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February 21, 2014 | by admin |

FINALLY, after 5 years of research and testing, an inside-out system to help you lose up to 20 kg!

Home Workouts for Fat Loss

No Marathon Cardio sessions, No long workouts, No Magic Pills.

No Fancy Equipment and definitely No Crazy Diets!

Discover how this Tested and Proven system can help
you lose 5, 10, 15… up to 20 kg
using JUST 25 minute short burst intense workouts.

If you have only 75 minutes a week to lose fat, read this eye-opening special report revealing the latest break-through in Fat loss training and Nutrition!

This report could be shocking for you.
Read it only if you want to know the Truth about Weight Loss!

From the desk of Karan Dharamsi
Certified Turbulence Trainer, Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, Fitness Educator and Writer

1 Day, 3 Reasons, And A Mission For Life To Help People Lose FAT In The Fastest And Safest Possible Manner!

Flash-back: Oct 20, 2008, Monday

I was Shocked!

It literally was on Oct 20, 2008. Why do I remember this day? Oh man, this was supposedly one of the happiest days of my life. I was going to be working as a personal trainer in one of the best gyms in town. It was a really really special day (which is still an understatement), a dream come true. I completed my Engineering in Computer Science in 2007 and had turned down a very high paying job offer to pursue my dream of becoming a fitness professional. So one year after my graduation (and turning down a high paying job) and after getting formally educated in Exercise and Nutrition Science to become a qualified fitness professional, here I was finally ready to start my journey as a personal trainer.

Excited and thrilled, I got on the gym floor. I didn’t know that in just a few short minutes, all my excitement was going to fade away. As I spoke to the other trainers, I was dumb-founded to know that they had no qualification to be called fitness trainers (apart from looking huge and I know at some places that’s the only qualification you need). Worst yet, most of them had not even completed their graduation.

All my excitement went out of the window. I came here to help people move better, look better and feel better but this place was doing just the opposite. This place was literally playing with people’s bodies by allowing unqualified trainers to take people through random workouts in the name of fat loss. Grrrrrr.. I quit in the first 3 hours of my joining. Not surprising, huh?

More reasons for quitting:

I was sulking with anger. I went back home. My cousin had come over and I was meeting her after 3 months. I noticed, she had put on too much weight and looked out of sorts. I asked her what she was up to. And she told me that she had joined a weight loss center where she lost 10 kg in 3 weeks on a crazy almost starvation diet.

She said that when she got back to eating normally, which she had to, she not only regained those 10 kg, but an additional 4 kg. Yes, she gained 14 kg. Post that, she started falling ill frequently, her immunity had gone down and she was also losing volumes of hair frequently. It wasn’t hard for me to figure out why this was happening to her:

She had lost a lot of muscle and water weight. They had screwed up her metabolism.

Wow, I started wondering to myself, ‘is this really happening to me’. This was supposedly the best day of my life. I was still trying to come to terms with what I saw in the gym and I see my cousin fall prey to a quick-fix fat loss gimmick.

The Truth about Quick Fix Weight Loss Programs

1. Lose precious muscle

2. Lose a lot of water weight

3. Very little fat loss

4. Destroys your metabolism

5. Quick rebound of weight, actually more than what you started with

6. Increased body fat percentage at the same weight with

7. Low immunity

8. Some experience hair fall

Well, I put my cousin on a new diet and workout program so that we could fix up her metabolism.

These incidents kept playing in my mind all afternoon.

In the evening, my mom had an appointment with her doc for routine check-up. I accompanied her. The doc was at least 200 pounds at 5.3 and could hardly walk. And she said something that was the final nail in the coffin. I was shocked, literally shocked listening to that! I could not believe how a doctor could buy some crap from a stupid article and actually follow it to lose fat and worst yet recommend it to others.

Was it all a coincidence that all these events happened on the same day? Was is the Law of Attraction working and bringing such events right in front of my eyes, because I was attracting them? Maybe or maybe not, I cannot be certain about it. But I was certain about one thing that day. That there was too much misinformation all around. And most of the misinformation was coming from people who were not at all qualified to talk about Exercise and Nutrition Science.

