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Are you sick, overweight or low on energy?  Are you tired of the confusing world of supplements, medications and alternative therapies or radical new diets?

Are you sick & tired of being sick & tired…and frightened … frightened of your body, frightened of your food, frightened by your rising healthcare costs?

Wish there was a magic pill to make it all better, no matter what “it” is?  Just something you could pop in your mouth and voila’!

Let me ask you another question. If this pill exists, providing you could afford it, would you take it?

A better question, what if this pill exists, is affordable but you had to take one pill six times a day with exactly 4 ounces of water? Would you take it?

Remember, this pill will fix anything from Cancer to Wrinkles or even Weight Issues to Stretch Marks, returning you to a healthier, slimmer, firmer, more youthful state.

Don’t worry, these are not trick questions. These are questions designed only to illustrate a point. There is no magic pill that can do this … yet. But, let’s just say that this pill exists, it’s affordable for everyone and you had to take it 6 times a day, on schedule, with 4 ounces of water, essentially requiring a daily “routine”. Would you do it?

Most of you would say, well heck yes, of course I would! Six times a day is nothing for the benefits it gives.

With a pill like this, you would never again need to go on a symptom research expedition in search of those “all natural” products or herbs that sometime help and sometimes don’t but rarely cure. You would never again have to go to the doctor, enduring humiliating and expensive procedures and you would never again need to take medication.

Long gone would be the days of restrictive or modified diets or special food requirements.

This little pill would completely set you free. You would never again be focused on your body or health because you would always be healthy and you would finally feel as though time was on your side!

So what would it take for our little magic pill to work? Well, it would require a single or “root cause” for everything. I mean literally the same exact cause for everything from …
Recovery from any symptoms associated with premature aging Re-grow lost hair and/or regain natural hair color Allergies Recovery from illness & disease Natural weight loss without dieting or portion/calorie control.  Most of us remember this as “being young.” Body blemishes such as stretch marks, loose skin, cellulite, liver spots, wrinkles, etc. Syndromes and disorders such as CRF (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) or Restless Leg Syndrome, etc. Restore healthy digestion and intestinal health, ridding you of things like IBS, Crohn’s, Acid Reflux, Celiac disease, Polyps, etc. Clear up eye and skin conditions such as glaucoma or acne (together here because they are related) Wipe out parasites including rampant free radicals – responsible for much illness, premature aging and disease Wipe out Diabetes Send Cancer/s into remission And any other symptom, syndrome, illness or disease you can think of
What a game changer it would be to discover that any and all things that go wrong with the body have the same single or root cause; the same source.

What game would it change? The game of “Managed Illness & Suffering for Profit.”  Instead of managed illness, decline and suffering, we would have affordable “Cure & Perfect Health” for all!

The only issue we would encounter is the attempt to price it out of reach because, as long as anyone is making something you think you have to have, they have control over you and the last thing in the world you want is for anyone to have control over your health.

Your health is the core of your life. It is what determines whether you will have a good day or bad, a productive day or not. It is the difference between truly enjoying your life or just making it from one day to the next.

So, the only issue with our magic pill is that it still requires us to be dependent, which is not such a good thing most of the time. Especially in a profit driven society like ours.

What we really want is a little magic pill, provided by nature, which we can easily make ourselves with every day, common ingredients.

Let’s say that you were given a recipe for this little pill. This means you would never again be dependent on anyone else for your health. In fact, most of us prefer to solve our own health issues! That’s why we conduct our own research.

Now let’s say the instructions told you to gather together certain organic components found in any grocery store or farmers market, purchase a few simple pieces of equipment and follow the easy instructions to make your very own little magic pill. Would you do it?

Most will say yes but some will ask, “what does it cost?” If you are one of those people, I cannot blame you. Expense is a huge factor when considering ways in which we can solve our health related issues.

So let’s just say then that this equipment is affordable.  In fact it is vastly more affordable than the recurring fees we pay for our tests in hospitals & labs because you only purchase it once but use it for many years to come.

The organics are also much less expensive than most medications or supplements. So, if expense is not an issue, would you do it? Would you make your own little magic pill if you had the ability to?  I certainly would!

