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I offer
Video & E-books
How to Get an Excellent Website
at a Lower Cost
Accounting skills
a business person
must have!

What I Offer

[Video Courses]


Born in Cyprus, Christos Pittis is a Greek-Cypriot whose interests lie in technology, education, and entrepreneurship. After studying economics and management, he went on to gain seven years of experience as a business solutions consultant implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV (formerly Navision). He has been involved in numerous projects in locations such as Cyprus, Lebanon, Egypt, and Dubai. Beginning in 2006, he has been teaching accounting and is a premium teacher at UDEMY.com and Skillfeed.com. His video lectures can be found at [www.udemy.com/u/christoschristou2] and at [www.skillfeed.com/instructor/130623-christos-pittis-pittis].
He is the author of the book How to get an excellent website at a lower cost, in which he shows young entrepreneurs, businesspeople, and professionals how to save money building their own competitive websites by assembling a team of competent, creative, and responsive freelancers.
He also manages the Youtube channels Christos Pittis and Entrepreneurship PDF


Get your copy now!

“If I had a dollar and I exchanged it with you we would still have a dollar. If we exchanged an idea each of us would end up having two ideas.”

[Video Courses][E-books]

[How to Get an Excellent Website at a Lower Cost ]

Build a competitive business website at a lower cost by assembling a team of freelancers to design-implement it for you …
[Accounting skills a business person must have! Beginners ]

Learn Book-keeping Level 1. Boost your career by learning some accounting principles. Educate yourself for startup!…
[Accounting skills a business person must have! Intermediate ]

Book-keeping and Accounts Level 2. Boost your career by learning accounting principles. Educate yourself for startup….

[Accounting skills a business person must have! Beginners Level: Book-keeping Level 1]

Learn Book-keeping Level 1. Boost your career by learning some accounting principles. Educate yourself for startup!…
[How to Get an Excellent Website at a Lower Cost]

Christos Pittis learned the hard way what to do—and what not to do—to build a lower-cost business website that returns great results. He’s a sought-after teacher of business skills….  

Christos Pittis Studio


The Importance of Entrepreneurship: 7 Reasons You Need a Website

While teaching about the importance of entrepreneurship to others, a very common question that I am asked by new entrepreneurs is “Should I have a website, even if I don’t plan to sell online?” Many that ask me this question…

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Accounting Basics of Understanding How to Read Financial Reports

Whether you already own a business or plan to start one up— one of the many talents required in order to become successful is becoming “jack of all trades and a master of none.” This is due to the fact…

[Read More]

Some of my products



“Was accountancy always that easy?”.


Email: info@christospittis.com

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