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[No Hassle Sexy Stomach]

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No Hassle Sexy Stomach Program

Men and Women who want a lean, toned, sexy, abdominal area in as little as 13min a day WITHOUT changing your current workouts, depriving yourself of fun, food, or your favorite beer/wine.

REVEALED: How-to NEVER waste any more of your money on big-box gym memberships or expensive equipment, have fun and enjoy your social life freely without being labelled a “health nut”, AND have that chiseled, lean, sexy stomach in as fast as 28 days with only 12min at the end of ANY workout you do!

No more expensive gym memberships, dealing with intimidating “body builder” types, costly private sessions, fad diets, endless crunches, and frustrations. YOU can get toned up at HOME, with ZERO EQUIPMENT. You just need your floor and this EASY and unique routine at the end of your workouts!!

The toned abdomen, the sexy stomach, is the most sought after muscle group in the fitness world. You don’t see those everyday, and that’s why it’s so impressive when you do spot someone sporting that toned abdomen. It screams healthy, fit, confident, and sexy. Who doesn’t want that??

Unfortunately, the reality is that most people, including big-box gym trainers, go about abdominal training the wrong way. They have good intentions, but are simply misinformed with outdated information that simply does NOT cut it today.

Did you know that doing MORE endless crunches and sit-ups everyday is actually destroying your core?

Did you know that most people develop chronic back pain, neck stiffness, and spinal coordination issues later in life if they’ve been hitting those crunches hard on the regular?

Did you know that endless cardio and running too much are actually robbing you from a sexy stomach?

Did you know that you can get your abs to show more by doing ONE particular exercise for 1min per day as opposed to a 1000 sit-ups?

Did you know that keeping abdominal fat on your body is a leading cause for cardiovascular health problems and developing diabetes in your 30s, 40s and 50s?

Discover how a formerly “chubby”, then super skinny guy got shredded, fought in Muay Thai, and now does fitness modelling gigs and helps people just like YOU lose the extra weight and stubborn abdominal fat on the regular.

I’m Max Hamm, PT, MBA, Trainer, fitness model, fitness coach specializing in high intensity training/Bootcamps and Kettle-bells, Ab connoisseur, and I absolutely LOVE how fitness and weight loss CHANGES LIVES.

For the longest time, I always thought that being lean, cut and toned meant sacrificing all the fun and pleasure one can have in life. Unfortunately, there are many people in the fitness world who perpetuate the stereo type. Who throw a fit when god forbid someone wants to enjoy a beer on a beautiful hot day.

I’ll tell you right now, all of that is nonsense! In fact, after hanging out with some of the toughest, most fit people in the world and learning from their habits, I witnessed that they all loved to enjoy themselves just as hard as they worked. It’s 100% possible to have and enjoy both, and I’m going to help you do exactly that.

Now I know that feeling of wanting a toned, sexy abdominal area. It’s the holy grail, the ultimate physical token of fitness. I liken it to a medal that you wear all the time granting you the confidence, swagger, energy and fitness levels of a cool Greek god/goddess. Not to mention taking off your shirt or rocking that sexy Bikini at the beach or pool is now something you look forward to as opposed to dreading! Sounds awesome! Doesn’t it??

I remember wanting that lean, cut, toned look for years, and sifting through dozens of exercise programs, diets, and crunch variations.

I remember spraining my neck and screwing my back up “pushing through” more and more sit-ups and crunches.

I remember buying those goofy ab-workout machines and doing endless reps.

I also remember going through dozens of magazines and videos on abdominal training, only to leave me frustrated in the end, and to make things worse, I felt even more stressed because I thought I was cursed with that stubborn stomach fat and love handle gene.

I also deprived myself from the foods and drinks that I really enjoyed, thinking it was all about the “kitchen”. All that did was leave me craving what I couldn’t have. I know that feeling, it can drive you crazy watching other people enjoy their favorite things while you’re depriving yourself thinking the results will come eventually, but they never actually do. So you end up feeling even worse. Now you don’t have a toned, lean, core and physique, AND you didn’t get to enjoy that dinner outing.