Unfortunately, as mentioned above, I know of no magic pill but what I do know is that every single thing that can go wrong with the body actually Does have a single or root cause and it is very fortunate for us that it does because it means that we can heal … from anything!

Not sure this is true? Perhaps that’s because our general research habits have us looking in the wrong place.

Most people are focused on their symptoms, naturally, but we have been so conditioned to look at health through the eyes of industrial medicine (symptom chasing) that we can no longer see the forest for the trees.

When we go searching for our symptoms online, we are returned a pretty heady mix of possibilities. And, if our symptoms have not yet turned into a named illness, then we are left to guess what might be going on with us and how to solve it.

But even if our symptoms have a name and we know what we have, we still end up trying one product after another, whether natural or medical, in an attempt to cure ourselves.  Unfortunately, in most cases, it is not an actual cure.

However, the fact that we are online and researching our issues indicates that we, as a people, desire to take control of our own health and to do so naturally. And why shouldn’t we when self-health is the most natural thing of all?!

Unfortunately our research very often leads us into fear & confusion as we chase our symptoms down.  We are kept hopping from foot to foot, buying an endless supply of product, basically just taking stabs in the dark, hoping it will all work out.

Does this usually work?  No, it doesn’t.  Why?  Because chasing a symptom does NOT tell you the cause of the symptom. When you chase symptoms, all you are doing is looking for illness.

This is where folks have been turned around a bit by industrial medicine. Let me give you an example.  Let’s say you get online and search for a few core symptoms.  What you find, based on those symptoms, is that there is a very good chance you have Celiac disease.  At this point you can say, “Now I know what is wrong with me! I know why I have these symptoms. It is because I have Celiac disease.” WRONG!

Celiac disease IS a symptom. Rather, it is a bunch of symptoms lumped together and given a name but they are still symptoms! And, you still have not gotten to the “root cause” of those symptoms whether you choose to lump them together and call them Celiac disease or not.

And this is where we and the medical community tend to stop looking for any further cause. Now we begin the process of “managing” our Celiac or any other disease, disorder or syndrome for the rest of our lives, never really fully living but not dying either.

This “modern” system of disease “management” can also become expensive, requiring special foods, restrictive diets and, in some cases, medication or surgery.

Now we are caught up in the medical loop, not realizing that we never did find out what actually caused our symptoms.

Let’s go ahead and just put a stop to all that nonsense now.

Try this instead. Instead of searching for your symptoms and possible ailments, search for mineral deficiencies. I dare you to find one, single symptom or bodily effect that is not covered by some form of mineral deficiency.

In fact, if you were to search for mineral deficiencies instead of chasing symptoms, you would officially discover the “root cause” for every single bodily “wrongness” that exists (as long as you weren’t born with it).

With this method we see a very big difference when researching from the point of “root cause” rather than symptoms? This is a much different view of illness isn’t it? In fact, I have yet to find a single symptom/ailment that is not covered under the many mineral/nutrient deficiencies.

So that’s it folks. You have your magic pill! It is simple mineral deficiency and nothing more. If you weren’t born with it then it doesn’t belong.  It is the result of a breakdown in your body and that breakdown is not age. That’s ridiculous. Science now knows that aging is a symptom as well. It is a symptom of mineral deficiency as are all symptoms.

So this must mean that we can simply power down a whole bunch of minerals each day and we are healed, ya!   Well, that would be nice; however, there are many folks who do that very thing and they still have health issues in some form or another. Why?

Each person has their very own body chemistry; therefore, they have their very own, unique mineral deficiencies. This also means that you personally have your very own, unique mineral requirements and this is the reason you see disclaimers like, “results are not typical” when referring to the wonderful results experience by “some” people but not the majority.

You simply cannot make someone well with a product, mineral or nutrient simply because it worked on someone else.  Basically, one size does not fit all when it comes to health.

So then, the only thing anyone needs is a means for determining their personal nutrient/mineral deficiencies and correcting them right? Yes! Once again, it really is that simple!

But how do you test, what do you test and where do you test for your own, personal mineral deficiencies? Well that’s easy too!

You use RBTI (Reams Biological Theory of Ionization) to test your urine and saliva from the privacy of your own home with your very own equipment!