Thanks to them and all the fat loss B.S. they were spreading, it wasn’t and still isn’t surprising why obesity is the #1 health issue in the world. Why even after we have so much access to free-floating information just with a click of the mouse, we have so many people struggling to lose fat.

Why do you think most of the doctors are themselves overweight?

According to Dr. Spencer Nadolsky, a practicing physician in Virginia who works with many overweight and obese clients, “The average physician is taught next to nothing about obesity treatment in medical school and residency.”

And here’s something I learned later – there is no coursework in exercise prescription either. (There are exceptions, of course! Some physicians go out and educate themselves over and above what is in their coursework)


Most of the physicians themselves rely on the free-floating information found in the media and are overweight or unfit.

Why you should NOT rely on what you read
in the media about weight loss?

Next time you read an article in a paper or a magazine, look for the byline of the author. Most of these authors who write articles are writers with no background in exercise and nutrition science. Will you take a medical prescription from a writer? I guess, NO!

My Life was No Longer the Same:

That was the day when I decided that I had to do something to help people differentiate between the dangerous diets (plus injurious workouts) and the safe ones. That was the day I found my true calling, my mission for life! I wanted to help and educate people to lose fat safely and effectively.

(You’ve Been Lied to, Truth Revealed Below)

Present: March 28th, 2014!

As of today, my mission has somewhat turned into an obsession. In the last few years, I’ve dived into every research possible to find out what really works and what does not, what’s safe and what’s dangerous. And what I’m about to tell you might shock you. You’ve been lied to and misinformed about fat loss on so many different levels.

Yes, lied and misinformed by trainers who don’t know what they are talking about, by doctors who are themselves over-weight and by the so called fat-loss gurus who have no back-ground in exercise or nutrition science.

Just think about it for a second, if all the information that was being fed to you was true, wouldn’t it be a cakewalk to lose fat? Why are we as a species growing fatter? It’s because of the lies and misinformation that you are being constantly bombarded with.

I want to help you!

I’m going to tell you the Truth about the 5 Most Common Fat Loss Training Lies. These might be really shocking revelations for you but I have to bring out the truth.

If you are following any one or more of these, STOP immediately.
The long term consequences of these could be bad to disastrous.

Now, let me dive right into the 5 Lies of Fat Loss that you and your loved ones must stay away from:

LIE #1

Lie: 100 Crunches Everyday to Burn Belly Fat! It’s a Lie Lie Lie…..

Fact: You are Inviting Lower Back Pain!

Shocking, right?

In an eye-opening research, Dr. Stuart McGill, Professor, University of Waterloo found that doing crunches (spinal flexion) repeatedly could seriously damage your lower back (Lumbar spine).

I see so many people doing crunches and sit-up all the time because they have been led to believe that these are the best exercises to lose belly fat. But trust me, if you have been doing them, stop them immediately. You are not only wasting your time but inviting a potentially dangerous injury to your lower back.

Here’s what Dr. McGill found in his shocking research:

We place compressive forces of 3,300 Newtons on the spine in any movement like crunches and sit-ups that take the spine into flexion. Moreover, these compression forces could cause your discs to bulge by squeezing them constantly and eventually lead to herniated discs.

Conclusion: Stop doing this, NOW!

(1) Callaghan JP, McGill SM. (2001). Intervertebral disc herniation: Studies on a porcine model exposed to
highly repetitive flexion/extension motion with compressive force. Clinical Biomechanics, 16, 28-37

LIE #2

Lie: Slow-Long Cardio Workout Burns More Fat

Fact: Repeated Stress Injuries and Fat Gain Around the Fence

Too many, way too many people adopt long-slow cardio as a means to lose fat, especially women. But here is the sad truth, the repeated movements during long-slow cardio place too much stress on your musclo-skeletal system and can cause repeat stress injury.

But here’s something that will shock you: A recent study found that slow-boring cardio could actually lead to weight gain! Yes, weight gain.

