Excerpt from product page



Results vary based on starting weight and program adherence. You can do it!


Mr. Manly Man,

My name is Paul Bartlett, or Coach Paul.  I'm a Fitness Fanatic, Obstacle Course Ninja, and a Group Fitness Instructor. And yes I may be young enough to be your son, but I know a ton about fat loss so listen up. The following story is why I am where I am today…

One late night in February I started heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth then go to bed. About one minute into brushing my teeth I heard a loud thud above.  I was concerned because I thought we may have had an intruder. This made me freeze for about 15 seconds. My heart rate jumped because, as men we are natural defenders so, I thought of all the ways I could take this guy out.  I then heard three foot slams on the floor above. I sprinted up the stairs, with my toothbrush still in my mouth, and just around the corner I see every young man's nightmare...

… I see my mom crying, paralyzed in fear, next to my ghostly looking father who was just staring into space. He was on the floor with his back against the wall.  I quickly turned into the bathroom to toss my toothbrush down, then with my Dad staring at me with glazed eyes I scream as loud as I ever had, “No! I need you, this can’t be happening!”

Within two seconds I composed myself and jabbed my fingers into his jugular to feel for a pulse…

…I was so relieved when I did feel his pulse. He was still in a “zombie-like-state”, just staring perfectly straight ahead. Another long 15 seconds pass and he “finally” came to while on the phone with the dispatchers. He had no recollection of the past few moments (maybe a total of two minutes). He only remembered falling somewhat slowly with his back braced against the wall. He looked so bloated and fat. It is such a blessing to say that my 47 year old Dad is now 40 pounds lighter and in great shape because of this moment, and because of The Manliest Menu and Manliest Exercise Guide.


This dramatic event was a major turning point in my young life, it set me on my path to becoming a Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor. He was not eating or exercising like a real man should. Don’t put the stress of a heart attack on your family. One in every four deaths in men is from heart disease.

I applaud you if you’ve tried losing weight before, but it’s time to get serious and get The Manliest Menu and Manliest Exercise Guide!

As a young Instructor I read like crazy and learned so much that I could apply to my clients and father. The training was a great start and I am continuously learning, as we all should be. My future clients, current clients, and you count on me to stay in the know of what works for fat loss.

I provide my expertise to guys like you who will not read “diet books” or research what actually works to get fit. I will show you everything that I teach clients that I get paid $400+ for in this course.

Learn how to eat like a King, lift like a Lumberjack, and maneuver like a Ninja. Having these qualities will make your daily life easier. You have extra weight that is limiting you from doing seemingly simple tasks. Imagine how great it will be like when you drop that extra fat. You will walk around with much less stress on your joints from extra weight. Take a step in the right direction. You can do this.

Finally find your Manly Body without wasting time on the treadmill, taking magic diet pills, or going on extreme diets.

Right now you are most likely frustrated because you have tried everything, maybe because of your wife or your own desire. Maybe you have tried extreme dieting, starvation diets, low fat diets, extreme exercising, running until your shoes caught fire, or maybe even the banana only diet.

You hear about all these different ways to “try” and get in shape and after a while it just gets confusing, intimidating, and overwhelming. And it doesn’t help that everyone is just saying that you are not trying hard enough. I’m not judging you, or your wife’s tactics, it’s not either one of your faults. The information out there is wrong. No Man should be on a 1,200 calorie, low-fat, Man Card Taking, testosterone depleting diet.


You may continue to “dabble” with the idea of implementing a healthy lifestyle and trying to get a Manly Physique, but you never seem to get the right information that is simple enough to put into action.


In fact, there are a ton of Men like you out there. It's not your fault, bad information is the majority of what's available.


I know the feeling.


Most Personal Training Courses give little information on what works with proper nutrition and exercise. I learned the old standard to take some measurements and then crunch those numbers to get the “best way” for the client to lose weight. So for example, my 240 lb. client could have 1,800 calories per day based on his measurements, calculations, and goal of losing 2 lbs. a week. Manly Men eating from The Manliest Menu do not count calories, but if they did it would be way over 1,800! Here is what my 240 lb. client could have a day, based on old false standards.

1 cup cottage cheese with 1 cup strawberries and a sprinkle of cinnamon for breakfast. ½ cup yogurt as a snack before lunch, but he would need the snack 45 minutes after breakfast. Then 4 long hours of being hungry he could have a little salad with a tiny piece of chicken (iPhone 4 sized) and a tangerine. So after an hour he is hungry again and can have ¼ cup of soy nuts, a few carrots, and some celery. Then another 4 starving hours later was dinner, 8 oz of salmon and a little salad and 1/4 cup of rice. So another hour or so passes and he’d be hungry enough to eat his allotted orange and four raspberries. 1,800 calories for a large man just won’t work. Plus the advice would be 5-7 hours of cardio a week. How can you function on so little food and so much exercise?