What is RBTI (Reams Biological Theory of Ionization)?

(RBTI) is literally about how the body is…
Put together Taken apart (illness) and… Put back together again (healing, weight balance, rejuvenation).
This process of DE-generation and RE-generation is the key to healing and longevity, essentially “reversing the hands of time” and absolutely anyone can accomplish this at any time!

[]Degeneration & Regeneration

The picture to the right is a single human cell.  The human body, your body, is comprised of billions of these microscopic cells all stuck together to make you.

These cells of yours come in a variety of makes and models.  Some are skin cells, blood cells, heart cells, nerve cells, brain cells … you get the picture.  Every single part of your living structure is comprised of cells.  They are glued together, working in perfect harmony (our should be) to make the fabulous, living vehicle you call your body.

Make no mistake, your body IS fabulous, whether you are sick, overweight or aging prematurely … it is more amazing than you realize because it is already built to heal itself!

How?  Well, it is precisely because it is comprised of cells that we can heal … from anything!  Unfortunately this does not apply to genetic/birth defects but, if you weren’t born with it, then it doesn’t belong!

But how is something as small as a cell going to heal you and reverse the hands of time?

Cellular Turnover

Science Fact:
We replace the cells of our body and, as long as this is true, we can heal!

Current research results are not yet clear on the exact cellular turnover rate for all the variety of cells of the body (liver cells, skin cells, blood cells, etc) or the body as a whole.  The primary reason for this is that the turnover rate can vary between people to such a degree that no solid conclusion can be drawn, only averages based on widely varying results.  This is due to the fact that the tests do not use people who have the same exact body chemistry; however, results do show that the cells of the human body are definitely replaced in all test subjects.  Research now shows that even the heart and brain cells (neurons) are replaced (once thought not to be the case).

Dr. Reams (The Father of RBTI) said that an individual replaced their entire body weight in dead cells in a single year. (Reams, 1982)

In addition, our bodies have far more stem cells than was once thought.  Stem cells are undifferentiated cells.  That means they can become any kind of cell the body needs and they tend to duplicate themselves prior to replacing other cells.  This means that when they are called upon to replace a damaged cell, the stem cell will split into two stem cells.  One will be used to replace the dead, damaged or worn out cell and the other will be the reserve.  In this way the body is always able to maintain its level of available cells for cell replacement.  [Ch’ng, Q. (2000, September 29).

The human body is constantly regenerating and replacing cells
to maintain proper and efficient function.

Based on the research above, it is clear that the human body is designed to regenerate itself completely.  Amazing!

While this should be the process of healing or continued good health, it is more often the process of rapid, unnatural decay due to the lack of necessary energy to complete the healthy process of cell turnover (replacing worn out cells with undamaged, healthy new ones).

If you don’t have enough energy, the cells cannot do their job effectively.  This causes incremental damage, meaning that with every turnover, the new cells become more and more damaged.  Now imagine all the cells of your body doing this over time.  That’s aging.

If this happens more or less in balance, then you have a person that appears to have all their cells aging at the same general rate so there is no one area in their body that suffers to the point of destruction; however, since there are very few people that continue to age in balance, we end up with certain areas of our body becoming more damaged than others.  And this is where all those medically delicious illnesses, disorders, syndromes and diseases come from and yes that includes weight issues.  There are very few people who are born genetically under or over weight.


Any symptom you have is no more than a very specific part of your body getting much less energy than the rest of your body.  As the cells continue to lose energy, each turnover produces a more damaged cell than the last resulting in accumulated damage.  Symptoms then, are no more than areas of accumulated damage.

This also means that syndromes, aging, illness, disease and even the decline in our body’s natural weight regulating systems are merely the process of incremental accumulated cellular damage.  Just this.  No big mystery.  Symptoms by all their many names are merely the signs of this accumulated damage.

Yes, breakdown and deterioration happens with the passage of time but we should be living much longer and much healthier than we currently are.  We should not have as much accumulated damage as we do, as early in life as we do.  But can we truly reverse all the damage that has been done?

Yes! Provide the cells with the energy they need and symptoms will be experienced in reverse until the cells have become healthy again.  If you think this is Science fiction, consider how a cut heals.  New, undamaged, healthy cells replace the damaged or scraped off cells.  We reverse damage all the time.  The difference is that healing a cut requires far less energy than say healing cancer.