In a recent study that was conducted on 40 participants, the researchers found that a large majority of the participants gained weight. Only a few lost weight, but they gained more weight than they began with after they stopped doing long-slow cardio.

The reason for weight gain: The researchers found that the long slow cardio workouts made the participants hungrier than usual and caused them to eat more calories than they normally would.

Conclusion: Avoid Injury and Weight Gain Resulting from Slow-Long Cardio!

LIE #3

Lie: Exercises for Spot Reduction

Fact: It’s a Big FAT Lie! They Want Your Money

Anyone who says to you that ‘Spot Reduction’ is possible is lying to your face. Spot Reduction is just another marketing gimmick. Doing crunches, apart from it being dangerous will not reduce your belly fat. Likewise, doing biceps curl will not reduce the fat from your arms.

There are surgical options that are crazily expensive, not permanent and definitely unsafe. So, stop falling for this lie and doing the so called ‘Spot Reduction Exercises’. In reality it’s just a fictional term.

A few of the many studies that were conducted recently blow the lid off the spot reduction lie.

Conclusion: Spot Reduction is a Spot on LIE

J Strength Cond Res. 2013 Aug;27(8):2219-24. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31827e8681.
J Strength Cond Res. 2011 Sep;25(9):2559-64. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181fb4a46.

LIE #4

Lie: Sweating = Fat Burning

Fact: Sweating has No Direct Correlation with Fat Loss

I see so many people buy into the belief that the more they sweat, the more fat they burn. I see people literally run until they are dripping with sweat. So many people workout to see themselves sweat; they can’t sleep if they did not sweat in their workouts. Thanks to this Fat Loss Myth, the so called Weight-Loss gurus take advantage of this lie and promote workouts that make you sweat as the best weight loss workouts.

Sorry to break the bubble but Sweat is no indicator of fat loss. Sweating is how our body maintains homeostasis (A state of constant internal temperature). When we exercise, we need more energy at a faster pace and in the process more heat in released in the body. Sweating is how our body maintains a constant temperature by releasing the heat into the surroundings. But there is no direct co-relation between sweat and fat loss.

So stop falling into the trap that a certain exercise is good because it makes you sweat and a certain exercise is bad because you don’t sweat when you do it.

Conclusion: Fat Loss is not Sweat Loss

LIE #5

Lie: Train More to Lose More

Fact: Over-training can Stall Fat Loss and Lead to Injuries

We all want good things to happen overnight. But sometimes, too much of a good thing can be bad. And this is exactly the case with training everyday. We all have been led to believe that we need to train more to lose fat faster.

In reality, training everyday can stall your fat loss process and in some cases lead to weight gain. Apart from this, you are also at an increased risk of over-training and overuse injuries. Rest and Recovery should be a part of every strategically designed fat loss program.

Conclusion: Don’t Train Everyday!

I’m sure you have a lot of things going on in your mind by now. And I completely understand. After all, who would have thought that the things we so commonly do to lose fat are actually doing us more harm than helping us.

First up, let’s stop here for a minute and congratulate you. By reading this far, you now know what a vast majority of people do not know about fat loss. And with this information, you and your loved ones will not fall prey to any free floating fat loss misinformation out there.

I know what you are thinking: Well that’s great. Ok, so I know what not to do. Thanks for that. But hey, I have a question…

So what should I actually do?

That’s a great question. I’m glad you asked this question. People ask me this question all the time. I’m going to show you exactly what you should be doing instead to lose fat safely. I’m going to show you how in just 75 minutes per week you can lose fat and have an amazing body.

But, I’ll be honest and upfront with you: This is not for everyone!

What I’m going to share with you is not another:
Fat Loss Magic Pill A New Fad Diet A New ‘Walk in the Park’ type of Workout
I’m far-far away from these gimmicks. The system that I’m going to introduce to you will need you to work hard. And that’s the truth!

But the best part: You just need 75 minutes a week to Lose Fat Safely!

