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Get Incredibly Strong.
Master the Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift.
Feel Unstoppable.

Become a Powerlifter
(Even If You Didn’t Expect To).

Get Incredibly Strong.
Master the Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift.
Feel Unstoppable.

Become a Powerlifter
(Even If You Didn’t Expect To).


You may hear the word “powerlifting” and automatically think, “Nah, that’s not for me.” That’s what I thought, too. It sounded intimidating and uninteresting, but boy, was I wrong. I had no idea how intensely it would focus my training, challenge my fitness, and make me stronger than I’d been. And it can do the same for you.

Whether or not you can ever see yourself wearing a powerlifting singlet, deadlifting a stacked barbell in front of hundreds of people is entirely beside the point. Joining a team, setting records, and winning medals? Also not the point.

What is the point is discovering the insane levels of strength you can achieve — and I do mean YOU can achieve — by training like a powerlifter.

Whether or not you ever take the platform is your business, but getting you strong enough to want to? That’s mine.

Strong Is Contagious. Strong Will Change Your Life.

I’ve seen the discovery of powerlifting completely, seismically shift women’s confidence toward the positive. Confidence in their bodies, in their physical capabilities, even in the way they work.

Seriously. Earlier today, I received a text message from a client who has very recently been promoted to VP at the company she works for. Get this: she credits getting strong to playing a major role in her promotion: “I think it is a direct impact of my building strength in everything! Thank you!! Seriously...strong has translated into amazing things!” She trained for and entered her first powerlifting meet at age 41, and I witnessed her become invincible before my very eyes.

She’s also thrilled with the 40 pounds she lost in the process, but I’m not going to tell you that the way to happiness is to lose weight, whether it be 40 pounds or a stubborn 5 to 10. I’m not going to talk to you about getting “long, lean muscles.” (Having goals like these are A-OK, by the way, they’re just not going to be part of our conversation today.)

Instead, I want to focus on the best way I’ve found to build confidence, to enjoy and revel in the way you look and feel, to truly learn to appreciate what your body can do, and to have the opportunity to test it.

In case you’re not picking up what I’m putting down, it’s strength I’m talking about, and in particular, yours. To get even more specific, I’m talking about focusing on large, multijoint movements called the “big three.” They are the squat, the bench press, and the deadlift, and together, they work every major muscle group in your body, forging it out of the very steel you will lift.

I want you to realize exactly what you’re capable of, and I have the very thing that can help you find out.

Happily, you don’t have to wade through a sea of subpar information to get the good stuff.

What a relief, because although the tides are turning and more women are finding their way into the weight room, the simple fact remains: most mainstream fitness marketing isn’t talking about lifting anything other than teeny-weeny, eensy-weensy, microscopic dumbbells. That is what women lifting weights still means in the pages of most glossy magazines. F that noise, though.

We are much, much stronger than they give us credit for, and there are so many benefits to developing that strength more completely: a faster metabolism, better sleep, increased bone density (and thus a much-improved aging process), reduced anxiety and depression, a healthier heart, more lean tissue, better balance and proprioception, a sharp reduction in certain diseases (like diabetes), prevention of or treatment for back pain, and the list goes on and on and on.

The Problem: This Information is Being Withheld From You

I’ve been a personal trainer since 2008, and I could tell you countless stories of women whose lives I’ve seen changed by taking the leap into strength and competition. The story has unfolded so many times in front of my eyes that I almost forget that not everyone knows it. It’s not until I peer out of my bubble of working with like-minded people, training with partners who have similar goals, and being part of a strength-oriented family that I’m reminded:

“Shoot, not everyone is on board with this yet. Not everyone even knows about this yet.”

So that’s really why I’m here today. To tell you more about my story and others’ in the hopes that I can pull you inside that same strong, happy bubble I share with my friends and training clients.

My story probably starts out similarly to yours: Young woman who’s always been vaguely unsatisfied (at best) with her body decides to join a gym. Young woman pedals away on the elliptical for longer than she wants to recall (cough cough, years) and loses a few pounds. Young woman is excited about this development, so she keeps pedaling and pedaling until she gets bored and finally starts taking a strength-based group fitness class. She realizes, once she recovers from her first class (after which her jelly legs could barely hold her up), that she was onto something.

Skip ahead a few years:

Young woman is not quite as young anymore, and is now a personal trainer and competitive powerlifter currently ranked number one in her weight class for the barbell back squat in the Minnesota division of the USA Powerlifting federation.

Ummmmm...what? I had you for a second there, while our journeys very likely ran parallel to each other. Your ending might not be the same as mine (yet) and that’s due to several factors, such as environment, community, a little bit of luck, and maybe even a shot of courage, too.