So where do we get this Energy?

Let me ask you this, how do you get energy to fuel your body?  You eat, right?  That’s really all there is to it.  Cells need energy.  The only way they can get that energy is from the food you eat and the liquids you drink … period.

Then we should only need to eat healthy in order to get better right?  Well, yes and no.

Many people with Crohn’s disease eat incredibly healthy.  They have to or they suffer horribly.

If all we need to do is to eat healthy then the Crohn’s sufferer’s, who are already doing so, should be cured but this generally doesn’t happen.  Why?  It’s because, despite their healthy eating habits, they simply are not getting the specific nutrients they (their cells) need.  When a body doesn’t get the specific nutrients it needs, it cannot absorb or make use of many other minerals or nutrients regardless how much we consume.

Hard and Fast Rule of RBTI

If you are experiencing symptoms of any kind, then you are nutrient deficient.  More specifically, you are mineral deficient.  It makes no difference how healthy you may eat … if you are experiencing symptoms of any kind, then you are mineral deficient and in time, that deficiency will continue to cause greater damage.

By providing the body with what it is deficient in, we can literally reverse the hands of time, and even better, Science is now supporting this view.

So the real barrier to good health, weight stability, healing and youthful longevity is nothing more than providing your fabulous body with what it needs nutritionally, as long as it is specific to you, because, unless a program is designed specifically for you based on your highly specific, individual needs, how can any healing modality, alternative health therapy, herbal remedy or nutritional program truly work?  And this is why we see some programs or products working for a small number of people while not working for the rest.

The RBTI program is designed as a specific nutrient rich diet for YOU and is based on YOUR deficiencies and how to correct them. This program is NOT a calorie based diet.  There are no such restrictions.  In fact, there are very few restrictions.  Since it is designed around an individual’s needs, a food that may be considered unhealthy for one person might be very healthy for another.

This program lasts only for the period of time it takes to address your deficiencies by creating the perfect body chemistry for optimum healthy cell replacement (damage reversal) and continued good health.

Dr. Reams knew that with RBTI you could …
Stop and/or reverse cellular damage Recover from symptoms of premature aging Recover from illness and disease Experience natural weight loss without dieting or portion/calorie control:  Most of us remember this as “being young.” Correct body blemishes (stretch marks, loose skin, cellulite, liver spots, wrinkles, etc.) Eliminate syndromes and disorders such as CRF (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) Restore healthy digestion and intestinal health Clear up eye and skin problems such as glaucoma or acne (together here because they are related) Wipe out parasites including rampant free radicals – responsible for much cell death & destruction. Send cancer/s into remission
RBTI Success Rates

RBTI boasts a remarkable success rate; one far greater than the medical establishment has ever accomplished and there is a very good reason for this. It is because RBTI is a system of analysis rather than diagnosis and it is only through analysis of  a person’s body chemistry that we can be certain what a person is lacking.


Industrial Medicine Success Rate

With the current methods of symptom diagnosis and treatment (symptom chasing), there can be much confusion and inaccuracy as well as mounting costs for tests, drugs and visits.  Not to mention time consuming, uncomfortable and, at times, down right humiliating.

Using Cancer & MS, statistics as a basis for comparison can be confusing.  With RBTI, there is either cure or no cure and it is permanent.  With modern medicine we see that the statistics are not as clear.  Most statistics simply state whether or not the cancer victim lived 5 years after diagnosis but it does not state whether the person had been cured or was able to stop their treatments.  Cancer is a business … big business and treatment is not cure.  Neither is remission.

The National Cancer Institute defines “remission” as:

A decrease in or disappearance of signs and symptoms of cancer.  In partial remission, some, but not all, signs and symptoms of cancer have disappeared.  In complete remission, all signs and symptoms of cancer have disappeared, although cancer still may be in the body.”

Regardless, even current statistics, with their lack of clarity, do not have the high success rates as those experienced with RBTI.  As for MS, Industrial Medicine simply has no cure.

So how can we step away from all the symptom chasing, expensive tests and drugs and, most of all, fear?  We use analysis.