Before I talk more about this safe and effective fat loss system, I want you to close your eyes for a second and Imagine how will you feel when you are in the best shape of your life.
You look years younger and slimmer. You look and feel more energetic. You walk and move more effectively. And you can easily slip into that sexy outfit you’ve always been wanting to flaunt.
Just picture yourself out with your gang of friends. There’s a new air about you and sparkle in your eyes. Passersby stop and stare at your new slim physique in awe. They want to have a body like you. Just imagine how that will influence people around you, your family and friends.

Did you like what you imagined?

Everything you just imagined can actually become a reality. And all it takes is 75 minutes a week. It will be hard work, but, if you take action, all that you imagined is possible.

Why am I so confident about your Fat Loss?

Because I’ve helped hundreds of clients just like you from all around the world lose fat safely. And by now, if you already aren’t aware of my mission cum obsession, let me introduce myself. Hi! My name is Karan Dharamsi, I’m a Certified Turbulence Trainer, Sports Nutrition Specialist and a Fitness Writer.

And if you are ready to ditch the old-school and conventional fat loss approach, I’ll show you exactly how you can lose fat safely and effectively in just 75 minutes per week using ‘Short Burst Intense Exercises’.

Before I tell you more about the Short Burst Training Approach, let me quickly share this story with you:

Back when I started, one of the challenges I faced as a personal trainer was, I regularly came across clients who either did not have the time to go to gym or hated working out in the gym. And most of these people had fallen prey to the Fat Loss lies and were doing hundreds of crunches at home or the long slow cardio to lose fat or were following some crazy detox or fruit only diet.

I delved into the research and started writing workout programs for clients who wanted to workout from home and who had very little time and almost no equipment. I started writing programs using Short Burst Intense Exercises. Not only did my clients lost fat, they looked younger and became more energetic with just 25 minutes Short Burst Intense Workout done thrice a week.

After testing various protocols of my workouts over the last few years, I’ve put together what is called The Home Workouts for Fat loss System. Not only are the people who’ve been through this system a proof of why this system is one of the most effective fat loss system, there is ample research to back this claim.

Here’s one of the research results that shows how effective these workouts are…

Recently, Brett Klika (C.S.C.S., B.S, coach for the Human Performance Institute in Orlando, FL. And Chris Jordan, M.S., C.S.C.S, NSCA-CPT, ACSM HFS/APT, director of Exercise Physiology at the Human Performance Institute in Orlando, FL.) published a paper in the Sports and Exercise Journal.

The study was to determine if the Short Burst Intense Exercises done at home using body weight and no equipment’s had the same health and fitness benefits as the standard 1-hour exercise routines done 3 -4 times a week.

The authors focused on 10 to 12 different body weight exercises. They recommended performing each exercise for 30 seconds for approximately 15 – 20 repetitions and a 10 second transition bout between each exercise. The total circuit last for about 7 minutes and they recommend doing 2-3 such circuits.

They drew the following conclusion in their paper:

Short Burst Intense Exercises help:
Decrease Body Fat Improve Insulin Sensitivity Improve V-O2max Improve Muscle Fitness Improve Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Conclusions: Short Burst Intense Exercises deliver numerous health benefits in less time than more traditional programs that are recommended.

ACSM’S Health & Fitness Journal:[May/June 2013 – Volume 17 – Issue 3 – p 8–13] – doi: 10.1249/FIT.0b013e31828cb1e8

I was Karan’s first client when he started out in the fitness industry. I remember, I told one of my friends back then that I was looking out for a personal trainer and he told me that I should meet this guy who also had a bachelors degree in Engineering. You hardly find trainers with any educational background and when he said that Karan had an engineering degree, it got my attention. It’s been years and he is still my go to person when it comes to fitness. If you cannot train with him in person, then The Home Workouts for Fat Loss System is the next best thing.

