7]

First, it was noticed that the majority of cancer patients faced a deficiency with this vitamin, and after many studies and administrations, the evolution of cancer was slowed down. For a chemo preventive agent to be effective in long-term use, it should exhibit minimal toxicity toward normal cells.

In this chart below you can clearly see the difference between the use of this anti-cancer agent and the conventional treatment. The extract induced significant morphological change (inset) and a Sub-G1 fraction of cells as analyzed by flow cytometry; (B) Western blot shows PARP cleavage in response to the treatment.[7]

The difference between the use of this anti-cancer agent and the conventional treatment

Introducing an
alternative management of cancer
Find out how to make use of the strong power of vitamins in order to accelerate the process of killing cancer cells

PRICE: 3995 $


PRICE: 3995 $


The “The hidden pharmacy: Fight cancer with less known vitamins & plants” is a powerful compilation of techniques and recipes, design to be read on any smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer. Here you get instant access to an useful information that will change your life forever, in the good way ! You can regard it as a personal health consultant, at a way smaller price, of course!

Some features of this protocol:
It’s not about someone’s opinion, when it comes to explain the origins of these theories, it’s all about tested experiments. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply. When you replace deadly processed fats and oils with life-giving unsaturated/saturated fatty acids, the cancer affected cells should rebuild and be replaced by healthy ones. The problem is treated holistically, not only that intends to treat the affected cells, but also to eliminate the causes. This book is meant both for people who look fore immunization, and also for those already diagnosed with cancer, who plan to ameliorate their condition.

One solution should be the vitaminization[7]

Vitamin deficiency is thought to be one of the leading nutrient deficiencies in the world. Vitamins, are crucial for many things, like addressing adrenal fatigue, multiple metabolic functions — including enzyme production, DNA synthesis and hormonal balance — and maintaining healthy nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Because of its wide-reaching roles within the body, a vitamin deficiency can show up in many different negative symptoms, many of which are very noticeable. On the other hand, Vitaminisation is a very important thing to do in the treatment of cancer.

Thank you for
sharing with us such a
vital information!
“This book proved to be great in its offerings. It offers choice and many success stories. Well researched also! I have been researching various ways of lung detoxification recently and your program was noted as being very good while i was searching for these things. Had no idea about those foods to be toxic! I already eliminated them from my diet! Thank you for sharing with us such a vital information!”
Ashley, Wisconsin

… the best book
about cancer
“Either you have cancer or you just try hard to help a close one who deals with this major struggle, you will want to read this book!
It is a combination of a number of methods into a complete program.

What really impressed me was the powerful alternatives I wasn’t aware about. I can say it’s the best book about cancer, I’ve ever read so far!”
Steven, Alabama

DISCLAIMER: The stories told in our promotional materials are true and can be substantiated in the event of a regulatory agency audit.

Scientists have observed that
a weird mushroom can
reduce cancer cells
and tumor recurrence[8]

Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are to kill tumor cells, but at the same time also kill immune cells, resulting in patient’s loss of self-defense.

According to this study, tumor cells growth relies on prevention and administration of this agent. It is well known that the human body contains both tumor cells and necrosis. While the conventional treatment is meant to stop the multiplication of malignant cells, these compounds can rehabilitate the damaged cells, in addition to stopping their expansion.


Ability to attack and annihilate cancer cells

Ability to rehabilitate some of the cells destroyed during chemotherapy

In the following images you can easily observe the evolution of a macrophage[8]

1. Normal

2. Damage of macrophage after chemotherapy

3. Rehabilitation of damaged macrophage

Besides fighting with cancer, this weird mushroom has many other beneficial qualities, and here’s just a few of them:[8]
Lowers cholesterol in the blood and the amount of free fat Reduces blood sugar level and restore the pancreas functions Lowers blood lipids and stabilizes red cell membrane Improves the function of the cortex of the adrenal glands to maintain endocrine balance
Elevates the natural healing ability of the body, allows the body to establish a strong immune system Prevents tissue cell degeneration Prevents sudden death of cancer patients caused by embolism Relieves pain caused by cancer

Intensive lab experiments analyzed the induced cancer cell apoptosis, as you can see in this images taken under a fluorescent microscope.

Intensive lab experiments analyzed the induced cancer cell apoptosis, as you can see in this images taken under a fluorescent microscope.

lab experiments showed that this mushroom is effective in inducing cancer cell apoptosis, which is a process of programmed cell death

Angela from Detroit consumed the extract of this mushroom
and sent us some words about her experience:

As suggested and highly recommended by you, I tried this extract prepared from a musgroom I’ve never heard about. I worried if it is actually edible and safe to consume, being already panicked by the harsch side effects of the chemotherapy. I can say that I fel myseld better now, and I strongly believe that the biggest role was played by this mushroom!
I like to call it now “the magic mushroom”, and you can imagine why! I still wonder why people don’t know about the incredible power that emerges from it!
Thank you again for your book which shed a light on me!
God bless!