There’s also the society-wide assumption that you will accidentally totally hulk out if you train to be a powerlifter. Uhhh, no. Not ever gonna happen by accident. What will happen is that you’ll get much stronger, more confident, more unapologetic about your superpowers.

I didn’t expect to end up a powerlifter, and it’s true that most women don’t. I’ve learned an incredible amount in the years I’ve been competing, and have uncovered many more unexpected surprises along the way:

I didn’t expect to have so much fun testing my limits.

I didn’t expect to see such a wide range of body types of competitive lifters, from very large humans to very small humans, all with varied degrees of strength and experience.

I didn’t expect to learn that even though there are medals and placing, when it comes right down to it, the medals don’t really matter. The reason you are there is to set or beat your own personal records and the only person you have to worry about besting in powerlifting is yourself.

Welcome to the Big Show

My journey from an elliptical maven to coach and powerlifter has included many, many hours of seeking mentorship, learning untold amounts from the rest of The Movement Minneapolis team, earning certifications and attending workshops, and doing what matters most when your heart’s desire is to help people discover their best, strongest selves: working hands-on with hundreds and hundreds of people just like you.

I’ve worked with men and women, older and younger, in what is an excellent representative sample of humans in every shape and size. And I’ve learned that what works best for people looking to feel strong, healthy, and capable, is to actually get strong, healthy, and capable.

In my experience, the most effective method of getting there, the one that sticks, that motivates, that teaches the most lasting lessons and the most life-altering results, has been introducing clients to the sport of powerlifting.

Again, it doesn’t matter if you want to compete on stage: it simply matters that you train as if you are going to compete.
"It doesn’t matter if you want to compete on stage: it simply matters that you train as if you are going to compete."
I can say with 100 percent certainty that being stronger makes you better on every level. You get out of bed more easily. You take the stairs two at a time. You end up looking down and appreciating the shapeliness of your thighs because now you know those thighs have a purpose and that purpose is to move. To move weights. To move you from point A to point B with your shoulders thrown back and your head held high. (Just like the lockout of the deadlift, only sans barbell.)

Once you’re hooked on that type of training, as it turns out, you just can’t help but want to show it off every now and then.

Even if you you’re still a “no way” on competing, you can, at the very least, wow the pants off of everyone around you at the gym with the size of your squat. That works, too.

People just like you have learned this firsthand:

"As my lifts went up, my self-confidence skyrocketed. I now view myself as strong—a word I never would have used to describe myself before. After a few months on the powerlifting program, I found myself on the platform, competing in my very first powerlifting meet, which was a huge personal achievement for me. I've now caught the powerlifting bug, and there's no turning back.”
Paige Zidek, 23, Minneapolis, Minn.

"I feel like a bad-ass when I lift heavy things. The endorphins I get from lifting this way are pretty amazing!
I also love that powerlifting shifted my focus from what I look like to what I can do with my body. Huge mindset shift!"
Deanna Harder, 38, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

"I started powerlifting at the age of 42. Before that, I worked out with no real goal other than to exercise and maybe lose some weight. Powerlifting changed that.
There were other side effects I wasn’t expecting: not only did I gain physical strength, I gained mental strength and confidence. A BIG area of improvement is my body confidence. As one of my teammates said, “If you can wear a singlet in public you can do anything.” I realized that it is my body that makes me strong, and if I’m proud of my strength (which I am) I need to be proud of my body—and I am!
Hooray for powerlifting! What a fun journey I’m on."
Donna Adams, 41, Lino Lakes, Minn.

The Pain of Staying the Same

I get that it can feel impossible to make progress sometimes. I know what it’s like to feel aimless at the gym. So many programs don’t take you to where you need to go, either because they aren’t assembled very well, or they just aren’t rewarding and engaging enough for you to stay consistent with your training.

Or maybe you haven’t gotten enough of the right coaching or instruction yet, so you don’t feel confident enough to dive into a program that truly challenges you to lift heavy-for-you weights. I hear you, lifting big can be intimidating! Full-on scary, even!

I also understand there are a lot of systems out there telling you they have the answer, the one and only answer. It’s really noisy out there, I know. You have one fitness expert in your ear telling you one thing and another in the other ear saying something completely different. It can be overwhelming and frustrating and drive you to want to say “screw it” and try to figure it out on your own.

So then you end up spinning your wheels, for months or even years at a time. Frustrated.

The truth is, there are a lot of ways to get great results, depending on what kind of metrics you use to measure results. But...there are better ways than others, especially if your goal is to explore your physical potential, to truly come alive in your body, to feel strong and independent and thoroughly capable.