Does that sound fun? I bet you would stick to that for less than a week, and I wouldn’t blame you. Being hungry and exercising all the time is the most difficult way to lose weight.

Cutting calories works for less than 6% of people for sustained weight loss. So you can’t stick to it and you’ll always be hangry (hungry and angry), not a good combination.

I had a feeling deep down that there’s no way that would work in the long run, which lead me on the path that I am on. I have read all the diet books, I know the science and “non-science” behind them. I saw what was working in each and formulated The Manliest Menu. One of my clients lost 10 pounds in his first two weeks and he did not have to starve himself! I’ve since then tweaked The Manliest Menu and now it has never been easier to start.

"I'm down to 14% body fat, another two or three months and I'll finally have a 6 pack! Thanks Coach"
Chad K, 32 Years Old, Head of Training Blue Water

“I am already seeing results after just two weeks!”
John Steele, 52 Years Old, IT Business Owner, Father of 3

"I love having something other than running, you will never see me on a treadmill again"
Scott B, 38 Years Old, Project Manager, Father of 3

"Looking forward to getting healthy and fit"
Jeff V, 45 Years Old, Herman Miller, Father of 3

"Nothing better than being able to walk around with my shirt off" Yes I'm giving myself a testimonial, I think I am pretty good at what I do
Paul Bartlett Jr., The Manliest Menu


Imagine how powerful you will become when you get The Manliest Menu! You can do so much more than you can even imagine. Be the person that’s jumping and running around with their kids or grandkids. You will no longer struggle from standing up from your seat, bending over, or chasing after your kids.


A survey of 1,210 people of different weights and sizes conducted by researchers at Duke University Medical Center showed that obese people were 25 times as likely to report dissatisfaction with sex as normal weight people. The magic elixir: a simple 10% loss of body weight skyrockets sex satisfaction levels, according to the Duke study.

This is such a simple method to lose weight

You’ll be able to run around with your grandkids or kidsYou can have better ideas for your family, friends, job, career or businessNew outlook on life, there are so many more things for Manly Men to do, so many noble activities you never could have imagined yourself doingLearn why mindless eating of “health” foods has made you fat or is stalling fat lossYou will no longer be stuck to the treadmill or track, add some variety and be able to lift like a LumberjackBecome an information powerhouse, overweight Men will come to you (then you can send them here)No more weird looks or glances from strangersLook in the mirror and truly appreciate the work put into your Manly BodyDo yardwork without multiple breaksYour wife will stop poking fun about your stomach fatYou will gain flexibility that can drastically improve life in later yearsGain muscle massLess digestive issuesAcid reflux is no longer an issue Balance is greatly improvedOthers will notice and complement your newfound ManlinessRoom to think about what really matters not just worrying about your weightYou will be happier"Big" will no longer be tied to the beginning of your nameYour wife and kids will stop nagging at you to exerciseYou will have more energyTestosterone and Libido levels will riseEating from The Manliest Menu will keep you full and satisfiedNo all-inclusive calorie counting, just tiny daily calculations an 8th grader could do in their head. Two simple things to keep track ofYou can wake up feeling refreshed and you will not be dragging the whole day

Don't be like this guy. You’re about to get started on what will become the most incredible, most rewarding, and Manliest Journey that you’ve ever embarked on.

I am not only out here teaching it, I actually live from foods on The Manliest Menu. I practice what I preach, and teach what I do. This provides me with real life experience. Compare that to those who just repurpose a 90s “weight loss book” into some sort of ridiculous lose-fat-quick online scam product.


Now, you're wondering who I am and how I can help you.


Here is a cheesy picture of myself... it just shows how happy I am to be doing what I do. As I said before, my name is Paul Bartlett Jr. and I’ve helped Men lose fat and reclaim their lives. It takes less than two weeks for most guys to start feeling so much better. After every workout, while their still sweating, they thank me. They have no desire to organize a new workout every day. This is my passion and I enjoy every second of it.


I don't just plan the workouts. I share the proper form and show them how the human body is designed to move. Targeting muscles that are rarely used results in posture and movement improvement. I will show you how to go through your day to treat your body right, and how to move like a Real Man. I will show you the proper Manly form so you can lift like a Lumberjack.


I’m not telling you any of this to impress you...


...I’m telling you this to impress upon you that when it comes to fast, sustainable, and simple fat loss I know what I am doing. I desire to help you achieve your goals.


I have dedicated my life to helping Men lose fat and get in Manly Shape.


And now I want to help you take this information and turn it into fat loss over the next 30-days and beyond. The first 30 days will show you what you need to do in order to get into Man Shape.

What's on The Menu?