Fatima Sana Sheikh – Mumbai

I was an athlete in school. I used to run on the treadmill for at least 2 hours everyday. My knees would hurt. But then I thought, running is the only way to lose fat and did cardio for hours. This is when I met Karan and in my first meeting knew that this guy was the real deal. He immediately asked me to stop cardio and put me on a new workout regime with compounds movements and interval training as the crux of the program. Not only was I ready for my photo-shoot in time (as you can see in the pic), my knees thanked me for it too. I would highly recommend The Home Workout for Fat Loss System to anyone who wants to lose fat.

Avinash Kumar – Delhi

Karan has been giving me online coaching for about 5 months now and have seen amazing results in that time. I travel a lot, thanks to my work and it was always difficult to workout and eat clean when I would travel. Karan designed a new workout program that I can follow even in my hotel room without any equipment. I just carry a small band and that’s all I need to get an amazing workout done anywhere, anytime. He also helped me with some amazing nutrition strategies, now I eat clean at least 90% of the time when I’m traveling. If you are serious about losing fat, Karan is the right man for the job.

Ankit Gulechha, Entrepreneur – Bangalore

The Home Workouts for Fat Loss System
works for anyone and everyone.
A busy entrepreneur like Ankit who travels all the time A stay-at-home mom who looks after her child and manages her home A busy college-going girl A working women with very limited time Or for someone like Avinash just trying to get ready for a photo-shoot.
It works across the spectrum.

And it’s going to work for you. And I see that you’re committed and motivated to losing fat safely. Seriously, I’m blown away by your commitment!

Since you’ve read this far, you should really pat on your back. This shows that you are dedicated to losing fat. The only reason you haven’t been successful in the past is because of the lies and misinformation that you were being told. Which is not your fault. You did your best but never saw results and gave up.

But, that’s going to change with the scientifically designed Home Workouts for Fat Loss System.

The Secret behind the
Home Workout for Fat Loss System

Why does the Home Workout for Fat Loss System work?

One word – Science! As you know that I’m a no hype kinda guy, so I’m not going to package this into any out of the box magical unheard of exercise system. Put simply, it’s a scientifically put together program that uses compound movements and interval training to get the most out of your workout in the shortest possible time.

Here’s the difference between the conventional fat loss workout and diet approach and the Home Workouts for Fat Loss System:

Weight Loss Approach

Home Workouts for Fat Loss System

Increase injury risk

Safe and effective

More muscle loss less fat loss

More fat loss minimal muscle loss

Screwed up metabolism

Increased metabolism

Decreased immunity

Increased Immunity

Low Energy

Increase in Energy Levels

I’ve personally used the Home Workouts for Fat Loss System with my clients and they all got amazing results. The best part is unlike the typical fat loss programs that always make you feel so sluggish and low on energy. The Home Workouts for Fat Loss system makes you feel more energetic and does not leave you starving. Now I use this program with all my clients and all it takes is about 75 minutes a week.

Preetham Krishan, Fitness Trainer – Australia

The philosophy behind
Home Workouts for Fat Loss System:

Let your body do all the work instead of you working!

Do you prefer to work “Hard + Hard” or “Hard + Smart”? I bet you prefer the latter, I prefer the latter too. And that’s exactly the philosophy of this program. This system is designed to let your body do all the hard work after you are done with your share of hard work. Here’s what I mean:

In the traditional fat loss approach of slow long cardio you do not boost your metabolism. You only burn additional calories as long as you are on the treadmill or running in the park. But with the Home Workouts for Fat Loss System, you will not only burn calories during your workouts but you will continue to burn additional calories for the next 24-36 hours!

So, now you can literally burn calories when you are in the office, watching TV, in the kitchen or sleeping. So you see, how smartly we are getting the body to continue to do all the additional calorie-burning hours post your workout while you go about your daily life.

Geez, now you must be thinking, that’s a smart approach. But is it really possible? Oh yes, that’s completely possible and that’s what the Home Workouts for Fat Loss System is based on. In fact, there are numerous researches that show how compound exercises are more effective and lead to greater calorie burning hours after the workout is complete.