To make things worse, I’d see all these super fit, lean, toned and sexy guys and girls, models and athletes even, enjoying drinks and snacks by the pool while I’m sitting there, back hurting from bloody crunches, and zero tone in my stomach to show for it! I even gained some weight after all that!!

I almost gave up. I went from being “chubby” and lifting heavy weights, which just made me look bulky, without any form or muscle tone or symmetry, to endless running and dieting, which just made me skinny and frail looking, and still no lean, cut, defined muscle tone or abs.

To make matters worse, I managed to tear my ACL in a soccer game. After a long and grueling rehabilitation program, I was back to square one.

I had two choices at that point, quit and forget about this whole “fitness” and lean, cut, toned physique thing and go back to where I was, not really having any confidence in my body, which by the way translates to a lack of confidence in general, or I’d give this another go and roll the dice again.

With those thoughts bouncing around my head one day, I stumbled into a hardcore Muay Thai (Thai Boxing) gym in my city.

I was blown away by the guys’ and girls’ fitness levels and physiques. They were unquestionably doing things differently, and the truth was in the pudding. You just can’t “fake” being sexy and toned like that.

Some of the guys and girls at the gym were also professional dancers and stunt performers. I learned a TON about unconventional methods that tone your core FAST, and without ANY equipment or dirty gym machines.

Within a few weeks only, I started to see the damn things on my stomach!! I couldn’t believe my eyes. As soon as that happened, I dug deeper into the exercises, fine tuning them and getting that perfect, efficient balance of time, work, effort and results.

I used some of the exercises in this same exact program to keep my lean, toned, abdomen without even properly going to the gym regularly for three months while living in the Netherlands temporarily!

All of that was nearly four years ago now. I’m in even better shape today, because I figured out how to work smarter, not harder. Now I want to share all my knowledge and experience with YOU! I consider it my duty. I don’t want anymore people to struggle with the ups and downs of this whole thing due to a lack of knowledge and proper guidance.

What trips people the most is that they keep going harder and harder when they don’t see results immediately, which can actually backfire and force your body to STORE fat in your abdomen instead of burning it, as a response to elevated stress levels, cortisol, and a taxed endocrine system.

Today, I’m passing all that knowledge, experience, blood, sweat, and tears to YOU.

So that YOU don’t get lost down the path of endless crunches, running, diets, and guess work while on your journey to a more lean, cut, toned and defined physique.

After my transformation, it was literally a game changer in my life.

There are many people out there who say having that awesome, lean, toned physique doesn’t change much. But trust me when I say, I beg to differ.
Just imagine getting compliments from complete strangers at the beach or the pool, attracting tons more attention from the opposite sex, and getting asked what your “secret” is as you enjoy your favorite drink under the sun AND look like a fitness model.

Imagine looking forward to your beach or pool day, your next vacation or getaway, instead of fretting about what you can or cannot fit into!

Imagine having the confidence to rock ANY outfit you desire!

With a lean, toned core and physique, YOU wear the clothes, not the other way around. A trim waistline means a sexy, proportionate look that makes you stand out from the crowd, and whether you’re single or in a relationship, you’ll take your dating and sex life to the next level!

Imagine getting up every morning, looking in the mirror, and instead of saying, “sh*t, look at my gut”, you’ll be saying “Good morning you handsome fella!” or “good morning you sexy lady!”