Here’s what else I know, and it’s been my clear and consistent message since I first started training clients:

When you choose to take charge and declare that you want more strength, more muscles, more fun and adventure, you will not simply cut out the noise. You will also become an impetus for change, and you will play an active role in changing the conversation around women and our bodies.

That is what’s next for you now. That is what you’re capable of.

Molly Galbraith

Heavy strength training, and powerlifting in particular, is a game-changer for women when it comes to improving their confidence, encouraging positive goal-setting, helping them achieve the physique they desire, and getting killer strong.

JVB's Unapologetically Powerful program will help you do all of that (and more!) in a fun, effective, and safe way.

- CSCS, owner and cofounder of Girls Gone Strong

Julia Ladewski

I've met a lot of women scared to step on the platform for the first time out of fear of ‘not being strong enough.’ I'm sure the first time Michael Jordan stepped on a basketball court, he didn't score 100 points. Everyone starts somewhere.

The Unapologetically Powerful beginner program offers a solid base of the big three lifts with a plethora of accessory work to build strength and keep it fun. Subtle changes from block to block allow you to master the movements and gain strength in the appropriate areas. The early intermediate program starts to open you up to more complex movements and works towards peaking you nicely for show time.

Competing is hard enough as a first-timer, so take the guesswork out of programming by following Unapologetically Powerful.”

- CSCS, strength and nutrition coach and founder of Bella Forza strength apparel

Jen Comas

The Unapologetically Powerful training plan is laid out in a simple and easy-to-read format, and caters to both beginner and early intermediate lifters. My favorite part is that it gives you options, which I feel is incredibly important! As somebody following a training plan, I would like to have some say in the movements that I perform based on how I'm feeling that day.

If you want to become incredibly stronger and focus on the big three, this is absolutely the guide for you!

- founder of Beauty Lies in Strength and cofounder of Girls Gone Strong

Jordan Syatt

Unapologetically Powerful is different than 99.9% of all training programs for three major reasons: First, it works. Unapologetically Powerful is built upon the foundation of science-based training principles that produce real results fast. Second, it was created by someone who talks the talk and walks the walk. JVB is a strong, powerful lifter, phenomenal coach and she has years of experience under the bar. Third, and most importantly, JVB cares about you. She's passionate about what she does and wrote this program with the sole intention of helping you reach your goals.

I stand by Unapologetically Powerful 100 percent and I have no doubt you'll absolutely love it.

- strength coach, world-record-setting powerlifter and founder of Syatt Fitness

Getting Strong, the Fast and Furious Version

This isn’t going to be a long, drawn-out process. In less than a single season, you will—poof!—become a powerlifter. You will become powerful.

If you follow the program, you will begin seeing your strength shoot up right away, and your results will stack on top of one another like so many weight plates. In three months, if you so choose, you could even feasibly enter your first competition (and don’t worry, those are easy to find—I’ll show you how to do that, too).

In a 2001 article from the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, a study found that women with basic experience in strength training experienced significant strength adaptations when training multiple sets of a whole-body strength training program just twice a week. (In other words, they took up powerlifting.)

How long did it take the women to see increases in strength, according to the research?

Six weeks.

You can see strength gains in just six weeks? And that was just training twice a week? Imagine if you found an even sweeter spot of three or even four sessions a week. Imagine the possibilities then.

And this was in a study protocol! Great for revealing the relationships between variables, but not exactly ideal for making optimal strength gains.

We had one of the groups we worked with to develop this program test their new maxes after just six weeks. That’s half of the full program. And even at that stage, these are the types of results we saw:

What were Rebecca’s exact PRs? A boost of 20 pounds in the deadlift. Another 30 pounds in the bench press. And 30 more pounds in the squat.

That wasn't even the most incredible of them all. Cameron Radke saw a 40-pound increase in her squat (from 145 to 185 pounds). A 20-pound increase in her bench (from 125 to 145 pounds). And a whopping 50-pound increase in her deadlift (from 225 to 275 pounds). All in six weeks. Now think about where they ended up after 12.

Why, yes, yes I will help you pick out your powerlifting singlet.

What it all comes down to is feeling stronger, braver, and excited about trying new things. I say over and over again that strong is fun, and never once have I been proven wrong. Join me on this raucously fun adventure, and you’ll see for yourself.

You’re Going to Get Unapologetically Brave

I just realized that we’ve been chatting for ages now and I haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is Jennifer Vogelgesang Blake, but my friends call me JVB. This is because I am a trainer and strength coach at The Movement Minneapolis, where I work alongside Jen Sinkler, and since both of us Jens have an affinity for bright clothing, side ponytails, and heavy weights, we needed an easy way for our members and clients to address us separately.

Going by my initials has also led to a wide variety of interesting nicknames and no, you cannot call me JVBeezy.