DISCLAIMER: The stories told in our promotional materials are true and can be substantiated in the event of a regulatory agency audit.

And it doesn’t stop here

Our book also comes with some extra reading that covers the importance of food combining and detoxification. In other words, some less known alternatives will be described in this book.

Also keep in mind that you get the benefit of an ironclad guarantee for 60 days, you can ask for a refund without any question asked.

Benefits that emerge from this solution:
Improve your knowledge about cancer, you become better educated, so you will be able to help others who might need your support The dedicated chapter of vitaminisation will provide for you with useful information that will help you become more active and energic Major purpose to increase of the quality of life Plus tons of other health benefits

It is a well researched compilation of useful advices
In a few words: it is a well researched compilation of useful advices. Although not being a medic, I can say the book is well conceived. It involves some herbal supplements and vitamins supplements yes, but that is not the entirety of it. There are other alternative therapies listed and a large portion involving training your mind to help you in the battle against cancer cells and toxins which might sound strange but really works!
The book is written for everyone that intends to take action in order to stay away from cancer. Many thanks!
Nancy, Louisiana

I was diagnosed 5 years ago with bowel cancer
“I was diagnosed 5 years ago with bowel cancer and after initial treatment was told there was no need to do anything special.

Since I have been a user of alternative medicine and self-healing principles and modalities for years, I found your book and purchased it and for the last two months I have been strictly following your 3 step holistic system.

Thank you for putting together this great guide, may God Bless you”
Kimberly, New Jersey

DISCLAIMER: The stories told in our promotional materials are true and can be substantiated in the event of a regulatory agency audit.

Ever heard about the so-called
“cancer-fighting” molecule?[9]

… if not, maybe it’s time that you have. Who would have thought that a specific plant, known for its toxic features might contain a molecule that when extracted from this plant has promising results in destroying the cancer cells?

Scientists have shown that this molecule can target cancerous cells and has little or no effect on those that are healthy.

It was discovered that the workings of this universal defense process could also potentially be harnessed for the development of other therapeutic applications, including antibiotic treatment for microbial infections.

How is this possible?

It’s about the defensins, small protein molecules found across many different species of animals and plants.As their name implies, these molecule function as part of the host in their innate immune system. They have anti-microbial activity against the malefic bacteria, viruses and fungi.

As a general rule, the defensins bind to the cell membranes of the microbe causing changes to the normal cell structure, allowing essential ions and nutrients to leak out, thereby killing the cell.[9]

THIS small protein molecules bind to the cell membranes of the microbe
causing changes to the normal cell structure

Find many more facts about this molecule from the book, like how to extract it and how to use it properly. This Study has also concluded that this molecule permeabilizes the plasma membrane of mammalian tumor cells.

Click here below to
get instant access to digital
download of the ebook!
3995 $


Here are just a few interesting facts that you can discover within the pages of the
“The hidden pharmacy: Fight cancer with less known vitamins & plants”

Useful information about how to detoxify your body and have the cancer gone forever A dedicated chapter that shows how the cancer begins in the cell List of powerful supplements that shall not be absent from your daily diet Dedicated chapter about toxic elements and the major importance of avoiding them, and hoW to eliminate them from your daily diet And many many more…

Here are some opinions of happy patients who tested our plan

My fear of dying is being replace with the gratitude for living
Wow! is the only way to describe my experience! Everyone ought to read it, for it is the spearhead of a health revolution! Been diagnosed with cancer a couple of years ago, and I still remember how I felt like I’d just been handed a life sentence where the punishment was excruciating pain and fear. I was shocked, floored and terrified!
Was it faith? Because accidentally I found your site, and urged by a strong desire to follow the alternative programs described, I purchased the book. I never believed that there is so much of help available in a single document. Reading it I feel that gradually, my fear of dying is being replace with the gratitude for living!
Christopher, North Carolina

… your book has a special place in my bookcase
Thank you for sharing such a precious information with us!
Very well structured and based on holistic alternative approach, your book has a special place in my bookcase.

Sorry for asking here, but how can I get my hands on the other book about detoxification?

Thank you in advance for your time!
Deborah, Texas

DISCLAIMER: The stories told in our promotional materials are true and can be substantiated in the event of a regulatory agency audit.

Olivia Newton John won the battle with cancer due to proper nutrition (vitamins rich foods)

Now that I am 18 years past my initial diagnosis of breast cancer and feeling better than I’ve ever felt before, I think of myself as a cancer thriver! People often ask me what my secret is and want to know how I manage to stay slim, active and healthy at my age – I feel timeless and even though my passport says so it is hard for me to comprehend that I am 62 years young!