After all these years, I’ve developed a straight-to-the-point, targeted, efficient, no hassle, zero equipment, complete exercise, mindset, and nutrition program to get you that sexy, “model like” mid-section without ever having to lace up a glove, get punched in the face, learn intense hip-hop dance moves or gymnastics, starve or deprive yourself, or pay insane membership fees to big-box gyms!
You don’t require equipment! You can add this EASY and UNIQUE system to ANY workout! You don’t require an expensive trainer. I even break down the exercises down to the basics and mold them according to your current fitness levels so even complete beginners can get started right away, all the way to current models who want to chisel their core even further! You don’t require costly monthly memberships at big-box gyms where you’re treated just like a “number”. You can incorporate this regimen into your current workout schedule very easily! The program takes less than 15min per day of effort! It takes you longer to grab a coffee to go! I’ve done all the heavy lifting for YOU by breaking down the nutrition essentials and Mindset required during the program. Those are the missing links from most programs out there, they especially neglect the mental side of this game, which is just as important as the physical movements! You don’t have to deprive yourself from the beer/wine you love, or your favorite foods. I’m a huge proponent of balance. Fitness should not and does not have to be a boring chore! YOU can still have fun, enjoy life AND get toned up! I show you exactly how.
I know this may sound “too good to be true” but make sure you read about the process of this program below where I break down how and why it works! I’m not a big-box gym or a big, dumb corporation with robots answering the phones. I only care about legitimate positive transformations, and I know this system WILL DELIVER if you follow each and every step.

Besides, I will never take a single dime from you if for some reason it doesn’t work out for you.

Before I reveal the system. Let’s look at WHY you’re still NOT getting your desired results or reaching your fitness goals and getting that dream physique.

1. You’re unaware of just how CRITICAL the mental aspect of the game is.

With a background in management and leadership from my Master’s degree days, I’ve been through dozens of mental training programs, assessments, and personal development workshops and seminars teaching mindset. Ask any professional athlete or trainer who knows what they’re talking about, and they’ll tell you that most accomplishments whether in fitness or in life all come down to mentality. If you don’t have the RIGHT MINDSET, you can do program after program, and diet after diet, till Prince comes back from the dead and starts doing shows again and you STILL won’t lose the weight or tone up or get lean!

I’ve broken down the MOST ESSENTIAL mindset principles from sports psychology and psychotherapy for you to use along with the exercises. There is no stone left unturned here, most people will just give you physical exercises to do, and would have no idea what to do when you find yourself stuck or lacking motivation to continue, or feel like quitting. That’s where these MINDSET principles come into play.

2. You’re going on endless, long runs and just end up looking skinnier, or “skinny fat”, without a defined, toned core and abdomen.

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE running. It feels absolutely fantastic to go on a solid run on a beautiful sunny day by the lake, but if you’re running to get a sexy stomach, I’m afraid you’re actually doing the opposite. Notice the difference in body type between sprinters and long-distance runners? Sprinters look like Spartan warriors, runners on the other hand, well… not so much. Most people run WAY TOO MUCH and for all the wrong reasons. Research has shown time and time again that a high intensity sprint session of just 5min is MORE BENEFICIAL and builds MORE MUSCLE TONE than 40min of running!

With this program, we ensure that you’re working the right core and abdomen muscles so that you don’t just get skinnier when you do run, but you actually start to build tone and muscle definition. Running on its own will NEVER get you that lean, toned, sexy, model-like physique. No more dirty treadmills or boring elliptical machines with this program!

3. You’re ONLY eating right

The right nutrition is crucial for a lean, sexy, model like physique, and if you think that 2000 calories of Junk are just the same as 2000 calories of wholesome, nutrient dense foods, you’re in for a rude awakening especially after the age of 30. Not all calories are created equal, remember that.

Now if you’re disciplined with your eating habits yet you’re not seeing results in your physique, I’m afraid it’s definitely a common theme. Yes, you’ll lose weight and slim down, but you’re not getting any muscle tone or core definition, and good luck getting any abs with just the right diet.

Muscles have to be trained in order to grow, shape, and expand. No training equals muscle atrophy. The old adage of use it or lose is 100% applicable in this case. But with less than 15min a day, you can forever stop worrying about how much training you should do for your core or what exactly you should be doing. I do all the heavy lifting for you!

