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“If Diet Failure is a Real Problem for You because you Can’t Stay on a Diet or Can’t Keep the Weight Off that you do lose, I have the solution to your Diet Drama.”

I’m going to reveal the simple truth why this is the solution to dieting and how Millions of People can Benefit from this Program…

 My Dear Friend,

If you are ready to have an honest conversation about why you are having these problems you’ll be totally surprised at what I have to say.  In about 5 minutes you’re going to understand the value of what you discovered.    

Hi! I’m Cris, co-author of the Diet Challenged Program and this is Carey, your Diet Challenged personal coach, mentor and trainer. I would like to begin by thanking you for coming to this page.  I don’t know how you found our site, whether it was a friend, family member or a diet, health or beauty product company that recommended us, but it’s YOUR LUCKY DAY.  


I was one of Dr. Mooney’s students over 12 years ago and I still use his techniques to this day and it is a great solution to dieting.  The best thing is I haven’t been on a diet since.  It is more of a way of life.  (I hope to never  again.)  I’ll explain more later.

Together with our experience we have designed a Stress-Free & Easy Diet Solution to your problem.  It’s not like anything you’ve ever experienced before because this program causes a Major Mind Shift to occur without you even realizing it’s happening.    We transform your thinking and your behaviors from that of a repeat dieter to that of a person who’s able to live a healthy lifestyle effortlessly and naturally.  

Listen up!  It’s true.  It happened to me.  Now take a minute and let me prove my point…  

[]Diet Statistics Prove that Diet Failure is a Real Problem and it’s at epidemic proportions!

The #1 Myth is if you find the “Miracle Diet” the weight will melt off you fast and you’ll be thin and happy for the rest of your life.  No one dares talk about the fact that 5% of all people keep the weight off over 2 years and most people try 4-5 times a year.

 I discovered these mind-boggling statistics during my research and it blew me away.  Aren’t you totally shocked?  I honestly had no idea. This confirmed my belief that Dr. Mooney was truly onto something exceptional. Together we have created the missing piece to the puzzle of how to maintain a healthy weight specifically for people who find themselves to be Diet Challenged.


I feel your pain.  I had a long history of Diet Failure-starting a diet and then stopping even before I would lose a measly two pounds. The simple truth is I HATE DIETING and to put it bluntly- I STUNK AT IT.

Before I go any further with my story, and tell you about MY LUCKY DAY, I want you to know that I refuse to waste your time and money.  I’m going to get right to the point the same way our program does. I want you to stop for a moment and take a deep breath and Hear Me Out!       

Before you start doing the “No More Dieting” Happy Dance Let’s See if this program is the right choice for YOU!

I’ve developed an “Are You Diet Challenged?” Diet Calculator.  Answer the questions and if you answer No to 2 or more this program is NOT right for you.    (Make sure you bookmark it in case you change your mind the next time you gain weight.) This program isn’t for everyone.  Well, let’s just say most benefit!  Check this video out!



[Click here to try the Diet Challenged Program and Lose Weight and Stress at the same time at No Risk]

Still not convinced?…   Would you open your front door and join in on a marathon race that was going by your house when you hadn’t prepared both mentally and physically for the challenge?  How far do you think you would get?  One to two city blocks, maybe?   That’s exactly what you are doing-setting yourself up for failure every time.  Our program breeds success and helps you welcome challenges with confidence.    


Now that we’ve established that you will BENEFIT TREMENDOUSLY from our program let’s continue..

I discovered Dr. Mooney’s mind-blowing philosophy and techniques totally unexpectedly.  (Sometimes people and things are attracted to you for a reason.  You’ll soon learn why I’m happy I work with Dr. Mooney and why you’ll be relieved you found our program. )

Dr.  Mooney noticed at the office one day that I was not acting like myself and asked me what was wrong.  He wanted to know if he could do anything to help. I was humiliated and reluctantly explained that I was very frustrated and upset because my doctor had insisted that I go on an allergy-free restricted diet.  (Which in layman’s terms means NO bread, ice cream, JUNK FOODS, cookies, cakes, candy, butter, sodas, fried foods AND, my favorite, CHEESE.  All that was left for me to eat were meat and vegetables.) I got all emotional and confided in Dr.  Mooney that I was close to my breaking point because no matter how much I tried I just could not do it.   I hate dieting.