Analysis is something that is accurate and repeatable time and time again. With analysis, there can be only one answer and it must apply at all times and in all situations consistently. 

So how can we use RBTI to determine what our mineral deficiencies are and correct them?

To achieve this, a baseline must be established.  Think of it like this.  We want to perform an analysis (test) on human body temperature.  We want to know if a person has a fever.   In order to determine if the person’s temperature is higher than it should be, we need something to compare it to.  We need a baseline.  That baseline (98.6 F) is the same for ALL human beings.  It is consistent and accurate so we know we can use it to compare a person’s temperature to.

In RBTI, that baseline is known as … The Equation for Perfect Health
[]Because The Equation for Perfect Health is a mathematical representation of the perfect human body chemistry, it can be used as a baseline.  This allows a person to do lab quality testing and analysis on both urine and saliva from the privacy of home.  A person’s numbers (test results) can then be compared to the numbers in the equation.


The Equation for Perfect Health

[]Reading the Equation:
1.5 – Carbohydrates (sugar or Brix number) 6.4 – PH for both saliva & urine.  Urine is the top number. 6 to 7C – Conductivity (salts number) .04M – Cellular Debris (indicates rate of cell death & decay) 3 – Urea (nitrogen), for both Nitrate (upper number) and Ammonium (lower number)
To further clarify the meaning of these numbers, let’s take a look at them one by one.

Carbohydrate Reading (sugar) – Being in the healthy “A” range of 1.2 to 1.9 denotes an adequate energy level in the body.

Urine PH Reading – Being in the healthy “A” range of 6.3 to 6.49 denotes a proper mineral balance in the body, primarily calcium.  This is also the reading that will tell you whether or not you are cationic or anionic (acidic or alkaline.)

Saliva PH Reading – Being in the healthy “A” range of 6.3 to 6.49 denotes sufficient digestive enzymes.

Conductivity Reading (salts) – Being in the healthy “A” range of 6 to 7 denotes a healthy balance of electrolytes.

Cellular Debris Reading – Being at .04M verifies the removal of worn out cells from the body, with the replacement of new ones (healing.)  This number can also show the lack of healthy replacement (degeneration, aging, disease.)

Urea Nitrate Reading (nitrogen oxide, anionic, metabolic waste of protein in) – Being in the healthy “A” range of 3 to 3.5 verifies that the body is processing proteins efficiently and is not overwhelmed with toxicity.

Urea Ammonium Reading (nitrogen sulfate, cationic, metabolic waste of protein out) – Being in the healthy “A” range of 3 to 3.5 verifies the removal of this toxic metabolic byproduct and a healthy balance of Potassium.  *Note: It is Ammonium, not Ammonia. Ammonium is cationic while Ammonia is highly anionic and is not part of the equation.

With a bit of urine and saliva, Dr. Reams could use the above 5 readings and compare them to the Equation (the perfect numbers) to pinpoint your body chemistry to such a degree that he could tell you what you had for dinner the evening prior.

Through testing and comparison to The Equation for Health, a person can pinpoint exactly what they are minerally deficient in and provide it to the body.

When the test numbers reflect this perfect body chemistry or “A” Range, our internal environment, our body chemistry, is optimized for healthy cell replacement and damage reversal (healing!)

Your RBTI  Personal Program (initial steps):
You identify your mineral deficiencies by performing the RBTI test from the comfort of your own home.  These are the mineral deficiencies that lead to illness, disease and premature aging. Compare your test results to the Equation for Perfect Health. Use this data to compare to the RBTI mineral and nutrition charts to design your personal remineralization program. Understand the importance of water, its types and what is best for you.  Use RBTI Water/Lemon Water/Tea Routine charts to build your liquids routine.  Minerals cannot be passed through to the cells, where they are so desperately needed, without a consistent water routine specifically designed for your body. Understand proper walking exercise and how the body responds to it internally; this is its true importance to overall health.  Proper walking exercise means the kind that will  stimulate your glandular system to move minerals in and waste toxins out.  It does not mean power walking, which would actually defeat the purpose of building up your energy. Monitor Your Equation.  Stay on top of your results and keep yourself within the ideal body chemistry or “A” range permanently.  Once you reach “A” Range, it’s easy to stay there!