4. You think only freak athletes can get a toned core like that, or you think it involves working out everyday and only eating cucumbers all day. So you never bother to apply yourself enough.

The No Hassle Sexy Stomach program blows all those barriers out of the water. The program tackles all four fundamental issues with one potent punch. The exercises will kick your metabolism into high gear so that you’re burning fat even after your workouts are done and during sleep. They also also target all the abdominal muscles with a combination of high intensity movements that increase your heart rate, get your blood pumping, and whip your core into chiseled shape.

I’m also not going to bull sh*t you and say that this won’t require any discipline and consistency on your part. It definitely will. But let me ask you this, isn’t spending a measly 13min a day in terms of effort and discipline worth it for banishing all those body-image issues, tripling your self-confidence, and maximizing your energy levels? You bet it is!

Now.. let me break down the structure of the program.

The Ramp Up
(Weeks 1 & 2)

Over the first two weeks, we will get your core and abdominal area ready for action! This stage will begin the fat burning and stomach toning process, and it will also get your metabolism to increase so that you can burn calories throughout the day even AFTER your workout. By the end of the second week, you will notice your core getting stronger and a change in shape as you burn off abdominal fat.

The Steady Cruisin’
(Weeks 3 & 4)

This stage will build on the first stage, where you will slowly increase the intensity of the exercises, benefiting from additional core strength and endurance. Your body will begin to adapt to the exercises and your abdominal area will start to respond more effectively to the targeted training. By the end of this stage, you will start to see some significant results which will make you absolutely addicted to staying the course and getting to that sexy finish line!

Turbo Charged Abdominal Blast
(Weeks 5 & 6)

Fat scorching combination of increased heart rate with high intensity exercises followed by targeted abdominal training with the principles of targeted stress under time. We’re going to step it up in this stage. You’ve been working your butt off and seeing results! We increase the targeting and toning techniques and add some fat burning, metabolism raising movements into the mix to accelerate your results even further.

Turbo Sprint To The Finish Line
(Weeks 7 & 8)

As they say, you gotta’ finish strong! That’s exactly what this final stage is all about. You’re built up significantly higher core strength at this point, and your metabolism is firing on all cylinders. It’s time to rock that last set of exercises to scorch that excess abdominal fat and bring you to to the sexy stomach finish line!

Here are the benefits of this unique program:
Experience triple the self-confidence you currently have Absolutely look forward to the beach or the pool each and every time Get compliments left and right from the opposite sex Get asked what your ‘secret’ is. Heck, you might even make money training people! Girls or guys who you thought were “out of your league” will be checking YOU out instead! Feel YEARS younger, and reap the health benefits of a high metabolism and healthy BMI Get the most out of YOUR life by having your dream physique AND still enjoy your life. Get offered modelling gigs without even asking for them! Join an exclusive group of people who rock that beautiful mid-section everyone covets and dreams of. (Statistics estimate that ONLY 1 in 20,000 people in the US have a toned core!!). In other words, you’ll be exotic! Never have to worry about all the horrible cardiovascular diseases, thyroid problems, stress, depression, and terribly low energy levels that come with having excess abdominal fat Save hundreds if not thousands of dollars that you would have otherwise spent on expensive private sessions and useless gym-memberships that just collect dust.
(I haven’t paid for a gym membership in over 3 years. All my workouts and training are done at home or in the outdoors, unless I’m doing Muay-Thai/Kickboxing specific drills where lots of equipment and a Martial arts gym are required) Can wear any clothes you like and look absolutely fantastic! Guys, you’ll be looking forward to wearing that slim shirt that shows off your symmetry. Ladies, you’ll be able to rock that stunning dress for your next night out without a second thought! Save your back, spine, and neck a heck ton of pain and future chronic problems, especially if you’re currently doing traditional crunches or using one of those goofy ab-machines. Have double the amount of energy you usually have, without relying on stimulants or tons of coffee to make it through the day Have healthier brain and cognitive function, with improved memory and focus as side benefits to a higher metabolism, lower weight, and a stronger core. Never have to sit on any dirty, smelly, germ infested gym equipment or deal with people on steroids with anger issues! AND MUCH MUCH MORE!!