I hate going to the gym. I was not really fat-fat but I was chubby after I came back from London. And I wanted to lose whatever little fat I had without going to the gym. That’s when I started using Karan’s Home Workout for Fat Loss System. (I was one of the test subjects ) I lost all the little extra fat that I had and enjoyed working out at home. I even set up a small fat loss gym at home with just 4 small tools sitting in one small corner of my home, thanks to Karan. My workouts are fun and short and are perfect for my schedule. I think, you will love this system if you too hate going to the gym and are time-crunched like me.

Sandhya Valecha, Writer, Entrepreneur & Writers’ Coach

Now this is Not a LIE

You CAN lose fat and get in the best shape of your life in as little as 75 minutes a week using the Home Workout for Fat Loss system.

If you are serious about losing fat and if you have 75 minutes a week, I’ll help you getting the body of your dreams.

Not just with the workouts, but another BONUS gift.

Yes, along with the workouts, you’ll get access to my nutrition system for FREE! Surprise, I’ve also got you covered on nutrition as well.

The Home Workouts for Fat Loss System 1.0 is a strategically designed system. It is a combination of workouts and nutrition principles designed to turn your body into a fat burning machine so that you lose fat and get into the best shape of your life safely and effectively in the shortest possible time.

Here’s the icing on the cake, you don’t need any fancy tools, no gym membership and all the workouts as the name suggests can be done from the comfort of your HOME.


The Safe and Scientific Fat Loss System:

Home Workouts for Fat Loss System 1.0

Lose Fat in Just 75 Minutes a Week

This program includes…

The Home Workouts for Fat Loss Introduction Guide

This is where you begin. This intro guide will give you a road map of how you need to use this system to lose fat. Almost all the questions that may pop up in your mind have been answered in the intro guide. Read this twice before you being with the program.


The Home Workouts for Fat Loss Beginners Guide

This is phase 1 of your workouts. The workouts in this guide are aimed to addressing your mobility issue and to prepare your body for the workouts we will put it through in the next phases. This phase will be anywhere between 4 – 5 weeks depending on how you adapt.


The Home Workouts for Fat Loss Intermediate Guide

Now that we have prepared your body in the last few weeks with the beginners’ workout, this is where we take things a notch higher. In phase 2 we increase the intensity of your workouts. You will start to see a noticeable improvements in your body composition, fitness and overall health in this phase. This phase could be anywhere between 5 – 7 weeks depending on how you adapt. More details in the guide.


The Home Workouts for Fat Loss Advance Guide

In this phase we hit the final nail to the coffin. We crank up the intensity of your workouts in this phase. If you graduate to this level like a good student, you can see drastic results in this phase. You earn your way to this phase with consistency in the first 2 phases.


The Home Workouts for Fat Loss Nutrition Guide

No fat loss program is successful without a complementing nutrition program. And I’ve got you equally covered on this aspect as well. I’ve made nutrition as simple as possible for you. No Calorie Counting, No measuring your carbs, proteins and fats! The nutrition guide will teach you basic nutrition principles that will help you design your custom fat loss diet!



The Home Workouts for Fat Loss – Your Fat Loss Story

Do you know what is the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful body transformation – The Missing Link! In this small eBook, you will learn how to make this Missing Link work for you rather than against you so that you have a successful body transformation!


When you grab this system today, you also get this amazing FREE bonus!

Lifetime FREE Access to the Video Library

You will also get lifetime free access to my video library. In these videos, you will learn how to do each exercise with the correct form and technique.

There will be no guess work, just watch and re-watch these videos as many times as you want to learn the correct form and technique. It’s like having me demonstrate each exercise in person for you… anytime you want!

To access these videos alone, you would normally be looking at an investment of $97.

But you get this for FREE. Why? Because I want to see you succeed. I want you to get results. I want to reach out to as many people as I can and help them transform their body. So I’m leaving no stone unturned to see that you have all the tools to lose fat safely and effectively. With this bonus alone, you’ve already saved $97!

You remember my mission cum obsession right? Yeah, I want to reach out and help as many people as I can to lose fat. And that’s why I’m literally giving away this system at almost half the price that you would pay for my one session of personal training. I’m not even counting my nutrition coaching session here.