“I have picked up some information about health and nutrition over the years, and with Livwise I wanted to present some of what I do to stay healthy. I believe first and foremost that simplicity is the key to healthy eating.

My food philosophy is that what you eat goes in, and if it doesn’t come out it has to go somewhere else – like on your hips!

It starts with a combination of controlling portion size, ensuring the food is of the best quality you can find (organic is preferable), exercising regularly, drinking lots of water and eating enough fiber to keep your internal wheels turning so you can expel waste and any toxins efficiently.

A basic diet should consist mostly of plants, vegetables and fruit, some whole grains, nuts and seeds. It should include some protein-rich foods and a small amount of healthy fats. I call it the common sense diet!”

Dear future cancer survivor, here are a few things you should take into consideration:
Cancer doesn’t need to be a death sentence, it can be a passport to a new life A successful plan involves not only cancer cells, but holistic way of dealing with cancer and immunisation Some people are more successful than others at beating cancer.
Usually, the winners are those who take action We give you plenty of choice so you can easily decide what is better for you This material is intended to be a strong ally in your battle with cancer

In order to make you feel more comfortable and to help you making proper decisions, we offer a

In order to make you feel more comfortable and to help you making proper decisions, we offer a

I wish I had heard about your method sooner

I just want to show my appreciation for your wonderful support and for this great system.
I’m not only a long-time enthusiast of naturopathic medicine and alternative health, but a Reiki healer as well. In my profession I use the power of nature for healing purposes, and this book really fulfilled my knowledge about vitamins and nutrients!
All I can say now I wish I had heard about your method sooner! I will not hesitate to recommend anyone to use your system!
Jennifer, Louisiana

DISCLAIMER: The stories told in our promotional materials are true and can be substantiated in the event of a regulatory agency audit.

Prevention should be important, even in healthy patients

To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements should strengthen the immune system.

Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also can destroy rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, to the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also can burn, scar and damage the healthy cells, tissues and organs.

Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation does not result in more tumor destruction.

Now, finally,
a few words to remember:

This plan intends to show you what food combinations filled with efficient vitamins to consume in order to improve your condition.

Keep in mind that this investment in your health comes at a price that is less than you have to pay for a regular visit to your doctor! Normally, information like this coming from specialized consultants would have cost you hundreds of dollars!

If you get used to the failure, knowing that nothing can be done, please think about your love ones and their appreciation for you, and the strong reason why you should not leave them!

Introducing an
alternative management of cancer
Find out how to make use of the strong power of vitamins in order to accelerate the process of killing cancer cells

PRICE: 3995 $


PRICE: 3995 $

The time to act is NOW! Do not give up the hope!

You have 2 alternatives: to do something about it or to sit back and do nothing, hoping things will get better just like that. We advise you to take action, although. It cost you almost nothing. In order to keep you satisfied with this book we provide a 60 day ironclad money-back guarantee. When you order this eBook, you’ll be able to easily download it to your computer via an email link, so you can read the precious information from your screen, or print it on paper.

DISCLAIMER: The stories told in our promotional materials are true and can be substantiated in the event of a regulatory agency audit.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.

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[1] [World health organization - International Agency for Research on Cancer]
[2] [Cancer Patients' Response to Chemotherapy - Teaching on Side Effect Management - Kelly A. Guswiler - Grand Valley State University]
[3] [Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Augment Cancer Therapy - Elaine Hardman - Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge]
[4] [The Effects of Vitamins and Nutrition on Cancer Illnesses - Swiss Study Group for Complementary and Alternative Methods in Cancer - Swiss Society for Oncology (SGO), Swiss Society for Medical Oncology (SGMO)]
[5] [American Cancer Society - Cancer Facts & Figures2016]
[6] [Iodine and Cancer - Feldt-Rasmussen - Division of Endocrinology Department of Medicine P 2132 National University Hospital Blegdamsvej 9 DK-2100, Copenhagen Denmark]
[7] [Effect of vitamin B12 and folate on homocysteine levels in colorectal cancer - Sunil Chandy, M N Sadananda Adiga, Girija Ramaswamy, C Ramachandra* and Lakshmi Krishnamoorthy - Departments of Biochemistry and *Surgical Oncology, Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore]
[8] [Anti-cancer activities of Ganoderma lucidum: active ingredients and pathways - Chi H.J. Kao, Amalini C. Jesuthasan, Karen S. Bishop, Marcus P. Glucina, and Lynnette R. Ferguson - Discipline of Nutrition, FM&HS, University of Auckland, Auckland 1142, New Zealand ]
[9] [Assessment report on Taraxacum officinale Weber ex Wigg., radix cum herba - Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC)]

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