[]RBTI Your Personal Guide to Perfect Health – 3rd Edition

An easy, practical look at the complex subject of RBTI [LOOK INSIDE THIS BOOK – TABLE OF CONTENTS]

RBTI – Your Personal Guide to Perfect Health is about body chemistry.  More specifically, it is about your personal body chemistry and the way in which it effects your health.

In fact, body chemistry is behind all weight issues, illness, disease and even premature aging. To regain what was lost, whether it be that slim, firm body; that unbridled youth and energy, or most important, your overall good health, RBTI can help.

You will simply perform your own RBTI test on your urine and saliva, then compare your test numbers (results) to the numbers in the Equation for Perfect Health.  This equation represents the baseline for perfect health and it is flawless.

If your numbers don’t match, and it is rare that they do on the first test, then you are not well whether you perceive yourself as well or not.  If your numbers are not a match to the numbers in the Equation, then you are losing energy and it is this energy loss that causes the breakdown of the body.

Dr. Reams said that, “The first day we do not take in as much energy as we burn, is the first day of illness.”

Performing your test is easy.  When you take your temperature with a thermometer (your lab equipment), you compare your temperature with the perfect baseline temperature of 98.6 degrees.

When you test yourself with the RBTI test equipment, you read your numbers (results) and compare them to the baseline of “The Equation for Perfect Health.”

If your numbers are not within the range of this Equation (referred to as “A” Range), then you use the charts in this book to create your nutritional program, your “routine”, to bring your numbers into this “A” Range.

As your numbers are moving closer to this range, you are healing and restoring your vital energy.  And, once you reach “A” Range, your program is done.

From there, you simply continue to monitor your numbers by testing monthly just to make sure you’re staying on track.  If your numbers are off slightly, adjusting back to “A” Range will be quick & easy!

What you will get with this book:

Clear, guided instructions for performing your own lab quality test in the comfort & privacy of your home. Step by step charting to design your very own RBTI program, specific to you. An Equipment list for your RBTI test kit or you can purchase your test kit here … [RBTI Test Kit]     (link opens in new window)  No need to rush.  Familiarize yourself with your new RBTI program charts and instructions first.  Then, when you’re ready, there’s a 10% off coupon for the kit inside your book.
Resources for original RBTI supplements as designed by Dr. Reams, if temporarily required. Resources for instructional videos and Practitioners. Advanced charting to make personal program design easy and trackable Clickable table of contents for easy navigation..
Searchable by keyword or phrase for quick reference.  Find the information you need, when you need it most!
Clear, easy to follow instructions for simple math conversions.  Just drop your numbers in and go.
Free Edition updates when you join the “Updates” mailing list!  We have customers that started with our 1st Edition and have received Editions 2 & 3 absolutely Free!

In addition, when you purchase “RBTI – Your Personal Guide to Perfect Health”, you will also receive, absolutely free…

The 6~n~1 Detox – Then & Now.

[]Originally developed by June M. Wiles of Nutritional Counselors of America, this intensive, nutrient rich cleansing was widely used by those who were following the RBTI Program.

For any health program to truly succeed, there must be a cleansing; a washing away of that which has polluted the body.  In short, we live in a toxic environment, from the food we eat to the air we breath, we are bombarded on a daily basis.  Even our drinking water has become a chemical cocktail.

In it’s day, the 6~n~1 Detox was making its mark as a nutrient rich, natural detoxifier, extracting those toxic elements that tend to accumulate through life and speed up the process of cellular damage (aging, illness and disease).

Since then, many new developments have taken place; developments that have brought to light new ways to cleanse our body while providing it with revitalizing minerals as well as pulling & eliminating heavy metals and deep tissue toxins.  We can even eliminate these toxins without the horrible side effects that can result when the body dumps large amounts of toxins into the system for elimination.

Reclaim power over your health!

“RBTI Your Personal Guide to Perfect Health”
with companion text
“The 6~n~1 Detox-Then & Now
Download Now!


Curious about the Paleo Diet? Download your Free Report Now! Includes the Paleo foods list and food combination percentages. Everything you need to plan your menus the Paleo way!

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