I’ve been a personal trainer since 2008 and a coach at Movement since the very beginning of 2013. I coach our women’s-only strength class alongside Jen and co-coach our Movement powerlifting team (affectionately dubbed Team Green due to our kelly-green singlets) with gym owner and world record-holding deadlifter David Dellanave.

Together we—along with a cohort of the most gifted individuals I’ve ever met—coach an ever-growing community of lifters. They are men and women from every walk of life who are looking to become stronger, more functional humans.

It’s an incredibly special place to work. There, Jen and I have both had front row seats to witness the resurgence of the sport of powerlifting, and to help it thrive both in our gym and our local community.

The proof is in the pudding: The first meet I competed in hosted a total of nine women competitors total. It took some guts to enter, but I knew it was my duty to lead the charge. Thanks in no small part to that first step there were twenty-two entries at the next meet. The third? Seventeen—a dip due only to the fact it was an invite-only meet. Here’s where it gets interesting, though. The fourth? Thirty-six. And the fifth? Thirty-nine.

Meet entries are at record-breaking numbers and are often fill up so quickly it’s like buying concert tickets when registration is opened. Each person who gains the courage to step under that heavy barbell results in four more deciding they too can be powerlifters.

I’ve helped coach numerous men and women from our gym, barbell-newbies and veteran lifters alike, to their own personal bests on the platform, and I’ve now lost count of how many state records our lifters hold and how many medals we’ve taken home.

In addition to coaching our gym-goers in person, I’ve been coaching people online for a quite while now. This past summer, I took a group of enthusiastic beta testers through the very program I’m about to outline in greater detail for you, and many of them nailed their own big three PRs and became stronger athletes. Here’s what some of them had to say about the program:

This program focuses on the key lifts—squat, deadlift, and bench—but it also adds in challenging accessory work that trains your body in all planes of movement. This was something my prior training had been lacking. I cannot recommend this program enough. If you love to lift and are looking for an intelligent, intuitive approach to finding your inner awesome, you have to try Unapologetically Powerful.

Jeannine Trimboli, 43

Albany, N.Y.

I loved the Unapologetically Powerful program. It’s different than anything I've done before, in an awesome way—it's all about strength gains! I'm still a beginner in the world of lifting heavy things and I am often hesitant to go really heavy. I'm risk averse because I want to lift forever. This program helped build my ability to listen to my body so that in any workout I know what lifts feel good, when I can push it, and when I need to back off. I never felt like I was losing ground, but rather that I was always growing in multiple directions. The focus is on the big lifts, which I love, and the variations helped make me stronger and will keep me lifting longer. Oh, and I added 18 pounds to my deadlift!

Anna Dooley, 27

Minneapolis, Minn.

I loved Unapologetically Powerful—the program had all the conventional lifts that I love, with a few new ones to try out, which I appreciate both as a coach and as someone trying to get stronger and compete. Even on the days when my volume was through the roof, I never had trouble recovering and never felt like I'd done too much. Learning how to work smart, not hard, is an unbelievable skill!

Hilary Lederer, 29

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I thought I might improve my strength in the ‘big three’ during Unapologetically Powerful, but I discovered that I am stronger now than I was at 22 years old—not only in the gym, but across my entire life. The programming is comprehensive yet easy to follow, and the companion exercise glossary completely demonstrated and described every component included in the program. The exercises not only include the big three, but also exercise combinations that contribute directly to more power in the deadlift, squat and bench press.

Cameron Radke, 48

Plymouth, Minn.

The Secret Weapon You’ve Already Got

Want to know the key to getting such incredible results, especially in such a short amount of time? The answer is already within you—literally.

We use a secret weapon, which you’re going to learn, and that weapon is training with biofeedback.

What does that mean? Broken down simply, it’s a way for you to measure how your body responds to a particular stimulus, and to use that response to inform the decisions you make in training every single time you hit the gym.

This quick, easy-to-implement tool is what separates the our programming for the rest of the pack.

By using a simple range of motion test you’ll learn, you’ll:
Instantly be able to make smart decisions about what movements feel great for your body, in real time, in every single training session. Learn how to adapt any movement to fit your body’s needs, instead of trying to force it into a movement that isn’t a great fit for you (yet). Learn to expand your limits downright easily, without breaking yourself. That way, when the time comes to put your strength to the test, you won’t be burned out and injured.
Incorporating biofeedback into your training only takes a few seconds, but the results last for good. It’s a tool that once you have, you never lose, and you’re welcome to use it on any program after Unapologetically Powerful, too—for the rest of your life.
"Why isn't everyone training this way?"
When David first explained biofeedback to me years ago, something in my brain just clicked: why isn't everyone training this way? And when I began powerlifting, it immediately became apparent why training with biofeedback was so important:

Powerlifting training, when done carelessly, can take a huge toll on your body. Using the range-of-motion test in Unapologetically Powerful will give you all the information you need to know to continually make progress—and for powerlifting, that means more pounds on the bar—without pushing yourself over the edge.