[]I remember telling him I was very frustrated and upset because I just wanted to look and feel healthy,  full of energy like other people, and be able to eat whatever I wanted.  I was emotionally and physically exhausted.

That is when he told me that he was helping people with his unique strategy and it worked for them and it would work for me.  (He is a very humble guy.  Not the kind to brag.  All I knew was that his patients loved him.)   Anyway, when he started telling me about his method I got more and more excited to hear what he had to say.  I went from despair to hope in 2 minutes.   Do you feel hope building in you?  You should!

At first I wasn’t totally sold on the idea that he could make dieting EASIER and PAINLESS with some sort of magic formula.  How was a diet tool and diet motivator going to change things that much?  Anyway, I agreed because I was just plain desperate and at that point I was willing to take a leap of faith and trust him.  Heck, what did I have to lose? Hang in there you don’t want to miss how my leap of faith paid off BIG TIME…


My entire DIETING EXPERIENCE and MY LIFE changed Forever that day.  I felt just like her…

Just imagine yourself waking up Excited to Start Fresh. Your Guilt, Shame and Frustration starts to Subside because You Regained Hope that You Could Do this and do it Well this time. Something Wonderful Happened and You Felt Increased Confidence almost Immediately. You Watched Yourself Transform Before Your Very Eyes and it made YOU Feel Free and In Control, Calmer and Happier At that moment You knew You were Ready and Would Not Fail!  

After this happened to me it was like a light bulb went on in my head.  I could suddenly see that every time I would lose and gain weight back it took a chunk of hope and self-esteem out of me.   I just wanted someone to help me stop eating.

I’m not going to let you experience the same gut-wrenching feeling of looming fear of diet failure, and disappointment ever again, the way I did.  With our program you will BEGIN your diet at the TOP of your game.

Seriously?  Aren’t you saying, “Someone pinch me.  This is like a dream come true for someone like me?”


 Warning:  You Keep Getting Closer and Closer to Your Tipping Point!

That’s when you either Buck Up and Get It Done or you Give up on Yourself for Good!  We all know people who have reached the point of no return and it isn’t pretty is it?  Isn’t it scary to think that a few pounds a year could lead you down the road to OBESITY?  (30 lbs. overweight.  I thought it was way more than that.)  

Imagine one day you looked in the mirror totally shocked, looking fat and feeling embarrassed because you wondered how you ever let it get this far.  You stumbled upon this program and didn’t want to ”own it” so you made lame excuses why you shouldn’t try it.   Then you got that sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach because you couldn’t find the Diet Challenged website and now you feel desperate and stressed again. Please don’t let that this happen to YOU!  Not now. 

You are so close to being a person who manages their stress weight effortlessly.  There is absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t give our diet solution a try.

[Click here to try the Diet Challenged program and get Help to Lose Weight at 100% No Risk to YOU!]

It’s truly not your fault you couldn’t lose the weight before today. I had the same exact problems you, and so many others are having. 


Does this picture remind you of your recurring nightmare when you gain the weight back and you are totally disgusted and frustrated with yourself?  How many times have you said to yourself, “help me stop eating?’


[]When Unhealthy Food Temptations Appear Unexpectedly Over 30-50 Times a Day You’ll STOP Sabotaging Your Diet!

This weight loss tool built my  MENTAL RESILIENCE so I could pass up food temptations.  It was really cool.  One day it just happened.  Imagine putting your hand out to reach for something you shouldn’t be eating and the audio plays in your head and you pull your hand back and walk out the door head high and hand pumped in the air.  This is exactly how it felt to me…  

“I knew at that moment everything would be different from this point on.  I was a Weight Manager. It happened so fast and easily I was totally surprised.”


Do you know it’s healthier to eat roasted chicken vs. fried chicken and a baked potato vs. french fries?  Is it a diet plan you need right now or the mental edge and tools it takes to resist temptation?

Getting control back is nowhere near as difficult as I thought it would be once I discovered My Personal Success Formula.  These simple to achieve, little successes that keep building one on top of each other, day after day are so very motivating and empowering.  