Don’t just take my word for it…


Here’s what you’ll be getting with the life-changing No Hassle Sexy Stomach program:

The No Hassle Sexy Stomach Exercise Videos
($167 value)

All stages are presented in HD Video so that you can follow along effortlessly towards the body of your dreams. You get Instant access to the HD done-for-you demonstration videos immediately.

The No Hassle Sexy Stomach Exercise Guide
($67 value)

This straight-to-the point, 100+ page guide breaks down all the basics of each individual exercise, with step-by-step pictures, so that even absolute beginners can get started right away! You never have to worry about whether you’re doing it the right way with this guide.

Here’s a sample page from the guide outlining the starting position for a particular exercise:

Plus, since I always admire, respect and reward action-takers, I’m throwing in these THREE BONUSE ITEMS when you order TODAY:

No Hassle Sexy Stomach Nutrition Guide
($47 value)

Take away all the guess work on what to eat, how to eat, and when to eat with this handy guide by your side. This nutrition manifesto will guarantee you accelerated results as you combine it with your exercise regimen.

No Hassle Sexy Stomach Mental Dominance Guide
($37 value)

The most underrated and neglected aspect in fitness programs today. I reveal the biggest secret in psychotherapy and sports psychology that is guaranteed to get your results faster and keep you motivated throughout the program.

No Hassle Sexy Stomach Party Smart Guide
($37 value)

Ever thought enjoying life and looking fantastic could not co-exist? I reveal 10 exclusive ways you can party and enjoy life in a smart way so that you can still have fun AND rock that sexy body without ever being a gym recluse or an anti-social fitness zombie.

You can struggle, work out endlessly, go to smelly, sweaty gyms, and deal with people you don’t like..
With No Hassle Sexy Stomach. You only need the comfort of your very own HOME!!

If you were to pay a trainer for this, and even then you’re not guaranteed results or get any of your money back if you’re unhappy, you’re looking at upwards of $700 for all the sessions, plus the gym membership you’ll have to buy and get locked into. Plus, you’ll have to abide by their schedule, NOT yours. With No Hassle Sexy Stomach, you workout ON YOUR OWN time IN YOUR OWN HOME!

Here’s the really awesome part. You’re not paying $700, not $500, not even the $395 the program is usually valued at!

RIGHT NOW, I’m giving the entire program away for a one-time investment of only $67, $37, $17, $9.

That is $50 off the original price. That’s the equivalent of only a few cents per day!! A few cents per day for you to rock a sexy core and abdominal area so that you can experience what it feels like to have triple the self-confidence, triple the comfort in your own skin, and turn the heads of the opposite sex, and feel years younger!

It is a no-brainer!

You get instant access TODAY. Just click the buy now button below and follow the on-screen payment instructions. After your payment clears, you’ll be directed to the download area where you get instant access to all the exercise videos in HD, all the guides, and all the awesome bonuses.

No shipping costs! No waiting time!
You get Instant Access on any computer starting NOW for only $9.


But Max, why is it only $9?

Here’s the deal. My mission is to help as many people realize the FULL POTENTIAL of what their bodies can look like and achieve. We are in the midst of an obesity epidemic. Hundreds of Thousands die every year from weight and cardiovascular issues in North America! The way I see it, the more success stories out there, the more healthier and happier people walk the earth. In other words, the world becomes a better place.

Besides, I firmly believe that one can take their current relationship and sex life to the next level by realizing the full potential of what their physique can look like and accomplish! If you’re currently single, well, that won’t last very long after you’re done this program first of all, and second of all, you’ll kick yourself for not getting on this sooner once you see the amazing results waiting for you!