At Movement, we call this “better every day.” It means more chances at setting PRs on the platform, with a body that feels happy, healthy, and and strong.

Train like a powerlifter so you can be a powerful lifter—on the platform or in life. Learn the ins and outs of form and technique for the “big three” powerlifts, the lifts that have stood the test of time as builders of great overall strength and resilience. Have zero doubt about what to do and how to do it when it comes to powerlifting competition, if you choose to sign up for a meet, so feel knowledgeable and empowered to compete in the sport of powerlifting. Find out the keys to getting super strong without training to muscular failure or exhaustion. Know how to ensure you feel better and more energized after your workout - not drained and beaten down. Learn what Legally Blonde can teach you about deadlifting and what other unexpected cues can get you executing movements perfectly and confidently. Get the keys to making progress beyond your wildest dreams—with fewer chances of injury.

Kat Nardizzi, 25

New York, N.Y.

The biofeedback techniques I learned in the program provided this amazing way to figure out just the right amount of work my body needed in order to make effortless progress every single week. This made each training session feel new and exciting, and ultimately made the entire program feel super easy and fun to follow. I always left the gym feeling much better than when I walked in.

Susan Blezard, 38

Guelph, Ontario, Canada

I saw strength gains and felt much more comfortable and confident with my lifts doing just three workouts a week, (which fit beautifully with my busy schedule)! But by far the best part of the program for me was the introduction to biofeedback testing, which has been a life-changer for me. It made me listen to what my body was telling me. It allowed me the freedom to choose the best exercise for me on that particular day and not put myself at risk for an injury. And even though I didn't back squat for the first three weeks, when it finally tested well, I lifted more than when I started AND had a larger range of motion.

Jessica Williams, 31

Rochester, Minn.

Over the last five years, powerlifting has become one of my favorite things, but the quality resources for women to follow are minimal and I was truly stuck without guidance. This program was the resource that I needed and provided the tools, videos, wording, and tips that were helpful to get the moves just right.

The program I’ve been talking about is called Unapologetically Powerful and it’s a complete powerlifting training solution that is built around the goal of getting you stronger in the competition lifts and platform-ready, should you want to go there, while taking all the intimidation and unknown out of competing in the sport of powerlifting. And since there are two programs, you’ve got multiple opportunities to revel in your newfound strength, multiple opportunities to follow progressive programs that are right for you at this stage in your training. In all, there is six months’ worth of programming here. But lucky for you, it’s not going to take you that long to see results.

The Unapologetically Powerful program is divided into two separate 12-week programs, one for beginner and one for early intermediate lifters. You’ll choose the most appropriate program for you, but don’t worry, we’ve taken the guesswork out of that, as well. Once you’ve dived into the training plan, you can refer to the comprehensive exercise glossary and video library any time you like to remove every shred of doubt of whether or not you’re doing things right.

While no one is going to force you to compete, the included How to Compete guide, Gear Guide, and Unapologetically Powerful User Manual will do everything but lift the weights for you to get you ready to tackle the platform.

And there’s even more, which I haven’t even gotten to yet! Best part for you? All of it is available to you instantly, and it is accessible anywhere and anytime, from any mobile or desktop device.

Unapologetically Powerful is easily going to elevate your mind and body to platform status because it covers every single thing, down to the itty-bitty and nitty-gritty, you might ever want to know about training for and competing in the sport of powerlifting. Here’s what you’re getting:

Two 12-Week Unapologetically Powerful Training Programs, one for Beginner and one for Early Intermediate lifters, for a total of six months’ worth of programming to improve your competition lifts: the squat, bench, and deadlift, a $199 value.

The Unapologetically Powerful Exercise Video Library, which is easily accessed through hyperlinks in the Exercise Glossary and houses a video for every single one of the 141 exercises in the programs (plus 3 warm-up demonstration videos), with detailed coaching cues for the viewer, a $179 value.

The Unapologetically Powerful Exercise Glossary, containing beautifully vivid photos and succinct exercise descriptions, a $99 value.

The Unapologetically Powerful User Manual, a fully comprehensive ebook that neatly takes you through every detail of the program.

The Unapologetically Powerful Gear Guide, If you’re looking to pick up some equipment of your own. Figuring out where to start can be challenging and the Gear Guide cuts through the fluff with solid recos, a $99 value.