I began to see the positive effects when I used these techniques in every area of my life almost immediately. Close your eyes for a second and imagine all that you could have accomplished with this program by now.  Do you know of any diet that can do this for you?  I don’t know of any.   Keep reading and you will learn more about my story…


Let me tell you Why I Believe in this program and why it’s Crucial To Your Long-Term Health and Happiness 

I’m going to tell you more about my journey so you understand how much we have in common.  This will take about 2 minutes but it is worth the read.  Don’t skip over it. I told you earlier about the ridiculous diet my doctor put me on. Talk about EXTREME DIETING!  Not even an occasional cocktail.  How crazy is that?   If I could do that for 3 years, heck this program will work for you.  No problem.                                                                                       [] I’ll never forget my grandson’s birthday party.  I sneaked out before my daughter brought out the biggest most beautiful chocolate birthday cake.  Let me tell you I had all I could do to not go in that kitchen and devour the entire cake in one huge mouthful.   After the party my grandson called crying saying, ”Gram why did you leave?’  I really felt horrible that my diet was affecting so many people that I cared about in my life.  I thought dieting was all about ME.  Boy, was I wrong!  (You learned that lesson in the first video, right?) “

I found myself not feeling comfortable around food.  I stopped accepting invitations to do fun things with my family, friends and colleagues because I was afraid I would be tempted or I would be miserable watching them eat and feel deprived.” Is this what happens when you go on a diet? Does it interfere with your social life?  This is a very important point I am about to make.  You can live in a smoke free, alcohol free but not a “food free bubble.”   You have to eat and be able to control the quality and quantity of the food you take in. 

This is why you need to learn how to resist temptations, manage your stress and learn strategies that you can pull out of your toolbox that work for YOU!  Everyone seems to want to skip over this very important   There is NO reason to worry and feel overwhelmed anymore so keep reading…

Anyway, I remember Dr. Mooney telling me back then that I would develop the skills to stare down that cake with no regrets.  He was right.  I CAN and I DO!


I can honestly say,  “I was on the diet from hell and I don’t regret it!”  You wonder why I hate dieting?  It was such a great learning experience.  This program changes you in so many ways.  It has like a domino effect.  All the “life baggage” starts to fall away and you feel lighter and LESS-STRESSED and eat less WILLINGLY NOT REGRETTABLY.  Enough with the why you should use our program and let’s get to the meat and potatoes…  

We Literally Take you by the Hand and Teach You more than 60 Proven Strategies That “Get Your Head in the Game” like an athlete so You Can’t Fail!  Here are just a few.

Check these out: 

First you’ll read our page-turner Diet Challenged e-book and find that you’ll BEGIN your diet full of Confidence, Exhilarated and Hopeful instead of Sad, Self-loathing and feeling Defeated. This is a REAL GAME CHANGER in so many ways it’s hard to describe.
Then I’ll teach you how to duplicate the foolproof healthy habits, model the emotions and develop the characteristics of a Weight Manager. Then I’ll give you actual tools you can use to integrate them into your everyday routine effortlessly. I’ve designed a Healthy Foods Are Beautiful! Screensaver so I’m in your face with healthy, nutritious foods you’ll crave all day long.  (It’s scientifically proven if you see healthy foods you will eat them.) Then I’ll share with you an enlightening video, “ I Can’t Stop Eating!”  You’ll quickly discover why your deep-seated eating patterns effect you even to this day.   We’ll go a step further and  help you erase the destructive chatter swirling in your head.  (An Aha! moment you don’t want to miss.) I’ll show you how to desensitize yourself to chocolate (or your favorite vice) so you have the desire and the strength to eat only ONE piece and feel CONTENT and EMPOWERED. You’ll be able to divert stress and anxiety with the really cool Big Fat Belly Laugh Box I send you BEFORE you begin spiraling out of control. I’ve created a video, The Fabulous & Fit YOU!  Don’t you want to know what it feels like to see yourself through your new eyes even before you lose one pound? I’ve gone a step further and put together a 7-Day Kick-Start Warm-Up Diet Plan. I want you to be able to ease yourself into your new healthy lifestyle so you stop feeling overwhelmed and give your body and mind time to adjust to your new healthy habits and behaviors. Finally I’ve converted several of the 14 audio lessons into short videos to help them lock into your memory.  They are all downloadable for you to revisit over and over again until they stick in your head. and so much more…the DC Newsletter, all kinds of resources; websites, apps, and diet tools sources around the world.  I am constantly searching for ways to help you achieve your ultimate goal of living a happy (a state of mind), healthy ( a state of body) lifestyle with confidence and pride.

