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Relationship Expert Uncovers The Shocking Secret To Effortlessly Building Successful Relationships, And Reveals Why Other “Love Gurus” Have It All Wrong

If you’re struggling to find true love or want to know how to fix a relationship, this could be the most important letter you ever read.  Read on to discover how a revolutionary new way of thinking about love can help you easily and joyously create the relationship of your dreams…

Dear Friend Seeking Love,

Are you finding it difficult to maintain a healthy relationship?  Do your attempts at co-creating a beautiful, lifelong connection always seem to end in defeat?  Do you find yourself, time and time again, looking back on failed connections that were once so promising and wondering, “what went wrong?”

Have you even started to wonder if you should “give up on love”?

If So, You’re Not Alone…

You may have already heard that nearly 50% of all marriages end in divorce.  And it gets worse…the divorce rate rises to 60% for those who marry a second time, and a whopping 73% for those who try their luck a third time.  So much for “practice makes perfect”!

And these numbers don’t even take into account the innumerable lovers who go their separate ways long before walking down the aisle to exchange wedding vows. No wonder conventional thinking believes that love just doesn’t last forever…

But It Doesn’t Have To Be Like This!

Ro­­­bert Page Kaufman, MA/MSW

My name is Robert Kaufman.  I’ve been working in the relationship field as a licensed therapist for over 30 years, and have helped countless couples rekindle the flame of enduring love.  If there’s one thing I’ve noticed about the problems that people encounter in relationships, it’s this  – all of them are based on the deep-seated belief that maintaining long-term love is hard work.

Notice I didn’t say that love is hard work…I said that this is what everyone believes. See the difference?

Here’s how the story of a “normal” relationship usually goes…

Mr. and Mrs. Right meet each other and fall deeply in love.  They enjoy a brief but exquisite “honeymoon period,” during which their interactions are marked with kindness, understanding, and passion.  They eagerly drink in the each other’s presence, yearn to learn more and more about each other, and find themselves effortlessly building a life together.

But then the “inevitable” waning of the honeymoon period strikes, leaving the couple no choice but to resort to good, old-fashioned hard work to keep their bond going.  Everyone knows that “all the fun ends when you decide to settle down,” right?

But hold on a minute!  Why have we been conditioned to think about love in this way?  How quickly we forget the bliss that we experienced during our honeymoon period!

The Honeymoon Forever: Everyone’s Guilty Pleasure

The honeymoon period gets a bad rap.  Sure, everyone loves it…but it’s usually only enjoyed and discussed as a guilty pleasure.

Most people seem to believe that the bliss of budding love comes at the price of unhealthy infatuation, irrationality, impaired decision-making ability, and a whole host of other destabilizing effects.

We’re led to think that the wild energy of the honeymoon period is something that we must let go if we ever want to build a stable partnership.

But That’s Missing The Point…

This is where I think most relationship gurus have it all wrong.  We put all of our work into “creating stability” in relationships that we shun the raw power that blossoming love gifts to us.

We spend so much time looking into the distance for those calm, windless seas that lie beyond the turbulent emotions of the honeymoon period that we let that precious love energy dissipate!

Think about it: windless seas don’t make for very good sailing.  The passion and fervor of the honeymoon period are exactly the fuel we need to maintain momentum in our relationships.  This wild emotional time isn’t something to fear or look down upon…it’s something to be respectfully harnessed and channeled.

Most people are not able to navigate the tough times that accompany any long-term connection because they haven’t saved any fuel to power them through these challenges!

If you find yourself stuck out in the ocean with a surfboard, is it easier to paddle back to shore by yourself, or to let the oncoming waves effortlessly carry you?

This is the secret to building a lasting relationship.

Let Me Teach You How To Catch Those Waves!

Not available in stores!

I’m tired of seeing couples tearfully walk away from promising relationships.  I’m tired of hearing stories about losing the magic of love.  And most of all, I’m tired of observing how readily our society believes that this is just the way it goes.

I believe that honeymoon periods can last forever, and I’d like to teach you how you can achieve this kind of success in your relationship.

I wrote Honeymoon Forever as a comprehensive exploration of the honeymoon period phenomenon, a declaration to the world that the passion and power of new love is something to be cherished and celebrated.  But most importantly, I wrote it so that you can learn the simple secrets to lifelong intimacy.

First Lesson On How To Fix A Relationship…

All actions begin with the thoughts that motivate them.

If this sounds like philosophical mumbo-jumbo, I assure you that it’s not.  Benjamin Franklin said that the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”  So, we can’t expect to achieve different results in our relationships without changing our behavior, right?

Here’s the twist: we don’t even have to do anything differently; we just have to change the way we think about our relationship, and our actions will change themselves accordingly.

Change your view of what it means to craft a successful relationship, and you’ll be amazed how quickly love will find you!

Instead of thinking of “stable,” long-term love as something to be wrought by brute force (how absurd!), why not enjoy the effortless, blissful waves of the honeymoon period?

Honeymoon Forever will teach you how to channel this energy toward the continual recreation of your relationship!

In order to view the ebook, you’ll needed [Adobe Acrobat], which you can [download here] (http://get.adobe.com/reader/).


You Owe This To Yourself…

Building a successful relationship is about so much more than the pragmatic goal of “making it work.”  It’s about self-growth, self-mastery, and even self-actualization.

Engaging in a truly fulfilling love connection with another human being is one of the most important endeavors we can hope to pursue…and certainly one of the most joyous!

Don’t wait any longer for the love you know you deserve.  I would be honored to help you find it!

Here’s a sneak peak of what’s contained in Honeymoon Forever…
A new way of “mapping” relationships, and tips for using this map to revolutionize the way you think about love How couples really think about the honeymoon period, compliments of transcribed interviews How to see gender differences as  powerfully complementary forces that can be used to build a rock-solid foundation for your relationship How to navigate the complex cultural landscape of dating, avoid the pitalls of cultural “love conditioning,” and emerge a fulfilled member of a beautiful relationship A comprehensive overview of what social scientists, thinkers, and other experts have to say about that crazy thing we call love An in-depth primer on the biology of falling in love, and a discussion on “better living through understanding the chemicals in our brains” How addiction, shame, and self-sabotage are often at the core of a failed relationship, and how you can avoid them Why developing a healthy, loving bond with yourself is one of the keys to relationship success, and tons of tips for having a “honeymoon period with yourself” that’s sure to make you happier, healthier, and more vibrant How the honeymoon period can be a perfect spiritual path, a road to living as your highest self And so much more!
Order now to receive a 57% discount off our retail price.  For a limited time, Honeymoon Forever is available as an immediate PDF download for ONLY $27


See What I Have To Offer RISK-FREE…

I’m dedicated to helping other build healthy, ecstatic, lasting relationships.  I’m so sure that you’ll love my book that I’m willing to offer it with a 60-day money-back guarantee.

If, for any reason, you’re not satisfied with Honeymoon Forever…if you don’t think it’s taught you with a more optimistic, vibrant, and effective way to foster lifelong intimacy, just let me know, and I’ll refund any penny.  No fuss, no questions asked.

If you’re ready to order, simply click the button below, and you can instantly download Honeymoon Forever to your computer, even if it’s 4:00am on a Sunday.


Thanks for reading. I wish you an enduring relationship filled with joy and fulfillment…a honeymoon forever!


Robert Kaufman

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Copyright © 2013 Honeymoon Forever • Written by Ro­­­bert Page Kaufman, MA/MSW with Joel Paul Popson, M.D. • [WordPress Web Design by Patrick Iverson]

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