P.S. If you’re currently already in great shape or you’re a model or athlete, this program WILL add a whole other dimension to your training and chisel and tone your core and abdominal area to the next level so that your performance and your photo shoots kick into a whole other gear!

At this price, I can reach as many people as possible, and get the most success stories. I want YOU to have this and get on the right track to changing your life by seeing with your own eyes what your body can do and what it can look like after you follow this program.

In fact, I am so confident that this program will deliver, I’m willing to offer a 60-day money back guarantee if for some reason you are unhappy with it. 100%. No Questions asked. Right on the spot. You just have to e-mail me! You’ll get your money back AND you get to keep the program in case you have a change of heart later on, on me!

The TURBO CUTS Guarantee

Here’s the deal. I know what it’s like to pay for workout programs, only to be disappointed, confused, and frustrated with the whole process.

I’m doing all the heavy lifting for you and leaving out all the guess work from your life. Everything is laid out and explained so that even beginners can get started right away and make progress towards their dream body.

I am 100% certain that you’ll get RESULTS. I’m 100% certain that you’ll LOVE your new look.

You don’t even have to decide now, you can just get the program, try it out for 60 days, and if you’re not happy with it, just request a refund. You’ll get all your money back, no questions asked, no hassle at all.

I’m not some big lifeless corporation with robots answering the support lines or a big-box gym that treats people just like a number. Refunds are honored right on the spot with this personal guarantee.


Are you ready for more confidence, and more comfort in your own skin? Are you ready to look forward to each and every beach and pool day without batting an eye? Are you ready to start turning heads of the opposite sex and take your dating/sex/relationship life to the next level?

I’m doing ALL the heavy lifting for you, I’m even including mental and diet secrets that no other program out there even touches on!!

You’ll be getting all of this awesome, life changing, body transforming information for only $9. And, if you order now, I’m including all the value-packed bonuses valued at over $200. The price is going up after we make the next 100 sales!!

It really is a no-brainer! Would you rather pay $60 a month in membership fees at some big box gym, deal with dirty, smelly equipment, inconsiderate people or worse, “meat heads”? Or would you rather pay a trainer for private sessions that could rack up a bill in the hundreds of dollars very quickly, without guaranteeing you results or your money back!

For just a one-time investment of $9, the equivalent of a few cents per day, less than the price of a single fitness consultation at a gym, you get instant access to the No Hassle Sexy Stomach program and bonuses when you order TODAY!

Plus, you’re getting guidance from a fitness model, Kettle bell and High intensity/Cardio training specialist, with experience in competitive Muay Thai, Swimming and soccer, who has also been where you were before! From “chubby” to skinny and back and forth without much luck, until I finally “got the recipe” for building a core and abdominal area like a Greek God/Goddess with zero equipment and from the comfort of your own home! And all of that is YOURS when you order!

This price won’t last long. As I said, it goes up after the next 100 sales.

Let’s get you that dream core. Let’s transform the way you see yourself. Let’s show you what your body can look like and what it can achieve. As far as I’m concerned, you’re here once on this planet, why not get the most from your body and get it toned and chiseled so that YOU can reap all the benefits of having that extra confidence, happiness, and higher natural energy EVERYDAY!

To your success and happiness,

Max Hamm

P.S. If you don’t invest in yourself today, here’s what will happen. Today becomes tomorrow, tomorrow becomes next week. Next week becomes next month, and all of a sudden it’s next year and you haven’t moved one bit from where you were before.

No more procrastination, no more struggling with stubborn abdominal fat, no more insecurity at the beach or pool, no more saying “he/she is out of my league!” The time is NOW for you to get the body you’ve always dreamed of! It’s time for real RESULTS. Make TODAY the day you look back on some time from now as the best decision if you’ve ever made as you enjoy the fruits of a happier, more confident YOU.