“I’ve made this process so easy and entertaining a Fifth grader can follow along. In fact, people tell me the entire family is excited to join right in.”

Dr. Terry Mooney

[] I recruited the best people I know personally to help you accomplish your dreams.. Terry Mooney, co-author, psychologist, friend and weight loss expert with 25-years experience teamed up with my son-in-law, Craig Darby,  a retired hockey player that played for the Canadians and lived his wildest dream.  He has over 15-years experience in goal-setting and performance training.       

 Craig Darby

[] We’ve also added the habits, characteristics, tips, tricks and techniques of  life-long successful Weight Managers.  Dr. Mooney suggested that Carey, my daughter join the team as your motivational coach and she agreed.   She has a wonderful way of making you feel energized and focused throughout the entire process.   I have never seen a program with a team like this and that is why I am so jazzed about sharing it with you.       


BONUS OFFER:  Dr.  Mooney agreed that we should include the coaching program for a very low price of  $37.   (It’s worth over $160.00.)  Carey, my daughter was trained by Dr. Mooney and she will be there every step of the way to guide you through the process. The reason why he is giving you this amazing opportunity is simple.  

We are so confident that this program is right for you and it will make all the difference in your long-term success that we don’t want any excuse to stand in your way.  We have given you everything you need and more.  

[I want to purchase the 60-Day Money-Back 100%Guaranteed Diet Challenged Diet Motivator NOW! ]


I’ve gathered testimonials from people who have benefited from this program… here are just a few…

We wiped the sad, frustrated with dieting expressions right off their faces.  They don’t want to show you how they looked.  Can you blame them?  They feel attractive again and back in control.

Trust me the last person on the planet that wants to hear your advice is your family…Women know best, right ladies?

This Plan Even Works For The Most Difficult People Who Resist Dieting Every Step of The Way- Like My Husband Did!  Once He Read the Book He was totally On Board.  


Success Case Study #1- 3 years down and 15 stubborn pounds…


To make a long story short, my husband, Pete finally lost the 15 lbs that haunted ME not HIM for years.  I begged and pleaded with him to change his ways.   Nothing worked.  When I wrote this program he actually listened and encouraged me to spread the good news because people had never heard anything like this before.

People ask him how he did it and this is his answer, “I think and eat like a normal person now.”  I crack up when he tells people this because it’s so true.  (This program seems to hit a home run with men, so there is hope girls.  We may have cracked the code.)  He’s happier and has his mojo back again.

It has been a wonderful experience watching him grow into the person he had forgotten he was, confident, proud and challenging himself.  ♥We’re both happier.   _________________________________________________________

Success Case Study #2-Mother of a 4 & 7  year old got rid of her baby fat…2 1/2 years and counting…

  []Alissa Sorel in Long Island NY chose to add the DC program during her weight loss plan to help her stay focused on her goals.   “I put the program together with a plan I had tried before and I got much better results. I lost 22 lbs.   I can truthfully say that the lessons come to mind easily.  The stress eating has gone.   My husband loves the new hairdo, makeup, clothes, body and attitude. He thinks I’m awesome and so do I.  (I feel attractive and sexy again.) This is opening so many doors for me because I am happy.”    


Success Case Study #3-Teacher still uses the lessons in the program to this day going on 3 years…

  []Sarah K.  in New York continues to use the lessons to build her confidence in every area of her life.   “I met Cris at a business meeting and was complaining about going on a diet again. She told me about her book and how it gets you ready to lose weight. I thought, “This is a new idea”. I had never thought about it that way before. She told me people can’t put it down and I thought, yeah right, but it was true. In fact, everything she says is the truth about weight loss.  It was just like she promised. The best part is I am so very glad I met her. I have never felt better (inside and out).  I not only melted away fat (8 lbs. with her program alone) but I melted away stress all at the same time. Thanks Cris.”  