You are going to make an investment that will cost far less than hiring a misinformed trainer and paying him to take you towards an injury.

If you were to hire me personally, you would end up paying INR 5000 or ($100) per session and you are looking at least 50 sessions taking your investment to INR 2,50,000 or $5000. But unfortunately, all my sessions are blocked for 2014. And honestly, The Home Workouts for Fat Loss System is almost as good as having me train you one-on-one for 1/100th of the fee that you would be paying me.

Only for a few days, I’m giving away this system at 75% off its regular price along with the FREE Bonus for a one-time payment of $27.

Regular Price: $108

 Today: $27


[Give me INSTANT Access to the Home Workout for Fat Loss System and my Free Bonus.]

Heck, now that’s a steal if you were ask me. If I were to individually add up the value for each book and the free bonus, you would be looking at, at least $532. And $27 is just the launch price. I’m going to give away the Home Workout for Fat Loss System at $27 to only the first 250 people. Post that you are possibly looking at paying double that price, $108.

Do you really want to lose up to 20 kg?

Well, if you are still not inside my member’s forum with other members like you who have decided to be in an amazing shape in 2014, you are left with two choices from here:

The option that could harm you: You still believe in all the BS, the lies and still wish to continue following the same old routine, which did not work for you and which could harm you. If you’ve read this far, you are clearly looking for a better, safer and a more effective fat loss program. But you will still continue to follow what you read in the magazines or what your misinformed trainer says. Well, then thank you for dropping by, I wish you a lot of safety.

The proven option that helps you lose fat safely + effectively: You get started with my Home Workouts for Fat Loss System. The exact blueprint that has helped hundreds of people all around the world lose fat. And that too for a price, which is less than half the total amount for your Saturday night dinner.

If you prefer the traditional approach, good luck!

But if you rather want to:
Lose fat Inspire your family and friends Get the body of your dreams and make people take a notice of you Walk, move and feel better and energetic And do it all safely and effectively in as little as 75 minutes a week
Then honestly, grabbing this program would be the best decision you can make in 2014. Wouldn’t you agree?

Regular Price: $180

 Now Only $27


[Give me INSTANT Access to the Home Workout for Fat Loss System and my Free Bonus.]

I’m super excited to witness your fat loss journey to help you get the body of your dreams.

To the best you’ve ever looked,

Karan Dharamsi, CTT | CPT | SNC

P.S. Once you grab this system, you will have the entire blueprint to lose fat successfully and be more energetic and look younger. You’ve read this far, and this clearly shows that you have what it takes to lose fat, all you were waiting for was someone to show you the way. So let’s get your started! To grab your copy of the Home Workouts for Fat Loss System at absolutely zero RISK to you! Make this your first step towards a real transformation.


Q. When and how will I receive the Home Workouts for Fat Loss System?

A. The Home Workouts for Fat Loss System is a downloadable series of e-Manuals. It will not be shipped to you physically. You will get INSTANT ACCESS to the entire system as soon as you order. You will be able to download the entire system.

Q. Will I need any equipment to do these workouts?

A. To get faster and better results, you will need a few tools. These are really inexpensive. In this system, I’ll show you how you can create the world’s best Home Fat Loss Gym with very inexpensive tools that will cost you less than $100.

Q. I’m a female. Will this System work for me?

A. Yes! It has been equally tested on both men and women. All my female clients managed to lose a lot of fat when I put them on this system.

Q. How long is this program?

A. The entire system is about 14 – 18 weeks long depending on how your body adapts to it.

Q. I’ve never worked out before; will I be able to use this system?

A. Oh yes, you will definitely be able to use this system. This system can be used by rank beginners or by people who have been training before. As long as you do not have any medical condition or current injuries, you can use this system. You need to start with the beginners phase and you will be good to go.

Regular Price: $108

Now Only $27


[Give me INSTANT Access to the Home Workout for Fat Loss System and my Free Bonus.]

Disclaimer: You should always contact your doctor before starting any exercise or training program.
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