P.P.S. You won’t find this package for this price anywhere else, take action NOW before the price goes up after the next 100 sales so you can get your hands on the awesome bonuses that will get you the desired results even FASTER.

No shipping costs! No waiting time!
You get Instant Access on any computer starting NOW for only $9.



Q. Will this work for me If I’m a complete beginner?

A. Yes! The program is actually designed to fit YOUR experience and current fitness levels. The exercises are molded and finessed to accommodate those with little to no experience, to those who consistently work out more than four times a week, all the way to current models and athletes!

Q. Will this work for me if I’m over 40?

A. Absolutely! The training is designed to challenge your own intensity levels, rather than a prescribed one-size-fits all solution. It also doesn’t require intense body movements that are hard on your joints or back. You’ll be able to get results at your own pace.

Q. Will this make me look bulky or anything resembling a body builder?

A. Never! I’ve never been into body building and never will. Nothing against body building, but I specialize in trainings for getting that lean, sexy, model-like or combat sports athlete/boxer look. You will slim down, tighten up, and look proportionate and symmetric. No “roid head” anything in this program or in anything else that I offer.

Q. Can Women do this program too?

A. 100%. In fact, Many boot camps I run with the ladies incorporate some of these exercises and the results have been nothing short of AMAZING. Check out the fantastic female testimonials above as well. It’s also always awesome to see the girls outwork the guys!

Q. I’m a Woman and I want to buy this program. Will it make me look muscular and bigger?

A. Not at all. The program is designed to tone up your abdomen and strengthen your core. You’ll end up with a tight, sexy model physique as opposed to packing on bulky size.

Q. Does this work for current athletes/competitors who are already in great shape?

A. Absolutely! This program will take your performance to the next level. Most movements, power, and speed are generated from the core. This WILL shred your abdomen to the next level, and you’ll feel a new spark in your game.

Q. I’m a model. Is this good for me?

A. Yes! In fact, you’d be THROWING AWAY a golden opportunity by NOT doing this program! It will make your abdominal area “pop out” more in photo shoots, and will get you the most toned core possible so you can take your next shoot to the next level! I’ve had many clients who are models, both male and female, and they absolutely RAVE about the results!

Q. Can I do this with my current workout routine?
A. Absolutely! The No Hassle Sexy Stomach Program is specifically designed to go with ANY workout program you’re currently doing. Just do the exercises in this program at the very end of your current workouts!

Q. Do I have to completely change my diet for this?

A. It depends. If junk food and empty calories dominate your diet, you’re CRAZY if you think you can get away with that AND shred your waist and core! However, if you’re making effort to watch what you eat, with some tweaks here and there as highlighted in the BONUS nutrition guide if you order TODAY, you’ll be well on your way to your dream physique. Plus, you can STILL enjoy your favorite food, beer or wine in a smart manner as outlined in the BONUS guide so you never have to deprive or starve yourself.

Q. Can I drink alcohol everyday and still get all the results?

A. Look sir, or ma’am, I won’t bullsh*t you one bit here, I love my beverages too, but at the same time you’d be delusional if you think you can hammer down a 6-pack of brews or a bottle of wine everyday and still get a lean and cut abdominal area. I believe that fun, pleasure AND an awesome, toned physique can 100% co-exist. I live and breathe that, but if you think there cannot be ANY sacrifice, I’m afraid no exercise program on planet earth can help you there. Just follow the guidelines on alcohol in the guide and you’ll thank me later when you’re looking in the mirror every morning admiring your handy work and new self-confidence!


If you have any issues, please contact MaxHamm@TurboCutsFitness.com

Your billing statement will show a charge from CLKBank.com. (not from this website) ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.

What is are the typical results?: The harsh truth is that most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, their typical results are zero. You are the main element of your success! We personally have used this program with our own clients. The individuals above are a small sampling of our real clients that have accomplished great success. They worked hard, and earned their results.

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