I recently contacted Sarah to see how she was doing and she assured me after 3 years that she still uses the techniques we taught.  The thing she loves the most is even if she has a couple of bad days all she does is listen to her audio lessons during her evening walk and she’s right back on track.        


YES!  You can lose weight effortlessly with the program alone or any diet plan of your choosing, even your own do-it- yourself plan.   (It’s true!  I’m not going to pinch you again.)  Isn’t that delicious frosting on the cake?

[Click here to order the Diet Challenged program so you can learn how to live a healthy lifestyle effortlessly!] 

All You Have to Do is Follow Our Simple to Implement Method:

Step 1: Purchase the program (Think of all the money you’ll be saving by not buying donuts on your way to work.).  Read the Diet Challenged? e-book (It only takes about 1-2 hours.)

Step 2:  Listen/view the audio/video lessons every day for the next 21 days and integrate them into your daily routine.

Step 3: Follow Carey’s instructions in the 21-Day Diet Challenged No More! Coaching Course that you receive by email. If you are a “do-it-yourself” dieter, have an old plan or choose a new plan you will turbo boost your results when you add our plan of action.  

The Entire Package Includes these 
7+ Products Valued @ $260+Downloadable
Diet Challenged E-Book 108 pg.*     
Stress & Weight Management -21-Day Journal*
Take Action Today! Motivational- 21-Day Journal*
14 Audio/Video lessons Keep Your Head In The Game Exercises (Coaching Program)
Simple 7-Day Kick-Start Warm-Up Diet Plan*
Diet Challenged No More! Newsletter (E-mail)
All new lessons developed will be yours totally free.
      * 5 (4 e-books and cartoon) Downloadable Products upon Purchase.   

You can lose Stress Weight while you try the program out with our  60-Day Money-Back Guarantee-No Questions Asked Policy

Purchase by clicking on the Big Red Button Below that says Order Now!

This product is not sold in stores. Video/audio lessons included in program.  CD not included.   []   [] 


Order 24/7  365 Days a Year
Pay With PayPal or Credit Card
         Download Instantly            

Success Case Study #4

Last But Not Least Let Me Introduce You To Mary Kay. Lost 126 pounds over 26 months and still going strong…


[]“I’ve tried diets my whole life with no long-term progress.  My health was failing and I felt desperate and decided to give up and have bariatric surgery.   (That is when they cut your stomach and make it smaller.)  After the surgery you can only eat 3 tablespoons of food at every meal.  Now that’s desperate if you ask me.”

I suggested she give our 3-Step Method a try.  (I honestly wish she had this plan before she went and took such drastic measures.  I truly believe in my heart she would have reconsidered going through with the operation.)

“I was headed down a dark path of being a very miserable person.  I felt frustration with dieting my entire life.  I know I would have gained the weight back by now like 40% of all bariatric patients do.   This program made all the difference in the world.  I’ve lost 126 lbs and have kept it off for 28 months.  I highly recommend this program.  No more stress weight to deal with.  It’s changed me in more ways than I can count!”

If you are SMART you’ll listen to Mary Kay’s Advice to You!  She knows the truth now.
√STOP the mental TORTURE .
√STOP feeling like a VICTIM  and take charge of your life.
√STOP waiting to get sick before you muster up the COURAGE to get your life on track.
√STOP the DENIAL that you wouldn’t be happier if you were healthier.
√STOP  the PROCRASTINATION and take action the right and only way.
√STOP  FOCUSING  on losing weight fast.

“Don’t make the same mistake I did!  Do it NOW before you reach your tipping point and your health is not salvageable.”



[]I have another Big Surprise for You!

Carey will send you the No More Bad Food! Video Cartoon lesson when you purchase.  Repeat 3 times in a row every day.  After a couple of days you’ll hear our little birdie whisper in your ear, “NO MORE BAD FOOD!” and you’ll start making better food choices and LOVING IT!



I’ll even send you an additional gift upon completion of the course.  Our way of saying,  “Thank you” for trusting us to show you the way.  Email me at http://www.dietchallenged.com/contact/ and tell me you’ve completed the 21-day course and how you’re doing.  I will mail to you our Diet Challenged No More! -Say No! bracelet to help train your brain to say NO to the Hand! at no additional cost.