And, surprise! How To Compete Guide: Make Your Foray Into Powerlifting A Huge Success, a manual that covers everything you need to know about competing in powerlifting, from how to find and enter a meet down to the required heel height of your shoes. Trust me, we’ve got your singlet-donned booty covered, a $99 value.

Total Value: $774

Join the Movement: Lift Weights Faster!

When you pick up your copy of Unapologetically Powerful, you’re not just going to be a part of a wonderful movement in theory, but in actuality.

If you choose to, you will also become a member of the Unapologetically Powerful powerlifting team, our very own worldwide team sanctioned by the USA Powerlifting federation.

If belonging to a local team isn’t an option for you and you want to be a part of something bigger than yourself, this is your chance to join a community of like-minded people that spans the globe—people just like you, who are on the path to stronger and better.

But wait, I’ve got one more thing for you. (Apologies for the cheesy-sounding voice there, but I really do have more to tell you!) My journey that led me to you today was not without, as the song goes, a little help from my friends. I completely agree with the idea that your personality and influence are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. I’ve been very fortunate to work and train alongside some of the most brilliantly inspiring people in the fitness industry. Remember when I told you I wanted to bring you inside my positive and supportive bubble? Well, I also wanted to bring the people who live in my bubble to you.

Because the expertise they bring to the table works so well with the Unapologetically Powerful program it would be criminal not to bring them on board.

And so, let me introduce you to my whip-smart friend and brightly lip-glossed training partner, mentor, and Movement Minneapolis co-coach.

“Hi, I’m Jen Sinkler, and I’m an editor, fitness writer, personal trainer, and creator of Lift Weights Faster 1&2, the mammoth ebooks packed with conditioning circuits that are designed to make you stronger, faster, and more athletic. I’m also, not surprisingly, completely on board with JVB when she says strong is fun.

I believe wholeheartedly in taking a flexible, individualized approach to fitness, and that doesn’t always involve following a strict plan mapped out miles ahead of time. But, if your goals are more specific, you need to have a more specific plan in place.

Enter JVB’s Unapologetically Powerful, your plan to becoming a master of the “big three” and possibly even taking the platform as a competitor. Better yet, it also incorporates biofeedback testing, just like we do at The Movement Minneapolis, the gym I co-own with my husband, David Dellanave. So you get both: An individualized approach and a specific plan to help you increase your squat, bench press and deadlift numbers.

And now, in your case, you can also get a Lift Weights Faster program that is specifically designed to complement your progress in both strength and overall fitness. I’ve designed every workout to supercharge your specific powerlifting training, allowing you to make strength progress while still increasing your metabolic capacity.

You can be a powerlifter and still take advantage of the benefits of circuit training, so long as you do it in a highly intelligent way. If you do, your body will reap all the strength benefits of powerlifting has to offer while improving your work capacity and adding variety to your exercise routine.”

And Jen does mean lift weights faster: none of the workouts are any longer than 20 minutes, making them perfect and succinct finishers to your powerlifting sessions. Here’s what you get:

The Lift Weights Faster: Conditioning Workout Library, which includes 66 workouts and a detailed calendar on exactly what days to you will complete them. You get four different roadmaps, including two 12-week training tracks for Beginner and two 12-week training tracks for Early Intermediate powerlifters, a $69 value.

The Lift Weights Faster: User Manual, which includes clear-cut instructions on how to approach these workouts, plus the background on the whys and hows behind incorporating this type of training. It includes the method behind how these sessions are hand-picked for which powerlifting sessions, how to select what weights you’ll use, and how to improve from session to session, a $99 value.

A Lift Weights Faster: Exercise Glossary, where you will find straightforward written instructions and photo demonstrations of every single solitary exercise in all four training tracks, a $59 value.

Total Value: $227

There is a reason the first two versions of Lift Weights Faster were so popular. You’re gonna love these quick-and-dirty workouts! The Lift Weights Faster powerlifting bundle is included in both the Gold and Red and Gold packages of Unapologetically Powerful.

All of this included in Unapologetically Powerful is something we dole out to our gym members over the course of three to four months as we prepare them for powerlifting meets, at a cost of over $400. As much as we’d love to have you, if you’re reading this you likely don’t live within a 5-mile radius of our amazing gym, so we’re going to have to do the next-best thing: an online program. But the good news is, through the magic of technology, we can offer you this entire program for less than a quarter of that cost. It’s a great time to be alive.

Here’s the deal, though: the Unapologetically Powerful Standard and Deluxe packages are only going to be offered at a dramatically reduced price until midnight, December 11. After that, the price doubles, so you’re going to have to hustle.

But before you go, I’ve got one more thing to tell you, and I’ve been saving it as a surprise on purpose, because that’s what you do with presents.