Besides the Bacon you can have Meat, Eggs, Fish, Butter, and Much More! Learn how to lose fat while eating like a Real Man. The Manliest Menu and Exercise Guide is a unique, one of a kind, and incredible training resource designed to provide the tools and resources you need to be able to eat like a King, lift like a Lumberjack, and maneuver like a Ninja.

Can I actually lose 10 pounds in 30 days?

YES! (Results vary based on starting weight and program adherence) It’s simple when you have me, Coach Ninja Paul, teaching you how it’s done. Invest in The Manliest Menu and Exercise Guide and get in Real Man Shape.

Pretty incredible, huh? If losing fat is starting to sound like something you could do, then keep reading because you’re about to find out how it all works.

By now you know what The Manliest Menu is and that every Man who has used it believes it is incredible.

There is a lot to know when it comes to losing fat. Without anyone to teach you it could take years to figure this all out on your own.  You don't have time for researching and sifting through the data. You have your family, friends, career, and manly hobbies that need your attention.

Your Cheat Meals Aid in Fat Loss, Mentally and Physically. (OK Maybe Not the Beer but Pizza Can, Learn How Today!)

The Manliest Menu is NOT for...

This program is not designed for guys trying to go on another diet. It is not for “Men” that are afraid of responsibility or hard work. It isn't for guys who thinks they can change for a month, then drop back into bad habits and see long term results.


The Manly Man inside of you is begging to get out.

How did I get away with eating tons of food and stay lean when I hurt my back on a Ninja Warrior Course?

I did not exercise for months and kept my six pack. I bet you feel really bad for me. Yes, the muscles did get smaller but I kept using fat for energy.

Learn how I entered Fat Burning Mode, and how you can too. This is a way to start using your body fat and healthy fats consumed in the diet as energy.

Calories in and calories out is false. It is not a math equation it is a science problem, and everyone is a little bit different. The fact that everyone is a little different makes it challenging for instructors like myself. The Manliest Menu is a powerful template to get the most macho results in a fast and efficient manner.


You can start feeling Super Human in as little as two weeks, your body will be changing for the better fast. Your body responds to Manly Nutrition and Exercise in an extremely beneficial way.

Nutrition is 90% of the Fat Loss Battle

Learn The Truth About...


Fats in the Diet

Government Food Pyramids

Hunger Hormones


Weight Loss Pills (Hint: They don't work)

6 Meals a Day, Less or More?

Testosterone Levels

"Health Foods" That Make You Fat

Spot losing fat (Hint: You cannot spot lose fat or "Target Belly Fat")


I have developed a system that produces results with every single Man that eats from The Manliest Menu. Some of the guys who just take my exercise advice will drop some weight and get more fit. It is the guys who pay upwards of $109/mo. for nutrition and exercise plans that develop the most Masculine results.

I guarantee you'll drop 10 pounds in your first month with me or you get 100% money back no questions and no hard feelings. The only thing you have to lose is fat! Gain your Manliness back.

You need this. Your kids need you to be fit for them, stop sitting there, be able play with you kids or grandkids! They are watching how you treat your body, they will see a change in you that goes beyond yourself. Think about all the things you cannot do because you are overweight. Think about the moments you wished you had done something for your fitness. There is no better time than today to find out how lose that stubborn fat.

I applaud you for trying all those diets. You do not have to run an hour a day and eat only 1,500 calories to lose weight.  Your body needs the proper nutrition and that has nothing to do with calorie counting. You cannot compare 200 calories of McDonalds with 200 calories of Avocado. Calories in and calories out is so backwards, our human biology is much more complicated than Big Health and Fitness make it seem.

I’m going to break The Manliest Menu down and explain the individual modules so that you can see the massive list of benefits that the program has to offer (and as big as this list is, it’s still just a fraction of what you can learn from The Manliest Menu). You will invest in 4 Manly modules filled with information. These modules are all videos. Video and audio files will be available for download. Each video comes with a full transcription of what was said. You can read, listen, and/or watch each module!

Module 1

Proper Nutrition and HydrationStep by Step 30 Day Meal GuideEasy Meals and Snacks How to “SWITCH ON” Fat Burning Mode You Do Not Have to be Perfect to Lose Weight

Module 2

Foods that Store Fat“Health Foods” that make you Store Unwanted FatCounting Calories is for other people, not The Manliest MenIs Fat in your Diet Bad?Diet Pills and Supplements?

Module 3

Is Cardio a Waste of Time? The Manliest Exercises Burn Fat in Less Time Than You Would ThinkCardio MythsDoes Jogging Work for Fat Loss What the Other Fitness Exercise Videos Leave Out That Leads to Injury

Module 4

Exercise LibraryStep By Step Plan to get Back Into Exercising14 Bodyweight Exercise Videos from 20 min - 35 Minutes LongBONUS: 2 Core/Ab Exercises 10 Minutes EachEvery Exercise has a Modified Move. No Matter your Size or Age you Can Participate. I have trained 18 year olds - 60+ year olds. You can do it!If you Have Injuries Preventing Bodyweight Exercise, you Can Do the Walking Only Exercises to Start

Feel The Value!