What if I told you this program could possibly give YOU the courage and the tools to run in a marathon, start a new business or ask your boyfriend to marry you? Give up smoking?   How about teaching your children or grandchildren how to live healthy and manage their stress naturally? What price would you put on all of these awesome perks?

STOP AND THINK:  What will your family and friends say when they learn that you have discovered a Stress-Free  Easy Diet Solution.  Wouldn’t that be an unbelievable gift to share with the Special People in your life?



Carey will personally Coach You by email UNTIL YOU GET THE WEIGHT OFF.



As a Diet Challenged Member you will receive all Diet Challenged video/audio lessons that are produced.  Unbelievable, right?



Oh!  Now that you’ve heard me out I’ll tell you why this is such a well-guarded secret. 

Your Brain Is the Engine that Keeps You Motivated and on Track, Fit and Fabulous for LIFE. A Diet Alone Won’t Work for YOU and it doesn’t for most people over the long term.  Do you want to keep dieting for the rest of your life or move on and live a healthy lifestyle naturally without giving it much thought?

How was that Aha! moment. I’ve addressed all your EXCUSES.  Now you know you’ll DISCOVER  dieting can be Fun and Exciting.  I really appreciate you giving me your time.

Okay, ask yourself this simple question, “How will tomorrow be any different than today if you don’t purchase this program?”  If your goal is to feel younger, have more energy, look more attractive and healthier,  less- stressed, get your Mojo back and  wear the LITTLE BLACK DRESS or pants you wore when you were fit, all it takes is 6 minutes a day for 21 days and Everything, I mean Everything changes!


I want to scream from the rooftops, “Stop doing what you’ve been doing.  It doesn’t work for you!  Trust me and try this amazing system. It’s changed my life and it will yours!  I want to help.  Please let me…

Don’t forget the coaching program is included thanks to Dr. Mooney.  How could you say, NO when there is absolutely NO RISK TO YOU and you have proven to yourself that you need our help. This is the answer you’ve been searching so long for.  Don’t become a statistic.


As my son, Scott would say,

“Let’s do this and Finally Get it Done!”


This program is not sold in stores and is instantly downloadable in a matter of minutes.  How cool is that?

Answer this question:  How much weight have you gained since your last diet 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 100 lbs.?  I rest my case.  It’s a totally painless way to lose weight.  Why not give it a try and lose weight while you do?  I truly care about you, please give me the opportunity right now.

CLICKING THE BIG RED ORDER NOW BUTTON BELOW and it’s all yours, every bonus, trick, video, audio, technique, and every Weight Managers’ secret solution to your problem. I want to share every one of them with you.


60-Day Money-Back Guarantee-No Questions Asked!
   You can try the program for 8 Weeks and
Lose Weight and Stress and the Best Part is

ALL the RISK is totally MINE 100%


In fact, if the program isn’t everything I say it is and more, I will insist you email me so I can refund your money immediately. I want you to believe that I’ve got your back.


This is proof positive nothing would make me happier than to be able to help you right this very minute!  Seriously???? For the cost of 1 Date Night Out you can have this program at your side for a LIFETIME.

Now all you have to do is click the Big Red ORDER NOW Purchase BUTTON Below and the *5 Products, 4 e-books plus the No More Bad Food! video lesson, in the program are downloadable in just a few seconds.  7+ products you will receive by email from Carey and even more surprises…



[]CD with audio lessons Not Included.
Video/audio lessons included in emailed coaching program.
This product is NOT SOLD IN STORES


Order 24/7  365 Days a Year
Pay With PayPal or Credit Card
 Download Instantly


Take Action Today, Inc.
2280 Western Avenue
Guilderland, NY 12084 



I’m sorry to say that if all of this didn’t convince you to purchase today you may have just crossed over your tipping point…Please don’t do that! 

Don’t make a mistake and leave this page without purchasing this product. You may not be able to locate it again.  so you can share with a Friend. Please don’t let this be your sad story.

              This program is so much more than a stress & weight loss program. We change lives…
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