Gift-giving always makes me nervous—finding the perfect gift for my favorite people can be a daunting task. But, when you do find that perfect thing for the one you love, there’s no better feeling than getting to wrap it up and wait with little-kid excitement until the day comes when you can make the big reveal.

I’m not feeling nervous about this at all because I’ve already got the perfect thing. And I know you’re gonna love it...

The Holiday Hardcopy Edition

You can now gift either yourself or your fave lifter a hard copy of Unapologetically Powerful. An actual hold-in-your-hands book with the Unapologetically Powerful Training Programs, User Manual, Exercise Glossary, and How To Compete guide all together in one place.

I’m filled with Oprah-like excitement right now, because here’s what’s included in the Unapologetically Powerful holiday package: everything, and then some.

A hard-copy edition of the Unapologetically Powerful training package: Training Programs, User Manual, Exercise Glossary, and How To Compete: Make Your Foray Into Powerlifting A Huge Success, an $80 value for the printing cost alone.

An additional digital copy of Unapologetically Powerful on its own USB flash drive, including all the training materials plus every single video demo, which you can watch anytime, anywhere, even without internet access, a $99 value. (NO ONE ELSE gets that level of access. No one.)

The entire Lift Weights Faster digital package, including both beginner and early intermediate training tracks, the user manual, and the detailed exercise glossary, a $227 value.

Bonus! Presenting Unapologetically Prepared, a training program written specifically to prepare your body for powerlifting-style training, a $19 value.

That last bit? That is written by David Dellanave, founder of The Movement Minneapolis, and major influencer of the biofeedback training approach taught in Unapologetically Powerful. I told you I was bringing the best of the best on board for Unapologetically Powerful. Ho, ho, ho!

Unapologetically Prepared, like Lift Weights Faster, is a vastly important component to the Unapologetically Powerful program.

You see, for some people, there is a small barrier to of entry into the sport of powerlifting and it has nothing to do with the amount of weight on the bar. Here’s what you need to be able to do to compete in the sport of powerlifting:

Squat to competition depth (where the hip crease dips below the height of the knee).

Bench press with a complete range of motion where the bar remains motionless on your chest for a moment before you press the bar up to lockout.

Deadlift a barbell from the floor in a conventional or sumo stance.

Thanks to biofeedback, Unapologetically Powerful is super smart about adjusting your training to your body’s individual needs. But it’s not written to fix the situation if you have trouble getting into those positions to begin with. David describes it like this: “It’s like taking a sports car off-roading—it’s just not going to go well.”

Think of Unapologetically Prepared as a pre-program: it delivers everything you need to do to prepare your body to move better, so that you can follow the main program to a T. Here’s what’s included:

Unapologetically Prepared Training Program: A strategic, repeatable plan to quickly address any movement limitations that would prevent you from training for powerlifting, a $129 value.

Unapologetically Prepared User Manual:Know exactly why you're doing what you're doing - so you can take that and apply it to whatever plan you're doing - not just this program, a $99 value.

Unapologetically Exercise Glossary: Your reference library which includes photos and written coaching cues for every single exercise in the pre-program, a $99 value.

Total Value: $297

The Unapologetically Powerful Holiday Package is only going to be available in limited, batched quantities: once they’re gone, they will likely stay gone forever. If you know someone who loves to lift, or maybe has been thinking about it for a while but doesn’t know where to start, I can’t imagine a more complete package than this one. Orders will ship within a few days, and arrive in plenty of time for Christmas. (Maybe not quiiiite before the end of Hanukkah.)

[ ]
Powerlifting Plus Metabolic Conditioning! Two 12-Week Training Plans (Beginner + Early Intermediate) Instant Access to Exercise Video Library Lift Weights Faster for Powerlifting: 66 screamin’ circuit workouts!

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The Whole Shebang Everything in Silver and Gold, PLUS... Gorgeous Hardcover Edition (give as a gift or tote it to the gym!) USB Flash Drive: Plans + Downloadable Demo Videos

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Best Gift! ]

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Solid Planning Two 12-Week Training Plans (Beginner + Early Intermediate) Vivid Exercise Glossary Instant Access to Entire Exercise Video Library

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The purpose of becoming Unapologetically Powerful is to offer you the opportunity to better your big three, increase your confidence, and introduce you the adventure that is competing in powerlifting. If you choose to join me:
You will see measurable increases in the competition lifts, and if you do choose to compete at the end of the 12-week program you will be ready and armed with the knowledge and strength to do so. You will leave the gym feeling strong and fully accomplished after every workout. You will learn how to train your body to its fullest potential while avoiding burnout and fatigue. You will be proud of yourself because you took a chance on something new.
I wrote this program to let women (or really, anyone) know that it’s OK to branch out and try something new, to overcome intimidation and objections and build strength for strength’s sake. Unapologetically Powerful is different than any other powerlifting program you will ever try, and it will leave you with skills and knowledge that will stick with you for long after your 12 weeks are up.