You will receive the list of the best foods on The Manliest Menu, detailed shopping list, and detailed simple recipes. Simple enough that any novice cook could whip up in less than 30 minutes. Discover the Manliest snacks to eat to keep the fat off! $39 value.  You will get 4 workouts a week that are just 20-30 minutes long. That’s a total of 16 fat burning workouts! All of these exercises are worth over $70!  What is your health worth to you? $5, $20, $500, more? I hope so. You have the power to change lives for the better, invest in your health today. Every day you wait will take you one step further from your goals.  This has to be an investment for you. This is a slight time investment upfront but the rewards of being healthy, Manly, and fit are endless.

If you were to hire a personal trainer at $25 per 30 minute session at three sessions a week that would be over $300 a month. Plus you will still have the $50+ gym membership cost. Odds are they will give you the basic line, "just eat 2,000 calories less a week and make sure to be running between sessions with me". You could do that for a few months and get insufficient results.  So stop throwing money at the gym, you don't have to invest $400 a month, not $200, and not even a $100. The cost of this 4 week course is only $59!  You can lose fat for less money than you make in 4 hours, tough decision here. This is such a small monetary investment but the ROI will be worth $1,000's, you can be so much more productive, and just have more fun in life.  Take a step in the right direction. Sign up right now and become a Real Man as soon as you can.

Invest in The Manliest Menu + Exercise Guide Today

I Sell this to my Boot Camp Clients for $169. Just for you it's Only $59

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[Add to Cart for Just $59+$4.95/Mo for 10 Months]

[OR Just $79 for EverythingSave $29.50]

We accept Paypal and all major credit/debit cards. This will take you to ClickBank.com, the retailer for this product. You will see CLKBANK*COM on your bank statement. You will invest $59 today for lifetime access to our site. Then you will invest $4.95 per month for 10 months for a new exercise video every month. Or get it all for a one time payment of $79.00 and Save up to $29.50!

Lose at least 10lbs.* and "Taste" The Manliest Menu for 60 Days, and if you feel that it offered you no value and taught you nothing useful, you can get a full refund. No Questions Asked.
*Results vary based on starting weight and program adherence. You can do it!

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

Wait, hang on a minute.

Even though this price is more than reasonable, (actually, it’s so low it might be considered unreasonable) I’m going to throw in another two awesome modules, completely FREE.

Bonus Module

Lifestyle and bad habitsStress and the connection with fat lossHow much sleep do you need?Are your buddies and family keeping you fat?

Bonus Module

Are really hungry?Discover the secret to hack your leptin levels (hunger hormones) and remove hunger from your lifeIf you are really hungry EAT!Do Not be Hangry

The Best Way to Improve Cognitive Performance is to Improve Physical Performance

60 day 100% money back guarantee. If you have at least 10 pounds to lose, I guarantee you drop at least 10 pounds in your first month. I guarantee you will feel all around Manlier than you do right now.

Stop being called that big guy behind your back. Do people end comments about you with “Bless his heart”? Make it stop!

I have the solution you have been looking for. Learn how to eat like a King, lift like a Lumberjack, and maneuver like a Ninja. Get out there and be able to play around with your kids or grandkids. Stop going to bed in misery thinking about how you are going to stop gaining weight. Stop waking up tired and lifeless. Get the Energy you had 10+ years ago!

Click any one of the “ADD TO CART” buttons and you will head to the shopping cart website on ClickBank.com, and you will then enter your payment information over a 100% Secure Connection. You will create a username and password to gain access to our website with all of the videos and information you will need. NO DOWNLOADS NECESSARY! NO TECH SKILLS NEEDED. Everything will be available IMMEDIATELY. Modules can be downloaded if you would like.


“You do not have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” –Zig Ziglar


Order now to receive 2 amazing ab exercise videos to get an incredibly strong core!


Invest in The Manliest Menu + Exercise Guide Today

I Sell this to my Boot Camp Clients for $169. Just for you it's Only $59

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[Add to Cart for Just $59+$4.95/Mo for 10 Months]

[OR Just $79 for EverythingSave $29.50]

We accept Paypal and all major credit/debit cards. This will take you to ClickBank.com, the retailer for this product. You will see CLKBANK*COM on your bank statement. You will invest $59 today for lifetime access to our site. Then you will invest $4.95 per month for 10 months for a new exercise video every month. Or get it all for a one time payment of $79.00 and Save up to $29.50!

Lose at least 10lbs.* and "Taste" The Manliest Menu for 60 Days, and if you feel that it offered you no value and taught you nothing useful, you can get a full refund. No Questions Asked.
*Results vary based on starting weight and program adherence. You can do it!

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.


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