If my message is speaking to you, I want you to take action right now. Never again will this volume of information and path toward better be offered at a price as low as this.

If You Don’t Love It, Don’t Keep It

I know you’re going to love the results you’ll get from becoming Unapologetically Powerful. I know that you’re going to love getting stronger and more capable, and I know that if you do choose to compete, you’ll have everything you need to set personal records on that platform.

I’ve already seen this program work for many women, and I know it will work for you, too. The 30-day, money-back guarantee is there not because I think you’ll need it, but to prove that my confidence in this program is unwavering. All you have to do is give the program a shot, and if you don't like it then you keep the program and I'll give you a full refund.

Yep, it's that easy and I believe your results are going to be that good.

I’m so happy to have gotten the chance to introduce you to Unapologetically Powerful and my friends and mentors who helped to make this the most comprehensive training program on the market today.

I hope you take advantage of everything at your fingertips right now. I’ve seen what happens on the other side, what happens when you’re given the chance to realize your fullest potential, and I look forward to seeing you there.

Now it’s time for you to take the leap towards becoming Unapologetically Powerful.

I’ll see you on the platform!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: “Do I have to already know how to squat, bench, and deadlift to use Unapologetically Powerful??”

A: No. If you’re new to barbell training, you will find a happy home in the Unapologetically Powerful Beginner Program. With the guidance of the Unapologetically Powerful Video Library you will learn each lift from the ground up so that you can hit the gym with confidence for every training session.

That said, anyone new to sport of powerlifting will be well advised to be extremely conservative with the amount of weight they are lifting. The primary focus in beginning should be learning to perform the lifts with ship-shape form before being concerned about adding more weight to the bar.

Q: “Do I have to compete if I decide to train like a powerlifter?”

A: Nope, but fair warning, once you get started on the program you might start desiring a venue to show off your strength. Competing in powerlifting is a uniquely rewarding experience but getting super strong is an extremely worthy endeavor on its own, too.

Q: “Do I need a gym to train for powerlifting?”

A:Whether you work out at home or at a fully equipped gym, you will need access to a bar, weight plates, and bench. But the Unapologetically Powerful program includes a much wider variety of movements than just barbell ones (the better to get you stronger with, my pretty!), so you will also want access to dumbbells, kettlebells, and various other small pieces of equipment.

Q: “I’m new to powerlifting — am I strong enough to do it?”

A: Yes! That’s the best part! Anyone can train like a powerlifter. No matter your starting point there is only one way to move with Unapologetically Powerful: forward. From there you will find that there is no such thing as “strong enough,” but rather “stronger every day.”

Q: “Is Unapologetically Powerful for men and women?”

A: Does a barbell know if it’s a man or women lifting it? No. And while Unapologetically Powerful was written to address the unique training considerations for women regarding volume and intensity, I’m definitely not going to say that men won’t find great benefit from it as well. Strength looks good on everybody.

Q: Done, deal, I’m in! How will Unapologetically Powerful be shipped to me??

A: Shipping is so 1999. These programs are a completely digital, downloadable series of PDFs that you get instant access to as soon as you purchase. What’s more, you can download and access the entire system on any device that can read a PDF — which these days is nearly anything. You can read it on your computer, your tablet, or your phone, provided it doesn’t take up the entire passenger seat of your car. You can even print it out. On the other hand, the RED & GOLD Holiday Bundle Package will ship out via USPS Priority Mail in the U.S. and USPS First Class mail abroad within 48 hours of your order.

[ ]
Powerlifting Plus Metabolic Conditioning! Two 12-Week Training Plans (Beginner + Early Intermediate) Instant Access to Exercise Video Library Lift Weights Faster for Powerlifting: 66 screamin’ circuit workouts!

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The Whole Shebang Everything in Silver and Gold, PLUS... Gorgeous Hardcover Edition (give as a gift or tote it to the gym!) USB Flash Drive: Plans + Downloadable Demo Videos

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Best Gift! ]

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Solid Planning Two 12-Week Training Plans (Beginner + Early Intermediate) Vivid Exercise Glossary Instant Access to Entire Exercise Video Library

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Legal Disclaimer: Due to recent changes in law from the FTC, it is required that all companies identify what a "typical" result is. The results depicted on this website are actual results of real clients who followed the workouts and principles described in Unapologetically Powerful. If you don't do anything, you can expect no results. If you want results, you should do this, too.

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